Monday, December 21, 2009

The Visionary’s Quest Tour 2010

These times that we live…these times that we are experiencing have brought the spiritual communites closer in many ways that is very exciting to see. The Universe has been keeping me busy guiding me in the work that I do to share with all of you to bring more of us together in the light.

Yes…it is finally here…..As many of you know starting in January 2010, I will be touring the East Coast of the United States on my The Visionary’s Quest Tour 2010. Offering Workshops and Gallery Message Events…So here is your chance to ask your questions and experience all that I do first hand just with you. Be apart of my workshops that you have been asking for and sit in on a Gallery to receive messages from your loved Ones, Guide and Angels in the Spiritual Realms.

In all of my travels over the years… I have now been guided to connect with other Mediums and Psychics across the miles, hence The Visionary’s Quest Tour 2010…this is a great time to share the work we do, sharing insights and what makes our message so important now more than ever for those seeking answers.

With Cameras in hand for this awesome Show.....I will be filming in every location and with the all individuals I look forward to meeting. Here are a few of my tour stops…

New York
New Jersey
Norfolk / Virginia Beach
North Carolina
South Carolina

If you know
a Psychic or Medium that you think I should meet along my way...or would peak my interest…please let me know as I will visit with each one personally and share back with you in my travels…

If you live in an area that you would like to see me offer a Workshop or Gallery Messages, e-mail us today and we will get that added on to our schedule.

****** Understanding Your Soul Contracts
****** The Christ Energy 21012 Messages and Beyond
****** Angel Energetic Energy Workshop
****** Accepting your Spirit Guides, Physical Guides and Angels

If you have a message that needs to be heard and would like to be interviewed by me to share that with everyone, give me a call or e-mail as we just may be at an area near you…. I am doing spiritual group gatherings of questions and answers this year, so put a group together and I will be there to join you delivering the answers that you seek.

This is an awesome year we are stepping into so make the most of it along the way…Looking forward to meeting and sharing with you in all I do.

Make sure to check out my personal website at Adele Linsalata for more information in the next couple of weeks for my Tour dates and schedule. If you have an area that you do not see listed on the schedule… e-mail us today and we will make that connection.

See you on the road as we all meet Across the Miles…..

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Love is multidimensional and so are you…by Adele Linsalata

As we are all multidimensional beings so too is the love in which we experience each day. For no two individuals experience love at the same level at the same time. For in each level of that love it is what the heart calls out to that individual that shall be experienced. Many can say we have the same love for one another. But as male and female experiences the mind at different levels so to do they experience love at different levels. Where one heart might call out for approval one heart may call out for acceptance… To bring both of these hearts together is to reach beyond what one believes about what another understands, to feel what level of the experience of love the other is at.

It is like when you are having a conversation with another individual and as you are talking you can feel and know that what is being discussed is coming on many levels from the others perspective. It is then when you start to comprehend that level in which you are hearing it, that you switch gears to understand what the expression is, coming from that individual. You then are deeply entrenched in the conversation as it is flowing and once again find it has taken a new direction or path than what you had been feeling it was on. Layering upon layering of information all headed in the same direction but being absorbed at different levels within the psyche.

So too is the levels of love, in which we give, receive and communicate…

When one is seeking love on one level, may not be the level in which it is being given and or received. I see this all the time when I am delivering messages to clients. I always say keep an open mind as to the messages you receive may not be what you want to hear… but what you need to hear. The client then has two choices… to keep their mind open for what the messages are, or to keep hearing in the one direction that they want to hear. Where the message hits them the most is what their experience shall be. It is the choice of the individual to what is accepted and what is the direction in which they are traveling along their journey to be integrated in who they are in that which they seek.

This then exemplifies the same with the many faceted levels of the heart and love. What is it that your heart is really asking for, compared to what you are seeking? So many will say they know what it is they want, they lay the whole game plan out as they are seeking a companion, a love interest or partner in this life. So when they do find that level of energy that corresponds to them, they place all their energy into it, never once seeing the energy as it is given or being received back to them or by them… For to see it is to step back and allow the others energy to be absorbed to recognize that what is there, may just not be at the level in which you are seeking. And then again as the heart is opened to many diversities of energy, so to must the individual be open to accepting the level in which is being given to them.

In hearing this… just how does one accept the level in which love is coming to them, if they have not accepted the love they have for their own self? Many are looking for the balance of what they do not have deep within to find the other half of themselves. This brings us back to… if one individual does not love themselves enough, they will seek the one they believe can love them to make them whole. They will search far and wide with many situations in between, a gathering of energy that can then give them the processes in which to find their own self and the love they are seeking. None of this takes into fact the contracts they may have with another human being or the lesson in which is to be learned with love. Many find themselves in relationships when after the energetic of love settles deep within that they have not that much emotional connection or interest with the other individual that they originally thought they did. An eye opener for sure as they realize the individual they are with, filled a void of learning that level of love within them, and now that they have experienced it, is it really time to move on or…Stay where it can then grow in a matching energy with each other and be willing to do this together. For in love… all things can find a way to the heart. But at what level is another’s heart ready to give as much as it receives and selfishly takes from another to only find that the other no longer has the love in their heart for the other.

The cycle continues until the time comes when the individuals finally steps back and decides it is time to really see what love is, where the love is for their own self and how to get there and what to do with it when they do step up and finally become that love.

For one must love their self as a whole before that love can then be absorbed to recognize it, to enjoy it and truly live it.

We can look at this and say this also has to do with the multi-contracts that many individuals have with numerous different lessons and experiences of love. As there are those who in their search of love, find themselves on the doorstep of that which is completely opposite and similar to their own self of the one who they did not think it could truly be…accepting and finding that they shall then be whole and complete.

I have said many times the biggest lesson we are all here to learn and experience is that of LOVE…

Love being multidimensional just as you. You will need to go through every layer of Love to become that which is whole. Just as you will need to go through every multi-level of self to reach the love that is there within you. The quest that you are in your search for that love brings you too many discoveries along the way… some good, bad and indifferent. For when you finally do find the love that matches your own, most times you run from it. Your heart finds that this individual has that twin flame just as yours but it is too good to be true. As this happens it is to once again look at the level of love for yourself that is talking to you, to not accept the love that is in front of you. For when you find that level you will see, that there is nothing that should stop you from claiming it as your own.

The many layers of love is integrating among us and it is in the discovery of which layer you are in. As multidimensional as you may be, so to is love. It is how you look at love for within each of us we are at the level of love in which we can see, feel and experience. For in these experiences it is calling on a deeper level…. but which level are you willing to look at or go to?

Explore all the multi-levels of love that is within you and be truthful about what you feel, see, know in your discovery. For only you can hold yourself back from the experiences of Love that you seek. To deny love is to deny the breath you breathe and the light that is within…The journey of love I so rare and beautiful, hold it close as it will never be the same as it is… at this moment of time.

I send you my Love that is on a level of heavenly blessings from above… that you shall know you are loved for who you are and in the knowing that…. that which you seek is right in front of you this whole time…That which is LOVE…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata, Angelic Wise Ones

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How is the Sun Shining Your Way.....

How is The Sun Shining Your Way?

How is the sun shining your way? The sun is always shining... it is like the energy source that lives within you. As the sun emits its beautiful rays out and around to all of us each and every day, you feel the energy move all through you. This too is how each person you meet or think about feel your energy come shining through to them. Is that not marvelous? Think about each individual you interact with each moment of your day, what is it that your are sending out to them? Think about all those with whom you think about, as soon as you connect with them by a thought, when you have that moment of knowing they too are a part of your life and you energetically connect with them on a ethereal level.

What is the energy you are sending out? What is the thought form in which you are thinking of them? What is the energy in which you meet the individual and interact with them on a personal level?

This is your energy you are sending on a constant basis as you live your life each day, with every breath you take.... Some ask me about feeling energies and how to see auras. I love this as please understand each time you meet someone or see them standing across a room you are energetically connecting with them. I like to say that all those you have instant eye contact with or a thought form are reading their energy field and instantly knowing who they are, what you like about them or what would make you step back and not want to connect with them on any level..... You instantly know how they feel on a personal level, if they are happy, sad, mad, and impatient, loving, and eager, upset, depressed, joyous. A good person, a not so-good person, an instant connection that will last for a lifetime or maybe just long enough for them to assist you in some way and then the opposite... for you to assist them in something that they are in need of, in their life.

You do this all the time. I find that every living being has this automatic connection without many individuals even knowing that they are doing this on an energetically level of any kind. Yes, you do see a red energy around the individual who just walked through the door, now what does red feel like or mean? Well this is one of those things that is already within you, you just need to take notice and keep a walking journal of what you are receiving and write it down. When you have interacted or received the same feelings in this way at least three times with the same color of red ( even though it is with different individuals) then this is your color sign/symbol for the color red. It will never fail you. So once you have this you will always know that when you meet someone or think about someone and you sense, feel or see the color red, what is going on with this individual in their life at that moment of time.

Please understand that when you see these colors they will not always be like what you have seen in pictures or may have learned; as a perfect outline of colors and lights all around the individual. Most times when I see the aura and energy colors with someone, I see it in different sizes and shapes, all of this will be around to the side and in front of the individuals. It is so amazing as it then gives me the chance to see colors on different parts or areas of the body.

Sometimes I might see a huge egg shaped color of orange on someone’s shoulder, after working with this for so many years, I have come to know that the individual is birthing new creativity in their life. When someone is connected with the Blessed Mother, I see a huge pink heart with hands coming from the center like a burst of light- right in front of their heart area. When someone is sad or depressed I see a deep blue with twinkling colors of light here and there all around inside of the deep blue color. This can be anywhere on their body that it is shining from. A practicing healer is immersed in a green light that flows all over there body like a funnel from above. When the healer is not working with their healing energy- the color surrounds them in a upside down tear drop, and there is no funnel to connect them higher to it. I know then to work with them in this area to see if they are sick, not feeling well or do not have the time or the individuals to do their work with. There are so many reasons for the colors we see, it is taking the time to focus and work with it and what you are receiving.

Say you meet a new friend and you sense the color blue, then at that moment of time - stop and think what do you feel? What is making you take notice to sense this color of blue? Now write it down. Blue has many colors and variations within itself, all colors do. So pay close attention to this. It will be very important to notice all things as you are feeling, sensing or seeing the different colors around someone. Where are you as you meet this individual? What is the energy like - where you are at? What made you notice this individual and the colors around this individual? Is this individual happy, sad, tired, hungry, etc..?

As I was saying colors have different variations and each can mean so many different things, do not stress on it. Please have lots of patience. Some blues may mean a true calmness within an individual; some may mean a calmness before the storm. Some blues relate to the depth of the individuals integrity or personality. It will all be on what you are feeling at that exact moment of time.

This can go on with each color you see/sense or feel with individuals that are around you each day. As you add this in your day to day living you will begin to notice so many other things about all those around you. You will begin to open yourself to see auras in so many ways. You will become comfortable and be more joyous in the fact that yes, you are seeing, sensing and feeling where you did not give yourself credit before. All of it is already with you, it is taking the time to focus, be patient and write down what it getting your attention in that moment of time.

Now this becomes stronger and stronger you will receive your own verification with those within whom you meet and think about as they connect up with you to exchange greetings.

This also, assists you in remembering what energy you are giving out this day and everyday. So, how is the sun shining with you this day? How is your energy shining out to others? What is it ...that when you go about your day - you want others to take with them from your energy? Remember in which light you shine out to others this day. Shall you be a yellow light, pink, purple or green? Remember that there are others around you who can feel, sense and see (without always knowing or giving themselves credit for ) your energetic field and it is the imprint of this in which you leave another.

Every day the sun leaves us in a glowing light of yellow and warmth, an illumination of the highest order. An illumination to allow yourself to shine from your toes up, to be thankful and grateful for all that is with you. Please be thankful to all that you are, to all those in your life at any given moment of time.

You are beautiful in your own light may it shine for all to see!

As I leave you now, I leave you the energetic pink light of Love from my heart to yours..... So, How is the sun shining your way?

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata ,Angelic Wise Ones

for in her name means God’s Grace

I Love You today and for always…

As we all take a moment of time right now... I would like to give my thanks to all those hearts out there who reach out to say I love you to your family, friends and loved ones.

It is that time of year and as I know that everyone is busy with living their own lives, trying to get things ready for family gatherings, exchanges of gifts and more memories. If I could ask one thing of you… I ask that each soul who reads this, take the time to say… I Love You to all of your loved ones, family & friends.

Sometimes this might seem like a hard thing to do, but go inside your heart and find that special moment in time when you were in love… when you felt love… when you had love… and the love you have for that special someone who is close to you…. Please take that special love, feel it resonate deep within you as a smile starts to spread across your face….feeling it radiate out from your entire being…and then just give it with no strings attached… just pure and simple Love to all those who you hold dear in your heart…all your loved ones, family & friends, all those you have met in your life. For with each person you have met, that you have had in your life, they are there for a reason, they are here to give to you that which you had asked for so long ago, and in return you too have given to them. May you not look at what harm has ever been placed upon you, for this could go on for too long, which steals from your soul. Just bless them and send them on their way… for you to retain a pure love with no markers of misuse… as we look around we can see where there may have been damage done and there just may have been… that which was opened…a door to allow us to move more forward in who we are… a strength and power that many never find… just take this moment of time to give from your heart to all those around you. And when you do, you have so much love returned to you that you will never forget just what Love is.

As many of you...I too sit here this holiday season thinking of all those with whom I have ever loved. A deep love that has no beginning and no end…some you cannot even explain why the love is there… it just is….All those whom gave to me their pure love with nothing in return…. I feel it on every level… And the greatest of these is my Mom. The one with whom I miss... I miss her smile... I miss her laugh... I miss her hiding presents from Dad to later give to all of her grandchildren... I miss hearing her voice as she talked about the same stuff over and over again... I miss her knowing every birth date, every graduation, every phone number and every child’s name of every individual she had ever met or knew…. I miss her excuses for taking my brothers side... I miss her when she complained that my Dad talked too loud…. I miss her calling on the phone to tell me to go take care of my brothers or whoever else had a problem….I miss the disagreements that we had and they way we knew each other’s taste from food …to clothes… to just whatever… . I miss the car rides we use to take to the hills in Virginia, amusement parks, shopping malls, cemeteries, to the streets of New York….too funny...and then again …most of all… I miss her Love.

The way she would encourage me without making it seem too much. When she would slip something to me that she knew would make my day. When she would say, as I do believe all Moms do, you know it’s that way they have of using two of your names together to make their point…”Adele Marie” …I just knew to get out of her way…When she would read about angels to bring light into her life and to understand the work that I do and what my life is all about. She may not have always agreed with what I do, but just as with all of her children…she was there for me. Most of all I miss hearing her saying as she called on the phone “What are you doing?” ...I used to laugh as I always knew that meant she had something to say or for me to go and do for her… for us to get together and just go do what we do as Mother and Daughter..

So, during these days when you are sitting and trying to understand it all, everything that is going on around you, All the running around and keeping busy…Take the time to say… I Love You to someone who is close to you, to someone who has been an inspiration in your life in one way or another…to someone who has given love to you with asking nothing in return and to someone how has placed a Smile on your face…for all of these are your family and friends…all of these are those who are there for you no matter who you are…

To someone who just needs to hear you say “What are you doing?”

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

May you be abundantly Blessed in all the Love that surrounds you !

In Loving Memory my Mom Joan ….for in her name means God’s Grace

In Heaven… by my side… an Angel… gone by…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones