Organic Garden Update
Okay so we have so much growing right now and I am experimenting with so many growing mediums as in Coco Coir. This is an organic medium from coconut shells. I love to be able to play with coco coir, as you can have your hands in it all day and they do not get dirty (smile) . I know just like you I love to touch, feel, smell and be with the dirt of Mother Earth. But with some changes we are going through, that which Mother Earth is going through we all need to see what will work in the coming times.
I have found that this growing medium works lovely, but you will need to keep it watered ( depending on your container you are using) as it may look wet but can actually be quite dry.
I have also mixed the coco coir with my compost matter, mixed it with a mixture of only decomposed leaves, etc…as much organic matter that I can. So right now I have five different growing areas all with different planting mediums to work with. All areas have done especially well and I am delighted with the results.
I have just re-arranged my salad bar on the deck. This is a much used growing container box that my husband and Randy built for me, just above waist level and I love it! As the lettuce and cool weather plants have finished growing in this container, I now have new flowers growing, nasturtiums, thyme and rosemary, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and yes peppers. This has been a great way to have all my herbs and fruit at the back door just waiting for the kitchen.
I did dump the first of my fingerling potatoes, cooked them with my green beans and I had a feast. The potato growing bags work great with these along with my other containers that I made myself. By purchasing two trash cans at the hardware store, cut off the bottoms, cut them in half. Then I have two barrel like containers that I placed on the ground, added newspaper some dirt, then the potato eyes, laid some more dirt on top and as the plant grew added more dirt until the containers are full. As the potatoes grow and do all of their work , I just need to water regularly. When it is time to harvest my potatoes I just lift the containers straight up and the potatoes come falling out. No major digging to have fresh organic potatoes on your table.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of their progress, My main garden containers right now are flourishing with tomatoes ( six varieties), peppers (eight varieties) Onions, ( three varieties, potatoes ( five varieties) bush greens beans . The melons are doing their job, and starting to really take off.
Have a great day, happy growing. Remember the buds of grow are there in you!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele