Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Question and answer with Adele - What is platform mediumship or gallery readings?

Hi Adele,

I just wanted to ask if you could help me to understand what is platform mediumship or gallery readings? I noticed you do a spirit speaks gallery night and I have seen others offered like this before in New Jersey. Is this also like what John Edward does? I have never been but I am curious to what it is and if I should go to one. Thanks.
Blessings to you, Rachel

Hi Rachel, thanks for writing and I will try my best to assist you. Platform mediumship and gallery readings can be a great experience and much comfort to so many.

When it comes to platform mediumship and gallery readings everyone is used to seeing the more main stream public Medium as John Edward. John is known all over the world for his extraordinary gift of connecting individuals with their loved ones who have crossed over. This takes much focus, responsibility, hard work and dedication in who he is as an individual working with his gifts. Most individual do not understand what it is to do this work and the amount of time and energy that goes into what we do. I often hear individuals say that this is a gift ( which it is and we all have) that it is unbelievable that anyone can talk to deceased individuals. Many will not understand it and say it is not real. I have even seen someone get a message delivered to them and they negate it, as they are too afraid of the truth that was given to them.

Being a medium is something that is a passion and a life in which you live constantly on a platform of everything that is going on around you. When a good Medium does this work with such ease it makes it all look too simple to the normal individual. But many do not understand or know what goes into being a good Medium. Many believe that being a Medium is filled with glamour and everyone will become rich and famous. Not true. It takes a very special individual to be recognized in this way. As I said there is much responsibility, time and focus to be a great Medium. Mainly by the time an individual works to develop their gifts with the ability to bring them closer to the lime light they become distracted with an ego and never make the cut. Most so-called Mediums do not take the time to work, learn or understand their own stuff before they are selling themselves as a Medium to the main stream public. Mainly by calling themselves a Medium when they do not even understand what a Medium is themselves. Once again it is taking the time to understand and develop what it is they are working with. They will read a few books because they have something going on around them, a recognition that they see, hear, or know something that is hard to explain. Some individuals have even taken some classes but when it gets to the point of actually having to do some work or look at the truth of everything, they will run in the opposite direction. These individuals really did not take the time to do their work. I once had a young woman tell me she is a true Medium and that she did not have to develop what was just natural for her. This is all very wonderful, except for the fact that she was giving messages to others that were all fear based. She did not really understand the responsibility it was to work with others in this way. She was also more of a intuitive psychic that just wanted to be known as a Medium for her own prestige.

Developing your Mediumship if that is what calls to you, takes more than one weekend to work with to develop. It takes the time to develop it over a course of months and years to be able to understand the basics and then more importantly to understand who you are and if this is for you.

Just about any good Medium will tell you the importance to doing their own work and developing how to interpret the messages they are receiving. Remember my articles about Spirit Guides and Angels? That they never tell you anything fearful or negative and they most certainly do not. It is always going to be the interpretation of the Medium in how they receive their messages from those in spirit, to then be able to deliver them back to you with accuracy. This is why a Medium takes the time to develop their gifts, to know how they are receiving (seeing, hearing, feeling, etc...) what they are receiving and what all of it is about. As in my earlier articles I wrote the differences in psychic, psychic mediums and mediums, which is very important to know these three different working styles. As to then know what kind of messages you will be receiving and what style in which it will be delivered.

At a Gallery Reading or seeing a demonstration of Platform Mediumship there are a few things that go on. You may see that there will be one, two or sometimes up to five Mediums on the stage area. As the event gets started the Medium will introduce themselves and start to look around the room. As they are doing this they are being drawn to an area or individual that they cannot look away from. As this is happening your loved one , guide or angel is there getting the attention of the Medium working. The Medium will then start to give you information that is coming from those in the spirit world around you.

The Medium should always ask if they may speak to you. At that point the messages will be delivered to you. The Medium then cannot walk away until the message is delivered to you. Many times those in spirit will stay there until they are satisfied you have been given the message correctly. When the message is delivered correctly the Medium will then close that energy and move on to the next person. Remember those in the spirit world have a wonderful sense of humor and once again shall never tell you anything frightful or fearful; there is no need to do so. For those in spirit love you too much to harm you in any way. This can be very fun, informative, healing, and peaceful when in the hands of the right Medium.

Platform mediumship and or gallery readings is a way for you to sample and experience messages being delivered from those in spirit (loved ones, guides and angels) to individuals here in the physical. Most old school Mediums will tell you that the only messages delivered is to be from loved ones who have crossed over. I agree on many levels, but I also know there are guides and angels who have just as many important things to say to someone. That to exclude this is to not give a message that is there for someone. Many times my loved ones do not come in to give me a message, as there are different levels and things I am going through and in what I need to hear. But I will say, if all of the messages that are being delivered by a Medium on such a night as one of these, are all from just guides and angels, then this goes in that category of not being a very good Medium. There may be those rare nights that this may happen but not every time.

You will find many differences in attending a platform or a gallery reading, when one happens to venture to a Medium who is in the category of not being a true, or a good medium. This can be very disappointing and also places a bad representation of other Mediums around the world especially if no one has ever had the chance to experience a good medium at work. This can either work out well for the Medium (since no one knows the difference) or most times make a disaster to the good mediums out there, who work hard at the work.

I once had the opportunity to see what was being advertised as the worlds best psychic but who was supposed to also be a Medium. She was late arriving due to the weather and then proceeded to explain so much information that was not necessary before she even began. Everyone was given a small piece of paper and asked to write down a question, you were not told exactly why. As this individuals proceeded, she gave one story after the other answered a few questions as she kept talking about herself and then after taking a break came back to do messages. The basket was given to her with all of these pieces of paper. Being a Medium I supposed she was going to demonstrate psychometry to deliver messages around the room.

Not so, she proceeded to select a piece of paper and then open the paper, read the question and then give an answer. Well, this is not a Medium but can be a psychic. Unfortunately she kept saying she was a Medium. No Medium needs to have you write questions on paper and then open the paper, read the question to get your answer. This then is a not good Medium. At one time she was even very rude to an audience member and was embarrassing this individual in front of everyone. I did not find this acceptable as there is no reason to go there in the first place. As everyone was laughing at that individual I sat there sending love. Even if all of it was true this went over the line of professionalism.

The night ran very late as there were those who needed to go to work the next day, what started at six thirty that night, lasted to over twelve midnight. For every question she read she needed to talk more about herself. That was a total disaster.

On a much brighter side. I once had the opportunity to go and see John Edward here in Maryland and I was so delighted, not just with the messages he was delivering to those in the audience. But also to see and know his energy and light that was around him. It is very rare for me to be able to see another in this line of work that is a pure vehicle and I was in heaven just watching him work. His integrity stands alone and speaks very well for him in all that he does. The room was filled with individuals just excited to be there and hoping for a message from their loved ones also. Even though John did not get to everyone in the room that night, the messages he did give to those few, were also messages to others around the room. This is true of many messages that are delivered to an audience in any size room. Listen when the Medium is speaking because there will always be something there for each individual sitting in that same area. It may not be delivered straight to you, but you will feel and know when it resonates with you.

I have seen and experienced many gallery readings and platform work demonstrations in doing this work all of my life. I have been a participant to many galleries where there were a few Mediums who were brand new to those that were a total disaster. I worked hard at understanding what it takes and then the time came for me to create the Spirit Speaks Galleries. I do this as an honor of celebrating those in spirit to bring love, healing, closure, independence and more to those who needed to hear from their loved ones, guides and angels. To know they are loved, they are here with you and they shall always be there to talk to. When I am receiving the messages for someone in a gallery reading, platform, personal readings, anything I am doing, I am seeing with my eyes physically open, hearing, sensing, knowing, smelling, touching, tasting and seeing in my minds eye with my eyes open or closed . All of these senses are coming at me at once, since I was very young, it was up to me to learn how to develop the communication with those around me in spirit to then be able to deliver the messages to others. This is why I teach this to others, to understand that you too can communicate and there is a way to bring everything you are going through together to enjoy all of it.

Angelic Wise Ones Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights are a way for you to bring your friends, family and co-workers together to share in a night that will leave all of you excited for the time spent together. This is also a great opportunity to see what a Medium is like, and how they work if you are looking to schedule a private reading with that Medium. Read my article Finding the right Medium or Psychic for you to have all you need at your finger tips when scheduling an appointment.

Next time you are searching for something to do on a Friday night, Join us at the Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights in Maryland, you will be sure to walk away with a special message from your loved one, guide and angels just for you.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

For more info: To experience a Night of Gallery Readings or Platform Mediumship join us here at Spirit Speaks Gallery Night and bring your friends and family!If you are searching for workshops and classes check my website Angelic Wise Ones for new updates all the time.