Thursday, March 29, 2012

God’s lottery …the winning numbers….

God’s lottery …the winning numbers….

Gods’ Lottery …yep…step right up we have your tickets right now…how many tickets will you purchase …how many right here and now? The numbers…we got them, we have all the numbers in the lottery for you to win…who’s next…all you have to do is step right up…step right up to win…

Here is your window of opportunity like you have never seen before…a record amount is on the table and you want a piece of the action and will do anything to get it…even say a prayer…as you look from left to right to make sure no one else see you doing so…but there it is holding your tickets close to your heart holding your breath and saying “Dear God, please let me be the winner, let me win big” and there is no exception to this rule, no matter who you are. And you are not alone.

There is so much that is needed in our world yesterday, today and tomorrow, it is stepping up and looking at what the real need is. Money does as they say “make the world go round” (we see this more so everyday) and yes you can buy many things with all that money. Maybe not as much considering we are seeing prices rapidly rise on just about every existing essential that is needed to live. But we keep going. Moreover true to form, money cannot fix things in the way that individuals believe it will. So in looking at all that is standing in the way of humility before God’s eyes, is in the voracity of our society to instill into others a thought process of never having enough. Never having that which they have always wanted “if only I had just one more dollar I could have that, it could have been mine”…what “that” is…would be the craving one has when faced with what they cannot have with what they desire. If everyone had a clear picture of what they needed in life, to see what is right in front of them to follow thru with reaching it, then we would be a strong and productive society.

We all want to be taken care of to the point that we believe money is the only answer. We believe if we have the right amount of money then everything will be fine. That if only there was more money, more money and more money then everything would be fine. Would it really be fine as when you look around we have gravitated to a society that seems to put more of everything in front of you to show you what society says success looks like, and when you really look what you are seeing it is gluttony everywhere. When you stop to think about it…simplicity actually gives you more and then again that is too easy to visualize something so simple being something so great. Looking at the amount of money that is now out for grabs is like a feast to the senses of gluttony, and everyone loves it. So as they say one ticket, one dollar is all it takes to win, then why buy so many tickets? The odds are still the same no matter how many you buy, and hey….didn’t you just place that prayer to God for your big win? Why take it back by buying more? Hmmmm….

I sit here and see where the image is, the millions of dollars floating through the ethers all that energy challenging you to buy more tickets. You are following through with your purchase, do you have what it will take to follow through with your intentions. You know those thoughts of all the things you told yourself you are going to do with the winnings? Many individuals visualize and many never follow through. It is said if you visualize it and place it out into the Universe it is yours. Ummm….sorry to burst your bubble, not quite like that, it’s all in the follow thru.

Mine is simple, I shall give to my family, friends, children in need that is a given as I will never say I will not…but I shall say this…I shall be a guiding light to do God’s will with that which I receive through the grace of Gods love.

What is the winning combination of numbers or energy in receiving that Love? Why through God’s lottery of course. God programmed from the beginning in your heart the code of purity in which you hold the combination. It’s like holding the lock in your hands to your heart and turning the cylinder key hearing each tiny click of the chambers unlocking with each thought, each action and the words you live by each day. Just as God’s lottery line has always been right in front of you to step up to. Many times you have been in line and got called away for one reason or another and many times you are there and the window closed right in front of you. You gave out a sigh and turned around to get back in line all over again. The recurring waiting game of trying again and again until you get it right. Why is it some individuals get it and some do not? That has been the age old question that you have heard many times before, why him or why her and not me? Simple really, because they waited their turn in line, stepped up to the window when the time was right and got their ticket walking away with a Smile upon their face…but how did they get the memo before you? They listened, watched and learned with every moment in line, every step that drew them closer and closer. God ask that we love ourselves and one another in loving thy neighbor, to do right by those around us and to be loving and forgiving in all we do. Not turning a blind eye to those around you.

Visualize the way to the Kingdom of Heaven…and it is all before you. Walk into the Kingdom of Heaven….and your riches await you. Ask about God’s Lottery and you will be given the numbers…to cash in a winning ticket every time.

There are different divided aspects of God and the doorways into which all living beings connect and make their way to God. Through all of our lifetime here on Mother Earth, we have been taught a way that is negating Gods true love and ultimately to be selfish. Think about it before you censure it. For societies conditionings are greater at times than Gods presence. For societies acceptance is greater at times than claiming Gods acceptance. That which finds one door open to God is another’s door to lead astray from God which is then looking at who has the winning numbers and the lottery prize at hand.

As I sit here, I look at what winning the lottery could do for me, my family, friends and those in need. Looking at the first thing I have written down is to give to others around me as I would give to myself. Not because I think that will help me win but because that is what I am going to do as a pure vehicle of Gods Love. I am to take what God has given to me and then give it to others, no question. I try to do this everyday, give that which I have received and applying it to helping others.

Looking at all the ways these millions could be utilized in the world is fresh, fun, daunting and sad. On a daily bases we have so much to give and then never giving all that we can give to one another, is limiting the abundance that is there. Many feel it is never enough to begin with, and quite frankly it can never be enough, as what is enough? There should never be a limitation to stop the flow of giving. For if we never stop the flow then there shall never be that which has to be said as “never enough”. For the abundance shall always be there. As a population we have taken so much from everywhere we look, everywhere we live, that when we start giving we see that there is so much to give to and so much to do. But as a mind set if we never start, if we never try, then we have allowed ourselves to be at the back of the line and that is one of the reasons why the window keeps being shut as soon as you get there. Seeing the possibilities in front of you wherever you look is seeing the abundance that God has given to each of us. There are no limitations, no lack as there is abundance galore, and it is how you look at what presents itself to you to begin with fresh and new eyes.

I, just as you, cannot choose where the greatest of need may be, I leave that to God to guide and direct me. For each of us has our own physical perception to see and know where that need may be, and how to get there. And then God steps in with the winning lottery and shows us where it is needed. Some may not agree with it but God always has a plan on what to do and so do you. It is the plan and how it is conceived and delivered that is the winning numbers. It’s Gods Lottery how many tickets do you want? Who’s Next…..

If I am destined to have the money from these lottery winnings then so be it, for with it I shall create and gain attention to the children of the world placing God and the children first. How can that not be the way for me to do? For we are all Gods children and if God places us before all others…then so too can we place God before all things. And if we have not placed God before all others then how should God place us? When I look around I see a world that is so divided in what God says, does and gives to us. We have created a division of God in our own little worlds and deemed what is God and what is not God. We have divided God up in pieces and we have taken the most precious thing in the world to all of us and divided it on many pieces, placing it where we choose and when we choose it to be placed.

So as each living being is playing this lottery, no matter where they live in this beautiful world… at any given time…they hold their lottery ticket and say a prayer deep in their hearts to God to be able to win it…no if, ands or buts about it, no matter who you are you have placed that prayer out into Gods world…God’s Realm of hearing. And you know it …God knows it…so if God is not good enough to be with you each day deep in your heart to live by the love that God is….why do you believe that God is hearing your prayer of gluttony? And yes, I will call it gluttony as that is where many seem to be keeping their little pocket to bring out when their time of fortune is at hand.

When individuals need, they make it in Gods name…. when they need to crucify another individual they do so in Gods name…When they desire to show they are more worthy or better than another they do so in Gods name…When they find themselves in an emergency they cry out in Gods name…when they lose a loved one they cry out in Gods name…when they abuse another they will use Gods name in saying God told them to do so…When a religious manner comes up they take God out of their pocket to show everyone their God words…. Hate me or not…Love me or not….to those who say I am a dark energy…look inside at your own pocket…for what you say is not what matters to me, for God knows my heart and knows what illuminates within me...I forgive you as you do not know me, but truly God does…for that which you speak is only that which I tweak…and if I have tweaked you enough for you to say it, then I bring to the foremost of your mind who you are and your thoughts that go with it, who you can be and where your journey begins and ends. For all know that God only gives and humanity takes…for as you speak, you speak that which angers you in the way that brings negative words for someone else who has not given those back to you but absorbs what you given and surrounds it in Gods Love…So let’s look…

Is God in your pocket?

Maybe God needs to place each living breathing being in Gods own pocket and what a day that would be…what a world that would be…for to when we happen to cross God’s mind that God then would take us out of Gods pocket to ask… “What is it that has happened today that you speak? Do you finally speak to me or that which you desire me to be?” Which one is it; can you imagine God to say…. “I see you and hear you but I have no heart or time for you as I am busy with my own day, but give me a minute and when I am through here I will call on you. For you see, I am sitting before judges at court all staring at me accusing me of horrendous things…A day that is so dim as far as the eye can see. Wait a moment can you hear what they are yelling at me again….. “God how could you do it…God can you hear me…God why did you do it…it’s all Gods fault…God did this to us” Can you hear that from the juror box what is said? How can I do what is said for I have given unto you your own self. I have assisted you in laying out the journey as plain as can be, all I asked was for you to go within and see me. Many can say what love is and how God can be for no one seems to see me. They do not see me when I walk by, they do not see me when I stop by, they do not see when I feed them and they are weary, they do not see when I pick them up and cry in their place, they have closed those doors and denied me. For humanity has freedom of choice as you say… to do and act their own way. Through no fault of my own I have completely ruined the Earth plane and then I have disrupted the natural flow from the beginning of time which I created, I have single handedly caused wars and famine, I have selfishly taken lives and made children starve and be raped. I have drilled holes and sucked out the life blood of the home in which humanity lives, I have caused earth quakes and damages to a progression that humans have never seen the likes of before, I have created destruction and manufactured gasses which can kill in an instant, I have taken the life source from humans and left them homeless, I have trailed chemicals everywhere I go...all these things keep me busy and now you are asking for more…what more can I give from that which you have taken?”

Who’s next in line to see me……

I love to sit and listen to God through the birds and animals as they go by, I love to see God move the clouds into formation to show me the simplest of gestures to know God is there within the fold. I love to hear children laugh and play knowing God gave me that hearing long ago to do so and the giggle in which the feely give. I love to meet and greet individuals to get to know them to share with everything I have, to answer their questions and to bring a Smile to their faces when they light up letting me know…they get it.

For me, I am a simple messenger and my labor is to bring up within you the God self that needs to be looked at within…for you to find the true love that resides there, a gift of God…your winning lottery. I shall never say I am perfect just as I know you are not perfect but in the eyes of God you are…I shall never say I am more than you…for you are more than me. All I can say is through my labor over the years I have experienced the same as you but in different ways. It is how we then acknowledge what we have experienced, where we have grown and how we live, what we shall then do with what we have learned and experienced to then live more graciously with that education, in growing through it all. The ascension process is one that many fall in love with that each living being is experiencing and it is all in the experience that we grow.

Through their own greed, I have had others take and say everything that there is, leaving me with not a physical or material thing left and through it all I had the one thing that they could not take…and that is my connection with God. My own worth within my soul to know and love God, which shall never be taken by anyone. Change every law that we have in the world and society and it still will not change my love for God…For I know that God is not what harms, injures, takes, attacks, steals, negates and maims. For God does not need to do that which humans do themselves so easily. Humans have a way of creating their own bible to suit themselves, their own doctrines and laws which they easily hold in their hands to back up their words and that which they do. When all they need to do is seek God in the most wondrous of ways…through Gods Love and truth be told it is there for each individual, each living breathing being to have and to hold. It does not come with a limited set of instructions; it does not come lined in gold. It comes from that which each living breathing individual being has within…Gods promise that when you seek out the hand of God…you will see Gods hand unfold and take a hold of your hand and line it with the kingdom of gold illumination within your soul…and that is the winning lottery that is for you and me to have and to hold.

So the numbers do add up and they do give us the win each and every time we take a chance and step up to the window to buy into God’s Lottery. A Place where we are all winners as we are all in it together. So when you Pin it to win it…remember God’s lottery has no rules but one to win…Go within seek the kingdom of God and there you find love not war. War is a self induced creation. And if it is war that you see then look a little deeper to what the creation of that war and destruction is all about. For war is a self induced creation not that of God’s love for you. Maybe just maybe you shall see God sitting there holding a sign that says “so what are you going to do about it, ohhh….by the way, come and see me and I shall show you the way”.

We are illuminations of Gods Love, we are that which sets the way for others to a Living light for others to follow as you get in line…as the only numbers you need shall be Gods vision of how beautiful and abundant you are to infinity…

I have nothing but love to buy my ticket and I am standing in God’s line to buy my lottery ticket anyway….....Who's Next…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights reserved Copyright©2012 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones