Sunday, August 2, 2009

Only Time Will Tell

What is it that calls to you? Is it abundance, happiness, friendship? Be loving to yourself in the abundance of friends who make you happy?

Join me for some Meditation time…..

Years ago as I sat down to channel with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru he gave to all od us an understanding of the energy “All Souls Calling“ and what a calling it has been, I am excited as so many individuals are seeking even more than before, their souls have heard the calling and they are opening themselves up to all the possibilities before them, and at the same time it feels as if rushes of emotions are hitting you at once, so much to do and what seems as if there is so little time. But then, you have to understand that time is irrelevant and in the larger plan of things time and space have no bounds. This year is about time, truth, integrity and when we look at it what is your own usage of that time may be. How do we equate time, if it is irrelevant?

Time is the ever expanding distances between what we know and what we do with it. What we know is that there are so many young people being awakened at this time, Remember the “Old Souls Calling” is also calling out to them, it called to their souls just as you and I, and if you believe you are going through some things right now, then so too are our young people. They want to understand what in the world is going on and they want answers. And no one seems able to teach them what is going on, why? Because, no one seems to have enough time to teach them. Seeing this as the “me” only time.

It is very simple, only time will tell.

When we take the time to invest in ourselves then we have a vested interest, when we are at a job for a length of time we are considered vested. When we take the time to invest in ourselves we can produce miracles like never before. When we take the time to invest in our own growth and understanding with programs, seminars, classes, workshops, higher learning; then we have vested ourselves in this journey of life. And we walk away with a vested interest of that higher learning, which we can then utilize to bring a clear resonate of energy like never before. Our lives change, we no longer struggle as we use to, and we learn how to invest in ourselves. We learn to trust ourselves and all that we create around us. This does not mean that we believe it is just “me” only time, it is that some have come to explore the possibilities that they are all alone fighting to be seen, heard and understood. When all they need to do is look around them to know that they are not alone. Each living soul is walking right bedside them. Take the time to acknowledge them and what they have to offer, it just may be that sign that you are looking for.

When we take the time to invest in our young people, we have a vested future of individuals who will take the time to invest in themselves, and then that investment will be for everyone in an expanded consciousness of evolution. I am not looking at the young ones as a vested “me” interest, as this seems to be spreading widely. These young ones need to understand that “me” can be very lonely when not opening their eyes to see that “me” is the selfish way of expanding their own ideas to become invested in their own future. But “me” should stand for the vested future that every living being has brought together to share with one another their ideas, their love, their creations that can expand and give to another for their own growth.

So, lets look at what you have invested in for yourself this year? Did I say it is only the first half of the year? Well yes, it is and there is even more for you to do. Across our lands this first half of the year we have had record breaking news, major transitioning of professional figures that we have all experienced in our own way, weather and insights.

Is your soul calling to you right now? Does all of this have to do with time, you betcha!

We have so much time that it really is not funny, we have time to tell a loved one – “I love you,” we have time to get to know God, Creator, the Divine, Source. We have time to learn new things and discover our own ancient mysteries that lie at our doorstep, we have time to teach our young ones about their relationship to the divine in a loving and gentle way for them to know who they are and we have time to share that love with one another. We have time to start our own life over and create that which we seek. We have time to understand that we are not alone in that creation. We have time to get to know our Angels, Guides and teachers in the spiritual realms. We have time to learn something new each moment of our day whether we want to admit it or not.

You just need to invest into that time to discover all that is waiting for you. To discover you have time for whatever you would like, you just need to know your own relationship to time and how it is irrelevant. When we try to rush time, it is like being on the highway and trying to rush around the person in front of you, you might get ahead, but since you put so much energy in that time, you will only discover you are really far behind.

Sit back and know that you have all the time you need to do what you are here to do, just be patient with time and it will work with you in every way. Take the time to invest in the young people, we are the forerunners, they are here now and seeking that which they do not understand, when we are learning and asking what am I here to do, what I am going to do with my life? Know that the young person you are sitting beside is asking the same question to their own self. If you truly believe you do not understand, what then do you believe they know?

It is very simple, only time will tell.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele