Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Welcome to the world of mediums, psychic mediums and psychics.

Welcome to the world of mediums, psychic mediums and psychics. These are all the buzz words that each and every individual has heard at some point in their life. Whether you have had a friend, family member or co-worker who offers to tell you about their own experience, or maybe you have had the chance to watch the much familiar television shows and movies that are widely available. At some point you have had an interesting story to tell or listen to around the kitchen table. And the greatest one is the curiosity you have to know a little more of who these individuals are, how they work and why they do what they do. There is so much to know about these three areas that seem talked about a lot but still little is known. Taking a look inside the differences between each one of these will open your eyes to understand all of it more.

Looking at exactly what are mediums, psychic mediums and psychics, you need to know they too are individuals. These individuals had to come to an understanding with their own self, their families, friends and others that they are receiving information that can then assist others. The private journey an individual goes through to understand all of this can be very overwhelming or very comforting. It will all be the individual’s perspective of how they will work with and deal with who they are. And to come to the realization of the responsibility they have when working with other individuals as you visit a medium, psychic mediums and psychics for a reading.

So many individuals have heard about John Edward, they have heard about Sylvia Brown or James Van Praagh. These are some of the best mediums and psychics and they have come to be a household name. Maryland has so much history and yes we too, have some of the best mediums, psychic mediums and psychics within our reach. It is learning all you need to know and then seeking them out for your own journey, understanding and yes, development.

Every individual is a psychic using your own intuition every second of your day to day life. It is not talked about or realized in this way. It just is. We are all gifted with the awareness of intuition. It is in the phone ringing when you already know who is calling. It is driving and knowing to take an earlier exit just to find out later that the road was closed or there had been a delay in traffic. It is in meeting someone for the very first time and just knowing if you would like them or not. Feeling if they are a nice person or not a happy one or if someone is having a bad day and not saying anything. It is all in your own intuition that you decide a lot of decisions you make each day. All of this is our intuition and we use it so much that we no longer give it credit where it is due. Many individuals ignore what is right in front of them with their own intuition.

A Psychic will take that intuition up a notch and learn how to use it to understand what is going on with others. They will learn how to use astrology/zodiac symbols, oracle/divination cards, angel cards, tarot, and different tools to apply with their own intuition to then open their psychic senses and to offer readings to another. The psychic works off of feelings, places and events that they too have previously experienced in their own energy and when they are with someone who has that particular energy to be able to recall the information to then deliver their messages.

A Psychic Medium is one who works very much the same way as above but will also utilize the psychic end of intuition with feelings. A medium may be a psychic as in receiving messages/ feelings intuitively. As they will expand on the feelings they are receiving to then deliver messages to others. A psychic medium may also use the added addition of tools as in astrology, oracle cards, an object of any kind, etc. This then gives them a wider playing field to open up in their work.
Now, a Psychic Medium will use different tools in their work and this is okay too, as long as you know that you are working with a psychic medium - and that they have tools that they use to do their work. This should be on their website or informed to you when making your appointment. Everything will depend on what the probabilities are when you experience your reading, the information you are receiving, some may change and some may not. But your loved ones will still be around to talk to you; it will all be in the way the psychic medium works. I know many individuals who are psychic mediums and they use divination/oracle cards to get started and then the information comes in to give to you as your loved ones are there, it is up to how the psychic medium works and delivers those messages to you.

A Medium: Is an individual who is to demonstrate the continuity of life; as in being an open channel/communicator between both the spiritual realms and physical realms for those who have crossed over to speak to their loved ones here in the physical. A medium works to raise their vibrations of energy, to work closely with the spiritual realms. To some, this is no more than just being in a constant state of awareness at a higher level.
When a medium is working they can be utilizing many different “clairs” at one time or just one at a time;
* Clairvoyant –physically sees with eyes wide open
* Clairvoyance- sees in the inner mind with eyes open or closed
* Clairaudient - hears everything that is spoken to and around them
* Clairsentient - feels everything that is around them
* Claircognative -clear knowing
* Empathic - senses emotions, love, joy, pains and discomfort

Many people get clairvoyant and clairvoyance confused, thinking they are the same, but actually they are very different. Both are considered the sixth sense.
Some mediums can actually see spirit standing around others. Some say this is a very rare form and not every medium can see with their eyes physically wide open, which is called Clairvoyant - the ability to see beyond the range of ordinary perception.
As a clairvoyance, this is the most common way in which a medium is seeing, which is related to the images that are always present in their minds eye ( 3rd eye). It is like seeing images constantly being impressed in one’s mind.
This is a small sample of the “clairs,” the list can be longer but I chose these as they are ones most individuals are familiar with or recognize the most. It is on learning how to recognize which “Clair” you are working with then refine the language of the spiritual realms to one that you can work with for the deliverance of messages.
A medium is psychic but a psychic is not a medium.

As with a medium, who works with raising the energy vibrations, a medium sees and knows exactly what will happen as they have a connection with those in the spiritual realms. Complete detail can only change if you decide to consciously change the outcome, which goes with everything as free will of choice.

Having a better understanding of what you are looking at when choosing a medium, psychic medium or psychic will make all the difference in the world. You may be as comfortable as sitting at the coffee table sharing or as hard as pulling teeth. Be open to the experience of what you are receiving. The more open you are the more you will receive and then you will get so much to take with you.

Maryland is open to bringing you the very best in the Mediumship/ Psychic world. We have events that are happening each day and throughout the weekends. It is never ending who you can connect with, what classes and workshops are available and who is coming to visit our great city.

This July we have the Angelic Triple Delight Weekend Event - Visit Angelic Wise Ones for more details and to purchase your tickets.

Love, laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata