Friday, April 8, 2011

Genetic Coding… Illusion or Reality…by Adele Marie

Genetic Coding… Illusion or Reality…by Adele Marie

When many times someone visits with me for an appointment it is often times when they most need answers to what is going on in their life. When this is the case it is not for me to judge what is going on in their life but for me to just be the vehicle a messenger to give to them what is being given to me. What I am seeing, hearing, knowing, sensing, feeling, smelling and tasting.

Many times the individual has already gone through their own conversations with their self, their family and friends. And still they are having a hard time with understanding or placing a perspective on what is really happening and going on around them.

We find in our lives those moments of time when nothing seems real and at the same time it all makes sense to our own way of looking at things, if we just stop and take a deep breath to look at the reality of the truth all things come to light. It’s at those moments of time that one relies on what they have gained and learned through their lifetime of living.

As I have said many times before it is all about society’s conditionings and what the view point is from the one who has had their life compelled and conditioned by the environment they have around them or lived with all of their life. The proverbial onion layers with which we call the “veil of illusions”.

Those layers upon layers of everyone else’s “stuff” that they have a belief structure in and the family units with which it has been taught gives to us the layering of everyone else’s belief structures that we cling upon to which has made us who we are. In which I call genetic coding.
In saying this we have all had those moments when sitting around the family kitchen table or a gathering of family, friends and acquaintances and listening to story upon story of everyone in the family or a shared experience with someone and what their issues may be or what an certain individuals is going through, whether it be good , bad or indifferent…I have to laugh as my family has had many in regards to me and how I talk to dead people. My niece commented one time that her father said to her “we all love Aunt Adele, she is different and we just accept that”. God Bless that they do, for I am who I am and as long as they love me then nothing else matters. But I do make a good conversation piece at family gatherings or I should say after I leave…

When looking at all of our historical recorded facts we find that many were stories of shared experiences, actual partaking and or memories that were handed down over generations that finally someone wrote down so that the information shall never be forgotten. We can look back into any culture in history and see story after story of places, people, events that have taken place that then creates the foundation for future generations and interest for all those who share the same desires, awareness, understandings, livelihood, cultural background, etc…. to this we have genetic coding.

I find year after year so many individuals who come to me say “ my mother had breast cancer, and my fear is that I will also have the same thing one day” . I ask them why they believe this is so strong in their belief structure and I always hear “ well that is what I am told, if my mother has had breast cancer then so shall I”. I then try to explain about what my belief structure for genetic coding is and how I have always been shown it works. I will not say that I too believe they will have breast cancer as that is not what I believe. I do believe as we sit around the family table and living room, group or gathering hearing story upon story of someone situations, experiences, issues, resentments, fears, etc… that we then start to look within ourselves to try to identify if we match the same thing. And I find that many individuals will then start applying what they believe is the same construct of their own self. I have to remind everyone that you are a separate and unique individual from the day you were born and as you are raised in whatever family unit, you then take on the characteristics of that family unit.

And at the same time when we hear something over and over again we start to apply it to our own self. Just as with an alcoholic that tells someone with whom they say they love so much how stupid they are the individual then starts believing what is given to them. Years ago I was given a notice that my children school was doing an awards assembly and that my child was receiving an award to please join them for the assembly. I took the afternoon off as with any mother I wanted to be there to see my child’s face light up when they had special attention given to them even if they shared it with two hundred other students. There I was standing by the wall as the room all of a sudden was quiet and each child’s name was read with the award they were being given. What an awesome experience to see a child’s name being called and how they would look around for their parents to see them go up and receive their award, how the parent would then flash their camera to capture the moment… and as I was standing there what I was feeling in no way matched what I was seeing and hearing.
The teacher would stand there and say how the children in the next group being called up were being given an award for being an average student. With big smiles on their faces here they went one by one to collect their award on paper which stated they were an average student...and then I was taken back over the years on how many years I have stood here watching the same exchange, remember groups of young ladies and young men saying to me when I would see them elsewhere how they were just average and not that special. How when applying for college those same students thought they could not even try or have anything to offer as they were just average and not college worthy.

After the ceremony as everyone was congratulating the children and taking pictures I asked to speak to the Principal and a few teachers. I wanted them to know that please do not ever give my child an award that says they are average. I would rather have my child not get an award as to have one that says they are average because to me every child is beyond average they are all special and unique individuals that learn at their own pace and experience so many things differently than the child sitting next to them. For when we place our own concepts on another to the way they should be and see and think then we are genetically coding them to be what we believe they should be. And as I always teach my children, clients and students…why allow others to live your life when they cannot even live their own…is the same as why allow others to make your decisions when the decisions they have made have not been their own….

We should not place labels upon a child as to not encourage them to be all that they can be. For my child and yours shall never be average as what you believe average to be.

To be normal in any society is to be what others want you to be. And we have already seen, heard and experienced what others do as we go about our day. We live in a society of rules and laws that many have been so distorted that they are no longer recognizable as to the original. Just as the genetic coding of historical stories have been handed down for generations so too have you…..for in you as you walk your path in this life… your genetic coding is that of your mother, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, spouses, partners and ancestors…..the list goes on and on… for every single individuals you have met, every single individual you have had an experience with has now genetically coded you with their own belief structure, thoughts and words and you have absorbed it, taken it in as we say to heart…. to make it your own….as we travel along our spiritual path we are finding the truths to what is really what we have been seeking all along .. who am I and am I living my spiritual path…well, look within and see who you are and start peeling away the genetic coding of all those who have been creating you and there you shall find who you a truly are….there you shall find that unique individual who says “ hey take a look at me, I am not average , I am not weak, I am not you , I am me”…for now you can never say “ you are just average in every way and I made you that way “ for I am that which has been created to be all that is around me… reality or illusion….

To which is it to be….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2011© Adele Marie, Angelic Wise Ones

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Adele’s Welcome Message for April

Adele’s Welcome Message for April

Behold the Soul of Light with Archangel Michael

Welcome and Hello to you this day the energies are really liking to mess with things and as always they are right on schedule with what is going on. It is all in how we apply the changes in our lives and as I sit here I know every week I give to my students exactly what is going on with the energies and it still amazes me how with this information as one goes through the physical aspect of this lifetime how the importance of the energies are often times over looked.

Right now we are going through the mass changes that are equivalent to the times that have cycled through Mother Earth for millions of years. And yes, this is exactly what I have been talking about for what it seems just as long.

As you know we are in Mercury Retrograde, a time for accomplishing all things that we have been putting on hold and a time when we need to step back and see what we have created. A time when what we place out into the Universe shall either support us or bring about the subconscious way of what we are truly doing. Whether that is good, bad or indifferent is all in the eyes of the one who holds their own future in their hands. To those who hold the World’s future in their hands it is a time when there shall be no conflict going on but many of us see it anyway.

We see each day as we walk out into the world, so much conflict that it boggles the mind, why do they not see what the World sees they are displaying is beyond words. Many individuals are waking up to know that they have been living and accepting what is being handed to them every day. They are adapting to what is being told to them to adapt to, as this is the way of life. And many are refusing to adept in anyway there is. This is conflict on a massive proportion that does not have to be but is also the energies that we are living. As I said before it is not the year of 2012 that concerns us but the years leading up to 2012. And we are living those times right now in such a massive proportion it is consuming the lives of everyone it touches. And that does not leave out many in our populations. These are the times of truth rising to epic proportions and the times when there shall be those who will fight it as we say “tooth and nail”.

I have been giving to my students the updates with the energies and that as I have been shown that we are all going through trails on such a level as not to be copied again. During this time we shall be tested to make decisions that we have never faced before. These decisions will place us against our belief structures and those around us. We will have to make decisions that will change our lives in ways that we have heard about but have not lived in this lifetime. We will be choosing between our loved ones, friends and family and the choices that we make… most… will not like at all. This is the Christ Light energies still at play to see if you are walking your light or not. This will be the turning point for all future dealings you have with those around you.

What is it that you can live without, because right now you have been living without more than you ever thought before? Think about it, you have said you cannot live without money but you have. You have said you cannot live without gas and still you pay the price you pay. You say you cannot live without so much and still here you are still living and still making it through some of the hardest times that you have ever seen. All of this is being given to you to adapt to and you are doing it. You are being told there are no more free rides and yet you find ways to get around obstacles before you. You have politicians doing everything imaginable to you as a human being that you say you will no longer put up with, but here you are going about surviving as they know you will and they expect it. They are here to cause that uproar in our society for the changes in which they have created long ago but no one… until now has caught on to. And they are working very hard to cover the path they have created so that it disappears as if never walked.

So what are the trails you live each day that have become more and more apparent in your life? The decisions you make will be that which finds its way to your door no matter where you are. For the energies of the Christ shall always find the way to shine the light to give to each living soul here on Mother Earth. Remember along the way to love each other as you would and need to be loved, for that shall be the savings grace on your journey.

We have seen the fight among one another for so long we have just adapted our lives around it and there are those who are finding the warrior in themselves to stand up to say no more. But truly what are they fighting? The truth? I have to laugh as Archangel Michael stand beside me and shows me once again how he gave to us the words long ago:

“The world shall see such epic violations of the soul self as the gauntlet has been thrown, for those who believe they stand on the side of righteousness shall see their knees weaken and fall. There is no time for division among those who walk the true path of light. There shall be many upheavals and trials to know the light when it comes to you. For those who say they are of the light shall be known by their sword of light and words. For in the words of the Lord all shall hear what they shall hear and those will follow the light to not which they know but that which they feel in the depth of the heart.

Many shall be false in who they say they are, they shall take your hand and lead you astray, but to those who have ever been true to the one God shall be at my side as I shall be with them in might. Do not take the meek for granted as others have done, for those who do not rise up in defense but choose to do what needs to be done from the heart for that which comes from the heart are those who have my sword at their side. The time of division is not to be wasted as the time of truth shall be your downfall as to not see before you that your truth must be seen as God sees, your truth must be that in which God’s truths are and in all things when your heart is filled with hate you are not of the light but within the self of pain and anguish like you have never seen. Take the words of God and allow it to enter your heart to clearly see all the past pains are just a stepping stones to that which is before you. Do not perjure the messenger but follow its words to the true soul recognition that is God. The Messiah of High comes before you and shall you show shame or that of the Heart? I say to you clear all the pain away to know the true love as it is meant to be and the light shall shine within, take time to deliver to others your acceptance that you have seen the dark and shall never more know that pain. Open your heart to those who stand alone but beside you and God shall give to you all the love that beholds from within the soul of Light. AAM”

Much Love and thank you Archangel Michael for you have given to us much that we all need to take a step back to look at and how much we are all grateful to your assistance in these words.

Do not go about with unkindly words to say about others as that which you say just may be that which applies to self. Is that what we are not looking at these days, have we gotten to a level where we are so ingrained on what we have accepted that we no longer can find that place of truth. That we wish to place upon others as we do not get our way?

This energy is pushing each and every one of us to truly see what we have never seen before; it is pushing us to not accept that which is happening around us but also, to look at what we can do more to assist each other.

Truth is not something that everyone can accept in their lives. They will find ways to turn it around to suit their own purpose without really looking at it with an objective view to begin with. That when someone is down others feel it is their right to join in on taking advantage of the individual who is on their knees. That in numbers that can destroy all that they cannot destroy on their own, so they seek numbers to gain. They find it important to assemble those who feel that they need justification in doing what they are doing. All at the same time they are not living their own truth. They need those around them to feel justified in the course of action they have set. In this way they feel as if they are no longer alone in the perception of truth, they just need to make sure they have the numbers as to not be alone. They hide behind others to speak for them, they hide because that is what they have always been doing hiding. And when someone comes along to expose their hiding place they frantically look for ways to keep covered the illusions they have always created. Why is it one hides from one another and that of one’s own self? Why is it one always likes to place upon another all that they have created themself?

This is mostly as what society has taught in the form of disclosure, why should one disclose their true self when no one around them ever has? We see this each day as we watch the world around us.

We send our Love and prayers out to all of the heartland of Japan to all the beautiful individuals who have been displaced, confused, starving and suffer the pain of the World around them, for truly this is a World problem not just that of Japan. Whenever we have an epic proportion of this nature to me it is not just the Nation/Country/Continent that needs to find and correct what Mother Earth has given out, but it is the World in which needs to work the solution together hand in hand. There should be no politics when this happens, there should not be any… this is your problem alone. It is the World’s problem as it affects the whole World at such a level we have not seen before, but have we?

Have we not been challenged this way before? Have we not been challenged with pain, suffering, hunger, death and birth before? Every time anywhere in the World has been deluged with disaster then yes, we have been challenged before and have we not learned that we need one another to be able to go forth and continue to live? Why do we keep saying this is a wakeup call and still no one answers the phone? Oh…. that’s right, we create committee’s and organizations to help us correct and heal, to try to make sense out of what happened and still the same thing keeps happening again and again. We have lost to many souls in this lifetime alone to not know by now we need one another here on Mother Earth and that maybe… just maybe…. that is her Message to the World.

The phone is ringing are we going to answer or let it go to the answering machine? And what shall the answer be…….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright 2011©, Adele Marie, Angelic Wise Ones