" The problems we have created cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them"
Albert Einstein
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hello to you and new beginnings
Just stopping by to say Hello to everyone !
As Mercury Retrograde comes to an end this weeknd, I know I will hear lots of sighs of relief, so just to refresh the energy as this one is ending look back to see what you have accomplished during this Mercury Retrograde. As this is the time to finish and complete that which you have been putting off.
As you know I have been an organic gardener all of my life and we have been selecting the seeds for this years crop, my Counsel has been assisting me in this whole process as the market is opening up in so many ways to bring us more of a variety in the organic seeds that are out there to add to my own collections. Yeah !!!
I will also be extending some of my classes this spring to include the organics gardening for those who are interested in starting out or just joining us to learn more as we are all preparing for 2012. I will be bringing more updates about this along the way.
As it is now time to bring the level of energies higher, I want to announce a workshop that has been in the making for a long time now :
Project Preparation 2012
As Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru and Chief RainMaker have told us many times before, we need to look at the journey we are walking and we need to know that which is before us as we walk into it. So "Project Preparation 2012" is underway. I am so excited as there will be three teachers in the project each of us will have our own section to be teaching those who hear the calling. So until then.........
I leave you my Love, I leave you my Light, I leave you with Laughter in all areas of your life!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
As Mercury Retrograde comes to an end this weeknd, I know I will hear lots of sighs of relief, so just to refresh the energy as this one is ending look back to see what you have accomplished during this Mercury Retrograde. As this is the time to finish and complete that which you have been putting off.
As you know I have been an organic gardener all of my life and we have been selecting the seeds for this years crop, my Counsel has been assisting me in this whole process as the market is opening up in so many ways to bring us more of a variety in the organic seeds that are out there to add to my own collections. Yeah !!!
I will also be extending some of my classes this spring to include the organics gardening for those who are interested in starting out or just joining us to learn more as we are all preparing for 2012. I will be bringing more updates about this along the way.
As it is now time to bring the level of energies higher, I want to announce a workshop that has been in the making for a long time now :
Project Preparation 2012
As Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru and Chief RainMaker have told us many times before, we need to look at the journey we are walking and we need to know that which is before us as we walk into it. So "Project Preparation 2012" is underway. I am so excited as there will be three teachers in the project each of us will have our own section to be teaching those who hear the calling. So until then.........
I leave you my Love, I leave you my Light, I leave you with Laughter in all areas of your life!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blessings With our Physical Guides
Adele’s Message
Hello to each of you this day, blessings are all over the place are you ready to grab all of it coming your way?
Blessings are something that we send out all the time, when is the last time you stopped to look at the blessings around you? We have so many blessings do you find it hard to keep up with all of them ? Many do. Do you recognize the blessings around you? Many do not. Looking and acknowledging the blessings around you brings more blessings upon you. We take in the beauty all around us each day, the animal friends we have with us, the trees,, flowers, mother nature is abundant in the blessings. It is when we take the time to look through what we might believe is not the perfect blessings that we can truly find where our true blessings may be found.
Your families whom may drive you crazy at times are true blessings. Always remembering your families are the ones that we chose to be with us in our lives at this exact moment of time. They are blessings to us, think of all the things you have learned and grown from in your existence from having these individuals in your life. You may not always get along, you may not have a lot of things in common, and they may be different in what they think or do. This just makes them truly unique in whom they are just as you are truly unique in whom you are. When is it that we stop to thank the universe for our true blessings in our families? Think about the time your parents may have told you something you did not like; think about that time a friend said something that you did not care to hear. And then stop to think about how that experience then changed you in anyway, good bad or indifferent.
And then stop to take the time to send a thank you out into the universe to those individuals. A thank you for being a guide to you in so many ways, you may not have wanted to hear what they had to say, you may not have wanted to experience what followed in anyway. But you have learned from it. You learned and grew from all of the experiences that they gave to you, just as they learned and grew from you. You have been guided from these individuals in your life, for you to experience that which you came here to do.
I call all of these individuals in our lives our physical guides. They are here with us in the physical in all we do.
And just as they have guided you, you then have given back to be a physical guide to them in all they have lived through. How amazing is that, to give and to receive by just being who you are?
I teach individuals all around Mother Earth about the guides, teachers, angels, ascended master and more in those whom are living in what we call the spiritual realms. Working, guiding and loving us in our spiritual aspect of our work, our lives and our careers. How these guides from the spiritual realms are around and with us to guide, teach, assist, work, protect, love, and show us the way in our journey. And how we have all chosen these ones of light to be with us in all we do.
Remember you have made a contract with these light ones in spirit to assist you in all you do while you are here on Mother Earth. So too we have our families, as I call them our physical guides, these are ones of light who have chosen to be in the physical with you in this lifetime. This includes all those from your immediate family to your extended family of friends, co-worker, and yes--- even acquaintances, those individuals whom you have had a short-time relationship with. Just as with your guides in the spiritual realms, some who are with you for years and some who are with you for shorter periods of time.
All of these individuals are here in this lifetime with you to guide, teach, assist, work, protect, love, and show us the way in our journey. Even when we do not like it. So why is it so hard to love our physical guides, when we automatically love our guides in the spiritual realms? Well, I see it like this - our family, friends, co-workers, etc..are here in the physical with us and most individuals do not accept or acknowledge their family and friends as their guides because they have never really thought about it in this way.
But they are here with us, right now and for many years to come. These are the ones we connect with on a daily basis and we have learned who they are, or who we think they are. Just as they are learning about us on all levels of our being. We have become so comfortable with them that as the saying goes; “we know them like the back of our hand”. We have become so comfortable that we then reach out to treat them any way we believe we can and they will still be there because they are family, they are our friends.
It is still all about the relationship with all of these individuals ----spiritual or physical that we then see the blessings that we have. The huge resource of loving guidance that is around us.
As we have begun this year we need to give thanks to not only what we know we have but what we do not acknowledge on a daily basis. Our families. When we start to do this we then start to bring together our personal power and our tribal power. As this year unfolds of love and knowledge, we bring back unto ourselves the personal and tribal power to walk forward in the light.
Where would most individuals be if they did not have their physical family around them? Where would most of us be if there was no spiritual family around us? Most do not accept what many of their psychical families say, we have become so used to them just giving us what they want to give us in their guidance that we then start to discount all they have to say or do. It is when we open ourselves up to the true love that we then start to see the knowledge that is around us all the time in the form of our physical families. When I say physical family we need to look at all the formations of physical families in our lives: our personal family, our work family, spiritual families and the families that we create as we learn together. These are all of our physical families; it is bringing all of these divided aspects of ourselves to together that we start to see the bigger picture of what we have around us. We have a whole plethora of blessing into which we can access anytime we wish. How amazing is that?
So the next time you want to know how many blessings you have around you, when there seems nothing out there that is a blessing to you. Stop and revisit in your minds eyes each living and spiritual soul with whom you have contracted out to be together in this lifetime. You will then see your abundance of blessings in your daily life. You will see how rich you are, you will see that you are never alone and you are always loved on many levels and in many ways.
As they say “Count your Blessings” Take the time to start counting them today! And give your love out into the universe so they too, may count theirs along the way!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Hello to each of you this day, blessings are all over the place are you ready to grab all of it coming your way?
Blessings are something that we send out all the time, when is the last time you stopped to look at the blessings around you? We have so many blessings do you find it hard to keep up with all of them ? Many do. Do you recognize the blessings around you? Many do not. Looking and acknowledging the blessings around you brings more blessings upon you. We take in the beauty all around us each day, the animal friends we have with us, the trees,, flowers, mother nature is abundant in the blessings. It is when we take the time to look through what we might believe is not the perfect blessings that we can truly find where our true blessings may be found.
Your families whom may drive you crazy at times are true blessings. Always remembering your families are the ones that we chose to be with us in our lives at this exact moment of time. They are blessings to us, think of all the things you have learned and grown from in your existence from having these individuals in your life. You may not always get along, you may not have a lot of things in common, and they may be different in what they think or do. This just makes them truly unique in whom they are just as you are truly unique in whom you are. When is it that we stop to thank the universe for our true blessings in our families? Think about the time your parents may have told you something you did not like; think about that time a friend said something that you did not care to hear. And then stop to think about how that experience then changed you in anyway, good bad or indifferent.
And then stop to take the time to send a thank you out into the universe to those individuals. A thank you for being a guide to you in so many ways, you may not have wanted to hear what they had to say, you may not have wanted to experience what followed in anyway. But you have learned from it. You learned and grew from all of the experiences that they gave to you, just as they learned and grew from you. You have been guided from these individuals in your life, for you to experience that which you came here to do.
I call all of these individuals in our lives our physical guides. They are here with us in the physical in all we do.
And just as they have guided you, you then have given back to be a physical guide to them in all they have lived through. How amazing is that, to give and to receive by just being who you are?
I teach individuals all around Mother Earth about the guides, teachers, angels, ascended master and more in those whom are living in what we call the spiritual realms. Working, guiding and loving us in our spiritual aspect of our work, our lives and our careers. How these guides from the spiritual realms are around and with us to guide, teach, assist, work, protect, love, and show us the way in our journey. And how we have all chosen these ones of light to be with us in all we do.
Remember you have made a contract with these light ones in spirit to assist you in all you do while you are here on Mother Earth. So too we have our families, as I call them our physical guides, these are ones of light who have chosen to be in the physical with you in this lifetime. This includes all those from your immediate family to your extended family of friends, co-worker, and yes--- even acquaintances, those individuals whom you have had a short-time relationship with. Just as with your guides in the spiritual realms, some who are with you for years and some who are with you for shorter periods of time.
All of these individuals are here in this lifetime with you to guide, teach, assist, work, protect, love, and show us the way in our journey. Even when we do not like it. So why is it so hard to love our physical guides, when we automatically love our guides in the spiritual realms? Well, I see it like this - our family, friends, co-workers, etc..are here in the physical with us and most individuals do not accept or acknowledge their family and friends as their guides because they have never really thought about it in this way.
But they are here with us, right now and for many years to come. These are the ones we connect with on a daily basis and we have learned who they are, or who we think they are. Just as they are learning about us on all levels of our being. We have become so comfortable with them that as the saying goes; “we know them like the back of our hand”. We have become so comfortable that we then reach out to treat them any way we believe we can and they will still be there because they are family, they are our friends.
It is still all about the relationship with all of these individuals ----spiritual or physical that we then see the blessings that we have. The huge resource of loving guidance that is around us.
As we have begun this year we need to give thanks to not only what we know we have but what we do not acknowledge on a daily basis. Our families. When we start to do this we then start to bring together our personal power and our tribal power. As this year unfolds of love and knowledge, we bring back unto ourselves the personal and tribal power to walk forward in the light.
Where would most individuals be if they did not have their physical family around them? Where would most of us be if there was no spiritual family around us? Most do not accept what many of their psychical families say, we have become so used to them just giving us what they want to give us in their guidance that we then start to discount all they have to say or do. It is when we open ourselves up to the true love that we then start to see the knowledge that is around us all the time in the form of our physical families. When I say physical family we need to look at all the formations of physical families in our lives: our personal family, our work family, spiritual families and the families that we create as we learn together. These are all of our physical families; it is bringing all of these divided aspects of ourselves to together that we start to see the bigger picture of what we have around us. We have a whole plethora of blessing into which we can access anytime we wish. How amazing is that?
So the next time you want to know how many blessings you have around you, when there seems nothing out there that is a blessing to you. Stop and revisit in your minds eyes each living and spiritual soul with whom you have contracted out to be together in this lifetime. You will then see your abundance of blessings in your daily life. You will see how rich you are, you will see that you are never alone and you are always loved on many levels and in many ways.
As they say “Count your Blessings” Take the time to start counting them today! And give your love out into the universe so they too, may count theirs along the way!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Alliance of Angels Light CD

At this time the Council of Light is calling forth all Light Workers, gathering them together as One aligning the energetic vibrations with that of the coming times in our Universal evolution. In all of this Archangel Michael is “he who commands the league of light” calling for all those upon Mother Earth to align with the light of God.
Adele was guided by Archangel Michael and her Counsel of One - the Angelic Wise Ones to record these new meditations coming your way. Giving to all upon Mother Earth in a loving gentle way to assist with the vibrational shift of energies.
To be initiated into the Alliance of Angels Light raising your energy vibration, acclimating you, aligning you into the League of Angels with Archangel Michael. This is the first of this collection that Archangel Michael as is given to Adele.
Alliance of Angels Light is simply out of this world beautiful as you will find yourself among the Angels Light in the Kingdom of Heaven. Journey through the vortex of light moving among the millions of Angels in the universe, as they illuminate you from the inside out, cleansing, clearing , aligning you with their heavenly vibration to discover who you are.
I finally was able to find a group of wonderful people who produce green/eco friendly materials for all of my CD's. I am so thrilled to be able to assist in this way to give to Mother Earth a portion of what she gives back to me. I have been organic for most of my life , so I have been searching for a long time and finally we have our CD's being packaged in this gentle way.
Blessings to All !
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, January 19, 2009
Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru, by Adele Linsalata
Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
by Adele Linsalata
You are here Upon Mother Earth for a Reason
As we approach this time there will be many awakening in the light. A light that will be blinding to many as they are acknowledging there is something more to be out around them. Take care to embrace these Children of One. For these are the children of light that you have been attracting to you. As I have said before, this is the time for the living light to walk in the knowing of all that is. This is the time for you to be moving among many to give that which you have been gathering for so long. Do not be anxious; allow that which is deep within you to move forward in who you are.
Your planet of Mother Earth is here to support you as you have been supporting her. She is welcoming that which you walk in the light. You have been taking care of your planet of Mother Earth and now is the time for her to take care of you. Many are still disfiguring her. Many are still allowing the dimness to make unclear that which is truly there. For now your planet of Mother Earth is hearing the cries of so many. Hearing why the actions which are being taken can keep up the pace in which it is. But this too has been decided long ago. This too shall come to pass. Do not lower the energies with all that is going on around your planet of Mother Earth. The assistance that is needed is in you as the living light in which you are.
As you are moving in your own stratum of the Galaxies all the planets around your planet of Mother Earth is there to lend its energy to you. You will see the bigger picture of how your planet is pulling energies from others in your own vortex the Galaxy which is around you. In these we see the energies being pulled to your planet of Mother Earth in a way that your planet of Mother Earth is cleansing those around her. Think on this, just as you in your humanness absorb the energies of those around you, so too does your planet of Mother Earth. She is taking all that has been done to those in her own planetary family and she is assisting them in their own releases and has been for many a millennium. In this way so too are you. In your discoveries with your scientist, you will start to see new formations from these that exist with your planet of Mother Earth. You will see the shifting of many, this you see as your vibrational energies are rising in the ascension process, this is why it is starting to become clearer in the information you are receiving on these other planets and solar systems. Is this not what you have been seeking? As your own planet of Mother Earth ascends more and more shall be revealed to you as the time gets closer to view the beauty of the Universe in which is all around you. And that is just the beginning.
The planetary alignment is taking shape in a way that we are much pleased. Know now that you as the humanity of your planet of Mother Earth have made this all possible. You should be rejoicing in your part of the ascension shift for the global human consciousness. But yes we know, too much rejoicing shall then take you back to the sense of self that has prevailed upon your planet of Mother Earth for too long. But has it not been too long from the time that you have taken the worthiness of whom you are and rejoiced in this?
You hold much honor to all those who watch the activity of your planet of Mother Earth. For many did not make the transition so well as you have done. Many at the time removed that which was of a lower self and left it to your planet of Mother Earth to deal with in many ways. The process of equations was but complete, the vibrational energies of your planet gave the time in which was needed for those to move along to then fulfill their own ascension in many different ways.
Many of you have heard for so long this then gave back to the solar systems of planets to gather that which is needed to become a force of energies to combat all that your planet of Mother Earth is going through to be strong and united as One. For your planet of Mother Earth is one with each planet that is in existence. For each one has left their mark upon her. Each one has given to her in many ways that some would say is not the most glorious, but has produced the greatest of all together as One. Do you see this? Just as you absorb the energies of all that is around you to process and then remove the impurities. To make whole - the living light. So too, had the contract been made between your planet of Mother Earth and those around her, to be the one to absorb all that they cannot process on their own. For then when the time was here the re-alignment shall take place and all that your planet of Mother Earth no longer can process shall be done so in a unified process of ascension. You are not alone in this whole process, we have told you this many times before. We have been coming to your distress calls many times over. We have all been alighting to make ourselves known through many. There is not the need to wait for the aerial to come to you, as you have been approaching for a very long time. The original coding of your genetic DNA has been infused with the coding of awakening. As with each individual soul that is becoming awakened this is already planted in their DNA structure and you shall see the planetary individuals come to you in many ways. You are among your own self already, you are awaiting that time in which has already been coded for you to become awakened in the light. All shall be revealed at the time it is to be revealed.
This is why I say to you, be gentle with those who seek you out as they awaken. For in this, these are the ones who are here right now as they have been all along. Do you not feel it in your own self? An individualization that you feel and then as you step out to seek and gather, do you not feel yourself coming alive as there are those who resonate with you? There are others whose energies feel as if you have been there before? Sometimes you do not even understand that resonation, and this is understandable. In your own earthly quest for knowledge new beginnings are happening around you each second of your earthly time, a time for you to adjust the vibrational energies that is needed for your own acclimation of understanding just who you are. Rejoice in this. You are in the crux of your new dawn of illumination in an alignment that is slated for these coming times in which you hold in your own hands. Many are not at the same times of awakening as this would be too overwhelming to the humanness of your planet of Mother Earth. That is why you have a thirst to know everything you may attend to, this is why you feel as if there is a coming of that which would be so grand on the whole scheme of your life learning. And all of this is true to your soul being. You are home, you have been home for a long time and now is the time to move forward in that which you are that which you have been gathering for a long time. You have acclimated your soul self to the humanness of your planet Mother Earth and you have that before you with which to make the change in energies to align with others with whom are here with you.
Love to all you meet for they shall awaken and be that part of you to bring in the tides of evolution of the ascension which is upon you. Be the living light in which they seek as you move forward. Hold no harm to none as this process is aware of all things. A new awakening is going to present itself to all, be the living light that is truth and this too shall pass as the glorious re-union of the Children of Light shall assemble to hold onto the light of ascension in all ways.
I leave you my blessings for all to connect with this awakening in the living light of your planet of Mother Earth. May you know you are One.
I Am Lord Amin-Ru
by Adele Linsalata
You are here Upon Mother Earth for a Reason
As we approach this time there will be many awakening in the light. A light that will be blinding to many as they are acknowledging there is something more to be out around them. Take care to embrace these Children of One. For these are the children of light that you have been attracting to you. As I have said before, this is the time for the living light to walk in the knowing of all that is. This is the time for you to be moving among many to give that which you have been gathering for so long. Do not be anxious; allow that which is deep within you to move forward in who you are.
Your planet of Mother Earth is here to support you as you have been supporting her. She is welcoming that which you walk in the light. You have been taking care of your planet of Mother Earth and now is the time for her to take care of you. Many are still disfiguring her. Many are still allowing the dimness to make unclear that which is truly there. For now your planet of Mother Earth is hearing the cries of so many. Hearing why the actions which are being taken can keep up the pace in which it is. But this too has been decided long ago. This too shall come to pass. Do not lower the energies with all that is going on around your planet of Mother Earth. The assistance that is needed is in you as the living light in which you are.
As you are moving in your own stratum of the Galaxies all the planets around your planet of Mother Earth is there to lend its energy to you. You will see the bigger picture of how your planet is pulling energies from others in your own vortex the Galaxy which is around you. In these we see the energies being pulled to your planet of Mother Earth in a way that your planet of Mother Earth is cleansing those around her. Think on this, just as you in your humanness absorb the energies of those around you, so too does your planet of Mother Earth. She is taking all that has been done to those in her own planetary family and she is assisting them in their own releases and has been for many a millennium. In this way so too are you. In your discoveries with your scientist, you will start to see new formations from these that exist with your planet of Mother Earth. You will see the shifting of many, this you see as your vibrational energies are rising in the ascension process, this is why it is starting to become clearer in the information you are receiving on these other planets and solar systems. Is this not what you have been seeking? As your own planet of Mother Earth ascends more and more shall be revealed to you as the time gets closer to view the beauty of the Universe in which is all around you. And that is just the beginning.
The planetary alignment is taking shape in a way that we are much pleased. Know now that you as the humanity of your planet of Mother Earth have made this all possible. You should be rejoicing in your part of the ascension shift for the global human consciousness. But yes we know, too much rejoicing shall then take you back to the sense of self that has prevailed upon your planet of Mother Earth for too long. But has it not been too long from the time that you have taken the worthiness of whom you are and rejoiced in this?
You hold much honor to all those who watch the activity of your planet of Mother Earth. For many did not make the transition so well as you have done. Many at the time removed that which was of a lower self and left it to your planet of Mother Earth to deal with in many ways. The process of equations was but complete, the vibrational energies of your planet gave the time in which was needed for those to move along to then fulfill their own ascension in many different ways.
Many of you have heard for so long this then gave back to the solar systems of planets to gather that which is needed to become a force of energies to combat all that your planet of Mother Earth is going through to be strong and united as One. For your planet of Mother Earth is one with each planet that is in existence. For each one has left their mark upon her. Each one has given to her in many ways that some would say is not the most glorious, but has produced the greatest of all together as One. Do you see this? Just as you absorb the energies of all that is around you to process and then remove the impurities. To make whole - the living light. So too, had the contract been made between your planet of Mother Earth and those around her, to be the one to absorb all that they cannot process on their own. For then when the time was here the re-alignment shall take place and all that your planet of Mother Earth no longer can process shall be done so in a unified process of ascension. You are not alone in this whole process, we have told you this many times before. We have been coming to your distress calls many times over. We have all been alighting to make ourselves known through many. There is not the need to wait for the aerial to come to you, as you have been approaching for a very long time. The original coding of your genetic DNA has been infused with the coding of awakening. As with each individual soul that is becoming awakened this is already planted in their DNA structure and you shall see the planetary individuals come to you in many ways. You are among your own self already, you are awaiting that time in which has already been coded for you to become awakened in the light. All shall be revealed at the time it is to be revealed.
This is why I say to you, be gentle with those who seek you out as they awaken. For in this, these are the ones who are here right now as they have been all along. Do you not feel it in your own self? An individualization that you feel and then as you step out to seek and gather, do you not feel yourself coming alive as there are those who resonate with you? There are others whose energies feel as if you have been there before? Sometimes you do not even understand that resonation, and this is understandable. In your own earthly quest for knowledge new beginnings are happening around you each second of your earthly time, a time for you to adjust the vibrational energies that is needed for your own acclimation of understanding just who you are. Rejoice in this. You are in the crux of your new dawn of illumination in an alignment that is slated for these coming times in which you hold in your own hands. Many are not at the same times of awakening as this would be too overwhelming to the humanness of your planet of Mother Earth. That is why you have a thirst to know everything you may attend to, this is why you feel as if there is a coming of that which would be so grand on the whole scheme of your life learning. And all of this is true to your soul being. You are home, you have been home for a long time and now is the time to move forward in that which you are that which you have been gathering for a long time. You have acclimated your soul self to the humanness of your planet Mother Earth and you have that before you with which to make the change in energies to align with others with whom are here with you.
Love to all you meet for they shall awaken and be that part of you to bring in the tides of evolution of the ascension which is upon you. Be the living light in which they seek as you move forward. Hold no harm to none as this process is aware of all things. A new awakening is going to present itself to all, be the living light that is truth and this too shall pass as the glorious re-union of the Children of Light shall assemble to hold onto the light of ascension in all ways.
I leave you my blessings for all to connect with this awakening in the living light of your planet of Mother Earth. May you know you are One.
I Am Lord Amin-Ru
children of one,
mother earth
Alliance of Angels Light
Hello this day,
What a wonderful way to awake this morning as to have sunshine and snow falling all around? What a cleansing this is, and as you are being cleansed on all levels of your being, get ready to hear this lovely guided meditation CD that I have to offer.
We just finsihed shipping our newsets CD to CDBaby, so be looking - I have not placed this yet on my website but will in this next week and I know you are going to love it !
New Guided Meditation CD- The Alliance of Angels
Adele’s newest CD is a welcoming addition and a true blessing of Love to all those looking for a connection to the Angelic Realms. Opening you up from the heart space center of divine love as you journey through the universe.
In these times before us we all need assistance in our journey Alliance of Angels Light brings you into the Light realms of the Angels. You will be made whole in the alliance of the Angels lights, rising up through the Universe into the white mist energy vortex of Angels Light aligning you with the Angel's strength, peace and light to move forward as a light worker on Mother Earth.
Initiation into the Alliance of Angels Light. Meeting Master Jesus as he activates your cellular coding symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart space. Receiving your divine Angel Wings as you fly among the Angels Light in the Angelic Realms , moving you forward as a servant in the army of Angels Light. Raising your energy to a higher level in your own awakening ascension process.
Adele’s enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditations CD’s are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before. You receive two 30 minutes guided meditations per CD
As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic energy resonating with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.
Look for the following CD’s to be available real soon
Gateway of Heaven #1 - Prayers of Protection
Gateway of Heaven #2- Prayers of Love
Knowing Thy Self
Archangel Michael League of Angels
Egyptian Hall of Records
Journey with Jesus
All of Adele’s guided Meditation CD’s, Books and Journals are available on her website and CDbaby.com.
What a wonderful way to awake this morning as to have sunshine and snow falling all around? What a cleansing this is, and as you are being cleansed on all levels of your being, get ready to hear this lovely guided meditation CD that I have to offer.
We just finsihed shipping our newsets CD to CDBaby, so be looking - I have not placed this yet on my website but will in this next week and I know you are going to love it !
New Guided Meditation CD- The Alliance of Angels
Adele’s newest CD is a welcoming addition and a true blessing of Love to all those looking for a connection to the Angelic Realms. Opening you up from the heart space center of divine love as you journey through the universe.
In these times before us we all need assistance in our journey Alliance of Angels Light brings you into the Light realms of the Angels. You will be made whole in the alliance of the Angels lights, rising up through the Universe into the white mist energy vortex of Angels Light aligning you with the Angel's strength, peace and light to move forward as a light worker on Mother Earth.
Initiation into the Alliance of Angels Light. Meeting Master Jesus as he activates your cellular coding symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart space. Receiving your divine Angel Wings as you fly among the Angels Light in the Angelic Realms , moving you forward as a servant in the army of Angels Light. Raising your energy to a higher level in your own awakening ascension process.
Adele’s enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditations CD’s are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before. You receive two 30 minutes guided meditations per CD
As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic energy resonating with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.
Look for the following CD’s to be available real soon
Gateway of Heaven #1 - Prayers of Protection
Gateway of Heaven #2- Prayers of Love
Knowing Thy Self
Archangel Michael League of Angels
Egyptian Hall of Records
Journey with Jesus
All of Adele’s guided Meditation CD’s, Books and Journals are available on her website and CDbaby.com.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Channeled Message from Lord Amin-Ru by Adele Linsalata
Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru by Adele Linsalata
The Living Light
I have been attending the summit of the Council of Light as this time on your planet of Mother Earth is ushering in the times of Love and Knowledge. Walk gently upon that which is around you for Love is very tender to all who are being directed and guided in this discovery of newness that is upon them.
Do not forget there are many among you who are just opening their eyes to all that is around them, for this we ask that you have much patience. Remember when you too reached out to those among you to try and discover that which was going on in your own humanness and energy field. This is not just for those who have been awakened, this you must remember--- you are never alone in the growth and development of each living soul upon your planet of Mother Earth.
We feel for each of you as you have just transitioned from the truth of abundance into the Love and Knowledge period of your evolution. Do not hesitate to know that we are with you as you dissect the abundance of truth that has been given out repeatedly upon your planet of Mother Earth. This is not something that will stop right now, it is like what you would say is a freight train at full velocity and then the brakes are slammed on. The effects of that heavy load of energy needs to be dispelled somewhere for then, where has it to go? It will keep being felt by many as the energy of that which is left behind seeks closure and out of sight minds. But then it is that which we have given to you to know and understand, as we have said to you all this time, your past human year has been a time of truth and abundance. Did you not feel, see and hear this as we said it to you? Look at the abundance of the truth which has been pulled into the light for all to see. All the abundance in which earth’s humanity has been collecting for a period of time that came roaring to what many will say is the end of your abundance. The devastation that is being felt upon your planet of Mother Earth, this too is a reverberation of time exploding out into the Universe. The echoes are felt by all. For truth shall always prevail, no matter in what existence it is grown or lives by. Know now the abundance in which many of earths humanity have lived shall not stop for you of the light, it shall now be released upon the light for the calling has come a return of light coding that shall be placed upon those who are the light within.
We call this the Living light. As you align your physical body with the alliance of light, the living light shall walk upon your planet of Mother Earth. For can you not feel it happening already? This separation you have been going through has many times left you feeling down and alone, this we know. For this is to see the light that lives within you become free of any constraints to walk among you once again in a physical way. You needed to feel and see this torn from you and that is why for many, the heaviness and deep dissatisfaction with the physical side of life is being felt. Know this now, the time is here of the living light. You are the living light extension of creation. You are the living light that is within.
As I have spoken to you before, the creation of all that you are right now is that which is an illusion to that which you truly are. The teacher gives this to you many times. In which time does it take for you to truly see it, to know it? For now is the time to be. There will be many among you who profess to be of the light. Do not be fooled by all, for you must see and know their own actions to know then the light that is within them. For the living light is one that is not wanted by many. For as the living light walks then the darkness is not to be found. The darkness that does not like the living light, is the darkness that many in earths humanity have become absorbed into, one that is a falseness and that which they do not see.. It is as a dimness of energy that is being around you that is felt as a heaviness, a shift of energy that keeps you not believing in your own original self. As you then start to accept as your own. For then you become that which is around you. You cannot see to far ahead as it is all happening now to you. You are caught up in the creation of the falseness that you do not see. And then you go out to lend this dimness to others, they have never seen the light as they are newly awakened so this to them looks and feels authentic. Over a period of your earth time, they become dismayed, worried and their human bodies become unwell. They then start to seek out once again that which can assist them in their recovery of what they do not know is happening. We feel for these souls, for they sought the light and found that which was not of the light, but one of falseness. For now in this transfer they are reaching out to find the living light. A light that is constant that has never been without in any form. Their own true awakening may finally begin.
All light workers are called to look at their own creation and dispel from them that which is of not the light, so that the living light shall become one with them in all ways. As an emissary of light one that is known as the Archangel has been called forward to align all to the living light. To be aligned into the living light in all ways that is upon those of your planet of Mother Earth.
Light workers this is your earth year to be that which you have been learning to be. To walk forward as the living light. To acknowledge the truth that is deep within you. Walk forward in all that you have learned, give to all the knowledge of truth. Be the light, be the truth, be the living light of truth. All that you have been waiting for is here and now, everything that you have been gathering is to be used in this earth year ahead of you. Use the knowledge in which you have been gathering to give to others in truth of the light of knowledge. And in this walk you shall know the living light for it is one of Love. For all those who are true to Love you shall find the living light. And to all those who are the living light you shall see and feel Love. For they stand in the creation of the Creator.
I come to you now to give to you my words, the time has come to move forward and give that which you have been learning. Move forward and be true to the Love that is within you. Do not be anxious of that which you do not know, for all shall always be revealed to you when asked. Ask and we are there as we have always been, take the power of your knowledge and move forward. You have asked to be here in this generational shift of humanness for as you asked you were given. Given everything you needed to be that and more. Seek out those who are awakening, be the living light to allow them to grow in the true awareness of Love and Knowledge. Show them that which Love is, teach them the knowledge they need to never be anxious again. But to know their own true self of Love and you then shall transfer the living light to all around you.
I leave to you the Light that lives among you. The Light that lives within you. The Light that is YOU.
I Am Lord Amin-RU
The Living Light
I have been attending the summit of the Council of Light as this time on your planet of Mother Earth is ushering in the times of Love and Knowledge. Walk gently upon that which is around you for Love is very tender to all who are being directed and guided in this discovery of newness that is upon them.
Do not forget there are many among you who are just opening their eyes to all that is around them, for this we ask that you have much patience. Remember when you too reached out to those among you to try and discover that which was going on in your own humanness and energy field. This is not just for those who have been awakened, this you must remember--- you are never alone in the growth and development of each living soul upon your planet of Mother Earth.
We feel for each of you as you have just transitioned from the truth of abundance into the Love and Knowledge period of your evolution. Do not hesitate to know that we are with you as you dissect the abundance of truth that has been given out repeatedly upon your planet of Mother Earth. This is not something that will stop right now, it is like what you would say is a freight train at full velocity and then the brakes are slammed on. The effects of that heavy load of energy needs to be dispelled somewhere for then, where has it to go? It will keep being felt by many as the energy of that which is left behind seeks closure and out of sight minds. But then it is that which we have given to you to know and understand, as we have said to you all this time, your past human year has been a time of truth and abundance. Did you not feel, see and hear this as we said it to you? Look at the abundance of the truth which has been pulled into the light for all to see. All the abundance in which earth’s humanity has been collecting for a period of time that came roaring to what many will say is the end of your abundance. The devastation that is being felt upon your planet of Mother Earth, this too is a reverberation of time exploding out into the Universe. The echoes are felt by all. For truth shall always prevail, no matter in what existence it is grown or lives by. Know now the abundance in which many of earths humanity have lived shall not stop for you of the light, it shall now be released upon the light for the calling has come a return of light coding that shall be placed upon those who are the light within.
We call this the Living light. As you align your physical body with the alliance of light, the living light shall walk upon your planet of Mother Earth. For can you not feel it happening already? This separation you have been going through has many times left you feeling down and alone, this we know. For this is to see the light that lives within you become free of any constraints to walk among you once again in a physical way. You needed to feel and see this torn from you and that is why for many, the heaviness and deep dissatisfaction with the physical side of life is being felt. Know this now, the time is here of the living light. You are the living light extension of creation. You are the living light that is within.
As I have spoken to you before, the creation of all that you are right now is that which is an illusion to that which you truly are. The teacher gives this to you many times. In which time does it take for you to truly see it, to know it? For now is the time to be. There will be many among you who profess to be of the light. Do not be fooled by all, for you must see and know their own actions to know then the light that is within them. For the living light is one that is not wanted by many. For as the living light walks then the darkness is not to be found. The darkness that does not like the living light, is the darkness that many in earths humanity have become absorbed into, one that is a falseness and that which they do not see.. It is as a dimness of energy that is being around you that is felt as a heaviness, a shift of energy that keeps you not believing in your own original self. As you then start to accept as your own. For then you become that which is around you. You cannot see to far ahead as it is all happening now to you. You are caught up in the creation of the falseness that you do not see. And then you go out to lend this dimness to others, they have never seen the light as they are newly awakened so this to them looks and feels authentic. Over a period of your earth time, they become dismayed, worried and their human bodies become unwell. They then start to seek out once again that which can assist them in their recovery of what they do not know is happening. We feel for these souls, for they sought the light and found that which was not of the light, but one of falseness. For now in this transfer they are reaching out to find the living light. A light that is constant that has never been without in any form. Their own true awakening may finally begin.
All light workers are called to look at their own creation and dispel from them that which is of not the light, so that the living light shall become one with them in all ways. As an emissary of light one that is known as the Archangel has been called forward to align all to the living light. To be aligned into the living light in all ways that is upon those of your planet of Mother Earth.
Light workers this is your earth year to be that which you have been learning to be. To walk forward as the living light. To acknowledge the truth that is deep within you. Walk forward in all that you have learned, give to all the knowledge of truth. Be the light, be the truth, be the living light of truth. All that you have been waiting for is here and now, everything that you have been gathering is to be used in this earth year ahead of you. Use the knowledge in which you have been gathering to give to others in truth of the light of knowledge. And in this walk you shall know the living light for it is one of Love. For all those who are true to Love you shall find the living light. And to all those who are the living light you shall see and feel Love. For they stand in the creation of the Creator.
I come to you now to give to you my words, the time has come to move forward and give that which you have been learning. Move forward and be true to the Love that is within you. Do not be anxious of that which you do not know, for all shall always be revealed to you when asked. Ask and we are there as we have always been, take the power of your knowledge and move forward. You have asked to be here in this generational shift of humanness for as you asked you were given. Given everything you needed to be that and more. Seek out those who are awakening, be the living light to allow them to grow in the true awareness of Love and Knowledge. Show them that which Love is, teach them the knowledge they need to never be anxious again. But to know their own true self of Love and you then shall transfer the living light to all around you.
I leave to you the Light that lives among you. The Light that lives within you. The Light that is YOU.
I Am Lord Amin-RU
Original Coding of our Souls
Happy New Year to All,
As we start this glorious year I am so excited for the promises that it brings to each of us. We are on the threshold of a great shift of Love that will permeate every living being - in the Universe. No one is left out or left behind; we are all apart of this energy.... a huge collection of spiritual consciousness that cannot be ignored.
The past couple of months I know you have been feeling more alive than ever as you are trying to adjust to this transfer of Love that is effecting you in a more potent way. How is that? Well your energetic cells of DNA are being opened from the original coding of the creation that has been manifesting for a long time. As this transition takes place you are being pulled and stretched as far as it seems you may go. Have you not been feeling the separation of the living you and of the you - who is not willing to let go? The part of you - who has refused to give it all over to the Creation? The creation of your own being?
This is why it is so exciting. You have been experiencing for the past couple of months the division and separation of the original you. In that separation you have been fighting on a sub-conscious level what is real and that which is not real. Like when you fall in love and you fight that feeling for a long time not wanting to give up who you are to another, to entrust your love to anyone else who may harm it in anyway. You are fighting that which is deep inside of you that knows what love is and that which is not quite sure or not quite ready to let go. And it has been giving you one ride you will never seem to forget, but you will.
The time has come to just give, give all of it to your own original self, your original creation and know that this original coding has been pre-programmed from long ago. It is this way in each of the life times you live and experience. It is that wake-up energy cell coding that says "it is time".
Are you feeling bored or that you are not learning anything? Take a moment of time and look at the creation of what you have created in your physical life. This is your creation. What does it look like? Look at everything around you in your life right now and take responsibility for all that there is, for remember, this is your creation. This is what you have been setting into motion, and this is the year to let go of it and go with the original blue print of your creation. This is very easy to see and do as your soul iscalling out from deep inside to get your attention. This latest activation from November through now is all about Love. The original Love and Creation. How marvelous is that?
It is marvelous in the fact that you are being given everything you need to go through this in the most gentlest of ways. If it does not feel gentle, it is then you need to look at the creation of all the years that are behind you. What is the blueprint you have beendrawing up and the foundation that you have been laying down all these years? When we look back from the moment in time that we can remember up until this present time in your physical existence, what is it that you have been going through and doing? How do you go through each of your days and how did you get to where you are now? ALL of this is your creation. You are given that which you need to see where you are going with each step you take, so where has your steps taken you?
You have been living your life learning lessons; it has all been your choice in the direction you have gone, it has been your own creation. This is why you are here right now on Mother Earth. With each step you have taken in your life you have been living your learning lessons, you have grown and learned so much along the way. Each one of us learns each day and we will continue learning each moment of each day. All of this is how it is meant to be to give you the knowledge of what you are here to learn. To assist you in your spiritual evolution- on your journey to ascension. That is why there can be no judgment from one to another. For each of us opted to be here at this moment of time to learn lessons for our own evolution of ascension.
Does it always feel the best- all of the learning lessons?- No. Does it always bring rewards- Yes! With each lesson we learn we are rewarded that we shall not have to re-do that lesson. With each lesson learned we then resonate at higher levels of vibrations. Have you not felt that? A peaceful vibration that hums deep inside knowing that we survived, we have grown and we live. That the doors have opened up for our next level of learning and how glorious is that? What lessons have you learned and what experiences have you gathered along your journey? As you can look back and see all of this, so much starts falling into place and you start to see thebigger picture of who you are and what you are here to do. Everything you have learned and experienced has been a growing initiation to you. As we finish one learning level we start with another and it keeps going and going, what some might say is a never ending journey.
Now with this journey it is all up to you and how you decide to live in your creation. You are more enlightened and aware each moment of the day. Just by reading this you are storing away knowledge that while you are reading this and later will bring toyou epiphany after epiphany. It is a constant in your life. It is up to you to acknowledge that which it brings to you.
So look at your creation, assist this cellular activation by acknowledging your original blueprint of coding. When you feel as if you are being pulled apart, stop and take a nice even deep breathe in and go into your heart it is all in there. It is like a beautiful network of colors going one way and then another. This is the original you, coming alive in a whole new way. Explore it and know true in your heart who you are. For you are Love and you have always been Love. Surrender to this division - the separating of the original you from that which has always been placed upon you. And you will ride the flowing tides of energy supporting you in all ways.
Know in which direction you are heading, even if you do not seem to understand right now, you will, as you let go and be the creation of your original blueprint all things will fall into place for you.
May you be Blessed in the Peace that we share with one another .
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
As we start this glorious year I am so excited for the promises that it brings to each of us. We are on the threshold of a great shift of Love that will permeate every living being - in the Universe. No one is left out or left behind; we are all apart of this energy.... a huge collection of spiritual consciousness that cannot be ignored.
The past couple of months I know you have been feeling more alive than ever as you are trying to adjust to this transfer of Love that is effecting you in a more potent way. How is that? Well your energetic cells of DNA are being opened from the original coding of the creation that has been manifesting for a long time. As this transition takes place you are being pulled and stretched as far as it seems you may go. Have you not been feeling the separation of the living you and of the you - who is not willing to let go? The part of you - who has refused to give it all over to the Creation? The creation of your own being?
This is why it is so exciting. You have been experiencing for the past couple of months the division and separation of the original you. In that separation you have been fighting on a sub-conscious level what is real and that which is not real. Like when you fall in love and you fight that feeling for a long time not wanting to give up who you are to another, to entrust your love to anyone else who may harm it in anyway. You are fighting that which is deep inside of you that knows what love is and that which is not quite sure or not quite ready to let go. And it has been giving you one ride you will never seem to forget, but you will.
The time has come to just give, give all of it to your own original self, your original creation and know that this original coding has been pre-programmed from long ago. It is this way in each of the life times you live and experience. It is that wake-up energy cell coding that says "it is time".
Are you feeling bored or that you are not learning anything? Take a moment of time and look at the creation of what you have created in your physical life. This is your creation. What does it look like? Look at everything around you in your life right now and take responsibility for all that there is, for remember, this is your creation. This is what you have been setting into motion, and this is the year to let go of it and go with the original blue print of your creation. This is very easy to see and do as your soul iscalling out from deep inside to get your attention. This latest activation from November through now is all about Love. The original Love and Creation. How marvelous is that?
It is marvelous in the fact that you are being given everything you need to go through this in the most gentlest of ways. If it does not feel gentle, it is then you need to look at the creation of all the years that are behind you. What is the blueprint you have beendrawing up and the foundation that you have been laying down all these years? When we look back from the moment in time that we can remember up until this present time in your physical existence, what is it that you have been going through and doing? How do you go through each of your days and how did you get to where you are now? ALL of this is your creation. You are given that which you need to see where you are going with each step you take, so where has your steps taken you?
You have been living your life learning lessons; it has all been your choice in the direction you have gone, it has been your own creation. This is why you are here right now on Mother Earth. With each step you have taken in your life you have been living your learning lessons, you have grown and learned so much along the way. Each one of us learns each day and we will continue learning each moment of each day. All of this is how it is meant to be to give you the knowledge of what you are here to learn. To assist you in your spiritual evolution- on your journey to ascension. That is why there can be no judgment from one to another. For each of us opted to be here at this moment of time to learn lessons for our own evolution of ascension.
Does it always feel the best- all of the learning lessons?- No. Does it always bring rewards- Yes! With each lesson we learn we are rewarded that we shall not have to re-do that lesson. With each lesson learned we then resonate at higher levels of vibrations. Have you not felt that? A peaceful vibration that hums deep inside knowing that we survived, we have grown and we live. That the doors have opened up for our next level of learning and how glorious is that? What lessons have you learned and what experiences have you gathered along your journey? As you can look back and see all of this, so much starts falling into place and you start to see thebigger picture of who you are and what you are here to do. Everything you have learned and experienced has been a growing initiation to you. As we finish one learning level we start with another and it keeps going and going, what some might say is a never ending journey.
Now with this journey it is all up to you and how you decide to live in your creation. You are more enlightened and aware each moment of the day. Just by reading this you are storing away knowledge that while you are reading this and later will bring toyou epiphany after epiphany. It is a constant in your life. It is up to you to acknowledge that which it brings to you.
So look at your creation, assist this cellular activation by acknowledging your original blueprint of coding. When you feel as if you are being pulled apart, stop and take a nice even deep breathe in and go into your heart it is all in there. It is like a beautiful network of colors going one way and then another. This is the original you, coming alive in a whole new way. Explore it and know true in your heart who you are. For you are Love and you have always been Love. Surrender to this division - the separating of the original you from that which has always been placed upon you. And you will ride the flowing tides of energy supporting you in all ways.
Know in which direction you are heading, even if you do not seem to understand right now, you will, as you let go and be the creation of your original blueprint all things will fall into place for you.
May you be Blessed in the Peace that we share with one another .
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Mercury Retrograde
Just a side note for all to remember that Mercury Retrograde starts Sunday- Janaury 11th and runs until Febraury 1st.
During Mercury Retrograde you do not want to start anything new and is not the time to buy anything that is electronic in anyway.
Remember anything that you may want to start or buy during this time will need to be thought about, written down or planned out now before Mercury retrograde begins and then everything will be good for you to move forward with it during that time.
It only takes a moment of time to think about what you will be doing in February, so go ahead and give it a try, what do you have to lose??? Journaling, new classes, purchases, books, furnishings, clothing, etc...
ALSO, Mercury Retrograde is the most perfect of times to finally finish all of the stuff that you have been putting off. So as we approach and are moving through the Retrograde go ahead and complete all those projects and the energy will move along with you in the best of ways.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
To Be Released January 17th, 2009
New Guided Meditation CD's
Yes, I know we have been busy here at Angelic Wise Ones and now is the time for all new beginnings as we are moving along in this energy right now in a wonderful way.
New newsletters coming your way, with lots informative news and some great channelings. My Counsel has kept me busy with so much information and have been creating all new workshops to bring to everyone to keep us moving in this energy of LOVE & Knowledge this year.
I am also releasing (as you will read below) some magnificent new guided meditation CD's that I am so excited about and it has been a dream to work with the Coucil of Light in producing these new CD's , I know you will enjoy them too.
Be at Peace and talk to you soon.
Love, laughter & Light, Adele
Announcing Adele's Newest Guided Meditation CDs to be released starting this month of January. As this is the year to step intothe energy power of your being, Adele has been hard at work recording her latest Meditation CDs just for you.
Adele's enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditation CD's are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before.
As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic attunement with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.
Knowing Thy Self
Alliance of Angels Light
Archangel Michael League of Angels
Egyptian Hall of Records
Journey with Jesus
All of Adele's guided Meditation CD's, Books and Journals are available on her website and CDbaby.com. To be released starting January 17th, 2009.
Yes, I know we have been busy here at Angelic Wise Ones and now is the time for all new beginnings as we are moving along in this energy right now in a wonderful way.
New newsletters coming your way, with lots informative news and some great channelings. My Counsel has kept me busy with so much information and have been creating all new workshops to bring to everyone to keep us moving in this energy of LOVE & Knowledge this year.
I am also releasing (as you will read below) some magnificent new guided meditation CD's that I am so excited about and it has been a dream to work with the Coucil of Light in producing these new CD's , I know you will enjoy them too.
Be at Peace and talk to you soon.
Love, laughter & Light, Adele
Announcing Adele's Newest Guided Meditation CDs to be released starting this month of January. As this is the year to step intothe energy power of your being, Adele has been hard at work recording her latest Meditation CDs just for you.
Adele's enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditation CD's are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before.
As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic attunement with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.
Knowing Thy Self
Alliance of Angels Light
Archangel Michael League of Angels
Egyptian Hall of Records
Journey with Jesus
All of Adele's guided Meditation CD's, Books and Journals are available on her website and CDbaby.com. To be released starting January 17th, 2009.
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