Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Message from Mother Earth and the Universe

A Message from Mother Earth and the Universe

Each morning you will always find me out walking enjoying my surroundings … being at peace within…connecting to Mother Earth and…sending my prayers of gratitude for all things big and small… This is the time I open myself to the energies and send your prayer requests unto Gods hands…

Over the past couple of weeks here in Maryland, we as many others have been given a large amount of snow more than we have seen here in many years… Such a refreshing time…but one also of total isolation… Being disconnected from the world as we know it…being disconnected from family, friends, work, a routine that many have come to just see as a right not a privilege.

A time when many are going through processes of energy and just need the time to just be… I have talked about it before… a time when we are here, to do that which we have chosen to do and we have come away from all that for one reason or another. As we go through that process of negating all that is before us, turning our backs so to say, to what we know needs to be done…… Spirit then takes us off our feet. This happened to me many many years ago…a time when I was being called to stand up and do what I am here to do…I too, knew it deep within my heart, mind and body…and at the same time found my hands full of what I call society…the demands that society gives to us that allows no room for error or being accepted in who you are. A time when if you even breathed about the work that I do would of placed me further in the constructed verbal battles with others along the way. So why even try and who did I exactly think I was anyway? Yes, I have been given all that I need, no doubt there… yes, I had been guided for eons with all of this, okay I acknowledge it… I had been given an opportunity to assist where I can and what did I do? I chose to go in that direction but I also allowed society to dictate how it was going to be done.

I then fell and twisted, detached ligaments, broke bones, severed joints…you name it and that is how you can describe my foot and ankle…I was given a non-walking cast for nine months….nine long months to look at why I was not moving forward in who I was… and I had to look at the trust level I had with myself and Spirit. Which I had never doubted…I just refused to see it totally their way. For those months I sat and learned so much more than before . I gave over total faith to those in Spirit with me and followed everything they were giving to me. Respecting and growing more in love with who I am and those in Spirit than I even thought was possible. I learned the three keys to human growth and enlightment. I learned what love truly was all about… my true relationship with God….. After those nine months I then started to put together what I believed was there for me, I opened a school, taught young children, become involved with all denominations of religious communities, went to school for my Master Degree and so much more that I could find, all that I was being guided to do. I was happy with my life but there was something still missing…what was it that I was just not getting… The Blessed Mother once again came to me and said it was time…Time? I thought this was the time…I worked every day and night giving up and over eighty hours a week of time to do my work. I gave to all those I met and assisted in every way I could think of… And then she showed me again how I still had something else here to do that I was not giving myself credit for, that I was not walking my true path….

I then made the choice to close down my school how heart breaking and at the same time it felt so right. Yes…I was teaching but I was not teaching what I was here to teach and I knew it, I just did not want to acknowledge it before.

It was the last trip of unloading everything from the school, I had just dropped of friends who helped me all night and I drove up to a traffic light and stopped. I looked into my rear view mirror and BAM….a white light and then I was sitting on top of a mountain talking…talking about everything to be done and how happy I was… I was with my father, mother and family…seeing Mother Earth and what was going on, expressing my views on what could be worked out… when I realized that I was not on Mother Earth I was viewing her from somewhere else… I place that I always knew I was and at the same time a place that I was not to be as I had a psychical life on Mother Earth…I turned to see Jeshua sitting beside me talking about millions of things to come for Earths humanity…it was one of the most surreal moments that it is etched into my memory as I re-live each moment. I had been in my van, I looked up and saw this explosion of light and then here I am back home talking like I have never left… that time spent with Jeshua is very personal and beautiful…being in that energy of pure love…never wanting to be anywhere else…talking about everything that I had lived through and experienced and at the same time seeing so much more to come…Talking about my family, my work and what I had come to Mother Earth to do…What the energies where like and what would be going on for the next millennium….and making that decision to stay right there or leave and go back….for to stay would bring about different probabilities to my friends, family and the world, those with whom I had contracts with to see them to where they needed to be…. to be awoken in their accurate alignment, their true life journey. That which they too… had to give to the world.

To leave and go back… would bring about the path that I had contracted out to do… to finish what I am to do. So much emotions and at the same there was none, for deep within you know there is not really a choice when you see it all before you. You are so filled with the life force energy… the same energy of love as when you contracted out to come unto the Planet of Earth to begin with… just as before you still have no feelings of negate, hurt or pain…You then stand to say let’s do it.

As I came back unto my physical body, I had any things in which to do and at the same time there was many physical changes…ohhh…not so much that you could see on the outside but inside, yes…my whole core was damaged. My words could not be spoken and my mind had so many revelations that I needed to get them out, but with no speech I was once again entombed within my own body with nowhere to go….

Doctors said there was nothing to be done and sent me home...I did not take that for an answer as I began to teach myself how to write all over again, how to talk , to read and spell…good grief I had to teach myself all over how to spell cat and dog… and more importantly the meaning of words…comprehension.

Comprehension on many levels… this is what I find is the greatest lesson to learn in all of this that we live each day, comprehend what is given… not what is wanted…it is not about self… it is to love self but not be in love with self….Understanding the knowledge that each living being is learning ...the knowledge that is right there in front of you if you give yourself the time to allow it to come in…to seep into the mind and be a fact in which to receive what is being delivered to you every second with each breath you take. Sitting back how does this apply to you ? How does this make sense to you, for in everything you do… you too have experienced the same thing…You too have been taken off your feet to understand the knowledge that is being handed right to you…Do you see it? And the bigger question is are you ready to see and know it ?

So after all this, let’s take a look at what we as a collective whole are not comprehending in our world right now…

As we look at the abundant amount of snowfall we have been experiencing here in the states. I find it fascinating how a whole state let alone many others that over this past year had been taken off its feet in one way or another.

We can say that many have been complaining about their life and needed time to themselves to be alone to just look at things and have breathing room to think…Okay done…the snow left you inside off your feet for just that…What did you get done? Did you enjoy your time with your family? How about the time with yourself? What did you get done? Did you enjoy how Mother Earth gave to you the time you had been asking for? Did you put your feet? Did you get work done that you had been putting off for so long? What was it that you accomplished during that time?

Don’t you see…Everything you place out into the Universe comes back, that is why many of you like to hear and say the saying “be careful of what you ask for” because you never know how it comes back to you, do you? When we place things out into the Universe it comes back to us, how do we accept what is given back to us?

The creation of thought is like the light which escapes even the naked eye, it transforms and is in the thought stream of the Universe as it is being formulated into the mind of your thoughts before it is even placed in the Universe. So when you actually acknowledge that thought, it has already gone into action. Now you just have to catch up to that thought pattern to be in action as it presents itself back to you. I will always ask you” Are you ready?” Are you ready for everything that you placed out into the Universe with every thought you have, every thought that is being formulated from you?

So step back and look at your thoughts right now, what is it that you are placing out and around you …out into the Universe. For as you do it is be transformed into that which you are creating it to be. And along with this comes your responsibility to that thought form. It is why will hear me and so many others say keep your thoughts that which is love and see how it comes back to you. Why of course all that which is love. No matter what it is you are working on, what you are doing if it is in the intention of Love it will come back to you in love.

Right now we on Mother Earth have so many mixed emotions and as that is placed within the Universal thought forms it is coming back to us in those thought forms. Do you see this? Much tension around the world, much emotional tensions and unanswered questions circulating and all of it has been coming back.

So yes, many can look at this snow amount as a cleansing; the purity of snow is the purity of the heart in which all actions are decreed. And at the same time it is also that which is needed to be seen on all levels of what it is all about. We were given and will keep being given amounts of Mother Nature that is what is being asked for..In the snow it is the multilayers of self, snow accumulates in layers …so too is the emotions in which we hold onto. When we receive rain it is the washing of all that we hold within for rain continues in waves, what are you emotional highs and lows? And when we have ice it is to what we have hardened ourselves to within our hearts, what emotions do we associate with ice? It is the emotional freezing of love, for do we truly believe we are loved in all the ways we seek?

So as we venture this year into the emotions of what is going on around us the weather does reflect all of this back to us. It reflects that which we have placed out into the Universe and the Universe says “ so be it”.

When we ask for time, many do not think beyond asking for time. When we ask for love many do not think beyond what love is and when we ask for something for ourselves, many do not even know what that could be.

So if you believed you were held hostage during this time of huge amounts of snow fall so far this year, think of all the times you have held yourself hostage with your emotions. Allow the time to give to yourself to look at your emotions, for the Universe is giving you the time you have asked for. Use it to the best of your ability to free yourself, free yourself from the emotional bondage you have been holding onto. Free your emotions to truly live the life you keep dreaming. Comprehend the message that is waiting right there for you and accept that which lies within… is a reflection of that which waits for you.

No one likes to be taken off their feet, and this snow that we have all been experiencing is doing just that. Look for where you can enjoy your time, get things done, and connect emotionally in ways that you have held off for so long just waiting until the right time, for when is the right time? And most of all just relax.

There is nowhere to go until you get it…get it?

See you in the Universe of thoughts and freedom to love like never before….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Understaning Your Soul Contract

Teaching my Soul Contracts workshop today…I love this workshop as it allows you to take it to the next level to see what you journey is all about and the Soul Contracts that you have chosen before you were born unto this world…

As I walk you through the understanding of your Soul Contracts. Why we have Soul Contracts, what can our contracts tell us about ourselves who we are and what we are here to do in this lifetime.

As we journey to Mother Earth in this Lifetime we have chosen all that is around us and all that we came here to accomplish. From your loved ones who are your family members to friends, co-workers, partners and spouses, to exploring your soul lessons in this lifetime of learning. How do we transition from a spiritual being to one with a psychical body? What do we remember and why? Is this lifetime about Karma and how does it apply what we are living right now. How many lifetimes do we live? Learn about Spiritual guides and physical guides.

* What is a Soul Contract?
* What choices do we have from the beginning?
* Why did some choose negative lives?
* How do we transition from a spiritual being to one with a psychical body?
* Is this lifetime about Karma?
* What is a physical guide?
* What is a spiritual guide?
* How many Guides do we have?
* Did I really choose this life?
* How do we choose the lessons we are living?
* How do we know the lessons we are Living?
* What is the main lesson we are here to learn?
* Can I re-write this lifetime?

Remember we are spiritual beings having a physical existence here right now. This workshop will open your eyes and mind to all the possibilities that we are here and doing right now. The answers are given in such a wonderful way; you will leave with such an understanding of your whole life up until this point. You'll be amazed at how you can then grow and re-create your life as it is written in your Soul Contract to explore and enjoy.

Have a great day and enjoy all that is with you , for you have chosen each step you take.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Channeled Message... The Blessed Mother, by Adele Linsalata

Soul Heart Calling...

Dear ones I am Mary, the energies that are mine are with each of you. I come to you this time as I am here to give to you my Love that dwells deep within. That which is Love from my heart to yours.

Heart of my Heart I am here with you. Know this now and always and never look back to only what was.

Blessings from all of us as we are walking with you this day forward as we have always been. I am here to give to you that which is deep within that you keep opposing on all levels, why this is done is not important ,as to that which is there for you now. Take what is given to you each moment of your existence here upon Mother Earth...take that which is given in the love that lies deep within. ... You are at a flux of the outcome of your own desires the passion which lies waiting for you to bring to life. For the passion in you is deep within and the energy you now walk is calling for that passion to rise and be all that it is to be.

What is the passion in which you seek?

Heart of my Heart it is a passion so deep it has taken this long to be brought forth to rise and bring you much comfort but to many it will bring much anguish as it is surfacing. I speak of this as there are many who have been called forth to bring and expose the level of energy and they are fighting it with all their heart for they do not allow themselves to follow it true. For they fight that which they know lies deep within their hearts. All that has been there from the very beginning of their time upon Mother Earth. Their journeys have been one of love from the very beginning, their true love of self and their love to another. They have fought the love that has always been there for they have never truly known love while living upon Mother Earth as they have been giving to others along their journey. A selfless act of love to what they know has to be. They have given everything they have to those around them and still they quenched for that love. They have been in m any areas of what you would call love but they have never had their thirst for love quenched buy another living being until now. And as they are experiencing it they are fighting it even more for they have never been truly loved and will place many obstacle in their own path to negate that true love exist. For they have experienced many unfoldments during their time upon Mother Earth, they have lived their journey like many dominos in disguise. They have learned many things in their journey, and their journey has always brought them back to acceptance and allowing the passion within to rise for that true love and the true love of self. They are living with love of self, a deep love on levels that is hard for others to comprehend that which is the depth of their love for humanity, to place others before their own self, a love that reside within and at the same time never tasting the love which is there for them.

The Earthly time of existence upon your Mother Earth is now increasing with a magnitude of energy that far exceeds even that in which the Masters anticipated. We are thrilled to see this happening and at the same time it has allowed energies to rise for the Soul's Heart that was to be in many of your years to come. However it is before you now, not later. To bring this now a light of energies moving so fast that the earthly substance of the physical needs to catch up sooner than was expected. This then brings many contracts closer to being played out than was ready for. And that brings us to this influx of energy from the heart and passions rising so fast that there are those who know where they are to be and at the same time they are not physically ready for it. That is why there is much turmoil that many are experiencing deep within. They are asking for what they know to be and at the same time they are seeking the time in which to get all of it done.

Heart of my Heart at this time each of you are feeling t his rising of energy from within. It is your Soul's Heart calling to you. Calling to you to live your passion as it is being brought up to be exposed for you to live it, see it, feel it and give it the life that it is meant to be.

Heart of my Heart my love for you is as gentle as the tear that falls upon your face and my strength I give to you as just as strong as the passion that lies deep within. I am here for you to guide you in all that you need, just ask me. For there are many things to come. There are many things that shall takes place upon your Mother Earth and with your souls heart calling that shall need you to be strong to get through. And in so doing your Souls Heart hears the calling, feels the completeness of the other and knows it is to be where it needs to be during this time. I shall be here with you as all the Masters are with you. Just know we are and ask. For to not ask is to deny all that reside within you all that you are and are here to be. Come unto me and receive the love that is here for you.

Heart of my Heart go within and honor the passion that resides within you. Know that there is much for you to do and for you to be where you are to be in that time of your earthly understanding. Live the passion that is calling to your Souls Heart. New innovative experiences shall be presented to humanity. What lies within is your part of that, your passion to create, to share and to live is there to give to humanity. New ways of your existence in which you are living is to be given in the coming times, are you creating that which you are to give and share with those around you? Are you living your own potential of your soul's passion that is within? Are you allowing your passion to come forth to bring much happiness to not just your own self, but to those with whom you have a bond to be there for? For you have chosen that which is deep within, you have chosen and as the time is not given to you to walk the journey as you have expected. It is being called right now to g ive, is this not what you have known all along? Have you not asked to be there? Many of you would jump at the chance to move faster than what it is to be and now you have that time in front of you? Can you not see this is what you have asked for?

Heart of my Heart my energies of the divine feminine is calling to your Soul's Heart right now to expose the passions that lie in wait. All that you have been gaining and all that you hold close to you is being called forth to be exposed for what it is. Go within to seek your passion to humanity and know it shall be. For you have asked it of yourself and me and I shall be there for you to see it through. For I speak through the one who is passionately waiting for you with a soft voice upon their breath. Open to your heart and see what lies there just below the surface of light to be exposed on all levels. Do not hold back in what you are feeling for to do so shall bring much heartache to you. And that is not what this is about, to hold that deep longing any longer. For love shall bring you closer to the passions that lights your path in this journey. The passions that are being called forth to enlighten you to where you need to be. to show you the path that is clearly opening up in front of you. Yes, you see within your mind, deep within the path in which you know it to be. Open to that energy of love and everything shall be opened to you.

Heart of my Heart allow your Soul Heart love to bring the passion forth, to acknowledge it for what it is. To know that it would not be happening if it was not to be. Touch upon your time here as one of understanding you have contracted out to be where you are needed to be. Just as I have always been. Know that we shall give to you all that is needed for you to travel the journey that may seem impossible right now. But know it is the truth of the journey in which you see and shall always be there for you. It is time to allow the divine pas sion within to rise as the Atlantis rises. To rise as the energies are there to support it in this earthly existence right now. We wait for you but time is not of value if it is not the worth of your love to give to the passion deep inside.

Know I am here, for you are the Heart of my Heart and I love you.

I Am Mary, The Beloved

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adele's Monthly Message February

Adele's Welcome Message

Welcome and Hello to Everyone,

Times are rolling just as we have said they would. Right now there is so much going on that it can make the mind boggle at everything coming our way. Do you have your eyes open and your mouth shut as we look closer to the energies right now?

I say eyes open, as to look around you at all the happenings in the world. At every level there is much going on, political, personal and spiritual. You have heard me say this once and you will keep hearing me say this as you need to take the time to just be a part of the energies and your world that you live in. Conditioning of changes can come as fast as the blink of an eye but do not let his fool you as your eyes can see faster than light anyway. It is the human mind that has been conditioned that it cannot see that fast. And if this is the case what more has the human been conditioned that it cannot see or do? Hmmm….So let’s look at the personal right now, what is it that is being given to you on levels that you cannot quite put your finger on? This can be the situations and living arrangements that you are in, all the way to the work that you are doing. Especially your work with spirit. I love my spirit guides, my Counsel of One of Angelic Wise Ones… but they too have the sense of humor to give me answers and at the same time give me anagrams in which to work with. This can be disturbing at times when you know the answer is right there in front of you, but it seems to be elusive. It is like the energy right now…you know what it is, you have a feeling deep down inside but it is still just out of your reach…

When you decide that you are going to work with Spirit you are making an agreement that you accept all that is within your life. You are saying that you give permission to work with your guides and that they too can work with you. It’s like setting a date with an individual for the time and place to meet and to get to know one another. Do you then follow through…or do you at the last minute find ways to get out of that date? Think about it, I have known individuals to go ahead and make a date and then step back at the last minute when the individual they are meeting does not look anything like what they had portrayed themselves to be. They take a peak around the corner and then decide if it is well worth their time. And too, are the ones at the last minute who negate their feelings to follow through with what they have arranged.

Does this not sound like what many do with their appointments and or dates with Spirit? “Well if they will do this for me or if this is what it is about ...okay I will decide when I get there, if it is going to work out or what if they do not like me..or well I really did not think it would go this far”. This is like putting the block up before accepting that there may be something here worth looking at.

We see this all the time. With this energy there will be many who will put conditions on how they are receiving and giving in their work with Spirit and this energy. It will be about controlling what the outcome will be. When this happens the outcome is already determine by the energy in which you have already placed the conditionings in.

This month of February is the time to complete your acceptance in who you are and what you are accomplishing right now. Each month you should be looking to place out into the Universe what you are accomplishing. Everyone should be using this time to re-evaluate what you are doing, where you are going and how you are getting there in all areas of your life, emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. As March rolls around all that you have worked on and with, shall be given back to you magnified in a way that will bring the biggest smile to your face.

All that you are holding off right now, during this time, is giving to the energy a block and you shall be blocked on levels that will frustrate you even more. I have said many times….You can ride the wave of the energy supporting you and keeping you on top or you can keep butting up against the energy and you shall be crushed within the waves and keep learning the hard way.

Why is so hard to just let go and believe? To open your arms to the understanding that is deep within and trust? When you keep denying the existence of truth in all the situations you are in are delaying the truth and your own self growth.

Can you not feel this energy? It is as if everyone right now has been holding their breath waiting…the energy has been enveloping you within its folds and you feel as if you are a part of everything and at the same time you are not. Waiting for acceptance…waiting for a shift of energy to then be able to breathe once again. Well it is coming…. but in a way that will not be understood if you have not been doing your end of the effort. Remember as we have all said when placing something in the Universe to assist you whether it be to your Spirit Guides, Source, the Angels, etc….that when you assist and work with that which you place out there, the Universe shall say “So be it’ and then be there to assist in all ways. But if you place it out into the Universe and just sit back and wait for it to be hand delivered to you…you shall be waiting a long time…This then allows one to be disappointed and frustrations set in. Many then become disillusioned and walk away…until the next time they are in need. So I say to you…Ask and you shall receive… What is it that you are waiting to do that you have been putting off for one reason or another? What is it that the Universe or Spirit has been showing you , telling you that you just will not accept… as it is not what you want to hear or know?

There are a lot of controlling factors all over the world right now, do you not see this? For if you do you are also looking at a reflection of your own self in how you are controlling an outcome that just may not be the best for you and that is why you are being butted up against that wall. That is why everything you are trying to do seems like a struggle and no matter what the thoughts may be, nothing will take shape and form that is understood until you understand that it is letting go of that which you want it to be and allow the Universe to show you what it really is.

March is a time of acceptance….Many around the world will be seeing so much activity that cannot be hidden from view any longer. It will be to take the veils off your eyes and accept that which is there. No more hiding from view that which is right before you. This then is looked at on a personal level and that which is worldwide. Many times I am given something and many times there is no way to fully describe that which I am given…But it is always to allow you to know what is coming for you then to understand and not be caught off guard… so to say… To being what you need to know to assist you along with your own journey. And right now the planetary alignment is showing us that which is to be revealed. …Our governments are hiding so much and it is just not what is on the current administrations it is also from what has been hidden from our view from the past ones too. This is worldwide…have we not been working with so much for so long? Have we not been seeking so much for so long? Have we not been told the time of enlightment shall be revealed to all? So this is the time in which everyone has been talking and seeking and if you have that feeling inside that something is going on, that you need to be somewhere, you need to be doing something, that you need to reach out beyond yourself….then be happy that it is here, be happy that everything is in divine order and your soul is aligning right where it is being drawn to… the Christ energy your energetic energy on a cellular level is seeking that connection and it will keep going until you have found it on a physical level. This then causes so, much inner turmoil. Nothing seems to be going right, or there is much negativity around you, you see others frustrations which then brings about your own feeling of inability. And at the same time everything seems to be going right…it is when you look at everyone else that it seems as if they are the one who is not doing it right. This is going on because when you are looking at another’s view and they seem to be misaligned it is to show you what you yourself do not want to validate your work that you need to do or look at on an emotional or perhaps a controlling fashion. As in What are you trying to control and keep a hold of with so much strength that you are not truly seeing what you need to?

Give yourself the time to sit down and write out what frustrates you right now...Whether it be with yourself or others. And then take each one and really look at it. Why do the same things keep happening? What is the message that you are missing? Why do you feel so different than everyone around you? Keep this up, keep writing it down and looking at it…process all of this and allow the Universe… allow your Spirit Guides to lead you to that which lies deep inside..the answers in which you have been seeking…..

This is going to be a year of exposure on many levels and an exciting year for all…When we look ahead we see so much innovative processes being exposed and new resources coming to light for humanity as a whole. So look for new ways being given to assist us in research and development …It only takes a thought of an idea to present itself to discovery…

I send you much Love for all that is within you… that which I see and feel in you… that is marvelous and Loving on all levels. Be Blessed in who you are and see you in my travels this year, as I visit an area close to you, so that we make look at this and more on many levels. What is it that you seek and what are your questions? Check out my Visionary Quest Tour Schedule and if you see an area that I am visiting join me …if there is an area that you live in and do not see on my itinerary, then write to me so we can meet up along the way. Until then…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele.

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Angels Across the Miles

Angels Across the Miles, from the desk of Adele Linsalata

I would like to take this time to thank all Bloggers around the world… You are a voice to so many of us that it makes my heart smile. Diligently seeking and searching for all the information that comes across your desk. And then giving it right back out to others to learn and grow from.

This is a connection on a Universal level that is amazing to watch as you touch the lives of so many in ways that sometimes is missed by many. Well I appreciate you and love you for all the work you do. When we gather together with one another in this way it is a chance for those who do not know how to be heard to get their voice heard. When we do not have the time to research and do everything we want to do… to bring our work to others, we have friends who are sitting there and giving us the time to reach those whom we would never have a chance to.

I know personally I work like crazy every day. I am writing, channeling, teaching, traveling and doing personal readings and galleries pretty much non-stop… I too, am being guided to share that which I am given at those moments of time. So much so, that I do not always have a lot of time to seek out different blogs to share my work and interact, to be able to enjoy a lot of what the forums out there offer. I have joined some forums and then I become lost in the dialogue… as individuals will write to say how much they enjoy my work, how connected they feel… but at times get lost in the Channeling’s. This I have to laugh at, as I can sooo relate to… Even those who say my Channeling’s are not like everyone else’s and what I am channeling is wrong…There is nothing to say to this… as it is not me who is giving the information but those of a higher level who know what is there for every living human to know and grow from. And then again it is amazing how these same individuals keep quite when what I have Channeled in… comes to be… in our world.

Then too… are the ones who have never seen my work and they will comment on how I left his part out or that…For me this is perplexing as they do not know I have already written about the steps they are telling me I left out, written through the years a long time ago.… So in the forums I will try to go back and explain it all again… It is also how amazingly fast everyone writes…I have to admit again, I am not the fastest typist…(smile)

This comes from a near death experience I had with a hit-n-run accident which brought me to learn many things all over again in this physical existence…one is typing …But when I am channeling… when I am writing my articles… my fingers have a mind all of their own and fly across the keyboards. This I attribute and I thank my Spirit Guides and the Ascended Masters for doing all the work. For I do not have to be a part of that at all… I just have to be the vehicle in which they get their messages out…

I am honest with this as most technology is just does not work for me…(smile) There are many times working with electronics that I seem to blow them up or they just shut down and do not work. I have to walk away as Randy ( my manager) sets everything up and then I walk back in, sit down and do my work…I have to laugh as this is just the way it is. So when I am web searching to clear my mind after a long day….and I come across those great blogs all around the world that post my work and that of others… I am thrilled that they are caring and loving, even curious to what their guest think about what they read…to share my work with those who, I do not know or know me…those whom may not understand what is going on but are open to read what I am giving to them.

I thank you my Blogger Masters ….I thank you for all the work you do to bring the work of many to those who may not have a chance to be a part of what which we do. I thank you for working so hard. We are all in this together, communities of communications to reach past that which others say needs to be…to just bring what we find that resonates deep within us to allow the work that needs to be done…done…

I thank you for the brilliance of your minds and ingenuity to keep these Blogs going and to work together with others around the world, You have a created a whole consciousness that interlocks the foundation of birth on a learning level in which the Universe supports.

I am Blessed to know you and for you to share my work and I am here to say THANK YOU and I send you ALL OF MY LOVE…for without you we would not be exposed to everyone else as Angels Across the Miles….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Copyright ©2010 Adele Linsalata/ Angelic Wise Ones

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Thunder Maryland and You...

At this time in Maryland many are finding it very frustrating being stuck inside due to the weather that we have been experiencing. And as the time goes by you find yourself doing all those things that you have been putting on hold or waiting until a rainy day to do, in this case a snowy week. And as the weather clears you find that escape is the only way to your sanity...unfortunately when you get outside you find that not as much has been done to that which you are used to. To see this quantity of snow is like on overload on the human awareness, a resignation of understanding what needs to be done and just go and do it…

After many hours of shoveling yourself out and giving yourself much deserved praise for getting it all find that there is nowhere to go. You find that the system you have always depended on is a little overwhelmed themselves and have not caught up to your area yet…you go back inside and wait it out. What is it that you are doing during this time? Are you complaining about the lack of work you believe is not getting done by others, are you complaining that you are stuck inside? Or are you taking the time to enjoy being, are you finding that you now have the time to get things done? Are you also looking at the quality time that you have to connect with yourself or family and friends?

The past couple of days has taken the human soul on a passage of discovering many things about self. I have always said that when we are not walking our true path of light …spirit will take you off our feet until you understand and then begin again...this time with an understanding of what needs to be done and knowing you are worthy of doing it and who you are.

Maryland has been hidden from view for so long now. And this past year Maryland has been thrown through hoops… ups and downs. And it is time for Maryland to take a step back to look at things and then move forward in the right direction once again. To show how strong and dedicated Maryland is in the equation of the whole. Maryland has been a missing link for so long that she had to once again connect to the energies around her to move forward. And in doing so, we as Maryland residents need to step up and do the work too. This is a true reflection of your own self and your life right now.

Where have you disconnected or put things on hold while you have been moving along? Being one… but not of the whole? Many years ago I said that Maryland is the last state in the East Coast that does not have legalized gambling on a major level and that when the residents of Maryland voted for such legalization then everything begins.

Well, it has begun universally and still Maryland needed to be cleansed and needed to catch up to the times of the energy around her…this is the cleansing process Maryland is going through right now. Moreover, you can see this on all levels of growth that we have been growing through along with her. Look at all the state laws that have been played with and the individuals who have been playing with Maryland. Unfortunately time ran out and now it is time to move forward on many levels…Is Maryland ready for it? Hmmmm… In truth… I do not see this right now; there are still some inner struggles politically and at the heart of Maryland. But never say never as so many things can change to make the best happen. If everything goes into play the right way, then yes, come late this year Maryland can start standing back on her feet. But come June and July she has much to be accountable for. We just need to keep sending her as much love as we can and ask that she regains her balance once more. Maryland is being asked to house those within who are arriving each day with thousands of more to come. Maryland is being asked to join ranks with her neighboring states to accommodate so much. The infrastructures are evident every where you look and at the same time much is not displayed to the average eye. Do not worry it will become evident very soon if you have not already been seeing it.

So as your Maryland is going through all that she is…so too are you.

It is okay to be anxious and want to get out and just breath…but are you really anxious to get back to the same old thing? This is what it is showing you …that no matter what goes on, you will always be looking at the same ole thing until you decide to do something about it. Only you have the ability to do what which is calling deep inside of you to do. There is no one else to do it for you. You may be given guidance and direction… but it is all up to you.

Looking at your own journey right now and how all of this which is going on around you, all of this is reflected back to you, do you not see this? It is time to just relax... take a few deep breaths... and let go of all that pent up frustration inside of you from these past couple of days.

It is like looking through the window at all the beauty stretched out before you and at the same time not seeing it for what it is worth.

How many times have you worked really hard, studied, learned to only find that you seem to be back at the very beginning? Sometimes this can bring much frustration and at other times a deep depression so overwhelming, feeling like when will this ever end? Your journey is one that shall always be walked, always be there for you. It is in the steps you take to grow and develop, to recognize the beauty inside of you along the way.

So go ahead and clear it all up, cleans it and throw what is not needed out the door. Do not hold onto things that no longer work and above all else… really see the story in front of you. See what life is reflecting back to you to see your own journey you are walking and all that can keep you from your own true worth. For no matter how frustrated you may be, there is always an answer looking back at you, just get out of your own way to see the message that is there for you.

Maryland my Maryland is showing each of us what we need to look at in our personal lives to then be able to move forward. The energies are giving you clean and clear answers are you listening?

Don’t be a Crab… give credit to our Snow Crews and recognize that the workers are doing the best they can with what they have… yes, I know it is a struggle to know you have been cooped up for what seems like days…so too are the road crews cooped up in their trucks. I know it seems like days since you went out and you have followed all the rules of keep indoors and off the streets so they can get their work done, just to find that not much looks like its been truly done.

But I ask you …to look at the overwhelming amount of road systems we do have in Maryland.

The infrastructures are as packed as can be and at this time we are adding even more to accommodate the thousands of individuals the government has called forward to our area …so this is only the beginning of what is to come. So I give credit to our Snow Crews they deserve a Thank You even if it is not your street right now that has been plowed or even done…As I ask you how much have you gotten down???

Be gentle with everything in life right now and know you are not alone that is what is called a collective consciousness…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you Really Know They Self ?

When I look around at so many things I see, feel, hear, sense, taste, know , I then am acknowledging the energies on many levels. This is what I call “Knowing Thy Self “.

It is taking a moment of time and truly allowing yourself to just be, to be one with yourself and the energy all around you. When I say this go ahead… sit down, lay down or stand up, whatever way you are physically comfortable and then allow yourself to feel. Giving yourself the time to acknowledge who you are as a physical being, the person that you know you are deep down.

Bring all of your attention to your body and recognize your body. Say hello to your body. This is your physical body, just you and no one else, get to know your body. Know how your body feels, how does your arms feel, how does your legs feel? It will be okay… your body will not reject you; it will not turn and walk away from you. Your body is the most precious thing that you have right now and it is all you. You are the only one who can walk away from your own body, remember it will always be there for you. Well of course because you are attached to it. But think about it, your body loves you, when was the last time you actually loved your body back? When was the as time you allowed yourself to honor your body in a way that made you feel good? More over It is so much more than that. It is acknowledging your body in a whole new light. Get to “Know Thy Self” truly….

Now as you are comfortably sitting or laying down getting to know thy self, just relax and visit your hands and fingers. Really take the time to relax and feel each individual finger. Starting with your thumb and moving around to your pinky. Each finger is a separate part of you that has its own function, which then works together to make the whole. How do your fingers feel? Moving up higher to your hands, how do your hands feel? This is a wonderful relaxing meditation and way for you to get to know thy self.

Other ways of Knowing Thy Self is to relax and permit yourself to just feel all that is going on around you wherever you are, as you do this, select one sense at a time and enjoy that which you are picking up. What are you hearing, what are you feeling, what do you see in your mind’s eye? Become the homing device that absorbs energies and where it is coming towards you and in which way you are receiving it.
Many times I will go into a store and just stand for a few minutes and allow my senses to do the work before me. To allow myself to be the store… but not of the store. I can feel the energies of the employees and shoppers, I can hear the humming of the energy around me to know what the main mood of individuals who are shopping or workingto serve you or be of assistance to you. Then I start to open myself to really see the energies that are all around the store. You would be amazed at the electrical currents of energies that radiate everywhere you look and feel radiating out the vibrations of energy throughout the whole store. These energies are flowing in a wave of rich deep colors of blues, greens, pink and more. This then allows me to know the energetics of individuals for each individual to collect and move through as they go about their shopping.

The store then informs me of what direction I should take. Do I stay and take my time or go ahead and get what I need and move out as quickly as possible. I love doing this in book stores. As this energy is always humming with so much activity that it can drive someone like me crazy, if I allow myself to be absorbed into all of it… And at the same time it allows me to be connected with the learning that is being developed with each individuals as they are processing their needs from the books or interest they are delving into. This is especially true, if I do not know the energy of what I am walking into.

It is like when I am going to a group gathering. Upon entering the doorway of the place I am to be working, I am assaulted with multi charged levels of energies, the excitement, and anxiety of others; sometimes fear of the unknown of those waiting for me and then the energy connection of those who are in spirit, who are excited for me to get going. This is why when I do these gatherings, seminars and speaking engagements, I like to arrive only a few moments before the scheduled time and then start right away.

So when you are moving about your life and finding yourself wanting to understand what in the world is going on, “why am I feeling this way… I cannot stand to be around other people… I feel drained after I am with a group of people, etc”….Take that time to give to yourself, that little extra time to know the energies that are around you. Then you will be able to adjust much better than before. Get to “Know Thy Self” then you shall always know everything that is around you at all times, you shall know your whole body and that which it needs as we step into this electrifying energy that is with us.

In today’s energy everyone is looking for answers all around them, take the time to allow your own body to give you the answers you seek. This is one of the first steps in your work whether you want to be or are a practicing medium, psychic, healer, a practitioner of any modality or someone who just wants to understand more about their own self.

A discovering adventure that will allow you to begin the journey within, which is so vital for the times we are living. Open yourself up to begin anew this journey you are taking here on Mother Earth. Knowing Thy Self in all ways.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Guided Meditation of "Know Thy Self" visit here.