Sunday, May 23, 2010

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
By Adele Linsalata

Guardian of Light

My greeting s to you that this time. You have been much aligned with energies that have been working very hard to displace you on all levels. And here you are, welcome my friends we have journeyed before together and it is now time to open yourself to an understanding as you begin your final journeys towards that which your planet has much discussed and displayed fearful energies out unto the world in which you live. As say this as I begin for there has been many interruptions of energies and many eruptions from your Mother Earth. Can you not see why this is happening? Can you not see that this is an accumulation of energies that had been put forth from the limitations of expressions to which is said that your Mother Earth needs? We have all been paying close attention to that which is going on. We all have been working very much in alignment with your planet of Mother Earth to assist in all ways. But we also know that it is the human manifestations in which you and Your Mother Earth are now playing out in your journey.

We say your Mother Earth for a reason, can you not feel it, and can you not feel it deep within you when we say this, for she is your Mother Planet, she is your host and you are her guardian.

We have not missed anything that is placed before you, you whom live upon your planet of Mother Earth….Ahhh… she is beautiful is she not? But of course she is…she is a gift unto which you have chosen to be with during these changes of times. For to you to begin to see the effects of your own manifestations created and displayed for all to see. You have created much do you not see this? You have created the building of energies into which is now at play. You have through your own ego logical mindfulness created that which blinds you to see past that which is right before you.

How many times have you been to the past? How many times have you looked at the past? For to not look at the past is to not look at your future. And that is the walking force of your human development to always be where there is not, when there is that which is with you. Your Mother Earth, the place in which you have chosen to be housed upon right now. Do you not see this, your planet has had many explorations and images displayed from the human creation of the thinking mind to catapult you into the future in which all humankind seems to want to be in. Think about this, is it the future in which you live or the present in which drives you? You have chosen your planet of Mother Earth as your housing planet to retrieve experiences and gather that, which you need, the supplies to bring about your own ascension in your wholeness….a totality that will eclipse all thought forms of the present being to that which is the inner most of your essential self. Ahhh… yes…as there are others into the Universe who have chosen a less strenuous journey, you have chosen this one. Why then live for what shall be when you can live for what is? We watch as there are many among you who are coming forward to say that there is existence in which has always been held back but now they are to be acknowledging the existence in which you have always known. There is much growth upon your plant for the human experience. And there is still so much to learn.

We shall go to the past as that is what the beginning is all about, is it not? For the energies upon you have been lived many times before and it is for you upon your planet of Mother Earth to find that which is a continuation of energy. To find that which was completed and lived on again. For you are that which lives on again and you shall complete the circle that is here with you now.

I give to you a case in point… Just as the teacher is being guided to where she needs to be right now, she is being called forth by the Blessings of the one who is known to her as Mother, the Blessed One, within whom all things are. For the Teacher has touched the hands of Yahweh, been held in the light for all the heavens to see and acknowledge. She has ascended into the light and risen above all physical limitations to be anointed in Light of the Holy Trinity. Have you not asked her about this? Have you not taken the time to ask yourself why she has a light that shines so bright nothing shall limit it for she has been touched by God? She has then descended given to herself that which is being given to her to share and bring forth the light to all beings upon your planet of Mother Earth. For this she shall be rewarded even thought she asks for nothing… She is gently smiled upon, watched over and loved for there is grace and beauty wherever she goes.

Do I tell you this as to say she is greater than you? NO, for there is nothing greater than that which is within you. I tell you this as she shall find out much later, that as she has given to her inner calling, she has also given all that she has to her truths, she has acknowledged and gone forth through the anguish, pain and denial of others for so long and she now holds within her absolute peace of being. This too is that which calls to you, to ascend to your inner value of truth in all things. As you do this you shall rise above all limitations of the human thought process to see truth in all things around you. And to know you are not alone, you are at the time in which all is beginning to be shown to you. To discover the manifestations of the human mind come into play at its finest and then too at its most undermining ability to be blinded to that which is with you right now.

The times in which you are living are parallel to that which was lived long ago. When you look back at your ancient cultures most humans seek the beauty of what is being presented to them. It is not in the beauty that you shall find the answers; it is in the worth of the existence of that which was lived. Many of your Mother Earth ruptures were being displayed then too, many famines, and sacrifices. How does this replicate that which you are living right now? How many sacrifices shall it take to appease that which lives inside of you? How many famines in nature shall be allowed? You are matching the same energies as that which the Mayans lived in the years before the own what you call ending of their calendar. Living the parallel existence to your own ancestors. For their cultures and people did not all just die off. They are gentle souls who know the history and they too see the same repeating patterns as before. The ending is that which is before you now. A time in which is repeating itself and the blinding ability to not see this is what shall be the ending to the beginning. I say this as they suffered much with famine, you this day suffer the famine of your own creation. It is all around you not look at the food source to be that which is famine….look , look around and what then is your famine upon your planet of Mother Earth? Sacrifices, ahhh…yes… each of you are sacrifices each day from your own manifestations of desires. Do you not sacrifice the other to gain that which you believe to need?

When looking at the parallel journeys, seek that which is in your time to match that which is in the time of the Mayans and you shall see the energies that are at play here for you r right now and remember I said…they still live, there rich culture did not die off…For many ancestors live among you… When you acknowledge the same is when you can see the changes that are to be needed to learn from those before you.

For the true path of light shall always be there for you to see and follow… it is for you to see the light in which you follow…

New discoveries are going to be expanding for you of Mother Earth soon, this is great joy and as we have said before the collapsing of your governmental and religious structures have been unfolding around you. Being exposed to truth on all levels, how much more will you take, you of Mother Earth? …ahhhh… sacrifices and famines, is this not the way to find that which is the answer? Hmmmm…..What is being allowed to that which is being given are on two different levels.

I send you my peace for all of humanity to love another in their hearts as much as you are loved on all levels of your being. For we are one with you and we walk with you in all you do, for you are the Guardian of Light.

I AM Lord Amin-Ru

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Adele’s Monthly Message- May 2010

Adele’s Monthly Message- May 2010

Shape Shifting with Mother Earth

Welcome, Wow… so much going on for everyone everywhere and this is just the continuation of the shifting energies that are with us…We are now at the point in time that is being given to look at the parallels of past and future…I have been talking about reflections for a time now and with so much hitting us I am being guided to remind of the existences of those reflections from the past and future here with us. We have all been inundated with so much talk of 2012 and at the same time it is to see the points of existences between then and now.

Mother Earth has been rippling, moving, shaking and she is going to keep right on going…here inner core was besieged by energy years ago that to this individuals was not the best, but the meaningful intentions where there. It is we as a human evolution of beings are learning each moment of our days here upon Mother Earth. This you can see with everything you do each day. What is it that you learn each day, each second, with every move or experience you have or make?

I am always asked about shape shifting and I always explain that we grow in shifting our experiences with each breath we take. For each individuals shape shifts every second of their lives, it is something that is done with no conscious thought and then too, with every fiber of our knowing. It is there when you wake until the moment you lay down your head to end your day. The constant shifting of energies, emotions, energies and responses you live through. Even to look within our own minds to see how we can at any given moment have one thought process and then when applied to an experience, can shift that perception to a whole new level. This is just the way the human experience advances and grows to bring us to the next level of understanding that we need. And when we look back through the years of our own birthing upon Mother Earth we can clearly see our advances and our setbacks to then place upon our understanding of what steps then need to be made to take us to the next level.

We all do this everyday in our spiritual growth, we gather and learn, we advance and we take steps back to re-evaluate the progression along the way as to what has happened and where the next turn of our journey will lead us. This is shape shifting at its finest and is the flexibility of the human evolution. In doing this we all process that in which we shift into or become from one connection to the other.

Just as we do, Mother Earth makes these shifts in her own evolution as we live upon her. If you really stand back you can see where the human experiences of growth, shape shift Mother Earth each day. In doing this Mother Earth must then make the journey to process that which is shifted upon her and through her. It is remembering that as Mother Earth processes all that is there, she just like the human experience will have some challenging aspects that goes along with the acclimation of all that we do. When we step back Mother Earth will always reflect back to us that which we are processing and shape shifting in our own experiences and the even exchange is that we will also mirror to her that which she is living through in her journey. We all understand that which a friend is experiencing is at one time the exact or similar experiences that you have lived through. A growth of guidance from one friend to another, that is why we can “be there” for that friend or they can be there” for us. As we look at this we are asked to “be there” for Mother Earth as she has been here for the human generations of development…
I bring this up as Mother Earth is going through her Processing of healing from all the energy that has been given to her from the human spiritual evolution in which individuals feel that she needs the energy to move forward, from many years ago.

In recognizing the healing process it is to be kind with everything to Mother Earth as she goes through this. I always tell my clients before I do any healing work with the “ as this energy moves through you, you will then be dealing with some issues…and you will be very emotional…Remember when you get upset with someone or they irritate you, it is not their stuff it is yours, just let them know to leave you alone as you process and acclimate in your healing” . So now let’s look at what Mother Earth has had to deal with other than the emotional scaring of her body as we progress along in our own growth and development. It is like scars and wounds upon her that she needs to heal…yes, upon her. And then look at the amount of energy from years ago and even to this day that individuals and large mass consciousness of groups have sent to her…just as we go through our own healing and releasing…she too, has been processing and all that we are experiencing through her shifting…is her way of finally releasing.

We are the mirror image of Mother Earth, as you look at yourself right now and all that you are processing and releasing….you can see and feel what Mother Earth is experiencing too. I find it amazingly awesome that we can mirror each other to then be a guiding light to one another in this way. To honor all that Mother Earth is as she honors who we are…accepting that which we do as no other….the continuations of shape shifting in our acclimation of higher learning and exposure to the elements in which we live. To bring us to the point of shifting our consciousness with a continuation of growth on Mother Earth…respect and acceptance of all living things…all loving beings and of one another.

We will continue in this avenue of ascension as we step closer to that of 2012…Remember it is not about 2012, it is all about the journey we walk to 2012 that shall shift us into the higher realms of evolution. And right now she is giving us clear signs in our journey along the way. May you always be clear in your thoughts of healing and love for Mother Earth as much as she is always clear in her intentions to give to each of us. It is for us to clear our energetic vibrations for her continued existence in which we shall become one with her in all ways, for she is the mirror and we are the holder.

Love, Laughter & Light , Adele Linsalata

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones