Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Continuity of Life -- The Development of Mediumship

Meditation, delivering messages, journaling your soul, connecting your energies, etc… these are just a few things that comes to mind when you start your journey into the development of Mediumship. To understand your voyage into that arena you need to understand what it is in the development that calls to you. For to understand that, you need to understand why a medium does the work they do.

One of the very first things an individual learns when developing Mediumship is what a mediums purpose is.

All of it is about proving the continuity of life as we transition from this human body and experience. To give to those still here walking Mother Earth the understanding that the spirit does not die it lives on. That those in spirit are still with us, they are around more so than most think. They see our lives and still have every intention of assisting us the same as when they were physically with us.

This as you well know, can be a good thing, a not too good thing and sometimes a very funny thing. As most times, in my experience our loved ones did drive us crazy from time to time. Their personalities are what we remember the most and look for it when we go see a medium.

What is the reasoning behind the work a medium does? There are at times no rhyme or reason, it is just a feeling inside that pulls you with an urgency that stays there until you make your decision. And what a decision that will be. You will be opening yourself to exposure like you have never before. It is the love that you have for others that pulls you into reasoning with family and friends that this feels right and is right for you. The love you have for humanity, animals and all of life. To be able to except that there is something unique and special you have or who you are to then share with others.

So when you sit down to learn Mediumship it is so much more than you ever thought it to be. In your development you will be gathering with others, sitting down to meditate and deliver your messages to those in the group with you. At no time do you place harm out to another. This can come in the form of believing you know more than another, you know less than another and you give a message that comes from the ego and not from those in spirit.

It takes the time to not only trust yourself but those in the same development class, group or workshop with you. This is very critical as one can find that the messages they are delivering and learning to deliver can be misconstrued in many ways. You need to be able to trust the one sitting next to you, across from you and around you, with your development as if it was their own. As, it is the information that will be shared, to not go and share it with those outside of your development group. There is so much that you will be opening yourself up to. To find that space that is comfortable allowing you to feel apart of others and something that calls to you, to know you will be exposed before all those around you. This can be very discerning to others as they become exposed with all they hold dear.

Development can be wonderfully exciting, to be able to connect and understand what is going on around you at all times. It can also be very challenging. You will be reviewing your base of who you are… You will be looking at what you hold dear to your heart, you will be discovering so many misperceptions that it will take your breath away. The perception that most individuals have is that this type of development is open to another’s explanation of what you are really all about. Many ways this is true, you are open to another perception of you. Are you ready for that? You should be… as each day you walk out your door, you are open to another’s perception of you. You are handing yourself over on a silver platter for those around you to see who you are. Many times as we work, there will be those we work with or meet, who do not like for you to know all of their business. Many individual have jobs where they need to know everything they can about another, to then be able to do their job. When you go out to eat and order your meal, the server then knows your likes and dislikes; you then, are giving your permission for the perception of you to be told to that server. Every time you walk down a street, go to a mall shopping, you are opening yourself to the perception of others in the clothes you wear, the things you buy. Is this not always explained as the company you keep?
This too, is the perception that you will be with, as those around you know you are now developing yourself as a medium. You will feel and see people look at you like you are crazy. You will have individuals go in another direction when they see you as they believe you will know all their secrets. But, you too will find that those around you will no longer hold your interest. You will be developing on many levels and you will find that as you grow, so to does your courage in facing that which you have always put behind you. You will be facing your truths and then you will be seeking others of that same truth.

It is when you find those that say “ no one can talk to dead people and that this is all unproven”. Obviously they have not taken the time to actually watch good mediums at work. They have not taken the time to be fully open to be honest that this can be done. And they have not taken the time to actually be as they so think they are… living in truth…

There is nothing to explain, I do not even try it when I receive letters from those who do not even want to believe. And then again, I believe they have been so disillusioned by their own making that they no longer know what truth is. It is as if they had an experience that they could not fit into, they could not do themselves or something that another took from them. I too am very skeptical about many things. When someone says they can do one thing or another, I truly know if they can. I have seen many things in my life and I will be the first one to thoroughly investigate what is given to me. There are so many out there that do harm to the community of mediums, no wonder there are those who do not believe. More over there are those who think they know everything about mediums, but alas, they have not taken the time to really understand. My perception or yours… Do not lump me with another and I shall not do the same to you. That column is coming soon.

It takes time to develop Mediumship; this is why you will find so many classes and workshops being offered. It takes time to break the barriers of societies conditionings for you to uncover the truth and to enjoy being in that truth. It takes time for you to understand how messages are received and how to interpret them with no judgments, no egos and without outside influences. As in many of my earlier columns, it is to find the right energy for you. You will need to find the right teacher for you, for even though there are many out there, they all work differently and offer a different version from their own understanding. I have taught many individuals how to be a teacher, to give them the foundation of what they need. It then is up to that individual teacher to work in honor in what they teach. My next column will be about Spiritual Teachers and how to find, what to look for in that one special teacher that is just for you.

But when looking to Mediumship as a guide line, the energy of old is no longer working with the energy of now. Many things are still the same and many are not. It is getting to know you, on all levels and to do this… it takes time. The number one rule in my classes is to be honest with yourself. Some may find this and say how simple and easy, I will tell you it is not as easy as you think. Even many teachers have a hard time with this.

Mediumship development is not just about being a medium, for many of my students work as doctors, nurses, lawyers, real estate brokers, school teachers, counselors, electrical engineers, mechanics, and authors, the list continues. You do not have to want to be a medium to learn Mediumship development. Many do not have grand glory of being on stage, offering readings for others or teaching Mediumship classes. Many are here to be comfortable in who they are. To open themselves to so much more than what life has to offer them right now. To enjoy their lives with the knowing that is deep within. More importantly to find the answers to the questions they seek, to be able to breathe deeply in an appreciation of their life they are here to celebrate. To celebrate the continuity of their life and what that may bring. For they are here now to prove just that. They are still here in the physical for you to see, hear, sense and know.

Development on any level will always bring you to that which you quest on a level that no one knows or understand but you.
May you enjoy your development of life and all it has to offer. Until then….

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata