As this is the time to be looking at all the truths to be uncovered as they are upsetting the balance of individual’s lives right now. Please be patient as the energies are entering a fourth stage of development right now.
I am working hard on my Newsletter, which is going out late. Sorry.
My Counsel has me working over time on my next book as I had mentioned before. In doing this, Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru has been quiet to the fact that he is directing me in this phase of the book. A lot of his energy is going into the book as we talk about the coming times that are around us.
Now that we are through with those levels of the book, I will be posting my next channeling real soon. SO much to say it is all so exciting.
At the last Night of Channeling we had a cozy group of lovely individuals and the Chief was right there sharing with all of them. This next Channeling night ( next Friday) the energies will be amped up as this time… I do know Mother will be here as she has a lot to say about the coming times and all of the stuff with 2012 & the 3 days of darkness. I am so thrilled during this time.
So many individuals have written to share with me their own stories, and I love you, please keep writing. I have a new Fan Face Book Page check it out and join me at:
Oh My…that link is long LOL
Or you can just click on the link above my picture to the right.
Here is something that has been handed to me recently and this is what I have to say….
Why is it that a true light worker judges others for the work they are called to do?
Thank you for this question as it is also close to my own heart when I see all of the things written by others against those working in the light. I send them my love and bless them in all they do.
For when one gets to the point of seeing the truth within the reflection of self, it is they who are the first to cry out. This I know to be that they know the truth is there - but wish to cry out due to their own feelings of coming face to face with the truth they do not wish to see. So many times when one consciously or subconsciously sees the truth face to face they do not like what they see so they cry foul, but how can you then cry foul to what truth truly is?
The spiritual communities need to come face to face with their own self. Are we as light workers really and truly the light in which we say we are? I say this with so much love and humbleness as I see the truth written so much and then I see others try to dismantle the truth. When you get to the highest of highs …who is it that brings you up higher? And will you then reach your hand out to bring those with you because you are the light, or because you do not want to be alone?
Is negativity then that which lies within the one who judges it as negativity? When is it or shall it be …that truth can be written with no judgment any longer?
Well, This I will say…. Is it not for the Light worker to be at peace with no judgments of others? It is okay to ask questions on that which is being said, but to then say that a light worker knows all things …..but then judges others is truly a mystery to me! When we get to all of this it is then the spiritual communities that need to be the light in that which it is to be to one another and be the inspiration to bring others into the light. To not judge but to be that which is being taught to them …………Love!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Please check out my Fan page on Face Book, I am new at all of this and when I get around anything electrical things happen. So please we have so much to get together and bring to you, enjoy the post and get back to me with the answer.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Staying on top of things
When working with the Universe and my Counsel of One the Angelic Wise Ones it is for me to receive that which is there for all of us.
I am very excited as I have received my next book layout from my Counsel of One the Angelic Wise Ones. And they have been keeping me busy every chance they get to write what they are channeling to me. During this time I good friend of mine called to ask me questions about the 3 days of darkness as she has been reading so much about this.
Please understand I do not read others individuals Channelings or books as when I work with my own Counsel I want to make sure that what I am receiving is not from anything or anyone else as this then gives me my own verification in all I do.
As my good friend was asking me questions that she has upon this time everyone says will be arriving, I started channeling in so much information. At that time I also started receiving the book layout and the finishing touches that I have been waiting for. I am so excited to finally have all the pieces of the puzzle for this. Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru has been talking non-stop as well as The Blessed Mother. SO yes, at the next Channeling she will be here, she has a lot to say and wants to make sure everyone realizes exactly what this time is all about.
I also received some information that there will be those who are walking in to disrupt the energies right now of those who are doing this work, which they are upset about the time that is being lost to nullify all that the light workers are doing. She says to keep being strong as this is a ploy to frazzle so many right now. Many will place their own judgments upon those around them as they themselves call themselves light workers. It is for thy own self to be the light - that assist others in their own growth.
So all is good right now and please know that my love is with each of you as we are marching into the next un-foldment. The 3 days of darkness is not as it seems. Look within.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
I am very excited as I have received my next book layout from my Counsel of One the Angelic Wise Ones. And they have been keeping me busy every chance they get to write what they are channeling to me. During this time I good friend of mine called to ask me questions about the 3 days of darkness as she has been reading so much about this.
Please understand I do not read others individuals Channelings or books as when I work with my own Counsel I want to make sure that what I am receiving is not from anything or anyone else as this then gives me my own verification in all I do.
As my good friend was asking me questions that she has upon this time everyone says will be arriving, I started channeling in so much information. At that time I also started receiving the book layout and the finishing touches that I have been waiting for. I am so excited to finally have all the pieces of the puzzle for this. Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru has been talking non-stop as well as The Blessed Mother. SO yes, at the next Channeling she will be here, she has a lot to say and wants to make sure everyone realizes exactly what this time is all about.
I also received some information that there will be those who are walking in to disrupt the energies right now of those who are doing this work, which they are upset about the time that is being lost to nullify all that the light workers are doing. She says to keep being strong as this is a ploy to frazzle so many right now. Many will place their own judgments upon those around them as they themselves call themselves light workers. It is for thy own self to be the light - that assist others in their own growth.
So all is good right now and please know that my love is with each of you as we are marching into the next un-foldment. The 3 days of darkness is not as it seems. Look within.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How is The Sun Shining Your Way?
How is the sun shining your way? The sun is always shining it is like the energy source that lives within you. As the sun emits its beautiful rays out and around to all as you feel the energy move all through you. This too is how each person you meet or think about feel your energy come shining through to them. Is that not marvelous? Think about each individual you interact with each moment of your day, what is it that your are sending out to them? Think about all those with whom you think about, as soon as you connect with them by a thought, when you have that moment of knowing they too are a part of your life and you energetically connect with them on a ethereal level.
What is the energy you are sending out? What is the thought form in which you are thinking of them? What is the energy in which you meet the individual and interact with them on a personal level?
This is your energy you are sending on a constant basis as you live your life each day. Some ask me about feeling energies and how to see auras. I love this as please understand each time you meet someone or see them standing across a room you are energetically connecting with them. I like to say that all those you have instant eye contact with or a thought form with --you are reading their energy field and instantly knowing who they are, what you like about them or what would make you step back and not want to connect with them. You instantly know how they feel on a personal level, if they are happy, sad, mad, and impatient, loving, and eager, upset, depressed, joyous. A good person, a not so-good person, an instant connection that will last for a lifetime or maybe just long enough for them to assist you in some way and then the opposite for you to assist them in something that they are in need of in their life.
You do this all the time. I find that every living being has this automatic connection without even knowing that they are doing this on an energetically level of any kind. Yes, you do see a red energy around the individual who just walked through the door, now what does red feel like or mean? Well this is one of those things that is already within you, you just need to take notice and keep a walking journal of what you are receiving and write it down. When you have interacted or received the same feelings in this way at least three times with the same color of red ( even though it is with different individuals) then this is your color sign/symbol for the color red. It will never fail you. So once you have this you will always know that when you meet someone or think about someone and you sense, feel or see the color red, what is going with this individual in their life at that moment of time.
Please understand that when you see these colors they will not always be like what you have seen in pictures or may have learned; as a perfect outline of colors and lights all around the individual. Most times when I see the aura and energy colors with someone, I see it in different sizes and shapes, all of this will be around to the side and in front of the individuals. It is so amazing as it then gives me the chance to see colors on different parts or areas of the body.
Sometimes I might see a huge egg shaped color of orange on someone’s shoulder, after working with this for so many years, I have come to know that the individual is birthing new creativity in their life. When someone is connected with the Blessed Mother , I see a huge pink heart with hands coming from the center like a burst of light- right in front of their heart area. When someone is sad or depressed I see a deep blue with twinkling colors of light here and there all around inside of the deep blue color. This can be anywhere on their body that it is shining from. A practicing healer is immersed in a green light that flows all over there body like a funnel from above. When the healer is not working with their healing energy- the color surrounds them in a upside down tear drop, and there is no funnel to connect them higher to it. I know then to work with them in this area to see if they are sick, not feeling well or do not have the time or the individuals to do their work with. There are so many reasons for the colors we see, it is taking the time to focus and work with it and what you are receiving.
Say you meet a new friend and you sense the color blue, then at that moment of time - stop and think what do you feel? What is making you take notice to sense this color of blue? Now write it down. Blue has many colors and variations within itself, all colors do. So pay close attention to this. It will be very important to notice all things as you are feeling, sensing or seeing the different colors around someone. Where are you as you meet this individual? What is the energy like - where you are at? What made you notice this individual and the colors around this individual? Is this individual happy, sad, tired, hungry, etc..?
As I was saying colors have different variations and each can mean so many different things, do not stress on it. Please have lots of patience. Some blues may mean a true calmness within an individual; some may mean a calmness before the storm. Some blues relate to the depth of the individuals integrity or personality. It will all be on what you are feeling at that exact moment of time.
This can go on with each color you see/sense or feel with individuals that are around you each day. As you add this in your day to day living you will begin to notice so many other things about all those around you. You will begin to open yourself to see auras in so many ways. You will become comfortable and be more joyous in the fact that yes, you are seeing, sensing and feeling where you did not give yourself credit before. All of it is already with you, it is taking the time to focus, be patient and write down what it getting your attention in that moment of time.
Now then as this becomes stronger and stronger you will receive your own verification with those within whom you meet and think about as they connect up with you to exchange greetings.
This also, assists you in remembering what energy you are giving out this day and everyday. So, how is the sun shining with you this day? How is your energy shining out to others? What is it that when you go about your day - you want others to take with them from your energy? Remember in which light you shine out to others this day. Shall you be a yellow light, pink, purple or green? Remember that there are others around you who can feel, sense and see (without always knowing ) your energetic field and it is the imprint of this in which you leave another.
Every day the sun leaves us in a glowing light of yellow and warmth, an illumination of the highest order. An illumination to allow yourself to shine from your toes up, to be thankful and grateful for all that is with you. Please be thankful to all that you are, to all those in your life at any given moment of time. You are beautiful in your own light may it shine for all to see!
As I leave you now, I leave you the energetic pink light of Love. So, How is the sun shining your way?
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
What is the energy you are sending out? What is the thought form in which you are thinking of them? What is the energy in which you meet the individual and interact with them on a personal level?
This is your energy you are sending on a constant basis as you live your life each day. Some ask me about feeling energies and how to see auras. I love this as please understand each time you meet someone or see them standing across a room you are energetically connecting with them. I like to say that all those you have instant eye contact with or a thought form with --you are reading their energy field and instantly knowing who they are, what you like about them or what would make you step back and not want to connect with them. You instantly know how they feel on a personal level, if they are happy, sad, mad, and impatient, loving, and eager, upset, depressed, joyous. A good person, a not so-good person, an instant connection that will last for a lifetime or maybe just long enough for them to assist you in some way and then the opposite for you to assist them in something that they are in need of in their life.
You do this all the time. I find that every living being has this automatic connection without even knowing that they are doing this on an energetically level of any kind. Yes, you do see a red energy around the individual who just walked through the door, now what does red feel like or mean? Well this is one of those things that is already within you, you just need to take notice and keep a walking journal of what you are receiving and write it down. When you have interacted or received the same feelings in this way at least three times with the same color of red ( even though it is with different individuals) then this is your color sign/symbol for the color red. It will never fail you. So once you have this you will always know that when you meet someone or think about someone and you sense, feel or see the color red, what is going with this individual in their life at that moment of time.
Please understand that when you see these colors they will not always be like what you have seen in pictures or may have learned; as a perfect outline of colors and lights all around the individual. Most times when I see the aura and energy colors with someone, I see it in different sizes and shapes, all of this will be around to the side and in front of the individuals. It is so amazing as it then gives me the chance to see colors on different parts or areas of the body.
Sometimes I might see a huge egg shaped color of orange on someone’s shoulder, after working with this for so many years, I have come to know that the individual is birthing new creativity in their life. When someone is connected with the Blessed Mother , I see a huge pink heart with hands coming from the center like a burst of light- right in front of their heart area. When someone is sad or depressed I see a deep blue with twinkling colors of light here and there all around inside of the deep blue color. This can be anywhere on their body that it is shining from. A practicing healer is immersed in a green light that flows all over there body like a funnel from above. When the healer is not working with their healing energy- the color surrounds them in a upside down tear drop, and there is no funnel to connect them higher to it. I know then to work with them in this area to see if they are sick, not feeling well or do not have the time or the individuals to do their work with. There are so many reasons for the colors we see, it is taking the time to focus and work with it and what you are receiving.
Say you meet a new friend and you sense the color blue, then at that moment of time - stop and think what do you feel? What is making you take notice to sense this color of blue? Now write it down. Blue has many colors and variations within itself, all colors do. So pay close attention to this. It will be very important to notice all things as you are feeling, sensing or seeing the different colors around someone. Where are you as you meet this individual? What is the energy like - where you are at? What made you notice this individual and the colors around this individual? Is this individual happy, sad, tired, hungry, etc..?
As I was saying colors have different variations and each can mean so many different things, do not stress on it. Please have lots of patience. Some blues may mean a true calmness within an individual; some may mean a calmness before the storm. Some blues relate to the depth of the individuals integrity or personality. It will all be on what you are feeling at that exact moment of time.
This can go on with each color you see/sense or feel with individuals that are around you each day. As you add this in your day to day living you will begin to notice so many other things about all those around you. You will begin to open yourself to see auras in so many ways. You will become comfortable and be more joyous in the fact that yes, you are seeing, sensing and feeling where you did not give yourself credit before. All of it is already with you, it is taking the time to focus, be patient and write down what it getting your attention in that moment of time.
Now then as this becomes stronger and stronger you will receive your own verification with those within whom you meet and think about as they connect up with you to exchange greetings.
This also, assists you in remembering what energy you are giving out this day and everyday. So, how is the sun shining with you this day? How is your energy shining out to others? What is it that when you go about your day - you want others to take with them from your energy? Remember in which light you shine out to others this day. Shall you be a yellow light, pink, purple or green? Remember that there are others around you who can feel, sense and see (without always knowing ) your energetic field and it is the imprint of this in which you leave another.
Every day the sun leaves us in a glowing light of yellow and warmth, an illumination of the highest order. An illumination to allow yourself to shine from your toes up, to be thankful and grateful for all that is with you. Please be thankful to all that you are, to all those in your life at any given moment of time. You are beautiful in your own light may it shine for all to see!
As I leave you now, I leave you the energetic pink light of Love. So, How is the sun shining your way?
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Wizard of Oz
I want to share this story one of my students wrote to me the other day. I found it to be one of truth, fun and honor to share this among many. As we follow our spiritual path it leads us in many directions, and yes, sometimes we do not know why we walk the path we walk, but somewhere along the way we become enlightened to all that is around us and why we do follow the path that our hearts lead us to. May you enjoy this as much as I do.
To my Lion Heart Keri, I thank you for sharing and allowing me to share your words with many.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
The Wizard of Oz
Here was this girl Dorothy suddenly thrown into this strange place. This unknown place where all she knew was that she killed one of the wicked witches (judgment, anger, fear, pain). She had her guides, like the Lollipop kids (joy guides), the Mayor I think it was (Master Teacher) and the Good Witch (Guardian Angel) all telling her to follow the yellow brick road (spiritual path) to get to the Emerald City.
She had no idea who these people where but she knew that she had to trust them and follow the path. At first she was all alone but then she met the Scarecrow (people in groups and classes who need a brain), the Tin Man (people in groups and classes who need a heart), and the Cowardly Lion (people in groups and classes who just need the courage to see who they truly are.) along the way and soon found that she was not alone.
In fact she had many people to hold hands and run forward with. In the end after all of the lessons she had to learn where learned and she killed some the last and final witch (judgment, anger, fear, pain??) then and only then did she realize that she had all of the answers right within herself.
When she awoke she knew that she would never be the same and that no matter how much she could try to tell her family and friends, they would never truly understand unless they experienced it themselves.
Blessings, Keri
To my Lion Heart Keri, I thank you for sharing and allowing me to share your words with many.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
The Wizard of Oz
Here was this girl Dorothy suddenly thrown into this strange place. This unknown place where all she knew was that she killed one of the wicked witches (judgment, anger, fear, pain). She had her guides, like the Lollipop kids (joy guides), the Mayor I think it was (Master Teacher) and the Good Witch (Guardian Angel) all telling her to follow the yellow brick road (spiritual path) to get to the Emerald City.
She had no idea who these people where but she knew that she had to trust them and follow the path. At first she was all alone but then she met the Scarecrow (people in groups and classes who need a brain), the Tin Man (people in groups and classes who need a heart), and the Cowardly Lion (people in groups and classes who just need the courage to see who they truly are.) along the way and soon found that she was not alone.
In fact she had many people to hold hands and run forward with. In the end after all of the lessons she had to learn where learned and she killed some the last and final witch (judgment, anger, fear, pain??) then and only then did she realize that she had all of the answers right within herself.
When she awoke she knew that she would never be the same and that no matter how much she could try to tell her family and friends, they would never truly understand unless they experienced it themselves.
Blessings, Keri
Friday, March 6, 2009
Archangel Michael - League of Angels CD

Archangel Michael - League of Angels welcomes you into the league of Light on a higher strata than was ever offered before. As you are initiated into Archangel Michaels'- League of Angels as Warriors of the Light. Archangel Michaels' full protection shall always be with you as you journey together as One. Very powerful and miraculous energy of Archangel Michael given to you.
Archangel Michaels Shield of Light in this energetic meditation in the highest of highs you are receiving that which you need from Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael as Archangel Michael gifts you with his Shield of Light as a warrior of great strength . Fighting the darkness as a true warrior of Light in all ways. An accelerated journey of energy moves through you, within you and all around you. Simply the best!
This CD is one to stand on its on, or as an accompaniment to Alliance of Angels Light. For many years I have talked about the different fences that many sit upon and over the years I have given updates on the timing of the fence- As you know last year I said that the time has come the gauntlet has been thrown and Archangel Michael says there is no more fence sitting. This created much havoc with individuals everywhere, as many were thrown off balance and not understanding why. As you did not have a choice anymore to say well maybe or okay. It is all about know and what you are doing, moving forward as a soldier in the Light of God.
Archangel Michael came to me last year and guided me through these series of mediations to give to everyone to be directly connected to him in all ways.
Channeling through me that which he gives to all. To stand united as a warrior of light and now with this guided meditation CD you will be initiated into Archangel Michael League of Angels you are divinely guided to be one with Michael to grow in your Angel Wings to be given Michael's Shield of Light for protection as you move forward in the light.
These two guided meditations were an honor for me to record to share with you. Feeling Archangel Michael’s energies on all levels -- ascending to meet the four Guardian Archangels; Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Michael as they lovingly hold you in their embrace, to give to you all they have to give and more.
The Alliance of Angels Light is the first in this series and Now with Archangel Michael- League of Angels you will be energized, moved, loved and inspired to know who you are and to move forward in the Light of all you do!
Adele’s enchanting voice moves and guides you into a journey of an energetic connection of the highest order. These meditations CD’s are self-empowering, moving and nothing like you have ever heard or experienced before.
As a Master Teacher Adele has brought the Realms of energies closer for you to touch and connect with, opening the vortex of vibrational ascension. Each CD includes a unique guided energetic energy resonating with the vibrational coding of the Council of Light.
To Purchase: Got to Adele's Website or copy & paste into your subject line >
Please write and share with me your experiences with these two wonderfully Divine guided meditations. We are Blessed in this Light of Love that is with each of us right now. If I may be of assist to you in your Journey you walk in building your foundation of light into your ascension process, then my journey is complete!
Love, Laughter & Light,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
DC Metaphysics Meet-up Group - Sunday March 15th 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Just an Angelic Reminder I will be presenting two separate teachings and lectures at the DC Metaphysics Group on Sunday March 15th form 1:00 to 5:00 pm., please read below:
Come and explore the Ocean Deep with Adele Linsalata in this Journey into the lost city of Atlantis. We'll be exploring this ancient culture that took on its creation as an extension of Lemuria. We'll start with the stories that Plato spoke of and work our way into some more current theories on this lost land. From the rise of powerful Priestesses and Prophets, to the fall of Atlantis as the people journeyed into Egypt, Adele teaches about the culture and people of Atlantis in a whole new light of understanding.
Is the physical body of Ancient Atlantis rising these days as we have been told over and again or is the understanding of the rising actually among us as we speak? Did [i]you[/i] journey and live numerous lives in Atlantis? Why do we have that strong desire to connect with our friends the dolphins? Have we come full circle with our connections with beings who have lived in the oceans for millennia?
This is an exciting and informative discussion for those who are seeking an understanding of that which has been calling to them. However, this discussion is not for those who hold onto their structures so tight as not to be open to all possibilities!
Visit Adele's site for a Calendar of many classes, workshops, readings and events. In addition, her new book "Visionary Messenger" is now available;
RSVP to join us on March 15th at 1:00pm; See you there!
Hi Members!
I hope all of you have been meditating and keeping up with your attunement practices. This meet-up is going to be a lot of fun! Adele Linsalata of in Ellicott City, MD will be joining us. She has given hundreds of workshops over the years as well as readings and gallery events. Her new book, "The Visionary Messenger" is also available for purchase now.
She will be pulling from her "Energetic Energy" workshop for all of us to participate in during the meet-up. All levels of development are welcome, from the beginner to the advanced. In this energy meet-up, Adele teaches and shows people energetically how to connect and read another person's energy by feeling and using the senses. This is not a full-length workshop but we will be active and learning during our whole session together. For those interested in more with Adele, she will be our guest during the DC Metaphysics meet-up right before this gathering at 1:00pm in the same place.
You can sign up for that group as well at:
Check out Adele's great Calendar of classes, workshops and study groups at: We may even take a field trip there at some point!
(There is no charge for this meet-up but a small donation to contribute to the meet-up site costs is appreciated.)
Come and explore the Ocean Deep with Adele Linsalata in this Journey into the lost city of Atlantis. We'll be exploring this ancient culture that took on its creation as an extension of Lemuria. We'll start with the stories that Plato spoke of and work our way into some more current theories on this lost land. From the rise of powerful Priestesses and Prophets, to the fall of Atlantis as the people journeyed into Egypt, Adele teaches about the culture and people of Atlantis in a whole new light of understanding.
Is the physical body of Ancient Atlantis rising these days as we have been told over and again or is the understanding of the rising actually among us as we speak? Did [i]you[/i] journey and live numerous lives in Atlantis? Why do we have that strong desire to connect with our friends the dolphins? Have we come full circle with our connections with beings who have lived in the oceans for millennia?
This is an exciting and informative discussion for those who are seeking an understanding of that which has been calling to them. However, this discussion is not for those who hold onto their structures so tight as not to be open to all possibilities!
Visit Adele's site for a Calendar of many classes, workshops, readings and events. In addition, her new book "Visionary Messenger" is now available;
RSVP to join us on March 15th at 1:00pm; See you there!
Hi Members!
I hope all of you have been meditating and keeping up with your attunement practices. This meet-up is going to be a lot of fun! Adele Linsalata of in Ellicott City, MD will be joining us. She has given hundreds of workshops over the years as well as readings and gallery events. Her new book, "The Visionary Messenger" is also available for purchase now.
She will be pulling from her "Energetic Energy" workshop for all of us to participate in during the meet-up. All levels of development are welcome, from the beginner to the advanced. In this energy meet-up, Adele teaches and shows people energetically how to connect and read another person's energy by feeling and using the senses. This is not a full-length workshop but we will be active and learning during our whole session together. For those interested in more with Adele, she will be our guest during the DC Metaphysics meet-up right before this gathering at 1:00pm in the same place.
You can sign up for that group as well at:
Check out Adele's great Calendar of classes, workshops and study groups at: We may even take a field trip there at some point!
(There is no charge for this meet-up but a small donation to contribute to the meet-up site costs is appreciated.)
A Day of Growing and LOVE
It is so beautiful outside, so I decided today I am going to work on my plants and garden. It helps to have the whole day off (smile) this is my down time, a time for me to commune with Mother Earth and the bountiful nature all around. And a wonderful way to meditate on everything! I am working on preparing my organic garden by planting new seedlings of peppers, celery and onions and of course lots of flowers in which to attract the best bugs & bees. I also need to prep the area for when my potatoes arrive next month. I already have the tomato’s ready to go and I decided this year to grow Paprika-( this is going to be wonderful) All of my first seedlings are doing so well as they are about two inches tall and just starting to sprout their first true set of leaves.
This is so exciting for me. This is where I ask all of guides to come in to assist me, with their knowledge and expertise. All of my Native Indian ancestors and guides make camp around the house and show me exactly what to do. Smelling and feeling the soil, hearing the energy of the seeds as they all sing their happiness. Thanking all for bringing this to us in this time, and for being with me to begin the process anew. The emergence of life…. To know you have done all you need to do, to make sure you have the freshest and cleanest of energies, potting medium, pure seeds, fresh water, lots of love and of course a big smile as your heart sings with the pure vibrations of sunshine..
Growing your organic garden is a lot like growing in your journey. Preparing with all the necessary ingredients coming together to then plant the seeds to watch them grow to be big, healthy, strong and beautiful. To smell the fresh dirt and feel it between your hands, knowing you are doing everything you can to make sure you have the best outcome. And then too is the energy you place within it. All of my plants get the best of my love that I have to give, as everything that will be grown in my garden will then be given to my family & friends to assist them in being healthy, happy and whole, this is my gift to them, this is my gift to myself.
How did you spend this beautiful and rich day ? What did you plant along the way that will be your gift to others? Was it your smile that brightened a day for someone? Is it the time you took to listen to another?
In everything we do, we should always stop and say, this is what I gave to myself this day and I love You !
For today I gave myself a day off, I gave myself a place to be in peace with all that is around me, I gave myself my love!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
This is so exciting for me. This is where I ask all of guides to come in to assist me, with their knowledge and expertise. All of my Native Indian ancestors and guides make camp around the house and show me exactly what to do. Smelling and feeling the soil, hearing the energy of the seeds as they all sing their happiness. Thanking all for bringing this to us in this time, and for being with me to begin the process anew. The emergence of life…. To know you have done all you need to do, to make sure you have the freshest and cleanest of energies, potting medium, pure seeds, fresh water, lots of love and of course a big smile as your heart sings with the pure vibrations of sunshine..
Growing your organic garden is a lot like growing in your journey. Preparing with all the necessary ingredients coming together to then plant the seeds to watch them grow to be big, healthy, strong and beautiful. To smell the fresh dirt and feel it between your hands, knowing you are doing everything you can to make sure you have the best outcome. And then too is the energy you place within it. All of my plants get the best of my love that I have to give, as everything that will be grown in my garden will then be given to my family & friends to assist them in being healthy, happy and whole, this is my gift to them, this is my gift to myself.
How did you spend this beautiful and rich day ? What did you plant along the way that will be your gift to others? Was it your smile that brightened a day for someone? Is it the time you took to listen to another?
In everything we do, we should always stop and say, this is what I gave to myself this day and I love You !
For today I gave myself a day off, I gave myself a place to be in peace with all that is around me, I gave myself my love!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, March 2, 2009
Going Through the Emotional Healing
Healing Winds Blowing Through
March winds came blowing a few weeks early here in the eastern part of the States. The temperature was quite cold when you stepped outside and that is what may have been felt first and then you feel the winds. When the winds kick up and start blowing in earlier than before it is a time- when things are being blown around in the energy. Have you noticed what has been blown around you?
A lot of emotional charge has been kicked around all over the place, have you felt it? Have you been sucked into something you are then trying to understand what just happened? When the winds come in like this, then we have to take the time to step back and see what is going on in our lives. What is it that is missing that has always been there before? So many conflicting emotions, this is the start of what we have been talking about in the preparation of 2012.
This is a time for things to be blown off and shown the truth to all that is around you. Ascended Master Lord Amin Ru said before, it is the time of the abundance of truth to come out. Well we have been seeing this through all as our governments, big businesses and corporations, even political parties are going through a lot of big truths. Bless them.
And they are not the only ones - are they? Everything around us is being blown wide open. And the past couple of weeks we have been seeing this and there is still more to come. You are not alone if things seem out of whack between you and your friends, co-workers, family members and more. I see individuals calling each other out on what their own perception of something is or what is going on around them..
For me to see others going through all the emotional turmoil of trying to find their own happy place is something to be inspired for and then to be made aware of. As I watch others take everything they are trying to get rid of in their own emotional healing and place it upon another. When this happens are these individuals truly getting rid of anything? Or are they misplacing it, to actually find all of it again when they need it? Kind of like a way of holding onto it, if everything else does not work for them.
When one is going through the emotional healing, there is so much in their energy field that is laid wide open. You are having your own self opened up for surgery, think about when one goes through an operation in the hospital, there are doctors and all of the assisting team on hand to perform the operation. The individual is being opened up on that surgical table, laid wide open in the special place for the doctor to then go in and work on the areas that are causing the individual discomfort or disease.
When we are working on our energy field, emotional healing, when we are going in to remove the issues, anger, hurts and discomfort, we too are then opening ourselves up to be looked at and remove that which is no longer needed to prevent us from moving forward in our ascension process, the illumination of our light bodies. All of our guides, angels and loved ones are there with us to assist where they are needed. These loving ones we can look at as our Spiritual Assisting Team. To be surrounded by the support from the spiritual realms to hold the energy, to bring to light all the things that the individuals needs in their own healing. For the individual then to be able to reflect back upon an area of their life that they have held onto with so much pain, anger, hurt. All of the emotions that connect you with that area of your life that you have already lived through and been refusing to look at. Whether this is consciously or sub-consciously.
Those in the spiritual realms have assisted you this far, they have guided you to the spot you need to be; to meet the people you have been meeting, they guide you to the store to find that perfect book that helps you see things a little differently, they are there to show to you that which you are missing, so that you can sit down and take care of all the things that you are carrying around with you.
They are making an appointment with you to just relax and look at that which you have been pushing to the side. To go where no one wants to go, to the center of your heart to re-look at all that which is there, waiting. To look at everything you have been carrying around for so long you do not know where you to start and where to begin.
Can you imagine what you will find? Yes, all those things that you have grown attached to. All those things that make you who you are, all the way up until this time, that you look upon it. To open yourself up to look around, and when you do what is it that you see? Do you dare look at what is held there? To go beyond that which you have gone before? To jump right in to finally acknowledge that which you have placed so far back, you thought never to think upon it again? And then when you do look around, all you see is yourself. Or do you?
Do you see your light self? Do you see all of the imprints that others have placed upon your energetic field? Do you see all of the conditionings that have been given to you from others, completely handed over to you so that you may hold onto that which they no longer say they want? And do you see how you have accommodated every living soul around you to take it all in? And as you have taken it in, then you have made it your own and as you have done this, it has made a home within you so that you may no longer understand that which you are and that which others have placed upon you.
This genetic coding of the years, lifetimes, experiences, lessons learned and not learned, passed down from generation to generation, this is what I call genetic coding. You have now accepted everything from everyone who is ethereally asking you to carry the torch, the flame of shame some might say. The flame of illusion is what I call it. You have been given all that your family and friends have passed down in stories along the way. To pre-make you into that which they themselves were made and had no way of coming out of.
It is in recognizing all of this that you can then lay yourself down, being wide –open and honestly say to yourself this is not mine and I give it to the light of God to be cleansed, healed and released for all times and directions. For this is no longer mine to carry, this is no longer mine to prevent me from moving forward in the light of God. For I now release this forever more.
As you go through this, you will feel as if you are alone, that there is no one that understands what you are going through, but you will not be alone for you are never alone. As you go through this remember so too does each soul you meet and touch. You are not alone as you have your spiritual and physical guides, angels and loved ones in the spiritual realms who are with you. To bring together the best of what you need to move through that which you are so fearful of finding - yourself.
As a humanity of light, we then have that which needs to bring together each one we touch, each one we know, and each one we meet. A connection to re-new the compassion of the communities and make them strong unto their own selves of sharing, caring, healing and laughter.
Every living soul has a beauty deep inside that is worth so much. It is when we gather together to decide if we are going to be the physical guides to one another and begin seeing the worth that is created and loved within each other, or are we going to place that one aside and say it cannot be done. A decision that is so easy to make, but when one is caught up in their own emotional healing, one does not see it.
We are at a time when the energies of limitations can wreck havoc among so many. By being in all of this together it makes you stronger to be able to face the many challenges that are ahead with lightness in your heart and a deep knowing of the love that surrounds you. In allowing the winds to come blowing in to expose that which has been hidden is utilizing a strength of truth that is all you. You have everything that you need at this moment of time to move your forward in the light of truth to be abundant in all you do. Allow the winds of change to come blowing through to move aside all that has been kept hidden from your view. And bless all that you release to the light of God to be blessed forever more.
I am grateful to each one of you, I love each one of you and I am blessed to have you in my life. When looking at contracts I may suggest to you that the contracts that you have together --may also be one to get each of you past that which has stopped you before.
So take a look at all that is around you, what has been a road block that maybe you have not seen lately? What has been right before you that has been trying to get your attention and you have been refusing (consciously or sub-consciously) to actually look at?
There is so much that would have you stop all that you are doing right now, little things that may seem like huge are truly not as large as it really is, and the ones that are minor just may be that which is trying to elude you to do differently than you would of thought to do before.
Keep going and you will see that which you have been holding onto to make you feel as if you are right, just may be wrong. These weeks that are going into March are the times in which we need to see clearly that which is right in front of us. If we can get through these next weeks in March you will see the difference of energies coming to light and can laugh at what is behind in February.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
March winds came blowing a few weeks early here in the eastern part of the States. The temperature was quite cold when you stepped outside and that is what may have been felt first and then you feel the winds. When the winds kick up and start blowing in earlier than before it is a time- when things are being blown around in the energy. Have you noticed what has been blown around you?
A lot of emotional charge has been kicked around all over the place, have you felt it? Have you been sucked into something you are then trying to understand what just happened? When the winds come in like this, then we have to take the time to step back and see what is going on in our lives. What is it that is missing that has always been there before? So many conflicting emotions, this is the start of what we have been talking about in the preparation of 2012.
This is a time for things to be blown off and shown the truth to all that is around you. Ascended Master Lord Amin Ru said before, it is the time of the abundance of truth to come out. Well we have been seeing this through all as our governments, big businesses and corporations, even political parties are going through a lot of big truths. Bless them.
And they are not the only ones - are they? Everything around us is being blown wide open. And the past couple of weeks we have been seeing this and there is still more to come. You are not alone if things seem out of whack between you and your friends, co-workers, family members and more. I see individuals calling each other out on what their own perception of something is or what is going on around them..
For me to see others going through all the emotional turmoil of trying to find their own happy place is something to be inspired for and then to be made aware of. As I watch others take everything they are trying to get rid of in their own emotional healing and place it upon another. When this happens are these individuals truly getting rid of anything? Or are they misplacing it, to actually find all of it again when they need it? Kind of like a way of holding onto it, if everything else does not work for them.
When one is going through the emotional healing, there is so much in their energy field that is laid wide open. You are having your own self opened up for surgery, think about when one goes through an operation in the hospital, there are doctors and all of the assisting team on hand to perform the operation. The individual is being opened up on that surgical table, laid wide open in the special place for the doctor to then go in and work on the areas that are causing the individual discomfort or disease.
When we are working on our energy field, emotional healing, when we are going in to remove the issues, anger, hurts and discomfort, we too are then opening ourselves up to be looked at and remove that which is no longer needed to prevent us from moving forward in our ascension process, the illumination of our light bodies. All of our guides, angels and loved ones are there with us to assist where they are needed. These loving ones we can look at as our Spiritual Assisting Team. To be surrounded by the support from the spiritual realms to hold the energy, to bring to light all the things that the individuals needs in their own healing. For the individual then to be able to reflect back upon an area of their life that they have held onto with so much pain, anger, hurt. All of the emotions that connect you with that area of your life that you have already lived through and been refusing to look at. Whether this is consciously or sub-consciously.
Those in the spiritual realms have assisted you this far, they have guided you to the spot you need to be; to meet the people you have been meeting, they guide you to the store to find that perfect book that helps you see things a little differently, they are there to show to you that which you are missing, so that you can sit down and take care of all the things that you are carrying around with you.
They are making an appointment with you to just relax and look at that which you have been pushing to the side. To go where no one wants to go, to the center of your heart to re-look at all that which is there, waiting. To look at everything you have been carrying around for so long you do not know where you to start and where to begin.
Can you imagine what you will find? Yes, all those things that you have grown attached to. All those things that make you who you are, all the way up until this time, that you look upon it. To open yourself up to look around, and when you do what is it that you see? Do you dare look at what is held there? To go beyond that which you have gone before? To jump right in to finally acknowledge that which you have placed so far back, you thought never to think upon it again? And then when you do look around, all you see is yourself. Or do you?
Do you see your light self? Do you see all of the imprints that others have placed upon your energetic field? Do you see all of the conditionings that have been given to you from others, completely handed over to you so that you may hold onto that which they no longer say they want? And do you see how you have accommodated every living soul around you to take it all in? And as you have taken it in, then you have made it your own and as you have done this, it has made a home within you so that you may no longer understand that which you are and that which others have placed upon you.
This genetic coding of the years, lifetimes, experiences, lessons learned and not learned, passed down from generation to generation, this is what I call genetic coding. You have now accepted everything from everyone who is ethereally asking you to carry the torch, the flame of shame some might say. The flame of illusion is what I call it. You have been given all that your family and friends have passed down in stories along the way. To pre-make you into that which they themselves were made and had no way of coming out of.
It is in recognizing all of this that you can then lay yourself down, being wide –open and honestly say to yourself this is not mine and I give it to the light of God to be cleansed, healed and released for all times and directions. For this is no longer mine to carry, this is no longer mine to prevent me from moving forward in the light of God. For I now release this forever more.
As you go through this, you will feel as if you are alone, that there is no one that understands what you are going through, but you will not be alone for you are never alone. As you go through this remember so too does each soul you meet and touch. You are not alone as you have your spiritual and physical guides, angels and loved ones in the spiritual realms who are with you. To bring together the best of what you need to move through that which you are so fearful of finding - yourself.
As a humanity of light, we then have that which needs to bring together each one we touch, each one we know, and each one we meet. A connection to re-new the compassion of the communities and make them strong unto their own selves of sharing, caring, healing and laughter.
Every living soul has a beauty deep inside that is worth so much. It is when we gather together to decide if we are going to be the physical guides to one another and begin seeing the worth that is created and loved within each other, or are we going to place that one aside and say it cannot be done. A decision that is so easy to make, but when one is caught up in their own emotional healing, one does not see it.
We are at a time when the energies of limitations can wreck havoc among so many. By being in all of this together it makes you stronger to be able to face the many challenges that are ahead with lightness in your heart and a deep knowing of the love that surrounds you. In allowing the winds to come blowing in to expose that which has been hidden is utilizing a strength of truth that is all you. You have everything that you need at this moment of time to move your forward in the light of truth to be abundant in all you do. Allow the winds of change to come blowing through to move aside all that has been kept hidden from your view. And bless all that you release to the light of God to be blessed forever more.
I am grateful to each one of you, I love each one of you and I am blessed to have you in my life. When looking at contracts I may suggest to you that the contracts that you have together --may also be one to get each of you past that which has stopped you before.
So take a look at all that is around you, what has been a road block that maybe you have not seen lately? What has been right before you that has been trying to get your attention and you have been refusing (consciously or sub-consciously) to actually look at?
There is so much that would have you stop all that you are doing right now, little things that may seem like huge are truly not as large as it really is, and the ones that are minor just may be that which is trying to elude you to do differently than you would of thought to do before.
Keep going and you will see that which you have been holding onto to make you feel as if you are right, just may be wrong. These weeks that are going into March are the times in which we need to see clearly that which is right in front of us. If we can get through these next weeks in March you will see the difference of energies coming to light and can laugh at what is behind in February.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Whats Happening to the Website and Emotional Freedom Gifts
Good Morning
We have a few technical problems with the dreamhost server for my website to the past two days. They are working hard to fix everything and to get my site back up and running and yes, my webmaster is going a little crazy ( smile) Should be back up and running at any time!!!
In the meantime, I am working to finish my newsletter which will go out later today ( yeah) and it is so beautiful outside with lots of pretty snow coming down everywhere. No classes for this night!
I wanted to let everyone know of a great site that I am on- Spirit Library encourages empowerment and well-being through a careful selection of spiritual materials from many inspirational authors and channelers.
This is such a wonderful site- bringing to you Channelings from a variety of top spiritual individuals in our earthly realms. You can easily move through the site looking for books, messages, news alerts, groups, different forums, videos and so much more to always keep you current with the energy and what is going on. It is such an honor to be on this site, truly wonderful individuals to work with.
In all of this Spirit Library has just sent out their Newsletter with a great offer for everyone with Dr. Judith Orloff promotion and a bountiful Spirit Library Gift Package that I am joined with. By accessing there Gift package you will receive some wonderful bonuses from myself ( a MP3 download of Walking with The blessed Mother) and other wonderfully gifted individuals.
Please take a moment to read through their newsletter and you can also enjoy their future newsletters by signing up on their webpage
To access this you can click/copy & paste on one or both of the links below
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
We have a few technical problems with the dreamhost server for my website to the past two days. They are working hard to fix everything and to get my site back up and running and yes, my webmaster is going a little crazy ( smile) Should be back up and running at any time!!!
In the meantime, I am working to finish my newsletter which will go out later today ( yeah) and it is so beautiful outside with lots of pretty snow coming down everywhere. No classes for this night!
I wanted to let everyone know of a great site that I am on- Spirit Library encourages empowerment and well-being through a careful selection of spiritual materials from many inspirational authors and channelers.
This is such a wonderful site- bringing to you Channelings from a variety of top spiritual individuals in our earthly realms. You can easily move through the site looking for books, messages, news alerts, groups, different forums, videos and so much more to always keep you current with the energy and what is going on. It is such an honor to be on this site, truly wonderful individuals to work with.
In all of this Spirit Library has just sent out their Newsletter with a great offer for everyone with Dr. Judith Orloff promotion and a bountiful Spirit Library Gift Package that I am joined with. By accessing there Gift package you will receive some wonderful bonuses from myself ( a MP3 download of Walking with The blessed Mother) and other wonderfully gifted individuals.
Please take a moment to read through their newsletter and you can also enjoy their future newsletters by signing up on their webpage
To access this you can click/copy & paste on one or both of the links below
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
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