Thursday, June 26, 2008

George Carlin and the days of Laughter

Yes, my laughter of yesterday has transitioned the one and only George Carlin. Sitting around the stereo and listening to someone break down the conditionings of minds in society with a few simply words and expressions that stood out so well, because George stood his ground and spoke his truths. Yes, his truths as he sees them and then he went really out there to bring them to the public ear to listen to his versions of the truth in the world as no one else could see but George.

He gave us laughter until we cried; he gave us the moments in our own lives for us to see the senseless sanity of being so serious that we forget why we are here. George gave us everything about him that he could to bring clarity to the eyes and ears of so many in his lifetime. There will be those who do not care for George and there will be those who appreciated and loved him like I do. For in him I saw a man who really just wanted the world to take the time to listen. To listen to the insanity of being in Truth.

I wanted to share this piece with you, an interview with George Carlin on Obituaries and where he wanted to be at the age of 90.

Love, laughter & Light, Adele

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Color of Jesus

May I ask you, what color is Jesus???

I have so many people who ask me for the truth in what color is Jesus. I love this question as I get to say back to them. And what color do you see? For if it is colors you are looking for then you do not know Jesus, for to him there is no color but change.

When we step out into the world we are seeing change, each new day bring changes all around you. You may have the same job you go to each day, do the same thing morning noon and night and yet there is change. There is change in the weather; there is change in the one who greets you. There is change in that which you hunger for. There is change each moment of our life in all that we do. Is it then what you notice that makes the change? Or is it the change that you notice?

When we seek the one to make us smile do you notice the change? Each day presents itself anew to your senses, your delights and each day presents its changes as if it is drawn in the colors of the heavens. Do you notice this change?

Do you notice when there is excitement in the air. A new child is born and there is change. A new day arrives and we are one more day of change in age, when do we notice this? Is it when we see the person young or old walking down the street ? Do we notice the one who can no longer walk or talk as before? Do you see the change of colors each new day as you look at the sky all around you? Do we notice change for just that moment and then go back to being blind of the changes all around us? When you meet someone who changes your life, how much of an impact is it to you to stop and notice the change that runs through you.

We have all been impacted by the changes globally around us, and what have you done to assist this change? Will we make changes for a better future or believe it is up to another to do so? When will we take the notice to bring about this change? When will we commit to bringing about change for no reason at all, but because we know it is what is needed?

Mother Earth changes with every blink of an eye, do you? Do you need assistance with that change or are you doing it on your own? We are here to make change; we are here to be that change. Look back upon your day and see all of the changes that you see and tell me what changes you?

Me? ……..God changed me, and then he sent me to the water with Jesus and Mary . And then I assisted myself to be that change. To be that which can bring about change, to see all of the world in Love. To be that which can make a difference in all that which is around me. For I AM the beginning and the end of change, it is all in how I view that change that can make the change.

For everyday is change and everyday is the color of Jesus. For Jesus is the color of Water, ever changing its beauty to the eye of the beholder!!!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Truth and Free

Hello to everyone, I have been working very long hours recently so my time away has been one of great joy and comfort and the same time one of missing that which I can bring to you.

My schedule has been very full meeting and connecting with so many in the readings I have been doing for the past couple of weeks and my wonderful trip to the Eastern Shore. I had the chance to meet some very wonderful people when I went to the Eastern Shore and I want to thank all of those who visited me for readings and at the Platform Gallery. I enjoyed every minute of my time spent there; also I send my Love and many Thanks to John and Terry for hosting me for this trip. When I am asked to visit an area I am always filled with gratitude to the host/hostesses, it is a honor to meet and get to know all of the lovely individuals who take their own time to arrange and set things up for me, so that they may be the vehicle to bring so many individuals together for that which they need. A true love of others is what this is all about. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love to travel to meet others and this is one of the greatest of ways to do so. So many of us are all the same and as one as we come together.

And as we look at this blending of togetherness we take a moment of time to see the truth before us. My job as a messenger is to do just that deliver the truth. Sometimes this is not what we want to see or feel we need, but in the end it all comes together in Love for the answer is always there we just need another who does not know us to bring the truth right to us to look and see that it is nothing more than that which we asked for but were too afraid to do so.

My schedule is still rolling along with even more work to do like many of you. What is it that is there just waiting for you to see? Is it the beauty of who you are? Is it the strength that you need to carry you further along? Or is it just that one person who will tell you that which you need to hear to make you breathe a little easier again?

For me it is to see the face and eyes of one searching for the truth when no one else seems to understand. It is the smile upon your face that lets me know that you get it and that deep sigh of relief to know you are not alone.

And the truth shall set you free. What amazing words. Truth and Free. Two things that we have an abundance of and do not use it together. Tell the truth and you are set free, See the truth and you are set free. Know the truth and you are set free. When we know the truth of who we are, we are set free to be all that we are here to be.

What is it that you are here to be? Me ??? I AM here to be the light that shines at your door, I AM here to be that which will set you free. Will you allow that which is needed to set you free? Will you allow the knowing deep within your heart to be the truth that shall set you free???

My Love, Laughter and Light to you, Adele