Monday, January 19, 2009

Alliance of Angels Light

Hello this day,

What a wonderful way to awake this morning as to have sunshine and snow falling all around? What a cleansing this is, and as you are being cleansed on all levels of your being, get ready to hear this lovely guided meditation CD that I have to offer.

We just finsihed shipping our newsets CD to CDBaby, so be looking - I have not placed this yet on my website but will in this next week and I know you are going to love it !

New Guided Meditation CD- The Alliance of Angels

Adele’s newest CD is a welcoming addition and a true blessing of Love to all those looking for a connection to the Angelic Realms. Opening you up from the heart space center of divine love as you journey through the universe.

In these times before us we all need assistance in our journey Alliance of Angels Light brings you into the Light realms of the Angels. You will be made whole in the alliance of the Angels lights, rising up through the Universe into the white mist energy vortex of Angels Light aligning you with the Angel's strength, peace and light to move forward as a light worker on Mother Earth.

Initiation into the Alliance of Angels Light. Meeting Master Jesus as he activates your cellular coding symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart space. Receiving your divine Angel Wings as you fly among the Angels Light in the Angelic Realms , moving you forward as a servant in the army of Angels Light. Raising your energy to a higher level in your own awakening ascension process.

Adele’s enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditations CD’s are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before. You receive two 30 minutes guided meditations per CD

As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic energy resonating with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.

Look for the following CD’s to be available real soon

Gateway of Heaven #1 - Prayers of Protection
Gateway of Heaven #2- Prayers of Love
Knowing Thy Self
Archangel Michael League of Angels
Egyptian Hall of Records
Journey with Jesus

All of Adele’s guided Meditation CD’s, Books and Journals are available on her website and