Sunday, November 18, 2007

Climbing The Mountain

I see so many individuals in my travels who are truly open to learning; they place their best foot forward and climb the mountain of knowledge. They take all of the information they are learning and start to apply it in all they do. About a quarter of the way up the mountain, they start to stumble, due to no fault of their own, they just did not see that little dip before them as they continued to climb. They take a moment to ask themselves, what in the world is this little dip and why did I not see it? They gather themselves up and continue up that mountain. Remembering along the way, all of the information they had been gathering. As their minds start to wander into that which they are learning, they trip and fall. Once again the stop and ask Why in the world is there a dip in this passage? They stop to look and sure enough, there is a dip. Now as they are looking at it., a thought comes to mind. It is such a minor dip, just a little thing, no harm done. They stand up and continue to climb the mountain, as they are approaching the top they stumble and fall, and as they stop to look there is a huge hole in their path. Now they stop and sit and ask, why is there such a huge hole in my path? They take a look all around the area of the path and finally notice that the huge hole before them is the opening that God has given them to see inside the mountain. By surprise, they jump for glee, for what wonders will await them as they enter, but is it for them to enter? Enter they do and what do they find? A site so glorious that it is too hard to see clearly for before them stands the messiah himself. Jesus walks to them and says “ The path you walk is not as easy as you have found, for all of these little dips have been a test of your faith to that which you say you love. For each time you fell, you got back up and continued up the mountain, you kept your trust to believe in me and all that I promise you that will come true. Moreover, each time you got up I was there on bended knee to catch your fall. Now you stumbled upon that which is no longer ignored. For as you fell this one last time, I was here as promised for you kept your faith and you found your trust and when you find all of these you find me.

Now pick yourself up and let us go to the top of the mountain together, as I have been waiting a long time to show you all I have to give to you the faithful, the trusting the believer in all that I AM.

When we start to grow in our spiritual journey there will be many little dips along the way and with each little dip there is always going to be one who is with you. You may not notice and you may not see, but God is there with you always. Keep believing in that which they say is impossible; build your faith along the way and trust yourself and God in all you do. For you are never alone and you shall be lead the way in the light of all that is within you. Glory in the knowing you have been walking with God all the Way.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Thursday, November 15, 2007

2012 and The Microwave

I was working with my guides one day and I asked them again about any updates for the year 2012. So many things being said and I wanted to check in and see what was going on and how things have changed to assist us along with the transition that is going on and will take place. As everyone is looking at what will happen on that date.

I had to laugh when my guides showed me a microwave. I asked what in the world is that for, as I do not like to use a microwave very often. Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru stepped in to say “ everyone is looking for and waiting for the date of 2012, what do they think they will see?” I said I am not sure some kind of ending I believe as this is what is being given out all over the world to the population of people who live on Mother Earth“ he laughed and said “ what will it matter to wait and see if the time comes and things will end?” Once again, I had to agree with him and tried to help him see from the eyes of the human mind. People are so curious as to the Mayan’s and what happened to their civilizations as they seemed to have just up and left or did they too come to an ending? “ There is no ending”, this was said and then there was silence. I know there is no ending. He then said “ let us start over, you see there is this microwave here for you, with this microwave I ask that you place something in it you would like” Now, I very seldom use a microwave, but I went ahead and placed a cup of water in it. “Now go ahead and put a time upon it as you were heating the elements inside the cup”, I punched some numbers on the microwave and just looked at it. “what are you doing?” he asked. I explained that I am waiting for it to get done and the bell to ring. He then proceeded to explain to me. “what is it you are doing as you wait?” “I do not know I am standing here just watching and waiting for it to get done” he laughed and said “ Humans are sitting and watching for the bell to ring for the year 2012 and what do you think they will see? “ I waited for him to go on. “Humankind will see that all this time they have been waiting for something that is already existing around them, this is the time to prepare the way for the time of 2012. Do you believe the Mayans waited to see what was going to happen?’ NO, I said of course not. The Mayans knew that there was a change going on and started to prepare their communities for the that change.

When we all sit around, watch, and listen to everything that is given to us through the media outlets with all of the gloom and doom. We are actually assisting these forecast to come to the dire endings that they envision and want to keep impressing upon our minds..

When we actually take the time to look around and use our own Light, these dire predictions are a thing of the past. No longer do we have to accept what is given to us. Just as in the Microwave we can sit and wait for the time bell to ring or we can be productive in what we are here to do and move the Light forward with a wonderful outcome for all living creatures here on Mother Earth.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele