Friday, December 30, 2011

Knock... Knock...Smile you are on Angelic Time of Reckoning.....

Wow has it truly been this long since I Have been here? Where did the time go? Ohh yeah…I remember like it was yesterday……. I took some time, have a new life, new guided meditation CD’s and a new manuscript that is going to blow your mind…and a whole new team of investigative detective enforcers that never leave my side…..

This Angel is back and it is the Year of the Reckoning and I am back with a Message for everyone…Stay tuned as the Angelic Wise Ones is hitting the stands once again and you will not believe what your eyes see as this time around I am not holding anything back.

Be ready… Be aware…as it has been along time coming and Here I Come….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

"As time is irrelevant, then so too, is the outcome in many situations and so is not to be discounted lightly"…… AM

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September Welcome Message from Adele Marie

September Welcome Message from Adele Marie

From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….When will this all be over? By Adele Marie

Welcome….September is that time of remembrance and moving forward in our strength that we are not alone. Just as we are here to assists the energies to bring us to be a whole in humanities inner circle. The Christ Illumination is calling all souls… are you one of them…hmmmm….let’s see….

Remember waking up to go out and explore what the world had to offer you. Ohhh… the days when you were ignorantly blissful of what life was all about. Not a care in the world just knowing your friends are out there and you are ready to get your day going. Over the years developing and maturing in what you were seeking and what you discovered. Having so many first of everything and then the time comes when you have to realize that not everything revolves around what to wear for school or that math exam that was going to be waiting for you.

Time sure does fly by for all of us and when we look back there are so many other avenues that we have journeyed. Today we have an understanding of what that actually means and we then have to look back and say if I had it all to do over what would it be like? Would I really change a thing and if there was just one thing what would it be?

Energies are hammering in faster than we can blink and eye and so too are the children among us. Many years ago we all know our long standing prayers of heavenly assistance to God came pouring in. We have the Indigos who are our warriors of light, and then the crystal children, brilliantly bright with open eyes, next the radiating Rainbow child and we open the doors to the pure essence of the Crystalline Children. They walk among us and are flooding the energies with that which they are here to do. Have we really set the stage for them? These beautiful souls who heard the calling within their soul contracts have joined us to bring Heaven Here on Earth. To be the light that so many need and so many refuse to accept. To bring clarity in a world that has no boundaries any longer.

And the children are feeling it...have you not noticed how they are pulling so hard at themselves trying to understand? Simplicity of yesterday is no longer here for any of them and have we set the stage or given them their due? I do not mean by allowing them free access and range over everyone. I am talking about in our time we were allowed to be children to go through the motions of growing up little by little with the child quality in our eyes and heart to enjoy and mature one step at a time. Even knowing they are here for a bigger mission than many, to find their energy having to be slammed with the adjustment is rather rare even for those of us beyond the touch. Yes as we, they knew what they were coming here to do, but have we as the door openers given to them the ability to do just that?

These children have so much to do and be these children have an energy that to a number of beings is very fragile and to numerous beings stronger than anyone at times remember and realizes. Humanity asked for so much when asking for assistance. Humanity placed the call of help and the call was answered by these children.

Have you noticed what has developed at the same time the children were being born here to us? Have you noticed what was given high priority in the medical and professional field as they were trying to adjust their energy by being here on Mother Earth? Was this done to slow them down to not be the light and change that was needed? Was this to intimidate those who would be following to what was going to be taking place? The world came to a standstill in efficiency to sustain individuals around the world. But the productivity went full blast to identify a newer energy that was among us. Did it have to go this far and what exactly did we in our thinking allow to happen?

From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….

When my youngest was born so many little ones were all in the NICU units. They were considered preemies but that is not how I saw them. These tiny bundles of energies wanting to be here among us were fighting for their very lives, deciding whether to stay or not. Most times these children were all born by induced labor. I used to wonder…why if my eldest children were not induced, allowed to go the full term and then some, why now of all times were hundreds of children being born with this in mind.

And then I had to look around to see these rainbow crystalline children were here and they were being initiated to understand, this is the world you shall be living in. This is what it shall be like; always there will be those who will try as they might to make the decisions for you and you may not like how they go about it. Are you ready for all this little ones? Do you have what it takes to take on this world around you for wherever you shall go whatever you shall do, they will be watching?

And no truer than that , these little ones gave their all to be here for they heard the soul calling of those here on Earth and they were not going to let us down.

Even my own youngest was what is called an induced labor, which I still reflect back on when I am asked. To bring a life into the world when it knows it is not physically ready is a hard time to remember as it is the beginning in which they are already being told you have no choice.

She was called a “Special Needs Baby” and is a “Registered SIDS” baby. She coded out thirteen times in her first hour of life being here. I remember no one seemed especially to care when I kept bringing up the fact that she was turning blue and could not breathe. I had to scream at the heavens to send someone that could hear me. And in she came…as beautiful as ever and that is when I had an interview with her Guardian Angel. I realized that my part was to show her that I was strong enough to assist my new little one for her to stay here with me. For she is a rainbow crystalline and her energy needed all the love and strength that she would need to do what she came here to do. At that exact moment she had been whisked away into the NICU unit and tenderly given so much time and attention that I could finally relax and say Thank You.

From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….

And here we are many years later through all the teachings, assistance and love with her asking me “what is it all for and when will it ever stop?”

I love these times when we can talk about all of this, she has such a brilliant mind that can see more than what others believe. She is her age and then she is not. She writes her heart out and is afraid to speak her mind for fear that others will be hurt. She does not like to hurt others and she just cannot understand why others believe it is okay to do horrible things and believe they should get away with it. Not being responsible for their actions that harm another is mind-blowing to her.

Yes , she has grown in so many ways these past two years. She watches and listens and then goes into herself to seek the answers that burn in her mind.

What is this life for… if there are those who attack the innocent at every corner? Why cannot they understand what they do? How many other children will have to suffer? Do they know we have powers that can change the world? Why are people so ugly and cannot see it? When will this all be over? When can I do what I am here to do?

I think the hardest one of all is : children are killing themselves each day over stupid stuff, when will people open their eyes to see this? They believe suicide is the only way to stop it, to make it all go away.

At her school like many, they have a No Tolerance about Bullying…I was at a Woman’s Empowerment Meeting one night and the guest speaker asked a question of Bullying. “Who are bullies and why do they bully?” it was a big topic that night with many women lending their voice to the answers that they see. I kept that question with me all the way home.

A few days later, I took my daughter to a meeting that she had arranged to talk about her writing project and the women at the meeting asked her the same question. Without hesitation she answered. “popular kids are the biggest bullies and no one says anything to them because they are popular”. Wow what an insider view of life. I sat there with a big smile on my face.

From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….

I know there are others who have their own story of the struggles with the little ones, from Indigo, to Crystal, Rainbow and Crystalline children.

Who are the bullies that suppress your child in what they are here to do and do you make up for it by giving your child their every whim and way?

When we look at the adult world we can see that the bullies that are here with us know these children are here. They know that there is a higher order to answer to but that shall not stop them from doing what they can in the meantime. For in the meantime they are suppressing our own lives as the condition us to what we can live with and what we cannot. They have taught us that even though they reign they shall always make us aware of what we no longer have…by making it a priority that we need.

I do not go political in my work on many levels, for many reasons. And these past month have seen such a huge shift in the energies as these children are calling out to the Heavens “ we came when called please send those who can hear us”….

Has your ears been buzzing and clicking? Have you been aware that there is something that needs more of your attention and you are stuck to what that might be?

Then listen closely as the Heavens are calling you to stop thinking of yourself. You have had the time to decide that you are a loving being here on a mission. You asked and now you are receiving. Soul Contracts are being aligned in this energy in a major way. You have been working on yourself and those around you now it is time to place all that you know in accordance to what you feel and know to do.

Children each day are dying because they do not feel the love. Children each day are dying because no one hears them…children are dying each day because a new bully is waiting for them. Children are dying each day because they know there is no escape. Children are vanishing right before our eyes and no one can find them. Why is that, why can they not be found?

And they are vanishing and dying each day because they feel all alone. Inside their minds they hear more so than what you hear, they see more than what you give them credit for and they want their voices to be heard. They feel the calling and they are so confused as no one has been guiding them other than to medicate and dull them…they are hearing their soul calling and no one listens.

We as a world are allowing the greatest injustice there is when our governments and official spend more time and energy on their own issues of greed than that of the children. That when we spend so much times on these individuals it takes time away from the child and their mission. We all know that the governing bodies of all countries and nations will give a show in one arena only to hide something in a another…to then reappear later no one apparently the wiser. The biggest slight of hand trick there is and the world has fallen for it. If they can keep you preoccupied in this way, what else can they do and know they get away with. The greatest laugh there is… to have the children androided to not be where they need to be…to not have not have their voices heard.

For when we look and seek change…they are the change …they are the New World Peace Order….

So these beautiful souls call out to get your attention in ways that sears your soul with hurt and pain…they vanish and they leave with so many questions unanswered. Our children are leaving so rapidly and no one seems to understand they will leave in greater numbers when they are stilled in their journey of Peace for Humanity on Mother Earth.

I do not want to see one more messenger of God removed from us for not opening our eyes. We can say all we want that we are here to experience our path and this journey we call life. But the path will always be hidden; you will always keep questioning your own self… if we do not remove the veils that allow it to be. These children come with unconditional love to show us what it is all about. You can keep talking about it or know you are here to do something about it. No Harm to None….

We asked and we received…obviously we closed the door when we heard their knocking…a knocking that shall not stop until we Hear our own voice say…I am here please do not go away….

From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child…. Is the tender heart of unconditional Love…what more could you ask for?

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is God My Addiction?

Is God my Addiction? By Adele Marie

For I know my addiction do you?

In my earlier writings I had talked before about my manuscript on affective healing during that time I went through many layers of the healing process. Now remind you this is an ongoing process for every living being and as soon as you believe you are at the level of being done, the Universe reminds you, you have only scratched the surface. One of my biggest teachings is all on emotional healing and looking within to do the healing with the physical body. As in all my work I know and have been shown how when we contain the emotions they soon find their way to attack the physical self which is the physical body. During that time and at the age in which I find myself my quest was to explore even more so the healing that needed to be done. All my life I have journaled and released the toxins in which society has told me to hold onto and as yes, we have a never ending quest of enlightment, I go much deeper. The energies demanded it so there I went.

What was discovered in this journey is the addiction in which we hold, are curious about and have been laid upon us by that which we scream against each day….the social order.

As I teach about societies conditions I was guided to really see what they are and what I found not only amazed me but took me on a journey that brought about a huge change in the evolution of who I am. I have to laugh at this as even though as a master I work diligently to cleanse, rerelease and prepare not only myself but others. I was excited about this journey and dreaded what the end results were along the way. And I had good reason to dread that which I was about to embark on. What happened along the way was not that which I would ask of anyone, but I know that it was done for not just myself but for those around me. It was also to be the way to show what each living being was going to be going through, would experience and the climb to achieve the healing that is necessary. And what a journey it was and to this day still is. I have found that we as human beings have more strength and that yes as we always say “give credit to”.

As most of you who follow along have read my journey through this past year and believe me I have kept it mild in many ways. I sit here and have to stop and listen as my guides have shown me what all the work I have been writing about and not giving you has been about.

Addictions deep within the soul.

As I write about societies conditionings the one thing that has been made present to me is the addictions in which we as a society have created and live with each day. The addictions that we do not want to acknowledge and continue to ignore as it is “someone else’s problems not mine” syndrome. Oh… it is a syndrome or more importantly a pattern in which we have adapted to and continue to live as it is so ingrained in us that we may see it but never shall we acknowledge it.

I always teach “do not allow another to live your life, if they cannot live their own”. As we look around how many right now can say they live their own life? Not many and yes, many will say I live my own life…And to that I say “yeah right”.. How can you live your own life if you are working for another? How can you live your own life if you are taking care of another? How can you be living your own life if you allow others to tell you how to dress, walk, talk, eat, explore, do, think, live, act and be?

This is life alright and we have handed it down for generations to keep breathing, walking, living and doing…societies conditions or our own manifestations?

This pass year I watched as others would run around in circles negating everyone else but their own stuff. I watched as others would shove their own opinions and attitudes down others throats. I watched as one by one individual after individual did not do their own work, they simply created havoc among those who did. I watched as others seek to destroy what individuals worked so hard to achieve as they went about blinded by their own fears of inabilities. And I watched as the addictions came into play among many.

Addictions start out as a small enjoyment that individuals seek to take them away from what they do not want to look at, what they are afraid of and do not want to acknowledge that truly exist in their life.

Look around you what are you addicted to? What is it that has your attention so much that you do not identify with it being an addiction? We all know the three main addictions, drugs, smoking and drinking. So much so that when we sit enjoying a delicious treat as chocolate we do not realize the addiction that we have to it. We do not see it as an addiction until something goes wrong and that chocolate will be the only thing that soothes and calms you down. What is more satisfying to our tummies than that wonderful smooth creamy cool treat of Ice cream? We see on a variety of shows that when someone has broken up, their own self image is not the best, they had a fight or quarrel with a friend or their job prospects are in the dumps. The only thing that can calm and soothe the soul is their very best friend…ice cream. What an addiction that we have taught ourselves we need. And I will not go there with coffee as I am sure no matter where you go that addiction can be satisfied at every corner in town. Money makes the world go round and so does your cell phone. Hmmm…money …addictions…More importantly that piece of technology that you cannot live without, as in the palm of your hand you hold the world. And it does go round and round depending on how you adapt to it and use it. God forbid if something goes wrong and it will not download the app that you desperately need. Oh yes, you are addicted to that technology and would not know what do without it. Society has given to you multiple addictions and you have gravitated into it with not so much as a shudder of resistance. And why not? Most times it is because everyone else has one, it is because without that piece of technology you would be lost within the world of your own device, left behind from everyone else and is that not how you feel each day? Alone with nothing to do but what you are told you should be doing to survive the human way, societies way of saying here it is…this is how it is done.

We see each day what we cannot live without and many still do not see, there is coming a time when you will do without all these things and then what?

And the one true thing that you do need is love and many will fight it to the day they transition. You know why, because it is attached to the one we know as GOD. The ultimate source of all, the creator of life, the divine, the highest of high….GOD.

And that addiction is simple yet starts so many wars that we just never know where we stand sometimes. I say addicted to God because where would you be if that one thing…God…never materialized in the way you expect it to be? We have so many denominations of God all around the world…this is a global addiction of the highest order and still we cannot agree to agree on God.

We either Love God, fear God, are not for sure about God, want to believe in God or just do not believe there is a God. It does not matter who you are, where you live, the color of your skin or the language that you speak. God is that word that many will live and die for. And with that comes so much emotion that it starts the one thing that everyone says they do not want. War.

Why not? Why do you not want war when you war within yourself each moment that you breathe? Each moment you allow others to take from you, to give to you, to speak for you, to speak at you, to create who you are, to tell you what to do, to hide from you , to deceive you, to create an illusion how you need them, how you have to have everything that you have, that you are nothing without them, how you are nothing at all, how to keep you locked away, how to fight your own self awareness, your own beauty, your own love, your own tenderness, your own true light. Shall I go on? You can see that each moment decisions are being made and who is making them? Are you really making your own choices? Are you truly creating the life that you need ?

Stop being at war with your own self and no one can be at war with you unless you allow them. Are you addicted to them, what happens when you stay away from that addiction? Everyone knows to deny an addiction is to deny the very breath you take for an addiction likes to surround you, comfort you, and lure you in to believing you are nothing without it. And then when you stand up to fight that addiction it turns on you with a vengeance that is so overwhelming you would do anything to just take it all back. It is like the gates of Hades opened up to swallow you whole. Anything, anything to soothe the hunger and pain, to make it no more. Will you beg, will you lie and cheat to gain that soothing once more? What will you do to ease the pains of your addictions? Because, those are the addictions within the addictions. The acts that you will commit to be at peace within your body and mind to be like everyone else.

Where is your addiction to love? Where is the forever after? Is this one word, one emotion, one act not strong enough to pull you in to become addicted? Do you not see, since the time you stepped upon Mother Earth you were to be seeking the one true addiction that would guide you to your ever after? Has society created so many artificial addictions that the illusions kept you seeking with each one, but never really finding the exact taste of the elixir that was placed in front of you from the start?

Look around you, what is it that you love, what are you addicted to so much that keeps you away from the greatest of addictions in your life?

Be that God or Love for it is one in the same.

May you enjoy all that you are and acknowledge the greatest being right here and now is…YOU!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Friday, August 5, 2011

Adele's Welcome Message

August 2011

Welcome Message from Adele

Wow is what this is all about. August is rolling in and it wants to be known for the energy it brings with so much intense heat it is overbearing and pushing us to look at authority on all levels.

What does it remind you of? What does it feel like? What does your energy feel like? What is it that would make you happier right now? Okay a nice long tall glass of refreshing water and for most thinking maybe a foot of snow would be really sweet right now.

Today is Beautiful no matter who you are and were you live and I am just tickled pink from head to toe on all the exciting things going on energetically.

As I was talking about the rainbow tonal energy that is with us and will be for quite some time, I also see many who are just holding on a little too much to their junk. The airwaves of this rainbow of tonal energy looks like music notes on a sheet of paper and as you look at it there are so many holding on for dear life…they are clinging to things that they do not want to see changed, they are clinging on to old ways that they are too familiar with and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It can be very overbearing when we are in this energy and on top of it to be in Mercury Retrograde. But at the same time I love it.

As these waves of energy are coming through ,every pore of your body is aligning to the frequency vibration of who you are. And if you are resonating at a level that you are taking from someone else then you are holding onto something that you have no control over anymore and this energy is going to show you how much that is so.

I love Mercury Retrograde as we all know what it is about; we all know it will be with us numerous times a year sometimes more and sometimes less. And still we all hear that same dreaded breath when we know it will be coming. And why? Mercury Retrograde gives us the time to look back and see what it is we store behind us, what it is we no longer want to acknowledge. A look in time to what we believed we wanted at any given moment in time, to see that if we have left it behind then maybe It was not such a great thing to begin with. And why should that be? If you left something behind as always it is fro a reason. Maybe… just maybe… to be able to revisit it on a level of more compassion, mercy and grace, to then discover what has been there all this time, but long forgotten.
During Mercury Retrograde you have to decide what is worth a value in your life and what is not. It’s like the absent mindedly leaving your cell phone on the book store it worth going back to get or can you just get a new one?

We leave so much behind us each day and my students will tell you that my biggest thing is to journal all your substance that you have left in your past and deal with it. For once you deal with it; you then can catch up to the everyday issues that appear. As you do so, you then will never have anything behind you again that is stored away that can come back to drag you down.

So what are you waiting for? Are you going to be like the dozens of individuals I have worked with over the years who would rather be oblivious to their issues and then blame someone else when they do not get what they want or look in the mirror at their own reflection? Or will you take the time to take deep breath to say “let’s get it done”. You know Mercury Retrograde will support you in it, so go ahead and give it a try.
And right now let’s look at overbearing authority. This energy is pushing its way through to allow us the glimpse of who is stealing your authority. You know those individuals who do not look at their own issues and want to blame everyone else for their own problems. For it far easier to harm others knowingly … than to harm oneself, so they believe. For with every one you hurt, hurt then shows back up on your door. For to harm oneself, is to be denied the authority to take from others what they would not want others to take from oneself.

So when you feel that someone is taking what is not theirs to begin with, you are right on in your knowing, your gut intuition. The question would be what to do about it? And that my friend brings us back to Alchemy and Love. As we say “go to you all my Love, stay from me all your pain”.
When we have those who will use the closest weapon they have to main and harm which is their voice we see where they have throat, visual , ears and neck pain. The truth has gotten stuck; the throat chakra is closed and gunky and they have no clue as to how it got that way. By their own authority they have chosen to deny their own healing to then be rude to others. As I said before they are holding onto this rainbow tonal wave of energy and refuse to let go of that which is no longer in integrity with this energy wave.

So go back and see what it is that is behind you and you will find a wealth of energy just waiting to be re-discovered to begin again in a whole new light. Let go of what you are holding so tight on and allow God to be the driving force in your life to see the Beauty all around you.
It always amazes me when someone says “ I Love God but sometimes I feel so alone” you are never alone, get that through your head right now. We have created a society where we no longer manufacture like we once did, and by doing this it has created a society that is seeking ways to be creative and productive with little or no imagination for productivity. A deep soul depression that many are having a hard time getting out of, and I understand when we look around the world today. That does not mean it has to stay that way, why should it? When we decide to be creative again, we will be productive again, and when we have production, we have fully ready to go beautiful individuals who feel good and are ready to get things started.

I say how about getting started now? Each day go back through what you have left behind, deal with it. Each day write down one thing that has always tickled you pink that you wanted to do or see in our world. Create it. Each day intrigue yourself to see the plans being laid out, to see how you can produce once again just as our founding fathers and ancestors did. Make it happen.

The blueprint for success is God and each day give thanks to God that you got back.... what you left behind…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Interpretation…Can you hear me???

Interpretation…Can you hear me???

As we speak to another… what is that person hearing…what is their perception of the interpretation to what you are saying.
To many times I hear those who are complaining about one thing or another and I take the time to listen to what their complaint is. And it comes down to the same thing time and again.

What the interpretation of another words are.

In my development classes I give my students homework or different exercises to do. When I am done explaining I will hear many of them ask questions to repeat what I just said or can I explain it another way. I have to smile at this as a lot of times their actually exercises is in how they hear what I have just given to them. How they interpret what they hear and most of all what is their perception of what they have heard.
How many times have you been at work or talking with friends and listened to what they are saying and the next thing you know your perception is different than what they were actually talking to you about? You know this, as you continue to talk about it and that is when you hear someone say “ oh, that is what you are talking about, Okay”…

I love book groups, those who all get together and read books and then discuss them later. Years ago I Taught a Bible study group and we would read books and then take each chapter and dissect it…to open the perception of the experience I would ask each individuals to write down what they understood in the book. Before I asked them to share this we sat there and talked about what we got out of the book. I noticed that as the group started talking about it there was those who had no idea what everyone else was talking about. They became quitter and quieter… After a while I would ask them to share their own experience which as different but that same in the information they were getting.

I would have to explain to them that yes, you are also right just as each person in this room reading this book is right. It is your perception of the information that resonates with you that you are gravitating to. There is no difference in the knowledge you attained it is in how you interpreted the book that gets lost between one another…All of this is how you absorb, listen and then relay what your own perception is. And never think that your perception is wrong over another it is just how you interpreted the information differently than the individuals next to you.


Awareness.- perception

To understand what a message is to be aware of the perception as it is interpreted….. .

Just as my students sit in a circle to receive messages for those around them. Their perception of the information they receive will be much different than someone sitting beside them. It will all be how they interpret the information to give the message they receive. If someone is seeing an individual’s standing next to another, they then will say I have someone standing beside you…now their perception has kicked in and they will next need to know who the individuals is standing there. Once they determine the gender and origin of the individual they will need to be open to what the one in spirit is relaying to them. Their perception has lead them to this connection and it will be their interpretation to get them the message to deliver.

If I was to say that someone is standing next to you with a gun in their hand and shooting it at your feet…it would have you being a little frightful of what your loved one was doing and then to place on the fact that their loved one would never fire a gun at them….now their minds would be closed to what I am trying to say ( filters would be up) and they would automatically be going through their own mind on why their beloved one would have a gun and then be discharging the gun at them… Their own perception of the interpretation would have kicked all rational thought out of their mind, never mind that I said at their feet not directly at them. At this point I have lost them and it would take several long minutes to get them back to explain to them what it was all about. I have seen this so many times when I watch others work delivering messages...
Now if I took the same message and said “I see that you have a lot to get started on and isn’t it about time that you got going, it is very important and even though you may not believe it is serious your loved ones do, and they are trying to get your attention to know the seriousness of finally getting off your butt and doing it…” …This I have to laugh at as you can see…they mean business, have a sense of humor and at the same time to let the individual know hop to it….(smile) .

This happens time and time again with individuals who offer readings whether they are psychic or Mediumship readings. It is all the awareness and understanding of the individuals doing the reading to what they messages that you will be receiving. So many times I have sat and watch other psychic and mediums give messages to an individual when I had something completely opposite than what they were giving. And then too, are the times when they give messages that have no meaning to what was really around them…These times it is to understand…. it is what that individual is receiving and what they have interpreted by their own perception.

Many times we can have piggy-back messages and I do not care to see this as when one psychic or mediums is giving their messages another will step up and go to that same individual and add another message for them...Yes, this can and does happen quite naturally and yes, I have occasionally been pushed from spirit to give a message to someone that has already had one delivered to them .But when I see a gallery or group message circle and the same individuals are the only ones getting messages then I get saddened and upset for the fact the psychic or medium does not want to be wrong so it is a easy read or cop-out thing to do. And many times it is a door opener to assist them in feeling comfortable to get started. And that is okay just give yourself credit as you would not be in front of everyone if you were not supposed to be there to begin with.

As we are all guided in who receives messages by those in Spirit. I will always say a prayer before I start to allow those who are in need to be open to receive that which they are here to receive. I then ask that all those who are in need of healing to ask their loved ones, guides and angels to be the guiding hand to allow me to be the messenger to go to them first.

Now you have to love it as understanding that everyone needs the message or most times they would not be at the gallery or message circle. Their perception of what takes place is another story, you may have one individual there who just lost a family member and one who just needs direction or guidance and could care less if grandmamma or dad comes in to say hello…And yes…this has happened on occasions and I crack up because someone dad will be right there and the individual will say “ I did not like him, can you tell him to go away and help me decide about the job offer I just got”. Well…that allows me to enjoy it a little more. Because one…you have your father that yes, you may not like but he is here for a reason and let’s find out. Also I cannot just tell Dad to go away he is always there with you anyway. So if we just say hello he can say what he has to say and then maybe go away. Usually dad is the one who will be the messenger to tell about that job offer…..

I love when I have new individuals show up at my Spirit Speaks Gallery. This gives me a chance to enjoy their energy and see what happens. To walk up to someone that you have never meet and instantly know all about them is very exciting and at the same time mutually understood that what needs to be shared is only what you are receiving.

I say this often to my clients…I see everything about you all around you at all times when I look at you …it is not for me to tell you about your past and everything you have done…it is up to your Gatekeeper Guide to show me what it is you need to know…there is nothing you can hide and there is nothing I have not already seen in my life…your secrets are safe as long as they ( those in Spirit) do not want to talk to you about them…
I love when I have a group of individuals who love to laugh and they are looking to enjoy their time as a group…they get the best loved ones coming in ( not that everyone is not the best) it is that they are so open to receive a message and their loved ones start sharing some of the most off the wall comments to then get everyone laughing or relaxed. It makes the time fly by and gives so much as we go along. I believe they are the most informative sessions that I have done. Especially compared to those who come in and will not acknowledge anything you are trying to give them as they are testing you…as they are in disbelief that you have got something right, that someone must have told you before hand…the list goes on and on…and as they stay closed and will not validate anything their time is short lived and it is like going to the dentist office….

The perceptions of awareness is all going to be about how open you are…how just one little phrase can change the whole energy and so to o is the arms across the stomach or chest…this closes the energy and does not allow the messages ot be freely given…

Next time you are out with friends and having a great time…be perceptive to all that is going on around you…be open to interpret the words that are going around the table to be aware of how yo listen to what is given to you.

Have fun and enjoy …See you at a Spirit Speaks Gallery or a group Session….until we meet again…God Bless and Love you…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones



What is this energy of independence all about? Right now I am independently writing this in my own authority to express and share what I am being guided to give.

Independently you choose the course of your daily life and the actions that go along with it. These actions can be psychically or verbally. You choose each word that is spoken from your voice, each whisper that forms and is released from your mouth and I might say finger tips as you write out each thought you have. And you choose in which direction to take these words or yourself each day, you choose where you will be responsible for them and where you will not. To be independently accountable is a huge responsibility, for you have to live that which you are saying you take responsibility for. I see the biggest one is that of accountability, as that is what your foundation is all about with your own soul contract. As we live this lifetime it is in the lessons we live and learn from, the understanding that yes… many times we have lived the same lessons, so this time get it right. And that brings us to self-awareness as a living breathing individual here and now.

Changes come about from many levels of self-awareness , that little person inside that says who am I , what do I want to do , who do I want to be, am I happy right now, what can I do to make the change , what difference will it all make, am I on the right path, etc…. As we look back over time we have all had changes fall in our laps and it is how we observed all of it and moved forward in that change that makes the difference. Allowing the soul inside of you to stand up to be counted for.

To stand up to yourself as in all things you must be able to look yourself in the eye and be accountable for all of your actions.

It is not about laying it at the feet of others. This takes incredible honesty on your part to look yourself in the eye and say...”who are you and what are you doing? What are your beliefs are you being true to that structure of knowledge and commitment? Are you being the authentic you or what others want you to be? Do you have what it takes to walk into and among this world and be happy with all of your decisions and live by them? Am I living my life as a lie or in truth? And whose truth is it? Do I blame others or why am I always the one things happen too? Do I allow myself to be a victim or the abuser? Is it really the other person fault or really my own?”

This list can go on and on…For to stand up to yourself takes a lot of courage and one that should be done on a daily basis. And yes, no one likes to admit they may be wrong, or did something to someone that is wrong. They do not like to admit they made mistakes. But this is what we are all about is it not? To acknowledge that we are not perfect, that we all have learning curves and have allowed for these learning curves. That if we were all perfect then we would not be here at this moment of time together. And here we are, making mistakes, taking advantage of others, living in guilt, hurt , shame or pain as we take it all on and do not know how to get to the point in which we seek. The point of freedom, freedom and independence to be who we are intended to be…

Every day I meet individuals who have so much anger, hostility, sadness, pain and injury that they are holding onto. They blame everyone else for their own actions and inabilities to then be able to honestly look at what the issues really are about. These individuals believe that they are in the right and justified by all their actions they then throw out to others, to destroy lives of so many and walk away as if they are then justified by doing what they have done.

I find it fascinating that at no point have they stopped…took a deep breath…and really looked at the truth behind those actions that they have now set the course for energetically.

On all levels energetically they have said “Universe this is what I am creating”…and the Universe says “So be it”…I often teach others “: Be careful what you wish for…as we all know what you place energetically in the Universe will come back”…but what they fail to see is how that will come back to affect them. This is careless energetics with the foundation they are laying down for not just themselves but for those around them.
So when the time comes for the Universe to come back with what they have created, it will find that they are having even more problems than before on top of everything else…they will be seeking to discover with everything that they can, the reason behind what is going on…and the cycle will start to repeat itself. As they will not be able to step away from it, they will not be able to clearly see what others see and know. They will not be able to understand what just happened and why it happened. They will look all around at the closest individual to their situation, individuals who have been there for them, and once again place harm and blame to those that are close in that arena.

They will conveniently forget that which they placed out into the Universe….

Do not forget what I have said for years…the years leading up to 2012 is what needs our complete attention…

Most definitely the year right before 2012 is going to be one of the hardest years that we as spiritual individuals will be going through. And yes, it is not just spiritual individuals but everyone. I say spiritual individuals first as you have the best seat in the house of understanding energies, knowing the energetics of the Universal Laws, having direct guidance from an abundant amount of spiritual teachers from all over the world. You understand and contemplate what each month and day is going to bring and where you have been and how far you have come. You know that it takes a tremendous amount of energy and work to move with the energies of today. And you know that if there are issues that come up, a problem you seem to be fighting …..then all of it is for a reason. You then remind yourself to stop, step back and take a look at why you are going through what you are going through and were shall you guide yourself in dealing with it to move on more in your spiritual path.

How blessed is it to allow the limitations of the world to be removed to live limitless in our surroundings. To be the peace and love, the light and energy to let go of what is no longer in integrity, all that which would stop you from being whom you truly are… This is the path of the Spiritual soul who understands and has gained the knowledge of the Universe. The transformation of dark to light. And it feels good to let go and give to God on all levels.

To those who fight it, those who blame everyone else for their issues, and those who believe they need to get back at someone…they will have a harder time as we know. It will be so hard that they shall seek you out and take all they can as they have knowingly hid from your view their meaning, their true purpose and goal. As we have said before…If you found yourself standing on top of a mountain and there was water all around you with individuals in that water calling out for help, stretching their arms and hands to you …What would you do?

We will see more of this emerging at greater levels as we are now even closer to the energies of 2012. We will see it as the mass conscious has been gearing up for it along time. When darkness needs a distraction to conceal what is being planned, it shall use by any means that to its advantage. And if that means it is to be about disharmony even more so, then that is what we shall see in greater volumes. Look in the mirror and ask to see who you are…and really look , do not discount that which you see for it Is the door to show you all you need to move forward in this energetic wave of energy. Be independent and your authentic self and enjoy the beauty of the soul perfection. The beauty of who you are ….

To be Independent is knowing who you are and how to live in our world peacefully and lovingly with no harm to others…..I am vibrationally independent today…how about you ?

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Where we are and where we go from here...

Where we are and where we go from here...

I want to say a BIG Thank You to everyone for your support and having patience with us over the last year. My heart was filled with Love and joy with all the e-mails that I received with everyone missing the Newsletters, Channelings and offerings that I work very hard to deliver and share with everyone. I too was a little disheartened that there was so much to share and so many obstacles that kept me busy and needing of completion. When one finally stands up to say enough is enough not everyone is always going to see it from their point of view. We have reached many goals and new changes that are being implemented. We have reconstructed many levels of classes and workshops that I now offer as to not being taken advantage of in the future. We are also Gearing up for many New and Exciting events that are getting ready to be launched.

All my life I have been gifting individuals with so much of who I am, I have guided others in spiritual counseling and coaching before it was even considered a word and or light working career. I have worked hard for others to understand what a Medium and Spirit Guides are all about. Being a channel is not new to many but still foreign as I have learned over the years that many have never heard of channeling or what it is all about. The knowledge train has been one of an enlightening experience and so worthwhile on many levels. I still see the judgments and prejudices on many levels which is sad and heartfelt at the same time. As it has been said before light workers need to come together to understand there can be a difference in this world, in our lifetime, and it is we who make the difference in the work that we do. Sharing and encouraging one another with what say in Love along the way.

It is so wonderful to see so many who have stepped up to listen and be guided in their path here on Mother Earth and to see the rise in levels of energy as we go along. A time of Celebration and completion as far as the eye can see. When I was younger there was not this rise of energy to give out to others it was all behind closed doors and you watched your back as you went. The energy now is like a breath of fresh air and I welcome all of it.

And over the years I have watched as many will attack those who have had an awakening to bring about beautiful changes not only their own life, but to many others who they meet along the way. Those who have or are going through what they are to experience to then share with others, to give individuals direction and guidance from what they have learned the hard way.

As a Spiritual Teacher I have had many students over the years and as I say in their development they will get to the point of truth and they will decide one of two things …to either run away and not face the truth or to stay and say “ let’s get this done, I am tired of always running and even though I may not like it, let’s just do it”. The process of spiritual development is not an easy one and I am the first to admit it and here are the tools to do so. It is up to you to choose that which you choose to do. And to those who do run, it is okay as when the time comes for you to complete the process, will be the time for you to complete it.

Over the years I have worked with and taught many individuals: how to follow their path, how to create the energy that they are seeking, to develop themselves spiritually and with Mediumship to whole new levels. And many of those same individuals are now sharing their work with many from all that I have taught them. I do not judge others for their past as it is from the time I meet you that we begin our path together. I am open to all things you bring me, as long as you are open, as you allow me to teach you what it is you are coming to me to learn. As I always say as you move to the Light of God darkness shall try everything they can to pull you back.

This past year brought me onto many paths of knowledge and understanding as I battled for my freedom from my marriage. A battle that took nastiness to a whole new level that was hard to comprehend. A marriage that was not only abusive but a divorce as well. And it seems that even though the divorce is complete that I was not given all that I was to be given from eighteen years together I still walked away knowing that I stayed with my truth and did not at any point in time compromise who I AM. While many have said if they were me they would have been drinking a long time ago I have to laugh as that then would have been darkness to pull me back unto the illusion, I do not drink, I do not need to. That is what I am breaking free from, alcohol that directed the actions to that which I was married. Many asked why I did not do things at the level that the other side was doing. Why does one have to do to others what they inevitably do unto their own selves?

I stayed true to whom I am and protected my children as best I could. When my vehicle was sabotaged I removed the offensive and kept going, when I was stalked and threatened I stayed my course and knew God would do what God would do no matter what was being done to me. When my life was ripped from me monetarily, I prayed that I would have that which was basic and needed to get me through and God came through for me. And every time I made a dime they took a dollar and to this day they still look and seek for ways to keep doing so. How weak they must be, for God always walks with me. There is no point in going back to all that was done in darkness, no matter what was done to me, all that matters is that path is through and my children are safe and with me. So take all of the material and monetary things you may, for one day God shall see you standing right there and say shame on you. You could have had so much and as the test lay before you, you chose to be the darkness to take away the light, know what shall I do? For in me this day is my faith as strong as it has ever been. And then as Judas counts his reward for his greed and deceit, Peter takes center stage…

Now in Peter he not only hated women he also was about denial…Denial in all that Jesus gave to him and that Jesus had showed him…and so to comes the next wave of energy to test my faith even more…so to shall we see this as we move into the direct alliance of our light. We shall see the numbers come big and small and we shall have the tools to do what God ask to do…”be faithful in all and I shall be your guiding light unto your love for me”…

So as my divorce was going through the final stages there were two more to take the easy ride and deny their own truths. Instead of doing their own work they tend to steal from others. To deny that they could be all they could be in this lifetime on their spiritual journey. They too choose to run and allow their anger with not seeing the truth before their eyes to turn to fraud and destruction.

The battle of war was declared and The Angelic Wise Ones do not take this lightly in any way. For someone is stealing their identity and valuable work over the last fifty years as they believe they have a right to it. What right does someone have to the hard work of others when they do not do any work at all? A thief is a thief.

So this is where we are and this is what we shall do….

So send your blessings of Love to one and all, give to God all that there is to give and then give more. For the path that you walk in truth… shall make known all the darkness around you. And in the dark shall a light shine true …that light shall be God smiling upon you to say ”this is my child, for I am well pleased”.

Be blessed in knowing you are loved, Be blessed in knowing that no matter what you are going through...walk in your deep love and faith in God and all shall be revealed and then given to you . For God truly does Love you.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adele’s Welcome Message

Adele’s Welcome Message

Rainbow Elemental Energy

July is awakening to match energies of being free to recognize who you are and how you stand up to and for yourself. And by standing up I am seeing the waves of rainbow of energy that is flowing in all directions around us. So take a seat and really take a look around you at everything that is going on.. Even as beings of light we can be aware of so much more than ever before.

New beginnings and a fresh start is what this time of year is all about. That is what the independence of our lives is all about. As we start July off here in the States with recognizing those who stood up to declare we are independent, we look at what it took to get us this far and how all of it came about. In doing so it is not to negate the independence of our sisters and brothers who live around the world. For you too can feel the vibration of freedom with us on so many levels. You understand what all of this takes and make the difference and changes that are needed. The men and women who stood up to say enough is enough and we value who we are to get things started and to see it through. To find what was inside of each living and breathing individual whether it be good, bad or indifferent to take the chance to make the change.

As we look out among the world populations we see so many who have decided enough is enough and they are willing to make the changes that are necessary for their own well-being, their own independence and their own life. A kinship and understandings to those who have walked before them and those who not only walk beside them each day…but for those that shall walk in their shoes in the future…The path that is laid down today is the path that has been walked many times before. it is in the communications that change can be effective and pure to raise the vibration of energy even higher than before. The path that you walk today has been established yesterday…

Now it is time to re-establish the path that shall take all of us into the future…..

Let’s take a look at the tides of Energy that is with us right now as there is so much to get to and it is on many levels. It will all depend on which level of vibration that you are, to get what is needed. And that is what is wonderful about this energy, it not only shows you where you are but has you feeling and seeing it right before your eyes. Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru talks more about this in his Channeling this next week.

What I love about it is that as I teach that each of us are connected just as each of us are our own unique individual, separate and the same. When I have a development class and as each individuals walks through my door I can see their energy level the vibration in which they live. I see how they are all gravitating together with a common bond and at the same time they have an expression of individuality that is truly their own. That is why no two messages will be the same, no two channelings will be the same, no two ideas will be the same, no two energies will be the same as with each breathe you take will never be the same as the one sitting or standing beside you. For in everything that is around us has its own identity and uniqueness about it. Even though they will feel the same, they will seem familiar.

What do you feel that is different when you have taken a walk outdoors, how about in the park, woods and gardens? When was the last time you gave yourself the opportunity to just be at the same vibration of energy as your surroundings? Even if you are a workaholic, a home body or have a busy schedule, this energy is also about noticing the vibrational shift. Everyone notices how the animals seem to notice the shifting by their actions which may be different than the day before. Well yes, we all know the energy changes each second of the day; otherwise we would be in a constant state of staleness. And yes, sometimes I know you feel that way. As if here we go the same old thing as yesterday. And at the same time you know it is as if you are running out of time and have a tremendous amount of something to do, not always knowing what that is or are you ever going to get it done.

Well the elemental realms have been placed energetically on high alert and they are gravitating to all light workers. They have been told to hold onto the light of humans and to not let go for the energetic wave that is among us can rip many foundations apart. So as you are connecting with Mother Earth energies you may feel that tug of old that you have not felt for a long time. You may feel and know they are more with you than ever before and you are right. The doors opened a clearing of energy that they are clinging to light workers than previously know as they know they are safe to one degree and then again they know we are in need of many things right now. We all know how independent the elemental realms are and at the same time they have their unique personalities that make then non-beholden to humans on many levels. So this is a time of understanding that we are all connected and need one another.

Over the past few years I have seen where the energies of light had been established between the realms and as Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru has stated in his Channelings to us, that we as a spiritual community need to bridge the gap together working as one to show how all of this really does play out and if we say we are spiritual then the time to be and do so is now. No more divisions between us. And looking back over the past two years I have seen the elemental energies of individuals come out and start banding together. It is as if they got the memo before anyone else realized what was going on. And as awesome as the elemental realms are they did what they knew was to be done. I would go to meetings and events and see their rainbow wave of energy being pronounced vividly from the individuals I was meeting and talking with. I watched as teach sector of elementals were coming out in numbers to connect. I would just sit back and watch this play out to see what the next step would be. And as they came out in numbers to link with one another I saw the exchange of energies and then I watched as the ugliness also came out to play. The disguise of natural energy was amazing to see, and they usually did one of two things when around me. Either they stayed away but kept me in their line of sight as they knew I understood what was going or they would approach with false praise to acknowledge who I was but seeing where I actually stood and if I would call them out.

I had to laugh at the interexchange as I was there as a silent observer, to each his own with no harm to none. What I did not care for was their approach of business with others and what they actually took away from others when they did not believe they would be noticed. Almost as if watching a gnome collecting his prizes which were not his own and then running away with them so no one else could take them form him. And interesting game…

As much as I love all levels of the elemental realms I know what they can accomplish and how they do business or play their games, I also had to be aware of every step that was being played out. Just as we all have our identity to be a part of in this lifetime in the realms we have chosen, the elemental levels are just as important. So to observe and take notice of what is going on the ground floor is something we all need to be aware of. We all know we have that connection that kinship with them and most have an understanding of the different levels of elemental realms that is around us. It is a growing relationship to know the differences and the similarities. And yes we know that together it creates a welcome balance all the way around. And as with all levels in every realm there too is also a hierarchy in the elemental realms that cannot be ignored.

I remember as a little girl being guided and mentored by Mother and the Angelic Wise Ones that they would have me interchange with the elementals. I needed to study, learn and be one with them to then be respectful to and with them. And I had to laugh on one hand and be aware of what they could accomplish on the other. I found that through the hierarchy just as humans have, they are accountable and they are subservient to a point. That they believe they are so much more superior to the humans and at the same time the humans had dominion over them that they were limited to a point of exchange as they believe humans were a greedy lot and they did not like that at all. They knew that there must be a relationship that is congenial and welcoming. So they could be mischievous to a point but could not quite cross that boundary of law. And at one point I did watch them as they tried to flex their muscles to show how important they are to all of us humans and watched as the chaos began to only last long enough for them to see the value and importance they play in the human existence.

So now with a great interest, I have been watching the energy grow and then a huge tonal shift just arrived and they are being guided to attach themselves to the human light worker. Almost as if they are wrapping their arms around your legs and are going for a free ride around the yard. I know you feel this just as I do. They know what is about to go on, what has been going on and as I said earlier they got the memo and know to listen and expect the next wave coming in.

So enjoy the nearness of the elementals and understand they have their own work to do, their own style in which they do so. As I always teach when you invite the elementals into your home know they have their own way of doing things that just may not be as you would do. I will always have a place for the elementals in their own environment, I honor them each day with what they like and have created that friendship with them to watch over me and mine as I shall always watch over them and theirs.

And getting back to the elemental energies emerging with human’s energies which have been creating a load of ugliness in individuals who do not know how to get out of what they have done and created, so they will keep seeing it forward even though they shall have to pay the Universe back ten-fold. These energies are not to play with as much as they are to enjoy.

May the Blessings of the Sprites be with you for an endless supply of Joy and openness!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones

Friday, April 8, 2011

Genetic Coding… Illusion or Reality…by Adele Marie

Genetic Coding… Illusion or Reality…by Adele Marie

When many times someone visits with me for an appointment it is often times when they most need answers to what is going on in their life. When this is the case it is not for me to judge what is going on in their life but for me to just be the vehicle a messenger to give to them what is being given to me. What I am seeing, hearing, knowing, sensing, feeling, smelling and tasting.

Many times the individual has already gone through their own conversations with their self, their family and friends. And still they are having a hard time with understanding or placing a perspective on what is really happening and going on around them.

We find in our lives those moments of time when nothing seems real and at the same time it all makes sense to our own way of looking at things, if we just stop and take a deep breath to look at the reality of the truth all things come to light. It’s at those moments of time that one relies on what they have gained and learned through their lifetime of living.

As I have said many times before it is all about society’s conditionings and what the view point is from the one who has had their life compelled and conditioned by the environment they have around them or lived with all of their life. The proverbial onion layers with which we call the “veil of illusions”.

Those layers upon layers of everyone else’s “stuff” that they have a belief structure in and the family units with which it has been taught gives to us the layering of everyone else’s belief structures that we cling upon to which has made us who we are. In which I call genetic coding.
In saying this we have all had those moments when sitting around the family kitchen table or a gathering of family, friends and acquaintances and listening to story upon story of everyone in the family or a shared experience with someone and what their issues may be or what an certain individuals is going through, whether it be good , bad or indifferent…I have to laugh as my family has had many in regards to me and how I talk to dead people. My niece commented one time that her father said to her “we all love Aunt Adele, she is different and we just accept that”. God Bless that they do, for I am who I am and as long as they love me then nothing else matters. But I do make a good conversation piece at family gatherings or I should say after I leave…

When looking at all of our historical recorded facts we find that many were stories of shared experiences, actual partaking and or memories that were handed down over generations that finally someone wrote down so that the information shall never be forgotten. We can look back into any culture in history and see story after story of places, people, events that have taken place that then creates the foundation for future generations and interest for all those who share the same desires, awareness, understandings, livelihood, cultural background, etc…. to this we have genetic coding.

I find year after year so many individuals who come to me say “ my mother had breast cancer, and my fear is that I will also have the same thing one day” . I ask them why they believe this is so strong in their belief structure and I always hear “ well that is what I am told, if my mother has had breast cancer then so shall I”. I then try to explain about what my belief structure for genetic coding is and how I have always been shown it works. I will not say that I too believe they will have breast cancer as that is not what I believe. I do believe as we sit around the family table and living room, group or gathering hearing story upon story of someone situations, experiences, issues, resentments, fears, etc… that we then start to look within ourselves to try to identify if we match the same thing. And I find that many individuals will then start applying what they believe is the same construct of their own self. I have to remind everyone that you are a separate and unique individual from the day you were born and as you are raised in whatever family unit, you then take on the characteristics of that family unit.

And at the same time when we hear something over and over again we start to apply it to our own self. Just as with an alcoholic that tells someone with whom they say they love so much how stupid they are the individual then starts believing what is given to them. Years ago I was given a notice that my children school was doing an awards assembly and that my child was receiving an award to please join them for the assembly. I took the afternoon off as with any mother I wanted to be there to see my child’s face light up when they had special attention given to them even if they shared it with two hundred other students. There I was standing by the wall as the room all of a sudden was quiet and each child’s name was read with the award they were being given. What an awesome experience to see a child’s name being called and how they would look around for their parents to see them go up and receive their award, how the parent would then flash their camera to capture the moment… and as I was standing there what I was feeling in no way matched what I was seeing and hearing.
The teacher would stand there and say how the children in the next group being called up were being given an award for being an average student. With big smiles on their faces here they went one by one to collect their award on paper which stated they were an average student...and then I was taken back over the years on how many years I have stood here watching the same exchange, remember groups of young ladies and young men saying to me when I would see them elsewhere how they were just average and not that special. How when applying for college those same students thought they could not even try or have anything to offer as they were just average and not college worthy.

After the ceremony as everyone was congratulating the children and taking pictures I asked to speak to the Principal and a few teachers. I wanted them to know that please do not ever give my child an award that says they are average. I would rather have my child not get an award as to have one that says they are average because to me every child is beyond average they are all special and unique individuals that learn at their own pace and experience so many things differently than the child sitting next to them. For when we place our own concepts on another to the way they should be and see and think then we are genetically coding them to be what we believe they should be. And as I always teach my children, clients and students…why allow others to live your life when they cannot even live their own…is the same as why allow others to make your decisions when the decisions they have made have not been their own….

We should not place labels upon a child as to not encourage them to be all that they can be. For my child and yours shall never be average as what you believe average to be.

To be normal in any society is to be what others want you to be. And we have already seen, heard and experienced what others do as we go about our day. We live in a society of rules and laws that many have been so distorted that they are no longer recognizable as to the original. Just as the genetic coding of historical stories have been handed down for generations so too have you…..for in you as you walk your path in this life… your genetic coding is that of your mother, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, spouses, partners and ancestors…..the list goes on and on… for every single individuals you have met, every single individual you have had an experience with has now genetically coded you with their own belief structure, thoughts and words and you have absorbed it, taken it in as we say to heart…. to make it your own….as we travel along our spiritual path we are finding the truths to what is really what we have been seeking all along .. who am I and am I living my spiritual path…well, look within and see who you are and start peeling away the genetic coding of all those who have been creating you and there you shall find who you a truly are….there you shall find that unique individual who says “ hey take a look at me, I am not average , I am not weak, I am not you , I am me”…for now you can never say “ you are just average in every way and I made you that way “ for I am that which has been created to be all that is around me… reality or illusion….

To which is it to be….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2011© Adele Marie, Angelic Wise Ones

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Adele’s Welcome Message for April

Adele’s Welcome Message for April

Behold the Soul of Light with Archangel Michael

Welcome and Hello to you this day the energies are really liking to mess with things and as always they are right on schedule with what is going on. It is all in how we apply the changes in our lives and as I sit here I know every week I give to my students exactly what is going on with the energies and it still amazes me how with this information as one goes through the physical aspect of this lifetime how the importance of the energies are often times over looked.

Right now we are going through the mass changes that are equivalent to the times that have cycled through Mother Earth for millions of years. And yes, this is exactly what I have been talking about for what it seems just as long.

As you know we are in Mercury Retrograde, a time for accomplishing all things that we have been putting on hold and a time when we need to step back and see what we have created. A time when what we place out into the Universe shall either support us or bring about the subconscious way of what we are truly doing. Whether that is good, bad or indifferent is all in the eyes of the one who holds their own future in their hands. To those who hold the World’s future in their hands it is a time when there shall be no conflict going on but many of us see it anyway.

We see each day as we walk out into the world, so much conflict that it boggles the mind, why do they not see what the World sees they are displaying is beyond words. Many individuals are waking up to know that they have been living and accepting what is being handed to them every day. They are adapting to what is being told to them to adapt to, as this is the way of life. And many are refusing to adept in anyway there is. This is conflict on a massive proportion that does not have to be but is also the energies that we are living. As I said before it is not the year of 2012 that concerns us but the years leading up to 2012. And we are living those times right now in such a massive proportion it is consuming the lives of everyone it touches. And that does not leave out many in our populations. These are the times of truth rising to epic proportions and the times when there shall be those who will fight it as we say “tooth and nail”.

I have been giving to my students the updates with the energies and that as I have been shown that we are all going through trails on such a level as not to be copied again. During this time we shall be tested to make decisions that we have never faced before. These decisions will place us against our belief structures and those around us. We will have to make decisions that will change our lives in ways that we have heard about but have not lived in this lifetime. We will be choosing between our loved ones, friends and family and the choices that we make… most… will not like at all. This is the Christ Light energies still at play to see if you are walking your light or not. This will be the turning point for all future dealings you have with those around you.

What is it that you can live without, because right now you have been living without more than you ever thought before? Think about it, you have said you cannot live without money but you have. You have said you cannot live without gas and still you pay the price you pay. You say you cannot live without so much and still here you are still living and still making it through some of the hardest times that you have ever seen. All of this is being given to you to adapt to and you are doing it. You are being told there are no more free rides and yet you find ways to get around obstacles before you. You have politicians doing everything imaginable to you as a human being that you say you will no longer put up with, but here you are going about surviving as they know you will and they expect it. They are here to cause that uproar in our society for the changes in which they have created long ago but no one… until now has caught on to. And they are working very hard to cover the path they have created so that it disappears as if never walked.

So what are the trails you live each day that have become more and more apparent in your life? The decisions you make will be that which finds its way to your door no matter where you are. For the energies of the Christ shall always find the way to shine the light to give to each living soul here on Mother Earth. Remember along the way to love each other as you would and need to be loved, for that shall be the savings grace on your journey.

We have seen the fight among one another for so long we have just adapted our lives around it and there are those who are finding the warrior in themselves to stand up to say no more. But truly what are they fighting? The truth? I have to laugh as Archangel Michael stand beside me and shows me once again how he gave to us the words long ago:

“The world shall see such epic violations of the soul self as the gauntlet has been thrown, for those who believe they stand on the side of righteousness shall see their knees weaken and fall. There is no time for division among those who walk the true path of light. There shall be many upheavals and trials to know the light when it comes to you. For those who say they are of the light shall be known by their sword of light and words. For in the words of the Lord all shall hear what they shall hear and those will follow the light to not which they know but that which they feel in the depth of the heart.

Many shall be false in who they say they are, they shall take your hand and lead you astray, but to those who have ever been true to the one God shall be at my side as I shall be with them in might. Do not take the meek for granted as others have done, for those who do not rise up in defense but choose to do what needs to be done from the heart for that which comes from the heart are those who have my sword at their side. The time of division is not to be wasted as the time of truth shall be your downfall as to not see before you that your truth must be seen as God sees, your truth must be that in which God’s truths are and in all things when your heart is filled with hate you are not of the light but within the self of pain and anguish like you have never seen. Take the words of God and allow it to enter your heart to clearly see all the past pains are just a stepping stones to that which is before you. Do not perjure the messenger but follow its words to the true soul recognition that is God. The Messiah of High comes before you and shall you show shame or that of the Heart? I say to you clear all the pain away to know the true love as it is meant to be and the light shall shine within, take time to deliver to others your acceptance that you have seen the dark and shall never more know that pain. Open your heart to those who stand alone but beside you and God shall give to you all the love that beholds from within the soul of Light. AAM”

Much Love and thank you Archangel Michael for you have given to us much that we all need to take a step back to look at and how much we are all grateful to your assistance in these words.

Do not go about with unkindly words to say about others as that which you say just may be that which applies to self. Is that what we are not looking at these days, have we gotten to a level where we are so ingrained on what we have accepted that we no longer can find that place of truth. That we wish to place upon others as we do not get our way?

This energy is pushing each and every one of us to truly see what we have never seen before; it is pushing us to not accept that which is happening around us but also, to look at what we can do more to assist each other.

Truth is not something that everyone can accept in their lives. They will find ways to turn it around to suit their own purpose without really looking at it with an objective view to begin with. That when someone is down others feel it is their right to join in on taking advantage of the individual who is on their knees. That in numbers that can destroy all that they cannot destroy on their own, so they seek numbers to gain. They find it important to assemble those who feel that they need justification in doing what they are doing. All at the same time they are not living their own truth. They need those around them to feel justified in the course of action they have set. In this way they feel as if they are no longer alone in the perception of truth, they just need to make sure they have the numbers as to not be alone. They hide behind others to speak for them, they hide because that is what they have always been doing hiding. And when someone comes along to expose their hiding place they frantically look for ways to keep covered the illusions they have always created. Why is it one hides from one another and that of one’s own self? Why is it one always likes to place upon another all that they have created themself?

This is mostly as what society has taught in the form of disclosure, why should one disclose their true self when no one around them ever has? We see this each day as we watch the world around us.

We send our Love and prayers out to all of the heartland of Japan to all the beautiful individuals who have been displaced, confused, starving and suffer the pain of the World around them, for truly this is a World problem not just that of Japan. Whenever we have an epic proportion of this nature to me it is not just the Nation/Country/Continent that needs to find and correct what Mother Earth has given out, but it is the World in which needs to work the solution together hand in hand. There should be no politics when this happens, there should not be any… this is your problem alone. It is the World’s problem as it affects the whole World at such a level we have not seen before, but have we?

Have we not been challenged this way before? Have we not been challenged with pain, suffering, hunger, death and birth before? Every time anywhere in the World has been deluged with disaster then yes, we have been challenged before and have we not learned that we need one another to be able to go forth and continue to live? Why do we keep saying this is a wakeup call and still no one answers the phone? Oh…. that’s right, we create committee’s and organizations to help us correct and heal, to try to make sense out of what happened and still the same thing keeps happening again and again. We have lost to many souls in this lifetime alone to not know by now we need one another here on Mother Earth and that maybe… just maybe…. that is her Message to the World.

The phone is ringing are we going to answer or let it go to the answering machine? And what shall the answer be…….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright 2011©, Adele Marie, Angelic Wise Ones

Monday, January 24, 2011

Two Exciting Events & Workshop

January 29, 2011

Understanding Animal’s Chakras with Jane Rainier
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Tuition: $55.00

Inclusive: workshop, manual and certificate

This introductory workshop reviews the major chakras of our animal companions. This workshop is helpful for those beginning their journey in working with animals. We will identify major chakras and their roles in maintaining healthy companions. A must for all Animal loving guardians and to take your own learning to a new level to then work with our Animal Companions.

Registration a Must! Contact Jane at: E-mail


February 5 & 6, 2011

February Month of Love and Messages with Adele

Saturday and Sunday February 5 & 6 - Private Readings with Adele:

½ hour Reading with Adele for only $85.00

Seats and appointment are filling up fast to reserve your seat and appointment time for these amazing events e-mail . Times and Seating are limited, all e-mails are kept in order in which they are received. Thank You!

Registration is a Must! Email:

February 5, 2011

Smoke / Flame Billets Circle with Adele ( old School Mediumship)

Time: Saturday Night – 7:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 per person

Seats and appointment are filling up fast to reserve your seat and appointment time for these amazing events e-mail . Times and Seating are limited, all e-mails are kept in order in which they are received. Thank You!

Registration is a Must! Email:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

For to Give the Seed Power… is to Enable the Creation to Grow. by Adele Marie

For to Give the Seed Power… is to Enable the Creation to Grow. by Adele Marie

Hello once again and much Love and Thanks to all of you whom have written to me. I can see and feel your Love through each word you have given to share with me. It touches my heart to know that you have taken the time to give to me and my family. I am truly Blessed by All of you. When we express our story and voice it does not end there. Our story is just the beginning, for we each have our story to share.

In all of this Mother has guided me in the next steps. She has shown me just as she has shown many of you that as a mass consciousness we can all lend our voice to be there for one another. As I have said many times before “ You are not alone” and this is so true on many levels and what each of you have shown me this day, my heart overflows with your LOVE.

Yes, we have all been going through so much right now and then again, we have all laughed and shared our love even greater than before. Our lessons closely looked at and acknowledged to then bring us to a greater wisdom of understanding that we as a human population allows so many aspects of the human evolutionary generation to continue to grow. We have hidden our eyes and walked away from many situations that we believe we have no control over and have no right to interfere with. And many still carry those thoughts of walking away with them. Never to give their voice to the one beside them for fear of being exposed.

I ask you this…. what is there to expose? What is there that another walking beside you has not lived?

So let me say as I always have …. Yes we are here to learn yes, we all have contracts that we have chosen in this lifetime to be with those that are around us, this I have been teaching for over thirty years. And yes, we have those in the spiritual realms as our guides and we have those here on the earth plane as our physical guides too. It is that which you have chosen to learn as to those who are here with you. And when it comes to fear….I have to laugh with this as the fear in which many may think is with them, is only that which is nothing.

For to give the seed power… is to enable the creation to grow.

As you see fear is a human made intention to place upon self or another. From whence it comes is that for whence it is created. For when one creates fear then the only power it has is to how it is intended or applied. For as I said… fear is made from nothing, it can then be created into harm placed upon another from their own physical manifestation of what they are choosing to place upon another, but in knowing there is nothing that substantiates it, then the fear is not real to then bringing it back to nothing.

My children have had a fear placed upon them in a real physical way, which cannot be disputed for they lived through it, they did not ask for it in this way, for many forget….. In your contract you place out what the lessons shall be for you to learn in this physical incarnation, not how the lesson is played out. For it is in the evolution of the human ego and societies conditionings that the lesson is created. And as such then the lesson is played out.

One in which you have chosen let’s say… to be the lesson of truth…it is then the human ego that creates the conditions in which the lesson is played out, for what that individual understands to be truth. Think about it, we live in a society that places conditions upon each living breathing being here on our planet. We see this each moment of our day with the rules that we have and then the rules in which others change when they so choose. We see this when we allow another to live our lives, when we do not stand up to say this is my life and this is how I choose to live it.

It is when we allow another to make us feel lesser than we are. To what we believe to hide from that which another says is not in the way to live. I have said this many times before…why allow another to live your life when they cannot even live their own…to then that which another is living is that which they have chosen to be their own….

So as another has chosen their lesson on truth, it is to seek out those who are there to assist with that lesson, and as I said it is how that individual has been conditioned in society as the lesson shall be played. When one has learned one truth and another, another truth, then you have at times individuals who have what they believe to be truth, their own truth which may just not match the other. It is then your own lesson of truth, shall you allow the truth to be held back from what you know or to be brought out into the light. And in choosing so….do you stay strong in your truth even when facing death. Or do you turn and hide to save yourself?

For to give the seed power… is to enable the creation to grow.

This lesson is one that fascinates me on many levels. For in the faith that truth shall prevail, the one must then experience the trails of another’s truth and how far the human ego shall allow it to go.

So as many have written with so much love, I thank you and I look forward to sharing with you more to bring all of this closer to those who need to hear the voices as we speak. Mother has shown me that as a strong advocate many years ago for the disadvantaged families. That my work there is not done many times I laugh about this and many times I throw my hands up and say “Good Grief, I thought that I had given my time in that work” and as I sit here and laugh at this I know she has guided me to once again step up into that power to then be a light to many. She has shown me these past months that her children need a voice…need to have their voices heard…need to have her with them and through them to get their voice heard. She I know shall place me where I need to be and to go through what I need to go through to assist others, for our work is never done... For one day you shall know me by name, one day you shall know as I do, we are all here for a reason, some of us our work is never done. I am here to do the work for Mother and the millions who have contracts with me, and then I know…this it shall be done. So say as you shall say, but I ask you this to those who would like to talk about fear and ego… I bless you…for you are in a place where many have gone and many will go again. For you are now on the cusp of knowing so much more than you can think.

If you have read any of my work then you know that which I speak…. Do not belittle those beside you, do not think you are better than another, when you open up to give what your thoughts are allow others to listen… just as I ask you to really look at what you say to those around you. For all these years I give as I am guided to give, I ask nothing in return. But that each living soul love from their hearts, love thyself from the loving hearts to see the purity in which you are.

For in my week I am besieged with court papers and documents, meetings, depositions, and more so I am reading each e-mail personally and I am posting your comments as soon as I can. As I read these post and emails and I think how much love I can then give to these children of God. And I read when others keep talking about ego, and it saddens me to when one defames another’s channelings, work and life, for they are discounting what is being said in a way that screams ego and fear, but one they believe to be so much higher than another. They do not even see what they are writing about another. I never say anything about the comments, but utilize these for my students to learn from.

For as I teach, with each lesson learned you climbs the steps of your own ascension…and when you believe you are at the top of one level, celebrate take a deep breath and remember… for then you find that you a have ascended that level to now be on the bottom step of that new level. For it is a continual evolvement…a continual growing and learning process. We are no different than one another, it is in that which we open ourselves to the level of love that we allow inside. How can so many individuals say they are spiritual when I see the amounts of fear and ego in their writing about another? I am saddened by this.

Over the years I have kept quite as I sent love to all, and then when Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru channels his words to all of us, I see over the years what he is saying come to light in so many ways. As spiritual individuals…as humans…we need to be one with one another not tear down the one beside you as you believe you know better. Did you not read my last Message for January? I am not you… as you are not me… do I want to be you, No…and you do not want to be me…what you want is to have your voice heard too…. And in that we are all divided aspect of God and as we come together to acknowledge each other…. we see just as I do with each message as a clairvoyant medium…all the pieces of the puzzle come together to make a whole. Why is it that everyone fights one another to take them down? We need to reach out a hand to each other to say you are not alone I am here with you, stand up my brother …stand up my sister and let us walk together peacefully.

Congratulate the individuals beside you for having a piece of the puzzle that we all need to find the answers we seek. I do…. God Bless those who live here upon Mother Earth…God Bless those who work in this field for they are being pushed even more as now as we are walking this Christ Illumination. God Bless they are here for each living being to gather the information that is needed, so that all of us can learn, grow, awaken, give, love and die…knowing that we are loved and that we gave all that we are here to give to one another.

We have this time before us to do much amazing great work, we have this time before us to give and forgive, we have this time before us to be Heaven on Earth as each living soul has dreamed that to be, we have this time before us to be the Truth and to give our light to those in need. I will still write about my experiences as Mother has guided me to do, to assist those who are going through Abuse on all levels, think about that, for which it can be…..

Thank you once again for your words, for the journey is well worth it. Bringing the light of our voices shall then be that which changes are made from one heart to another…IAM here for you as I know you are here for me…

I ask you this…. what is there to expose? What is there that another walking beside you has not lived?

For to give the seed power… is to enable the creation to grow.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved 2011©Adele Marie, The Visionary Messenger