Monday, September 27, 2010

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
By Adele Linsalata

Authority of Concealment

By whose authority do you conceal yourself? I ask you, are you accepting of that which resides within you? For you the teacher and master reside within and now it is no longer that which can be held back. The time of concealment is exposed on many levels for this energy in which you have lived for so long you owned in everything you do and no longer does it own you.

Can you feel this, an energy so strong that you will walk away from it before you take the chance to see it for what it is…for that which you walk away from is your own.

Ah…How I have missed all of you for this time that has passed between us, the teacher has had many roads in which she walked. The time in which all things of concealment came to light for her to walk alone to expose the power within. Just as many will acknowledge the power many will not. To be concealed from truth is foreign to all beings of lights, the master within, for the soul is lost and is seeking to be exposed on all levels to that which it is. And that is where we have been. I have myself taken the teacher on her own path to discover that yes, no matter that which is around her, she like many of you had been chosen to be here during these times. A review of ones own mastery is on many levels disturbing for there shall always be the human emotions coming into being, to take the power of all masters of light to turn from which they came and are. She has given so much of her energy to those around her and still many take without asking. Many have forsaken the truths that we are among them and we come in many ways, shapes and forms. This has left a huge mark upon her that she cries for the injured in ways that cannot be seen. She mourns the lost of the soul’s mastery of knowing, for within each of you, each living soul upon your Planet of Mother Earth you are the teachers, you are the masters and this she has known for so long that she came fully into her own authority to give to you the same. For all masters must experience that which shall be given to others. All masters must journey the walk that others shall go thru to lead them through it and she has given this time to you to unveil the concealment of the soul and take that which is the power of the masters within.

Do you not question why you feel so many energies all the time and that these energies are get stronger…Do you not question where you truly are or where you need to be? For this is the Master of authority that resides within you, that which is seeking to take back that which is truly the authority within. And just as the teacher stepped into her owning of mastery she will now be more than before. As she did this she now has taken her power of authority back from those who concealed it and made full use of it from her for so long.

Ahhhh….Does this ring a bell within you? Does this bring to your own humanness some questions in which you have always had? I see you are seeking through your own authority to the answers inside to that which is accurate. You have held within your humanness the awareness to your own mastery and the authority for so long that you need the adjustment of time to acknowledge you are the teacher and master. When has your own authority been concealed from you, when was it taken and given to another that you no longer recognize it, as it is? Just look around you in your daily living, where have you given your authority to another? Where have you given with so much that the original authority has been taken and dishonored? As you look at this, take that awareness to look out around you in the living world of humans. Did we not tell you that the trilogy has been placed upon your Planet of Mother Earth? These times in which your human society is in such an turmoil that the energies of power and control will be matched by no other than that which is the Christ of Truth. As this is placed among you there shall be times when there is no control, there shall be that which is for the veils of concealment to be torn away and the truth exposed for what it is. And that time is now.

So we begin, take this time to look at the truth in which you live. That which you have built around you for protection, love and living in your humanness, the concealment of all things in which you live and walk in your own authority. I am honored to be with you again during this time as I myself have missed keeping you in the knowing of the masters whom walk among you. As you look at your humanness what is it that meets your first impression? What is it that you see first in all things? When you sit upon your own mastery, you hide from your own power of authority and dominion from the truth. I have heard many say when shall this end and why do I feel this way. …It is the Christ within you, it is the Christ that lives within you that is seeking the authority to be exposed on all levels with no censure. For is that not what the humanness does? Disapproves of all that is within, all the authority that you own in your own right and power of control? For many are being exposed for taking that which is not there own. Many are being exposed to the ugliness they have created and many are coming into the light of the darkness that has always held onto them to control that which is not truly their own.

Look back at how many times you have taken the power of control from another. Whether this is in a statement or comment of self denial, which is in front of you to the one who is authoritive. Not to be authoritive to own what is not their own save for in the authority that makes them uniquely their own. With this when have you taken your own authoritativeness and dishonored it to be that which is not longer viable to be true within you? Now is not the time to seek out another’s faults from their own power but to recognize it for that which it is and give to them the authority to know it and own it. There is much energy at play that shall divide the human population in the decision to not be authoritive in the power they truly hold. For the power and control has always been given freely to another so that there is no blame to be placed upon the one who has given it freely away. I find that this is a human emotion of concealment with great regards to the favoritism of self denial. Just as you give your authority to another why then does one have to be argumentative when the decision was made to give that authority away?

To conceal the power of the master is to conceal the truth of light from another. Looking upon your Planet of Mother Earth, concealment has been the foremost focus for so long that now the energies are exposing the truth for what it is and where shall the authority come from to expose it for what it is? Look among you to see how this is playing out right now, look around and see the disruption that is going on upon your Planet of Mother Earth and you see the disruption that is going on inside of you. The turmoil in which is being played out around you is from the living turmoil in which you hold deep inside. Is it not easy to see this? Can you see how this is also with you?

When you are the living energy that energy goes out to all things around you, and that is which you are living. As this energy vibrates out it cause a disruption of energies that rebound back and forth among you. This I say to you, look within and correct that which is there by exposing to your own authority the truth. And as you do this the truth shall leap out at you and ask for the veils to be lifted on the concealment to that you hold onto. The ego shall then work to hold you back from doing this as it will be exposed on all levels that you are the teacher and mastery of authority within. Is it not time to take back your own power of truth from those who hold you back…is it not time to expose your own true feelings that you are the master of your own domain? Is it not time to take back the self doubts that others shall look at you with suspicion in their eyes as you step into your mastery. Yes, yes, I see and give to you, the time is now and to those with whom look at you with misgivings lend them your power of light to see that which resides within their own true self. Lend them the strength to say “I am a master of my own authority”. This is the collective way to allow all to be as one with their own authority this is the signs of times to come. For each living being is to be revealing their own truths to walk in their own authority. Celebrate with them, for with each authority unveiled is the light within of the Christ unveiled. And with each Christ light unveiled you have that which Yahweh gives to all. Love.

The collective consciousness of the Spirit must rise and be as one with each living being who posses the light within, and that is indeed each living being.

Times upon Your Planet of Mother Earth are coming to closure on many levels as the authority which has always been given freely to others shall be exposed for the truth in which it has grown. Humanity upon your Planet of Mother Earth is experiencing that which is within them that they have been giving out for too long in the ugliness that has been concealed and that which is no longer viable to live. Go within and find your power of authority and expose the fear which prevents you from being in truth, that which you have concealed from your own being for too long and you shall have that which the teacher says you are here to have “ Heaven on Earth”.

I give to you the light of all beings to assist you in all ways during this time of unveiling the truth of concealment from your own eyes. For you have us with you to guide you and give to you the strength to see it through. We walk among you and we are many.

I AM Lord Amin-Ru

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Christ Day of Illumination

The Christ Day of Illumination, by Adele Linsalata

Hello to everyone and welcome to all....As time is irrelevant then this you will know as we step out of Mercury retrograde into the day of the Christ yes, this is a very special time for all as we journey from one moment of time to the everyone has been living with the challenges, passions, expectations, denial, success and keeping their eyes close to that which is around them the energies have been mixing it up to show you how the creation of thought and experience is all around you...and what have you been doing with all of it? Hmmm...I know many will say I am doing and I am seeing all that is around me...I will say really? Have you not been seeing it so much that what is around you is concealed as to the energy in which you have concealed it with? ...(smile) I know many will say and that it is okay that who am I to say these things...this I tell you...I am no one...I am just Adele and I am being guided to more , no less...

The messages that I am guided to bring...just as many out and around me are bringing message of Light to then I am just a messenger of I see all they have given to me the Visionary Messenger to bring the insightful light to all...I have to chuckle at this time and time again...

For the last few months I have been going thru major changes both physically, structurally and spiritually...As each one of us are asked to give until we find that which is no longer there...cleansing the soul of all impurities all at the same time as nothing is to be hidden any is for the initiate to find that which is their own strength and take back the power which is within...which has been given away to others for them to have the strength to find their many times have you denied the self to give to many times have you given so much and felt that nothing was returned? (smile) for you see it was all returned to you on many was for you to see as you give unto others... the Universe says "So Be It" and returns all to just did not see it returned as you had given it out to be...I find it amazing when one will say "I give all the time, when is it my turn to receive?" I have to ask " In which did you truly give? For if you give and expect to receive then it shall never be...but if you give with no expectations...then you shall be rewarded with returns that can match no other...for in all this work that you do is that not return enough for you? For in this day of the Christ Illumination all shall be returned as it has never been given before and I am very excited with all of this...Just like you, this is what I have been waiting for....

Now as many of you have been going thru the growing pains of this ascension and we have been fighting for a long time for the light to shine...the Light has been promised and it is we have been journeying through this year we have been acclimating on so many levels that it has made the head spin for many...made each one feel as if they need to be made aware of things or need to be somewhere but not knowing where that is or what they should be doing but they are feeling it.

More doors have opened up for individuals to become more clearly aware of their surroundings, gifts, abilities and so much more...that it is exhilarating and at the same time it is coming so swiftly that it is being cautiously approached by many. All of this is the power of the Holy Spirit within coming alive...(smile) and I for one love it...have we not seen the triangles of the Holy Trinity exposed to us as last year was closing? Did we not clearly see and know that this is the Christ illumination that we have been waiting for...for this is the time of the Christ energies and it shall never be gone again...and with all of this it is the time for each living soul to step up and out into the truth of the Light within and around them...for this is the Christ be presented all these years with knowing we need to be in the truth of all things within our own selves...and now it is no longer viable to put it on hold, for it shall not allow it.

It is about taking back the truth that so many have held back and against one is about taking back the power of your own truth and light from those who have been taking it from you for years of your life time here on Mother Earth and as we just went through Mercury Retrograde I had been saying this one was going to be a strong had strength to it like we have not seen in a long time...with the strength came the time when we must be rid of that which holds us back in our truth and power and as we take this back from all areas of our life one is going to like must be done to end it once and for all.

So now we come to the energies of the Christ Day of Illumination and that my Dear Friends is this day of Sunday, September 12, I sit smiling to myself it is interesting as how we just marked the ninth anniversary of the Twin Towers bombing...a time in all of history that not just those living here in the states will mourn of loss but all of the world...for you know that it was not just an attack in America...but an attack on the world as a whole...these were the World Trade Twin Towers, every denomination of human life lived, worked and breathed in those twin towers. It was about the threat upon the world as we all come to realize that each of us, no matter were we live in our beautiful world, all were effected by this changed they way many will view each religious organization, it changed they way we look at our neighbors, it has changed the way we view those who do not think or look like we do...this act has changed us in so many ways that we need to acknowledge before we will ever heal from it...When I was young the color of my skin was paramount to how I was treated, how I was talked to or viewed...I understand much more than others would think I do...and I know the color of skin is that which the world has changed even more so than before...the way we dress, talk or believe is under scrutiny so much the division of the world population has changed...we all had the child like quality of our belief structure ripped from us and the Christ energy has always honored the child what happened...the child within died and in its place became that which others took from us...a protective knowing that nothing can hurt us, but it did...and this is the mourning I feel each time I hear others move against one another for one thing or another...and now it is the child like quality of the Christ illumination to take back its power to say "this you may never have again, for we are all children in God's eyes and I love you for who you are"....This is how we are to heal to give thanks for all those lovely souls who addressed and had their Soul Contract be apart of the Twin Towers...

The World Trade Center...What did the World Trade that Day???

Did we trade our Soul or give up that day...for when you look at your neighbor, what is it that you truly think? Now many of you can say that no, we did not to any of the above and I honor you for your words...but the words of those voices who were stilled that day and the effects that have followed all these years shows me something so different that I need to look at it on a level of no ego or claims that it was just Americans who were effected as I know you will I ask again...

What did the World Trade that Day???

As this Christ Illumination Day is here with us take the time to sit down and write out all of your personal power and that which others hold over you...and then look at it...process it and then begin to heal that which has brought about the change within and Celebrate that which has been given to you in all new eyes to see it for the truth of that which it is not your brother and sister next to is not your brother and sister who live hundreds of miles from you who does this to you...for just like you they live in their world of living and much has been taken from them each moment of their lives...just like you they just want to provide for themselves and their laugh, have full bellies, a roof over their head and family to is the powers of strength and their greed to win over another that does this to each living soul have a hold over the other power that which they believe make them the best there is...(smile) I know the best there is to love one another body and soul with our hearts that no one can take from us or change...for if we live the change within us... we see the change around truthful in your change and be loving in all you do to self and others......

This day is the day of the Christ...the day in which ends Mercury Retrograde... the twelfth day in which many view as the day in which to worship the Christ, the day of the twelfth in which end and then begins....there were twelve apostles to take the teaching the words of the Christ to spread out across the lands to give to all those to listen and be as the Christ which walks among them...the explosion of the Christ energies is such a powerful energy that as you take and expand your energies on this day in the light of the Christ of Love, it to shall go out across the lands in an explosion of Christ energy of Light to all levels and all beings of Light that it passes thru from beginning to completion. Illuminating all things and each living Soul in Love....This is a day of New Energies within for all that has been cleansed and released shall now be filled with a joyous reward of give out and rejoice with Love in your heart... for all that shall come back to you magnified stronger and more Loving in all you do from now to eternity...

As this day of the Christ Illumination is here write down that which you are, that which is going to be accomplished by you and everything you are going to do all the way into the end of the twelfth month of this year and beyond and as you are truthful in this writing ...this energy is instantly sent out with so much life force energy that it is given to the hands of the Christ for all to see multiply into the Universe to say " SO BE IT"...

This is the beginning of a New change of energy of the Christ Illumination...For the truth shall prevail in all you do ...walk the walk of the light of God's Truth and watch as the Universe brings back the abundance in all you do...Happy times are here with strength and power like never before and I for one am loving it more than ever before....

This ending of the months ahead are not that which we will settle into, but that which will settle unto us to begin our journey of the Christ illumination...for all...

May Love be in your Heart and Peace be in your hands as you reach out to give gratitude for all things and those within whom live among you...

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones