Monday, April 27, 2009

Manifesting Abundance

Hello to All,

Yes, It is me again, I AM out of my sabbatical and ready to go. The new energy is moving at quite a pace right now and I am very excited for the times to come.

The time for all Positive Manifestations is here on our doorstep, take a deep breath in and think about all that your heart is calling to you to do and send this to the Universe with your Gratefulness. And allow the Universe to say “SO BE IT”.

As I always say “ be careful what you ask for” so please take a moment of time to bring into your heart that which is truly there for you. That which is right in your hands even if you do not think you deserve it or you know something is there but cannot feel it.

Let it run through your thoughts and bring it into your heart space and see it happening. Know it --- Own It !!!

Release it to the Universe knowing it is all before you, for you are precious in all ways.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele