1) They are with you per your soul contracts.
2) They will never tell you anything negative, harmful, fearful or rude or that they need to think about it.
3) They, just like you, have had previous physical lifetimes.
4) They are your very best friends.
5) They have so much insight, intelligence, understanding, and love to give to you.
6) They will not always interfere with what you are doing, as you have free will of choice, but they will give you signs in what direction you are going.
7) You have had many incarnations with them and you will discover this as you journey along your path in getting to know them.
8) Certain guides & teachers will come and go according to your lessons you are here to learn.
9) They always have time for you, even when you do not know it or ask it.
10) They will protect you in all ways when you ask and open doors for you.
11) You are a teacher & guide to them, as much as they are with you in this lifetime, to teach & guide you in your journey.
12) They love you more than anything and want the highest and best for you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
For more info: Love to read? Learn More about how to work with your Spirit Guides and Teachers by ordering this book The Visionary Messenger
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Continuity of Life -- The Development of Mediumship
Meditation, delivering messages, journaling your soul, connecting your energies, etc… these are just a few things that comes to mind when you start your journey into the development of Mediumship. To understand your voyage into that arena you need to understand what it is in the development that calls to you. For to understand that, you need to understand why a medium does the work they do.
One of the very first things an individual learns when developing Mediumship is what a mediums purpose is.
All of it is about proving the continuity of life as we transition from this human body and experience. To give to those still here walking Mother Earth the understanding that the spirit does not die it lives on. That those in spirit are still with us, they are around more so than most think. They see our lives and still have every intention of assisting us the same as when they were physically with us.
This as you well know, can be a good thing, a not too good thing and sometimes a very funny thing. As most times, in my experience our loved ones did drive us crazy from time to time. Their personalities are what we remember the most and look for it when we go see a medium.
What is the reasoning behind the work a medium does? There are at times no rhyme or reason, it is just a feeling inside that pulls you with an urgency that stays there until you make your decision. And what a decision that will be. You will be opening yourself to exposure like you have never before. It is the love that you have for others that pulls you into reasoning with family and friends that this feels right and is right for you. The love you have for humanity, animals and all of life. To be able to except that there is something unique and special you have or who you are to then share with others.
So when you sit down to learn Mediumship it is so much more than you ever thought it to be. In your development you will be gathering with others, sitting down to meditate and deliver your messages to those in the group with you. At no time do you place harm out to another. This can come in the form of believing you know more than another, you know less than another and you give a message that comes from the ego and not from those in spirit.
It takes the time to not only trust yourself but those in the same development class, group or workshop with you. This is very critical as one can find that the messages they are delivering and learning to deliver can be misconstrued in many ways. You need to be able to trust the one sitting next to you, across from you and around you, with your development as if it was their own. As, it is the information that will be shared, to not go and share it with those outside of your development group. There is so much that you will be opening yourself up to. To find that space that is comfortable allowing you to feel apart of others and something that calls to you, to know you will be exposed before all those around you. This can be very discerning to others as they become exposed with all they hold dear.
Development can be wonderfully exciting, to be able to connect and understand what is going on around you at all times. It can also be very challenging. You will be reviewing your base of who you are… You will be looking at what you hold dear to your heart, you will be discovering so many misperceptions that it will take your breath away. The perception that most individuals have is that this type of development is open to another’s explanation of what you are really all about. Many ways this is true, you are open to another perception of you. Are you ready for that? You should be… as each day you walk out your door, you are open to another’s perception of you. You are handing yourself over on a silver platter for those around you to see who you are. Many times as we work, there will be those we work with or meet, who do not like for you to know all of their business. Many individual have jobs where they need to know everything they can about another, to then be able to do their job. When you go out to eat and order your meal, the server then knows your likes and dislikes; you then, are giving your permission for the perception of you to be told to that server. Every time you walk down a street, go to a mall shopping, you are opening yourself to the perception of others in the clothes you wear, the things you buy. Is this not always explained as the company you keep?
This too, is the perception that you will be with, as those around you know you are now developing yourself as a medium. You will feel and see people look at you like you are crazy. You will have individuals go in another direction when they see you as they believe you will know all their secrets. But, you too will find that those around you will no longer hold your interest. You will be developing on many levels and you will find that as you grow, so to does your courage in facing that which you have always put behind you. You will be facing your truths and then you will be seeking others of that same truth.
It is when you find those that say “ no one can talk to dead people and that this is all unproven”. Obviously they have not taken the time to actually watch good mediums at work. They have not taken the time to be fully open to be honest that this can be done. And they have not taken the time to actually be as they so think they are… living in truth…
There is nothing to explain, I do not even try it when I receive letters from those who do not even want to believe. And then again, I believe they have been so disillusioned by their own making that they no longer know what truth is. It is as if they had an experience that they could not fit into, they could not do themselves or something that another took from them. I too am very skeptical about many things. When someone says they can do one thing or another, I truly know if they can. I have seen many things in my life and I will be the first one to thoroughly investigate what is given to me. There are so many out there that do harm to the community of mediums, no wonder there are those who do not believe. More over there are those who think they know everything about mediums, but alas, they have not taken the time to really understand. My perception or yours… Do not lump me with another and I shall not do the same to you. That column is coming soon.
It takes time to develop Mediumship; this is why you will find so many classes and workshops being offered. It takes time to break the barriers of societies conditionings for you to uncover the truth and to enjoy being in that truth. It takes time for you to understand how messages are received and how to interpret them with no judgments, no egos and without outside influences. As in many of my earlier columns, it is to find the right energy for you. You will need to find the right teacher for you, for even though there are many out there, they all work differently and offer a different version from their own understanding. I have taught many individuals how to be a teacher, to give them the foundation of what they need. It then is up to that individual teacher to work in honor in what they teach. My next column will be about Spiritual Teachers and how to find, what to look for in that one special teacher that is just for you.
But when looking to Mediumship as a guide line, the energy of old is no longer working with the energy of now. Many things are still the same and many are not. It is getting to know you, on all levels and to do this… it takes time. The number one rule in my classes is to be honest with yourself. Some may find this and say how simple and easy, I will tell you it is not as easy as you think. Even many teachers have a hard time with this.
Mediumship development is not just about being a medium, for many of my students work as doctors, nurses, lawyers, real estate brokers, school teachers, counselors, electrical engineers, mechanics, and authors, the list continues. You do not have to want to be a medium to learn Mediumship development. Many do not have grand glory of being on stage, offering readings for others or teaching Mediumship classes. Many are here to be comfortable in who they are. To open themselves to so much more than what life has to offer them right now. To enjoy their lives with the knowing that is deep within. More importantly to find the answers to the questions they seek, to be able to breathe deeply in an appreciation of their life they are here to celebrate. To celebrate the continuity of their life and what that may bring. For they are here now to prove just that. They are still here in the physical for you to see, hear, sense and know.
Development on any level will always bring you to that which you quest on a level that no one knows or understand but you.
May you enjoy your development of life and all it has to offer. Until then….
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
One of the very first things an individual learns when developing Mediumship is what a mediums purpose is.
All of it is about proving the continuity of life as we transition from this human body and experience. To give to those still here walking Mother Earth the understanding that the spirit does not die it lives on. That those in spirit are still with us, they are around more so than most think. They see our lives and still have every intention of assisting us the same as when they were physically with us.
This as you well know, can be a good thing, a not too good thing and sometimes a very funny thing. As most times, in my experience our loved ones did drive us crazy from time to time. Their personalities are what we remember the most and look for it when we go see a medium.
What is the reasoning behind the work a medium does? There are at times no rhyme or reason, it is just a feeling inside that pulls you with an urgency that stays there until you make your decision. And what a decision that will be. You will be opening yourself to exposure like you have never before. It is the love that you have for others that pulls you into reasoning with family and friends that this feels right and is right for you. The love you have for humanity, animals and all of life. To be able to except that there is something unique and special you have or who you are to then share with others.
So when you sit down to learn Mediumship it is so much more than you ever thought it to be. In your development you will be gathering with others, sitting down to meditate and deliver your messages to those in the group with you. At no time do you place harm out to another. This can come in the form of believing you know more than another, you know less than another and you give a message that comes from the ego and not from those in spirit.
It takes the time to not only trust yourself but those in the same development class, group or workshop with you. This is very critical as one can find that the messages they are delivering and learning to deliver can be misconstrued in many ways. You need to be able to trust the one sitting next to you, across from you and around you, with your development as if it was their own. As, it is the information that will be shared, to not go and share it with those outside of your development group. There is so much that you will be opening yourself up to. To find that space that is comfortable allowing you to feel apart of others and something that calls to you, to know you will be exposed before all those around you. This can be very discerning to others as they become exposed with all they hold dear.
Development can be wonderfully exciting, to be able to connect and understand what is going on around you at all times. It can also be very challenging. You will be reviewing your base of who you are… You will be looking at what you hold dear to your heart, you will be discovering so many misperceptions that it will take your breath away. The perception that most individuals have is that this type of development is open to another’s explanation of what you are really all about. Many ways this is true, you are open to another perception of you. Are you ready for that? You should be… as each day you walk out your door, you are open to another’s perception of you. You are handing yourself over on a silver platter for those around you to see who you are. Many times as we work, there will be those we work with or meet, who do not like for you to know all of their business. Many individual have jobs where they need to know everything they can about another, to then be able to do their job. When you go out to eat and order your meal, the server then knows your likes and dislikes; you then, are giving your permission for the perception of you to be told to that server. Every time you walk down a street, go to a mall shopping, you are opening yourself to the perception of others in the clothes you wear, the things you buy. Is this not always explained as the company you keep?
This too, is the perception that you will be with, as those around you know you are now developing yourself as a medium. You will feel and see people look at you like you are crazy. You will have individuals go in another direction when they see you as they believe you will know all their secrets. But, you too will find that those around you will no longer hold your interest. You will be developing on many levels and you will find that as you grow, so to does your courage in facing that which you have always put behind you. You will be facing your truths and then you will be seeking others of that same truth.
It is when you find those that say “ no one can talk to dead people and that this is all unproven”. Obviously they have not taken the time to actually watch good mediums at work. They have not taken the time to be fully open to be honest that this can be done. And they have not taken the time to actually be as they so think they are… living in truth…
There is nothing to explain, I do not even try it when I receive letters from those who do not even want to believe. And then again, I believe they have been so disillusioned by their own making that they no longer know what truth is. It is as if they had an experience that they could not fit into, they could not do themselves or something that another took from them. I too am very skeptical about many things. When someone says they can do one thing or another, I truly know if they can. I have seen many things in my life and I will be the first one to thoroughly investigate what is given to me. There are so many out there that do harm to the community of mediums, no wonder there are those who do not believe. More over there are those who think they know everything about mediums, but alas, they have not taken the time to really understand. My perception or yours… Do not lump me with another and I shall not do the same to you. That column is coming soon.
It takes time to develop Mediumship; this is why you will find so many classes and workshops being offered. It takes time to break the barriers of societies conditionings for you to uncover the truth and to enjoy being in that truth. It takes time for you to understand how messages are received and how to interpret them with no judgments, no egos and without outside influences. As in many of my earlier columns, it is to find the right energy for you. You will need to find the right teacher for you, for even though there are many out there, they all work differently and offer a different version from their own understanding. I have taught many individuals how to be a teacher, to give them the foundation of what they need. It then is up to that individual teacher to work in honor in what they teach. My next column will be about Spiritual Teachers and how to find, what to look for in that one special teacher that is just for you.
But when looking to Mediumship as a guide line, the energy of old is no longer working with the energy of now. Many things are still the same and many are not. It is getting to know you, on all levels and to do this… it takes time. The number one rule in my classes is to be honest with yourself. Some may find this and say how simple and easy, I will tell you it is not as easy as you think. Even many teachers have a hard time with this.
Mediumship development is not just about being a medium, for many of my students work as doctors, nurses, lawyers, real estate brokers, school teachers, counselors, electrical engineers, mechanics, and authors, the list continues. You do not have to want to be a medium to learn Mediumship development. Many do not have grand glory of being on stage, offering readings for others or teaching Mediumship classes. Many are here to be comfortable in who they are. To open themselves to so much more than what life has to offer them right now. To enjoy their lives with the knowing that is deep within. More importantly to find the answers to the questions they seek, to be able to breathe deeply in an appreciation of their life they are here to celebrate. To celebrate the continuity of their life and what that may bring. For they are here now to prove just that. They are still here in the physical for you to see, hear, sense and know.
Development on any level will always bring you to that which you quest on a level that no one knows or understand but you.
May you enjoy your development of life and all it has to offer. Until then….
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Understanding a glimpse of old and new school Mediumship
The process of learning Mediumship is so much more than it was decades ago. We are growing in new levels of energy every moment of the day. Old school mediumship was not all that big in connecting with others who are physically human around you. You came in sat down, sometimes meditated and then delivered anything you were getting to others in your circle. You got up said goodbye until next time.
There is much truth in this way of learning, as this does not give you the time to learn about someone, all their personal information to be used later for a message delivery. You would not know about the individual until you sat together to deliver the messages. Then too, there would be no validation to you on a very personal level if you did discover everything about them. More over, you would have to work harder to find the things that you did not already know to give them their message.
Once you know something about another individual many things come to play. The ego is the first that comes in as this is always with the individual. The next would be the doubting as no one actually thinks they made a connection. And lastly the ego once again… As this comes into play and you will then be working in that energy of the ego, as you delivered the message. It was more to your advantage not to know anything about the individual than to know them very well. Friendship comes into the individuals thinking they no the other person sitting next to them. This leads to the belief they know what that individual really need to hear. This then is the part of the ego. But as many of those in their spiritual journey understand, they also are seeking friendship along the way.
I believe, that even if you do know an individual, if you are coming from your truth, you will go beyond what you physically knowing about the individual, to give them pure messages that you were truly receiving.
You will always know when the ego is involved, it will be felt in your whole body.
If you receive the messages that go into something you have personally talked about with the individual previously, more than likely it is their ego, their intuition that is at play, more so than from spirit. This is the beauty of old school Mediumship. To know no one or anything... but also to know everyone all at the same time. Not one that I recommend to anyone to learn, maybe to experience. That way you will see for your own self all that is offered and the difference in energy.
And then you have new school Mediumship. No one at first was exactly for sure what this was all about. How can you have new school Mediumship ? It is very simple.. This is what I teach on all levels. To learn the truth about yourself so then, you can also know everyone around you and their truth also. To journey together in learning about Mediumship on a whole new level.
We are the living mediums of our times and we need more than what has always been given to us. It is just who we are. There are many out there that have experienced old and new and in my experience I love them both for all the difference they have to offer. The journey in learning is that which you are to be experiencing at that time. I do believe that the new school of Mediumship is one that you will find has much more to offer in the light of truth along the way. For we have been fooled once, we have been fooled twice, but we shall never be fooled again.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
There is much truth in this way of learning, as this does not give you the time to learn about someone, all their personal information to be used later for a message delivery. You would not know about the individual until you sat together to deliver the messages. Then too, there would be no validation to you on a very personal level if you did discover everything about them. More over, you would have to work harder to find the things that you did not already know to give them their message.
Once you know something about another individual many things come to play. The ego is the first that comes in as this is always with the individual. The next would be the doubting as no one actually thinks they made a connection. And lastly the ego once again… As this comes into play and you will then be working in that energy of the ego, as you delivered the message. It was more to your advantage not to know anything about the individual than to know them very well. Friendship comes into the individuals thinking they no the other person sitting next to them. This leads to the belief they know what that individual really need to hear. This then is the part of the ego. But as many of those in their spiritual journey understand, they also are seeking friendship along the way.
I believe, that even if you do know an individual, if you are coming from your truth, you will go beyond what you physically knowing about the individual, to give them pure messages that you were truly receiving.
You will always know when the ego is involved, it will be felt in your whole body.
If you receive the messages that go into something you have personally talked about with the individual previously, more than likely it is their ego, their intuition that is at play, more so than from spirit. This is the beauty of old school Mediumship. To know no one or anything... but also to know everyone all at the same time. Not one that I recommend to anyone to learn, maybe to experience. That way you will see for your own self all that is offered and the difference in energy.
And then you have new school Mediumship. No one at first was exactly for sure what this was all about. How can you have new school Mediumship ? It is very simple.. This is what I teach on all levels. To learn the truth about yourself so then, you can also know everyone around you and their truth also. To journey together in learning about Mediumship on a whole new level.
We are the living mediums of our times and we need more than what has always been given to us. It is just who we are. There are many out there that have experienced old and new and in my experience I love them both for all the difference they have to offer. The journey in learning is that which you are to be experiencing at that time. I do believe that the new school of Mediumship is one that you will find has much more to offer in the light of truth along the way. For we have been fooled once, we have been fooled twice, but we shall never be fooled again.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Spirit Speaks Gallery Night Readings

The whole front row receives Messages from their loved ones in Spirit from Adele

Adele delivers messages to a young lady to give her confirmation in the work she is doing.
Join us this September 18th at 7:00 Pm for the next Spirit Speaks Gallery Night with Adele Linsalata & Sherry B. True, for your night of readings from your loved ones, guides and angels in the spiritual realms. Visit Angelic Wise Ones for more info.
In search of the best Psychic and Medium in Maryland
As a metaphysical teacher, author, visionary medium and reporter, I find that the one thing that is missing in our local areas is the search for the best Psychic and/or Mediums. As many of you the readers have a ton of questions that need to be answered.
In all of my columns that I have been writing, it is to teach you the reader/student in guiding you to know what is the best way to find a Psychic or Medium and what to look for. Knowing you are not alone in your search for the answers you seek. Now I am asking you the reader to send me your thoughts and suggestions in this arena.
Yes, you have been at one time or another, the client and/or a student of a psychic or medium. You have been the one who listens as your friends have told you about their experiences with a psychic or medium. You have had the opportunity to work with first hand or have visited personally a psychic or medium for a personal reading. You have had your own experiences; well here is the time to share with all of us.
What do you like, what have you found, who is the best out there and what did they offer to you? What was your experience with a Psychic or Medium? What would you then suggest to others? Would you return for another visit with a psychic or medium, would it be the same one? Whatever is on your mind…. is also on the minds of others.
Join me in this quest to find the best of the best! I give to you the time to voice your own words in all of this. What would you like to see? What do you want more of? Assist me in finding the Best Psychic and Medium in the Maryland area!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
E-mail your responses to Adele at : Adele@angelicwiseones.com Check out The Examiner
Cut off date for the entries will be September 30th, 2009
In all of my columns that I have been writing, it is to teach you the reader/student in guiding you to know what is the best way to find a Psychic or Medium and what to look for. Knowing you are not alone in your search for the answers you seek. Now I am asking you the reader to send me your thoughts and suggestions in this arena.
Yes, you have been at one time or another, the client and/or a student of a psychic or medium. You have been the one who listens as your friends have told you about their experiences with a psychic or medium. You have had the opportunity to work with first hand or have visited personally a psychic or medium for a personal reading. You have had your own experiences; well here is the time to share with all of us.
What do you like, what have you found, who is the best out there and what did they offer to you? What was your experience with a Psychic or Medium? What would you then suggest to others? Would you return for another visit with a psychic or medium, would it be the same one? Whatever is on your mind…. is also on the minds of others.
Join me in this quest to find the best of the best! I give to you the time to voice your own words in all of this. What would you like to see? What do you want more of? Assist me in finding the Best Psychic and Medium in the Maryland area!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
E-mail your responses to Adele at : Adele@angelicwiseones.com Check out The Examiner
Cut off date for the entries will be September 30th, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2 NEW -Mediumship Development – Beginners Classes now forming for September 16th,2009
Adele is opening her doors once again for Mediumship Development classes. This is a series of 12 week classes offered at two different times on Wednesday Day and or Night for you to choose which one works best with your schedule
Mediumship Development
Two Classes to choose from
Wednesday Mornings at 11:00 Am to 2:00 Pm
Wednesday Evening at 7:00 Pm to 9:00 Pm
Due to the high demand of individuals seeking to be apart of Adele's weekly Mediumship Classes, Adele has been guided to open her doors once again just for you. This course is an intensive hands-on development classes working with Adele as she walks and guides you through all that you need in your spiritual and Mediumship development.
This Mediumship Development is a 12 week class that will include every facet of learning with Adele as she walks you through your higher learning of the Spiritual realms. The excitement she finds in teaching you the teacher will be evident in her loving guidance as she brings you to an elevated understanding of who you are and working with all those in the spiritual realms. Learning the world of Psychic, Psychic Mediums and Mediumship.
This class is for all those who are searching for answers to everything that is happening and going on around them. To re-new and/or begin their spiritual journey from a calling they have from deep inside their hearts. To those who were on this path before and turned away from what was happening to them and around them. You will not find anywhere else classes like these.
To get clarity and peace of mind that “No, you are not crazy or weird and you are not alone!”
These classes are fun and informative and will definitely change your life in a loving way, not only with yourself, but also, with all things in and around your life. Learning to work with Spirit in a safe, loving protected environment that you cannot find anywhere else.. Find out the do’s and don’ts, truths and myths of the metaphysical world as you bring your awareness to a whole new level of consciousness.
Adele being the original creator of numerous Guided Meditation CD’s in meeting your Spirit Guides, Angels and Teachers will guide in person through a series of meditations to meet your Spiritual Team who work with you each day. To the use of Angel Oracle Cards - as you learn how to give Angel readings, to the use of Psychometry of material objects and paper, to stand up platform messages in the advance classes. Meeting your guides, Angels and teachers in Spirit can be the most life changing event for you as Adele opens these doors as no one else can. Adele walks and guides you through every facet you need as your spiritual growth ascends to an energy level of total alignment with your souls purpose.
Adele gives you more in her teachings than what you will not find anywhere else. Everything she teaches you is what she herself lives each day as she personally walks you into receiving the divine that is in each of us. Caring and sharing our work together in a platform that has never been seen before. As a Teacher of Teachers Adele guides you into these coming times to give you peace and comfort in knowing who you are and what is going on in your life is exactly what you have been asking and now you have the way to find the answers to what you are looking for.
Breathing........ Angelic Realms.......... Alchemy
Vibrations ...... Guides & Teachers.......... Responsibility
Energy ........... Ascended Masters ............ Faith
Psychic......... Meditation.............. Illumination
Mediumship ..... Acknowledgments........ Esoteric
Psychometry ....... Love ................... Guidance
Clairvoyant ..... Clarity ................ Support
Clairaudient .... Intuition.............. Acceptance
Clairessient ... Truth .................. Sleepers
Claircognative.. Understanding .......... Newbie’s
Enlightenment ... God .................... Dreams
Auras ........... Messages ............... Crystals
These are just to name a few things that we will be working with. So, what are you waiting for? Join one of the best Metaphysical Teachers of our times and become that which you are here to be. This is a life altering experience as you make that investment into yourself that you will never forget.
When Adele started teaching her Mediumship & Spiritual Development Classes as she is guided to do, there was no where to go and no teachers to learn from, since then, she has taught hundreds of iteachers around the world Mediumship skills that are still used today. As a Teacher of Teachers come learn from the Master Teacher herself to start your journey today!
This is a Beginners Mediumship Development Class NOT to be confused with Adele’s workshops -- All students are by Reservation Only
All students are by Reservation Only
Location: Ellicott City, Maryland
To Register Today e-mail: Adele@angelicwiseones.com
or Call : 410-753-4394
This is a limited size class - Your Reservation is Required
Intermediate development & advance development classes will be offered to those completing this series of classes by invitational only.
All Spiritual & Mediumship Class Courses created by Adele Linsalata/Angelic Wise Ones©1990-2009
All Rights Reserved – Unauthorized Duplication is a violation of applicable Laws.Without expressed written permission.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
Hello and welcome to a new day,
From time to time I receive so much from Lord Amin-Ru that I find myself sitting down to look at all of it. I am amazed how much he is giving to all of us, as with this last channeling I hade over sixty pages when he was done. I found that he intentionally is giving so much as for us to understand the energy in which we are living and receiving. So many individuals are being torn in many directions right now. It is like a fracturing of the emotion and physical, to then bring the spiritual right in our faces. We all know this energy right now is about remembering and re-connecting back to our true spiritual self in who we are and allowing that to flow into all we do. I share with you this now as he is here with me enjoying every moment. Blessings to all and love that last an eternity!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
Through the Light Years of 2012 the Time of the Innocence
Humans are so much more worthy and interesting as in the way they see all that is around them. The teacher has been quiet these past weeks as she is working on her next book, I sit with her as she goes within to see that which is given to her to bring to the physical existence in which you live. But in all of this there is a bigger message that is with each of you. Time is not limited in the Universe but in the ways of the human world it is a veritable clock work schedule.
Greetings as beyond the limitations of your physical continuation I come to gather and give to you, the words that are being spoken all around you. It is the time in which you hold so dear that shall be that which brings you to be late in all you do. The universe has been accepting back unto its folds all that has been delivered to the earths humanity which was not given its full due. All that is before you shall be behind you in a blink of the eye. Let that so which trails behind you be that which you give and give freely of love and compassion. For all that trails behind you shall be that which comes back to you in these times of innocence.
Be forgiving, thankful and grateful in all you do, time is the physical essence when you walk this plane that is called your Mother Earth. To all of you in this room, know there is no time like the present to start with new eyes of awareness in all you do.
As I say to each of you, you have entered this, the energy of the innocence, as those who are here with you have been limited in their innocence in this physical life. Many have been stuck with their own feelings for what seems like an eternity, but in which has only been a relatively short breath. That which you have been dealt has been much heavier than what you expected. You have seen and are living the shedding of energy that came to you in such a rush that is hard to catch your breath.
There has been so much time at hand as the veil has been ripped away for you to see with your physical eyes how the worlds in which you live have been on display and you have been a character in a play. A time to occupy yourself, in which you allowed others to soothe you in everyway that is to be. Now as the veils are being ripped from you, you have come to the time when you will see that which has been created in your world, which has been your own choosing. You have given everything to others to bring you the peace and happiness you constantly seek. You have given all your physical awareness to others on your planet of Mother Earth. You have given all the worldly possessions that you have made, created, constructed and played with to others, and they have been slowly ripping them away from you for you to not see the damage until the damage has been done. And know that the damage of your world is open for you to see the truth in many ways.
As you are going through this many of you are feeling exposed, dumped upon, tired, oh so very tired of all of it. You are being drawn and quartered from this ripping a shedding of that which you still hold close to you. Remember as I have said to you before, you as the living light will be going through a series of events that shall be pulling every last vestige of emotional baggage you hold onto. Every light that you bring to others shall then shine upon your own to heal and move through. The veil is exposed in front of you and you have come very far in your journey. You are asking for a chance to take a break to be able to not work so hard and have time to play. I say this to you; the playing you do in your physical life is the playing you receive in all you do. Be joyous with your own value which you place upon yourself. Know that you are not alone that you have within you all that you need and that we are with you every way.
For this is the time of the innocence which is upon you. The truth in which has been exposed in now what blinds your eyes. For these are the eyes of the innocence on that which you shall live through the times that come before you I am in much awe of you who walk your planet of Mother Earth for everything that has been shed before you ,you have gained an independence for which there shall be no turning back.
Ahh.. if I could turn back that which you call time where would I be? I too, should be on a journey that brought me once again here with you. For in every cycle there is that which needs to be completed, for it to be completed you must live through that which is ahead of you. You shall journey until you have found that which makes it complete, to then be lived no more. You shall rise in your ascension as you have done so before, but with all of this you shall seek that journey of empowerment and shall surmount all that is before you.
When will the humans of your planet of Mother Earth realize that all they need, all that they desire within their whole being. Is that which cries out, is to go inside and be one with their own self? When the population of your earth humanity opens that door, you shall see as we see, the revelation to many things being revealed in your time. To make known the time of innocence has come just as your eyes are to be opened to the masters that have been among you.
How much more can those of your humanity take before the message is given to stop and change in the direction they are going? Too much is placed on those around who know their trade but then sit back to enjoy the fruit of others labor. So much being revealed and so many of your earthly humans closing their eyes to the truth around them. The age of innocence is what is before you; all that you have brought with you in this lifetime is now surfacing and is being hit by a wall of denial so strong that it takes much more now to move through the realms of your earthly life. But this can be done with much enthusiasm as one gives to others all their strength and power.
As before, I gave to you the words to bring you some peace as you move through the light years of 2012. Through this time of innocence that is before you. It is now upon you as not to far away from your thinking and understanding. When this happens most of your humanity seeks out all that they may to find that which will then ring true within their own being. What is it that rings true in your being? Do you see that which you walk has shown the way for you to be here? To where you can begin your journey into the next generation of living? This generation of innocence?
The walk that is taken you is going up the mountain and not below it, but to get to the mountain you must follow the trail that has been given to you from those before you. The trail in which you walk is one that has been completed over and over again. Do you not feel deep within that you have journeyed this before? You should as you have the guidance with you to re-familiarize yourself. You are walking the path of many thousands before you and their path is deep that you walk. The mountain, in which you walk, was not always there. It has over the creation of your planet of Mother Earth been transformed before you to be one of majestic heights. To the one who conquers that height shall then be opened to the beauty that is before them. As I have said before, know your path of truth. Do not be afraid of it. There is no reason to be. You have traveled through much more than what is before you. And you have survived all that you have been through, is this not so? You have the love of all that is around you to guide you in this journey. You have the Masters of all times beside you, you have Yahweh. There is nothing more to say it just is.
Many right now are calling for peace and they shall have the peace that they so seek, remember it is in the calling that shall be delivered to you. Many are calling for domination of all that they see before them. I ask you what is before them? A land that has survived, been conquered and so shall be again? A host of humanity that looks for the guardian to lead, so that they may follow in the lightest of journeys. Is it for those who call out and demand that which they can feel is within their grasp? What is it that they feel? What is it they demand? For no demand is left unanswered. Shall they seek the true answer? Will they be pleased with what they receive? There is no demand within your land that shall be forgiven the request in which it is sought. For to demand that which conquers the breath in which others breath, shall be returned in the breath in which is the demand. Only a demand that is expelled in genuineness of Yahweh shall be delivered in the true light for which seeks the fulfillment of love.
As I have spoken hear the words that are given to you, that which they call for has no meaning if it is not developed in the love and truth in which it is asked. Many wars upon your planet of Mother Earth have been in the name of Yahweh. But do they know the voice of Yahweh? Do they know that which commands is one who denies the commandment that shall go forth in the evolution of your existence?
Deep within you is the answer and key to find that which shall unlock and open you to your ascension. There is no beginning and no end there is only that which is.
The beginning knows your relationship to Yahweh; it is being aligned to that truth that shall assist you in rising to that level in which you seek for your ascension with Mother Earth. Innocence of eyes shall look upon all that us around and not know in which direction to seek, I say to you give that direction to the heart of your innocence and you shall always seek what is held within.
Have you realized that you are a being who has great potential and power? Have you realized what can be done with all of this? When you see what you hold in your own two hands you will open the doors to your own truth and understanding. Why is this so hard? Why because you are human. You chose to finish this thing through to the end. You have also designed to be apart of a great life of energy vortexes around your world and you have now decided against it. Why?
What is it that makes a human any less a human? It is when a human has made the choice to not do anything at all.
Is this where you see yourself? Many will not voice this but they too find that there is no voice to those who do not feel there is nothing they can do. As we among you do not see it that way. You have decided to be in this great uplifting of energy that shall provide Mother Earth to be apart of her soul group once again. She has reached the limit of her existence when the cycle needs to be repeated. She is shedding unwanted energy that no longer suits her. And yes you are all apart of this shedding. You are feeling it are you not? You are feeling the veils being shed around you. You are feeling that which has always been true for you being ripped away form your physical life right now. And this is why you are on constant turmoil with that is going on around you. You are seeing all that has ever been created in your name is not the name in which you have lived. You are finding through the innocence of your eyes that you are more than what has been created by all those around you. You are at the point when you do not know what to do or what to believe. How could you be existing all this time with what others have created for you without the knowing that is there? How can another of your humanity place that much upon you? It is the direction in which has been developed for many times and many years of your time. You are now being exposed through the innocence of your own eyes the truth that is which is you. And that truth is very much loved but has been left alone for so long. It is through this love you have for self that shall bring you to the awareness of what lies ahead. Build upon the truth in you and allow no more that which others create as being you.
Ah yes, I hear you, for many will say yes, they do know what is going on and they can handle all of it. I salute you in every way. You are among the few who get it. I am right; this is you I am talking about? You who know all that has been placed upon you? All that others have created in you? It is you who has a word to say about everything and everyone on your planet. You have a word to say that is the right thing to say, do you not? You have reached a level of your growth were you know all. And you will be allowing your own freedom of expression to reign on all you do. Do you understand if you are at the beginning of that level or at the end? For surely every level you advance you are truly at the very beginning of it again.
Enjoy the level in which you have reached so far. For the truth shall rise above all that there is right now. For as your Mother Earth rises so shall you, and as you are rising you are shedding that which is no longer viable to keep. No longer in the truth of who you are, that which others have created you to be and many do not like this. They do not like it so much they shall do and say many things about another.
I have once told you many times that now is the times for spiritual communities to come together. This I said and it is true. The spiritual communities have been a constant but there are times when they seek their own glory in all they do and this is not going to be with this energy. The innocence of the soul will not allow it to be.
The innocence that is deep within you is rising as the Atlantis energy is now and has been rising. What were you in search of? Do you think it was a land mass that was rising? Have you explored the crystals deep within the oceans of your planet of Mother Earth? Have you found them yet? Yet you are so close but so far, No, you have not found that which lies deep below the level of water that shall sustain you as you so desired, for as the true crystal you seek is deep within you. You may resonate to the oceans of crystals that are buried deep beyond your physical reach but, you are resonating with the crystal of your heart center that lies in wait as you rise in your energy field. As that rising has created the cleansing of your original soul. The rising of the energy in which shall bring truth and enlightenment for all those upon your planet of Mother Earth. You shall shine in that rising. You shall be a part of a creation that has not existed for eons of time. It is the cycle in which is repeated. This too is why you have so much connection on an etheric level and deep with in your soul to the crystals that are around you. They call out to you they speak to you and they work with all that which is in you. This is why you seek that which lies so deep beyond the physical reach, for it is there just waiting to be with you once again.
This is why there is great pull right now going on within you. You are being aligned to the crystal deep within you. You are being aligned with Mother Earth on a level within her that shall rise in her ascension along with you. Your ascension is much celebrated; we are all gathered watching your progress as you release the physical restraints of the human world. You are moving into the times of the crystalline energy and we shall be with you.
Open your eyes to the innocence that is around you and grow in your journey to be whole and complete. The times ahead are like a clear crystal wall that shall be before you. As you walk closer to this wall, all that shall not be of the innocence shall then be left behind. You shall shed it like a robe that blends within you. All that you so guard and hold onto shall prevent that entry to the crystal that calls to you.
I bring to you the words that are held deep within, the words that speak of truth and enlightenment to you. There will be many more whom shall go this way, for they travel their journey with Yahweh and that journey shall be complete. Through the eyes of the innocence you shall find your way to the Kingdom that beholds all that is you.
I give to you my peace as your journey has truly begun. I welcome you into the light years of your own innocence of 2012 that is you and I AM forever here beside you.
I AM Lord Amin-Ru
From time to time I receive so much from Lord Amin-Ru that I find myself sitting down to look at all of it. I am amazed how much he is giving to all of us, as with this last channeling I hade over sixty pages when he was done. I found that he intentionally is giving so much as for us to understand the energy in which we are living and receiving. So many individuals are being torn in many directions right now. It is like a fracturing of the emotion and physical, to then bring the spiritual right in our faces. We all know this energy right now is about remembering and re-connecting back to our true spiritual self in who we are and allowing that to flow into all we do. I share with you this now as he is here with me enjoying every moment. Blessings to all and love that last an eternity!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
Through the Light Years of 2012 the Time of the Innocence
Humans are so much more worthy and interesting as in the way they see all that is around them. The teacher has been quiet these past weeks as she is working on her next book, I sit with her as she goes within to see that which is given to her to bring to the physical existence in which you live. But in all of this there is a bigger message that is with each of you. Time is not limited in the Universe but in the ways of the human world it is a veritable clock work schedule.
Greetings as beyond the limitations of your physical continuation I come to gather and give to you, the words that are being spoken all around you. It is the time in which you hold so dear that shall be that which brings you to be late in all you do. The universe has been accepting back unto its folds all that has been delivered to the earths humanity which was not given its full due. All that is before you shall be behind you in a blink of the eye. Let that so which trails behind you be that which you give and give freely of love and compassion. For all that trails behind you shall be that which comes back to you in these times of innocence.
Be forgiving, thankful and grateful in all you do, time is the physical essence when you walk this plane that is called your Mother Earth. To all of you in this room, know there is no time like the present to start with new eyes of awareness in all you do.
As I say to each of you, you have entered this, the energy of the innocence, as those who are here with you have been limited in their innocence in this physical life. Many have been stuck with their own feelings for what seems like an eternity, but in which has only been a relatively short breath. That which you have been dealt has been much heavier than what you expected. You have seen and are living the shedding of energy that came to you in such a rush that is hard to catch your breath.
There has been so much time at hand as the veil has been ripped away for you to see with your physical eyes how the worlds in which you live have been on display and you have been a character in a play. A time to occupy yourself, in which you allowed others to soothe you in everyway that is to be. Now as the veils are being ripped from you, you have come to the time when you will see that which has been created in your world, which has been your own choosing. You have given everything to others to bring you the peace and happiness you constantly seek. You have given all your physical awareness to others on your planet of Mother Earth. You have given all the worldly possessions that you have made, created, constructed and played with to others, and they have been slowly ripping them away from you for you to not see the damage until the damage has been done. And know that the damage of your world is open for you to see the truth in many ways.
As you are going through this many of you are feeling exposed, dumped upon, tired, oh so very tired of all of it. You are being drawn and quartered from this ripping a shedding of that which you still hold close to you. Remember as I have said to you before, you as the living light will be going through a series of events that shall be pulling every last vestige of emotional baggage you hold onto. Every light that you bring to others shall then shine upon your own to heal and move through. The veil is exposed in front of you and you have come very far in your journey. You are asking for a chance to take a break to be able to not work so hard and have time to play. I say this to you; the playing you do in your physical life is the playing you receive in all you do. Be joyous with your own value which you place upon yourself. Know that you are not alone that you have within you all that you need and that we are with you every way.
For this is the time of the innocence which is upon you. The truth in which has been exposed in now what blinds your eyes. For these are the eyes of the innocence on that which you shall live through the times that come before you I am in much awe of you who walk your planet of Mother Earth for everything that has been shed before you ,you have gained an independence for which there shall be no turning back.
Ahh.. if I could turn back that which you call time where would I be? I too, should be on a journey that brought me once again here with you. For in every cycle there is that which needs to be completed, for it to be completed you must live through that which is ahead of you. You shall journey until you have found that which makes it complete, to then be lived no more. You shall rise in your ascension as you have done so before, but with all of this you shall seek that journey of empowerment and shall surmount all that is before you.
When will the humans of your planet of Mother Earth realize that all they need, all that they desire within their whole being. Is that which cries out, is to go inside and be one with their own self? When the population of your earth humanity opens that door, you shall see as we see, the revelation to many things being revealed in your time. To make known the time of innocence has come just as your eyes are to be opened to the masters that have been among you.
How much more can those of your humanity take before the message is given to stop and change in the direction they are going? Too much is placed on those around who know their trade but then sit back to enjoy the fruit of others labor. So much being revealed and so many of your earthly humans closing their eyes to the truth around them. The age of innocence is what is before you; all that you have brought with you in this lifetime is now surfacing and is being hit by a wall of denial so strong that it takes much more now to move through the realms of your earthly life. But this can be done with much enthusiasm as one gives to others all their strength and power.
As before, I gave to you the words to bring you some peace as you move through the light years of 2012. Through this time of innocence that is before you. It is now upon you as not to far away from your thinking and understanding. When this happens most of your humanity seeks out all that they may to find that which will then ring true within their own being. What is it that rings true in your being? Do you see that which you walk has shown the way for you to be here? To where you can begin your journey into the next generation of living? This generation of innocence?
The walk that is taken you is going up the mountain and not below it, but to get to the mountain you must follow the trail that has been given to you from those before you. The trail in which you walk is one that has been completed over and over again. Do you not feel deep within that you have journeyed this before? You should as you have the guidance with you to re-familiarize yourself. You are walking the path of many thousands before you and their path is deep that you walk. The mountain, in which you walk, was not always there. It has over the creation of your planet of Mother Earth been transformed before you to be one of majestic heights. To the one who conquers that height shall then be opened to the beauty that is before them. As I have said before, know your path of truth. Do not be afraid of it. There is no reason to be. You have traveled through much more than what is before you. And you have survived all that you have been through, is this not so? You have the love of all that is around you to guide you in this journey. You have the Masters of all times beside you, you have Yahweh. There is nothing more to say it just is.
Many right now are calling for peace and they shall have the peace that they so seek, remember it is in the calling that shall be delivered to you. Many are calling for domination of all that they see before them. I ask you what is before them? A land that has survived, been conquered and so shall be again? A host of humanity that looks for the guardian to lead, so that they may follow in the lightest of journeys. Is it for those who call out and demand that which they can feel is within their grasp? What is it that they feel? What is it they demand? For no demand is left unanswered. Shall they seek the true answer? Will they be pleased with what they receive? There is no demand within your land that shall be forgiven the request in which it is sought. For to demand that which conquers the breath in which others breath, shall be returned in the breath in which is the demand. Only a demand that is expelled in genuineness of Yahweh shall be delivered in the true light for which seeks the fulfillment of love.
As I have spoken hear the words that are given to you, that which they call for has no meaning if it is not developed in the love and truth in which it is asked. Many wars upon your planet of Mother Earth have been in the name of Yahweh. But do they know the voice of Yahweh? Do they know that which commands is one who denies the commandment that shall go forth in the evolution of your existence?
Deep within you is the answer and key to find that which shall unlock and open you to your ascension. There is no beginning and no end there is only that which is.
The beginning knows your relationship to Yahweh; it is being aligned to that truth that shall assist you in rising to that level in which you seek for your ascension with Mother Earth. Innocence of eyes shall look upon all that us around and not know in which direction to seek, I say to you give that direction to the heart of your innocence and you shall always seek what is held within.
Have you realized that you are a being who has great potential and power? Have you realized what can be done with all of this? When you see what you hold in your own two hands you will open the doors to your own truth and understanding. Why is this so hard? Why because you are human. You chose to finish this thing through to the end. You have also designed to be apart of a great life of energy vortexes around your world and you have now decided against it. Why?
What is it that makes a human any less a human? It is when a human has made the choice to not do anything at all.
Is this where you see yourself? Many will not voice this but they too find that there is no voice to those who do not feel there is nothing they can do. As we among you do not see it that way. You have decided to be in this great uplifting of energy that shall provide Mother Earth to be apart of her soul group once again. She has reached the limit of her existence when the cycle needs to be repeated. She is shedding unwanted energy that no longer suits her. And yes you are all apart of this shedding. You are feeling it are you not? You are feeling the veils being shed around you. You are feeling that which has always been true for you being ripped away form your physical life right now. And this is why you are on constant turmoil with that is going on around you. You are seeing all that has ever been created in your name is not the name in which you have lived. You are finding through the innocence of your eyes that you are more than what has been created by all those around you. You are at the point when you do not know what to do or what to believe. How could you be existing all this time with what others have created for you without the knowing that is there? How can another of your humanity place that much upon you? It is the direction in which has been developed for many times and many years of your time. You are now being exposed through the innocence of your own eyes the truth that is which is you. And that truth is very much loved but has been left alone for so long. It is through this love you have for self that shall bring you to the awareness of what lies ahead. Build upon the truth in you and allow no more that which others create as being you.
Ah yes, I hear you, for many will say yes, they do know what is going on and they can handle all of it. I salute you in every way. You are among the few who get it. I am right; this is you I am talking about? You who know all that has been placed upon you? All that others have created in you? It is you who has a word to say about everything and everyone on your planet. You have a word to say that is the right thing to say, do you not? You have reached a level of your growth were you know all. And you will be allowing your own freedom of expression to reign on all you do. Do you understand if you are at the beginning of that level or at the end? For surely every level you advance you are truly at the very beginning of it again.
Enjoy the level in which you have reached so far. For the truth shall rise above all that there is right now. For as your Mother Earth rises so shall you, and as you are rising you are shedding that which is no longer viable to keep. No longer in the truth of who you are, that which others have created you to be and many do not like this. They do not like it so much they shall do and say many things about another.
I have once told you many times that now is the times for spiritual communities to come together. This I said and it is true. The spiritual communities have been a constant but there are times when they seek their own glory in all they do and this is not going to be with this energy. The innocence of the soul will not allow it to be.
The innocence that is deep within you is rising as the Atlantis energy is now and has been rising. What were you in search of? Do you think it was a land mass that was rising? Have you explored the crystals deep within the oceans of your planet of Mother Earth? Have you found them yet? Yet you are so close but so far, No, you have not found that which lies deep below the level of water that shall sustain you as you so desired, for as the true crystal you seek is deep within you. You may resonate to the oceans of crystals that are buried deep beyond your physical reach but, you are resonating with the crystal of your heart center that lies in wait as you rise in your energy field. As that rising has created the cleansing of your original soul. The rising of the energy in which shall bring truth and enlightenment for all those upon your planet of Mother Earth. You shall shine in that rising. You shall be a part of a creation that has not existed for eons of time. It is the cycle in which is repeated. This too is why you have so much connection on an etheric level and deep with in your soul to the crystals that are around you. They call out to you they speak to you and they work with all that which is in you. This is why you seek that which lies so deep beyond the physical reach, for it is there just waiting to be with you once again.
This is why there is great pull right now going on within you. You are being aligned to the crystal deep within you. You are being aligned with Mother Earth on a level within her that shall rise in her ascension along with you. Your ascension is much celebrated; we are all gathered watching your progress as you release the physical restraints of the human world. You are moving into the times of the crystalline energy and we shall be with you.
Open your eyes to the innocence that is around you and grow in your journey to be whole and complete. The times ahead are like a clear crystal wall that shall be before you. As you walk closer to this wall, all that shall not be of the innocence shall then be left behind. You shall shed it like a robe that blends within you. All that you so guard and hold onto shall prevent that entry to the crystal that calls to you.
I bring to you the words that are held deep within, the words that speak of truth and enlightenment to you. There will be many more whom shall go this way, for they travel their journey with Yahweh and that journey shall be complete. Through the eyes of the innocence you shall find your way to the Kingdom that beholds all that is you.
I give to you my peace as your journey has truly begun. I welcome you into the light years of your own innocence of 2012 that is you and I AM forever here beside you.
I AM Lord Amin-Ru
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Adele's Message
Opening New Doors of Energy
As we all have just experienced the passing of many individuals who have made their mark upon the world and our lives, we look at the beginning of the innocence of who we are.
When was the last time you truly looked at everything and everyone around you with eyes of the innocence?
We have entered the entry way of humanity's innocence. As there is celebration around the world there is also the time of mourning. A time as the world has all come together to mourn the loss of not just one icon but many with more to come. When looking at the timeline in which you have grown in all areas of your life where has the path lead you to be? It does not matter what you believe, who you like or dislike, this is about what has changed within your own self that has been influenced by those around you. This is about seeing what the whole of consciousness that brings all of humanity together with new eyes. Eyes of the innocence.
When looking at those who have transitioned we can look at our own lives in those timelines. We can say I was here this day or I remember that. What is that has influenced you more than anything/ Is it the beat? Is it the smile? Is it the sense of humor to take you away to another time another place that will always live on in your heart?
Just as those who have transitioned changed our lives so too, have you changed the lives of those around you. You have changed them in so many ways; take a look at the young child down the street who was selling lemonade. You gave them so much pride in what they were doing, you gave them hope that someone just may stop and take a chance with them.
Take a look at the individual who you passed along the street and smiled to. Just maybe they have a story that one day, you may know someone close to you has too. Take a look at the individual you gave your change to and see that you have made that difference in their lives. Take a moment of time to just stop and see anew all that is around you. Take a chance to see with the eyes of the innocence. Humanity spends too much time looking the other way until it is in their own back yard.
Many ask me what it is like when someone transitions. I always have told them the same thing. It is more beautiful than we on the earthly plane make it out to be. We are meet by own loved ones who have transitioned before us. This you have heard many times before. But this is true on many levels.
When I had my near death experience as many call it. I found myself sitting high on top of a mountain over looking everything. I could see for miles all around me. I was talking about the planet and how life on the planet was at a plane of recognition when I stopped, looked around and realized that I was sitting there just as always having a conversation and at the same time knew I was also living somewhere else. I was finally realizing that I had stepped away from here and had a life on one of those planets the one called Earth. It was at the time I started talking about my experience here on Mother Earth and how the choices I had made brought me to where I was now. I re-looked at everything that I was living. My family, friends, occupation, everything on all levels. I could see the difference I had made in lives and the difference those had made in my life on Mother Earth.
I was looking through the eyes of the innocence and what a difference it was. I could feel that which was going on in every layer of my lifetimes al at the same time. And it brought me so much joy just to know everything I had been taught by those of my Counsel, my guides, and teachers all made perfect sense. All of it. I could see the ones whom wanted something from me and why. And I loved them even more so and I knew my family and knew what it was we were here for. Why we chose to be with each other and who had what contracts with me. All of it was through eyes that had no earthly subjections, no negativity what so ever. That is when I started to cry for all those who did not have the chance to see as I was seeing. Feel as I was feeling and I knew then that yes, it was time to give and do what I had contracted out to do here on Mother Earth. Give to all I meet and be their wake-up call. As I sat there I saw the enormity of what I had chosen and I was humbled to know Who I Am. Then I was back here, back to begin what I had originally set out to do.
Humanity spends too much time looking the other way until it is in, their own back yard. As our mind scans, seeks and conjures up so many horrid images. These images are that which we have stored from all of that we which take in each second of our living days here on Mother Earth. Humanity tends to look at what is in the ugly . Your mind takes millions of pictures each day, everything you look at and see is what you are taking pictures of and when the time is right that you are in a situation, your mind goes through every single picture and brings up that which it feels is similar to what you are experiencing, the innocence no longer being there.
And still many have just not thought to see it with eyes of the innocence. Many do not take the credit for that which they have given to another. When holding a baby in your arms for the very first time, looking at the creation in front of you, your mind can take you to a million places. And yes, this is also seeing the birth of a brand new soul. Your breath is taken away by the innocence in which you now see and hold. And that is a thing of beauty.
That beauty then sends an energetic charge to your heart to open doors in which many have never opened before. It opens the door to innocence, to the remembrance of the original innocence of whom you are and why you are here.
For them I say the meek shall inherent all around them. And they have. They have inherited that which sets them apart form others and that is the same reason why they inherit the change from others around them.
We have had many opportunities since the changing of 911. The time of a massive awakening in the world, did you not go through life with innocence eyes? Why yes you did. You were living your life with not so much care and worry as you do now. Why, because you were living in a falseness of protection. Believing you could never be harmed and then harm came your way. Even if you did not have a loved one perish in 911, you felt it. You felt part of a whole of consciousness that can never be forgotten. Your life has changed in many ways that you may never see, even though we all now it has. Every life in the world was changed that day, it was a ripple effect felt around the world.
The world had a tremendous awakening to know this is more than what it is all about, that all sides played for the world to see. The towers of 911 stood for every living being upon our planet. For that time did not just put a dent into the hearts of the Americans, it was bringing awareness to all across the lands around the entire world. In those towers were the lives of individuals all around the world. This was an awakening to everyone that there is not anywhere you can be that the innocence may be taken from you. What have we learned since then? We have learned to be suspicious of every living being we meet, every living word we hear. It has brought out the sides of us that bring us to that point of no return, and for many this means sacrifice on the highest order. We shut our eyes to innocence, more importantly to what we believed was innocence.
You see everything is always repeated in our lives. When we are learning a lesson it is repeated until we get it. Once we do, it then is done and we do not repeat that cycle again. It is then for the pattern to be repeated in a new lesson that is upon us. What will the next lesson be? Have we as a humanity gotten it right since then? Have we set our sights to making right what we have for so long not understood? Do we need another time in history to repeat itself to awaken our eyes?
Yes, we did. We learned this through the past months with all the transitioning. I said that there will be a total of 12 more coming our way. Each one will represent an aspect of who we are as a society. And they have been coming. With each transition it is to see where we have grown and where we have not. Each soul gave to us what they were here for, what they did with their lives for us to see the innocence in them and to see they were the door to our own innocence on all levels.
As light Workers we are here to see, and be. To deliver the light to many to keep that fear from those who would hold it deep within their hearts and to bring that fear into the light to expose it in everyway. To give unselfishly the love that we have within. To connect on all levels to be together in this whole experience of living on Mother Earth. To remember we are the innocence as we walk this planet. We are the innocence experiencing what it is to be here.
Since the time of 911 and the events that have unfolded, humanity has grown in every corner of the world. We have reached out our hands to connect to each other, we have given to one another in such a way that words cannot describe. And yet we have more to do. We watch now as individuals will play without emotions on levels that is astounding. Is this the year of the end? No.... many say that is for 2012. What many do not say is that we are living the year of 2012 and have been for a long time now. We will continue to live it way beyond 2012. It will just be in a whole new way.
This is not the year of ending but the beginning of innocence. When innocence reins upon the world there is nothing that can diminish that. When we acknowledge that we are the living love that is represented in each soul then we are living in the innocence. Be a child once again and be the living innocence. Be that which is innocence upon your own heart. Give yourself credit for all you do and be proud of who you are. Being innocence is being one with all that is in truth. Living truth is much more powerful than anything there is, as this is pure LOVE.
We have so much more to do, so much more we came here to do. Be the living innocence and enjoy that which you bring to the table in all of it. Be the living innocence and just Love on another.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
As we all have just experienced the passing of many individuals who have made their mark upon the world and our lives, we look at the beginning of the innocence of who we are.
When was the last time you truly looked at everything and everyone around you with eyes of the innocence?
We have entered the entry way of humanity's innocence. As there is celebration around the world there is also the time of mourning. A time as the world has all come together to mourn the loss of not just one icon but many with more to come. When looking at the timeline in which you have grown in all areas of your life where has the path lead you to be? It does not matter what you believe, who you like or dislike, this is about what has changed within your own self that has been influenced by those around you. This is about seeing what the whole of consciousness that brings all of humanity together with new eyes. Eyes of the innocence.
When looking at those who have transitioned we can look at our own lives in those timelines. We can say I was here this day or I remember that. What is that has influenced you more than anything/ Is it the beat? Is it the smile? Is it the sense of humor to take you away to another time another place that will always live on in your heart?
Just as those who have transitioned changed our lives so too, have you changed the lives of those around you. You have changed them in so many ways; take a look at the young child down the street who was selling lemonade. You gave them so much pride in what they were doing, you gave them hope that someone just may stop and take a chance with them.
Take a look at the individual who you passed along the street and smiled to. Just maybe they have a story that one day, you may know someone close to you has too. Take a look at the individual you gave your change to and see that you have made that difference in their lives. Take a moment of time to just stop and see anew all that is around you. Take a chance to see with the eyes of the innocence. Humanity spends too much time looking the other way until it is in their own back yard.
Many ask me what it is like when someone transitions. I always have told them the same thing. It is more beautiful than we on the earthly plane make it out to be. We are meet by own loved ones who have transitioned before us. This you have heard many times before. But this is true on many levels.
When I had my near death experience as many call it. I found myself sitting high on top of a mountain over looking everything. I could see for miles all around me. I was talking about the planet and how life on the planet was at a plane of recognition when I stopped, looked around and realized that I was sitting there just as always having a conversation and at the same time knew I was also living somewhere else. I was finally realizing that I had stepped away from here and had a life on one of those planets the one called Earth. It was at the time I started talking about my experience here on Mother Earth and how the choices I had made brought me to where I was now. I re-looked at everything that I was living. My family, friends, occupation, everything on all levels. I could see the difference I had made in lives and the difference those had made in my life on Mother Earth.
I was looking through the eyes of the innocence and what a difference it was. I could feel that which was going on in every layer of my lifetimes al at the same time. And it brought me so much joy just to know everything I had been taught by those of my Counsel, my guides, and teachers all made perfect sense. All of it. I could see the ones whom wanted something from me and why. And I loved them even more so and I knew my family and knew what it was we were here for. Why we chose to be with each other and who had what contracts with me. All of it was through eyes that had no earthly subjections, no negativity what so ever. That is when I started to cry for all those who did not have the chance to see as I was seeing. Feel as I was feeling and I knew then that yes, it was time to give and do what I had contracted out to do here on Mother Earth. Give to all I meet and be their wake-up call. As I sat there I saw the enormity of what I had chosen and I was humbled to know Who I Am. Then I was back here, back to begin what I had originally set out to do.
Humanity spends too much time looking the other way until it is in, their own back yard. As our mind scans, seeks and conjures up so many horrid images. These images are that which we have stored from all of that we which take in each second of our living days here on Mother Earth. Humanity tends to look at what is in the ugly . Your mind takes millions of pictures each day, everything you look at and see is what you are taking pictures of and when the time is right that you are in a situation, your mind goes through every single picture and brings up that which it feels is similar to what you are experiencing, the innocence no longer being there.
And still many have just not thought to see it with eyes of the innocence. Many do not take the credit for that which they have given to another. When holding a baby in your arms for the very first time, looking at the creation in front of you, your mind can take you to a million places. And yes, this is also seeing the birth of a brand new soul. Your breath is taken away by the innocence in which you now see and hold. And that is a thing of beauty.
That beauty then sends an energetic charge to your heart to open doors in which many have never opened before. It opens the door to innocence, to the remembrance of the original innocence of whom you are and why you are here.
For them I say the meek shall inherent all around them. And they have. They have inherited that which sets them apart form others and that is the same reason why they inherit the change from others around them.
We have had many opportunities since the changing of 911. The time of a massive awakening in the world, did you not go through life with innocence eyes? Why yes you did. You were living your life with not so much care and worry as you do now. Why, because you were living in a falseness of protection. Believing you could never be harmed and then harm came your way. Even if you did not have a loved one perish in 911, you felt it. You felt part of a whole of consciousness that can never be forgotten. Your life has changed in many ways that you may never see, even though we all now it has. Every life in the world was changed that day, it was a ripple effect felt around the world.
The world had a tremendous awakening to know this is more than what it is all about, that all sides played for the world to see. The towers of 911 stood for every living being upon our planet. For that time did not just put a dent into the hearts of the Americans, it was bringing awareness to all across the lands around the entire world. In those towers were the lives of individuals all around the world. This was an awakening to everyone that there is not anywhere you can be that the innocence may be taken from you. What have we learned since then? We have learned to be suspicious of every living being we meet, every living word we hear. It has brought out the sides of us that bring us to that point of no return, and for many this means sacrifice on the highest order. We shut our eyes to innocence, more importantly to what we believed was innocence.
You see everything is always repeated in our lives. When we are learning a lesson it is repeated until we get it. Once we do, it then is done and we do not repeat that cycle again. It is then for the pattern to be repeated in a new lesson that is upon us. What will the next lesson be? Have we as a humanity gotten it right since then? Have we set our sights to making right what we have for so long not understood? Do we need another time in history to repeat itself to awaken our eyes?
Yes, we did. We learned this through the past months with all the transitioning. I said that there will be a total of 12 more coming our way. Each one will represent an aspect of who we are as a society. And they have been coming. With each transition it is to see where we have grown and where we have not. Each soul gave to us what they were here for, what they did with their lives for us to see the innocence in them and to see they were the door to our own innocence on all levels.
As light Workers we are here to see, and be. To deliver the light to many to keep that fear from those who would hold it deep within their hearts and to bring that fear into the light to expose it in everyway. To give unselfishly the love that we have within. To connect on all levels to be together in this whole experience of living on Mother Earth. To remember we are the innocence as we walk this planet. We are the innocence experiencing what it is to be here.
Since the time of 911 and the events that have unfolded, humanity has grown in every corner of the world. We have reached out our hands to connect to each other, we have given to one another in such a way that words cannot describe. And yet we have more to do. We watch now as individuals will play without emotions on levels that is astounding. Is this the year of the end? No.... many say that is for 2012. What many do not say is that we are living the year of 2012 and have been for a long time now. We will continue to live it way beyond 2012. It will just be in a whole new way.
This is not the year of ending but the beginning of innocence. When innocence reins upon the world there is nothing that can diminish that. When we acknowledge that we are the living love that is represented in each soul then we are living in the innocence. Be a child once again and be the living innocence. Be that which is innocence upon your own heart. Give yourself credit for all you do and be proud of who you are. Being innocence is being one with all that is in truth. Living truth is much more powerful than anything there is, as this is pure LOVE.
We have so much more to do, so much more we came here to do. Be the living innocence and enjoy that which you bring to the table in all of it. Be the living innocence and just Love on another.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Angelic work of who we are
Time to meditate.. So much information to bring us all together in a spiritual community of crystal light that radiates within each of us.
Newsletter will be sent out today, I have already posted my new workshops that will be a delight for all to enjoy and learn. What is it that is calling to you?
Have a wonderful Wednesday Angels the light that surrounds you is one of pure Love & Beauty, share with everyone you meet!!!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Newsletter will be sent out today, I have already posted my new workshops that will be a delight for all to enjoy and learn. What is it that is calling to you?
Have a wonderful Wednesday Angels the light that surrounds you is one of pure Love & Beauty, share with everyone you meet!!!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Question and answer with Adele - What is platform mediumship or gallery readings?
Hi Adele,
I just wanted to ask if you could help me to understand what is platform mediumship or gallery readings? I noticed you do a spirit speaks gallery night and I have seen others offered like this before in New Jersey. Is this also like what John Edward does? I have never been but I am curious to what it is and if I should go to one. Thanks.
Blessings to you, Rachel
Hi Rachel, thanks for writing and I will try my best to assist you. Platform mediumship and gallery readings can be a great experience and much comfort to so many.
When it comes to platform mediumship and gallery readings everyone is used to seeing the more main stream public Medium as John Edward. John is known all over the world for his extraordinary gift of connecting individuals with their loved ones who have crossed over. This takes much focus, responsibility, hard work and dedication in who he is as an individual working with his gifts. Most individual do not understand what it is to do this work and the amount of time and energy that goes into what we do. I often hear individuals say that this is a gift ( which it is and we all have) that it is unbelievable that anyone can talk to deceased individuals. Many will not understand it and say it is not real. I have even seen someone get a message delivered to them and they negate it, as they are too afraid of the truth that was given to them.
Being a medium is something that is a passion and a life in which you live constantly on a platform of everything that is going on around you. When a good Medium does this work with such ease it makes it all look too simple to the normal individual. But many do not understand or know what goes into being a good Medium. Many believe that being a Medium is filled with glamour and everyone will become rich and famous. Not true. It takes a very special individual to be recognized in this way. As I said there is much responsibility, time and focus to be a great Medium. Mainly by the time an individual works to develop their gifts with the ability to bring them closer to the lime light they become distracted with an ego and never make the cut. Most so-called Mediums do not take the time to work, learn or understand their own stuff before they are selling themselves as a Medium to the main stream public. Mainly by calling themselves a Medium when they do not even understand what a Medium is themselves. Once again it is taking the time to understand and develop what it is they are working with. They will read a few books because they have something going on around them, a recognition that they see, hear, or know something that is hard to explain. Some individuals have even taken some classes but when it gets to the point of actually having to do some work or look at the truth of everything, they will run in the opposite direction. These individuals really did not take the time to do their work. I once had a young woman tell me she is a true Medium and that she did not have to develop what was just natural for her. This is all very wonderful, except for the fact that she was giving messages to others that were all fear based. She did not really understand the responsibility it was to work with others in this way. She was also more of a intuitive psychic that just wanted to be known as a Medium for her own prestige.
Developing your Mediumship if that is what calls to you, takes more than one weekend to work with to develop. It takes the time to develop it over a course of months and years to be able to understand the basics and then more importantly to understand who you are and if this is for you.
Just about any good Medium will tell you the importance to doing their own work and developing how to interpret the messages they are receiving. Remember my articles about Spirit Guides and Angels? That they never tell you anything fearful or negative and they most certainly do not. It is always going to be the interpretation of the Medium in how they receive their messages from those in spirit, to then be able to deliver them back to you with accuracy. This is why a Medium takes the time to develop their gifts, to know how they are receiving (seeing, hearing, feeling, etc...) what they are receiving and what all of it is about. As in my earlier articles I wrote the differences in psychic, psychic mediums and mediums, which is very important to know these three different working styles. As to then know what kind of messages you will be receiving and what style in which it will be delivered.
At a Gallery Reading or seeing a demonstration of Platform Mediumship there are a few things that go on. You may see that there will be one, two or sometimes up to five Mediums on the stage area. As the event gets started the Medium will introduce themselves and start to look around the room. As they are doing this they are being drawn to an area or individual that they cannot look away from. As this is happening your loved one , guide or angel is there getting the attention of the Medium working. The Medium will then start to give you information that is coming from those in the spirit world around you.
The Medium should always ask if they may speak to you. At that point the messages will be delivered to you. The Medium then cannot walk away until the message is delivered to you. Many times those in spirit will stay there until they are satisfied you have been given the message correctly. When the message is delivered correctly the Medium will then close that energy and move on to the next person. Remember those in the spirit world have a wonderful sense of humor and once again shall never tell you anything frightful or fearful; there is no need to do so. For those in spirit love you too much to harm you in any way. This can be very fun, informative, healing, and peaceful when in the hands of the right Medium.
Platform mediumship and or gallery readings is a way for you to sample and experience messages being delivered from those in spirit (loved ones, guides and angels) to individuals here in the physical. Most old school Mediums will tell you that the only messages delivered is to be from loved ones who have crossed over. I agree on many levels, but I also know there are guides and angels who have just as many important things to say to someone. That to exclude this is to not give a message that is there for someone. Many times my loved ones do not come in to give me a message, as there are different levels and things I am going through and in what I need to hear. But I will say, if all of the messages that are being delivered by a Medium on such a night as one of these, are all from just guides and angels, then this goes in that category of not being a very good Medium. There may be those rare nights that this may happen but not every time.
You will find many differences in attending a platform or a gallery reading, when one happens to venture to a Medium who is in the category of not being a true, or a good medium. This can be very disappointing and also places a bad representation of other Mediums around the world especially if no one has ever had the chance to experience a good medium at work. This can either work out well for the Medium (since no one knows the difference) or most times make a disaster to the good mediums out there, who work hard at the work.
I once had the opportunity to see what was being advertised as the worlds best psychic but who was supposed to also be a Medium. She was late arriving due to the weather and then proceeded to explain so much information that was not necessary before she even began. Everyone was given a small piece of paper and asked to write down a question, you were not told exactly why. As this individuals proceeded, she gave one story after the other answered a few questions as she kept talking about herself and then after taking a break came back to do messages. The basket was given to her with all of these pieces of paper. Being a Medium I supposed she was going to demonstrate psychometry to deliver messages around the room.
Not so, she proceeded to select a piece of paper and then open the paper, read the question and then give an answer. Well, this is not a Medium but can be a psychic. Unfortunately she kept saying she was a Medium. No Medium needs to have you write questions on paper and then open the paper, read the question to get your answer. This then is a not good Medium. At one time she was even very rude to an audience member and was embarrassing this individual in front of everyone. I did not find this acceptable as there is no reason to go there in the first place. As everyone was laughing at that individual I sat there sending love. Even if all of it was true this went over the line of professionalism.
The night ran very late as there were those who needed to go to work the next day, what started at six thirty that night, lasted to over twelve midnight. For every question she read she needed to talk more about herself. That was a total disaster.
On a much brighter side. I once had the opportunity to go and see John Edward here in Maryland and I was so delighted, not just with the messages he was delivering to those in the audience. But also to see and know his energy and light that was around him. It is very rare for me to be able to see another in this line of work that is a pure vehicle and I was in heaven just watching him work. His integrity stands alone and speaks very well for him in all that he does. The room was filled with individuals just excited to be there and hoping for a message from their loved ones also. Even though John did not get to everyone in the room that night, the messages he did give to those few, were also messages to others around the room. This is true of many messages that are delivered to an audience in any size room. Listen when the Medium is speaking because there will always be something there for each individual sitting in that same area. It may not be delivered straight to you, but you will feel and know when it resonates with you.
I have seen and experienced many gallery readings and platform work demonstrations in doing this work all of my life. I have been a participant to many galleries where there were a few Mediums who were brand new to those that were a total disaster. I worked hard at understanding what it takes and then the time came for me to create the Spirit Speaks Galleries. I do this as an honor of celebrating those in spirit to bring love, healing, closure, independence and more to those who needed to hear from their loved ones, guides and angels. To know they are loved, they are here with you and they shall always be there to talk to. When I am receiving the messages for someone in a gallery reading, platform, personal readings, anything I am doing, I am seeing with my eyes physically open, hearing, sensing, knowing, smelling, touching, tasting and seeing in my minds eye with my eyes open or closed . All of these senses are coming at me at once, since I was very young, it was up to me to learn how to develop the communication with those around me in spirit to then be able to deliver the messages to others. This is why I teach this to others, to understand that you too can communicate and there is a way to bring everything you are going through together to enjoy all of it.
Angelic Wise Ones Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights are a way for you to bring your friends, family and co-workers together to share in a night that will leave all of you excited for the time spent together. This is also a great opportunity to see what a Medium is like, and how they work if you are looking to schedule a private reading with that Medium. Read my article Finding the right Medium or Psychic for you to have all you need at your finger tips when scheduling an appointment.
Next time you are searching for something to do on a Friday night, Join us at the Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights in Maryland, you will be sure to walk away with a special message from your loved one, guide and angels just for you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
For more info: To experience a Night of Gallery Readings or Platform Mediumship join us here at Spirit Speaks Gallery Night and bring your friends and family!If you are searching for workshops and classes check my website Angelic Wise Ones for new updates all the time.
I just wanted to ask if you could help me to understand what is platform mediumship or gallery readings? I noticed you do a spirit speaks gallery night and I have seen others offered like this before in New Jersey. Is this also like what John Edward does? I have never been but I am curious to what it is and if I should go to one. Thanks.
Blessings to you, Rachel
Hi Rachel, thanks for writing and I will try my best to assist you. Platform mediumship and gallery readings can be a great experience and much comfort to so many.
When it comes to platform mediumship and gallery readings everyone is used to seeing the more main stream public Medium as John Edward. John is known all over the world for his extraordinary gift of connecting individuals with their loved ones who have crossed over. This takes much focus, responsibility, hard work and dedication in who he is as an individual working with his gifts. Most individual do not understand what it is to do this work and the amount of time and energy that goes into what we do. I often hear individuals say that this is a gift ( which it is and we all have) that it is unbelievable that anyone can talk to deceased individuals. Many will not understand it and say it is not real. I have even seen someone get a message delivered to them and they negate it, as they are too afraid of the truth that was given to them.
Being a medium is something that is a passion and a life in which you live constantly on a platform of everything that is going on around you. When a good Medium does this work with such ease it makes it all look too simple to the normal individual. But many do not understand or know what goes into being a good Medium. Many believe that being a Medium is filled with glamour and everyone will become rich and famous. Not true. It takes a very special individual to be recognized in this way. As I said there is much responsibility, time and focus to be a great Medium. Mainly by the time an individual works to develop their gifts with the ability to bring them closer to the lime light they become distracted with an ego and never make the cut. Most so-called Mediums do not take the time to work, learn or understand their own stuff before they are selling themselves as a Medium to the main stream public. Mainly by calling themselves a Medium when they do not even understand what a Medium is themselves. Once again it is taking the time to understand and develop what it is they are working with. They will read a few books because they have something going on around them, a recognition that they see, hear, or know something that is hard to explain. Some individuals have even taken some classes but when it gets to the point of actually having to do some work or look at the truth of everything, they will run in the opposite direction. These individuals really did not take the time to do their work. I once had a young woman tell me she is a true Medium and that she did not have to develop what was just natural for her. This is all very wonderful, except for the fact that she was giving messages to others that were all fear based. She did not really understand the responsibility it was to work with others in this way. She was also more of a intuitive psychic that just wanted to be known as a Medium for her own prestige.
Developing your Mediumship if that is what calls to you, takes more than one weekend to work with to develop. It takes the time to develop it over a course of months and years to be able to understand the basics and then more importantly to understand who you are and if this is for you.
Just about any good Medium will tell you the importance to doing their own work and developing how to interpret the messages they are receiving. Remember my articles about Spirit Guides and Angels? That they never tell you anything fearful or negative and they most certainly do not. It is always going to be the interpretation of the Medium in how they receive their messages from those in spirit, to then be able to deliver them back to you with accuracy. This is why a Medium takes the time to develop their gifts, to know how they are receiving (seeing, hearing, feeling, etc...) what they are receiving and what all of it is about. As in my earlier articles I wrote the differences in psychic, psychic mediums and mediums, which is very important to know these three different working styles. As to then know what kind of messages you will be receiving and what style in which it will be delivered.
At a Gallery Reading or seeing a demonstration of Platform Mediumship there are a few things that go on. You may see that there will be one, two or sometimes up to five Mediums on the stage area. As the event gets started the Medium will introduce themselves and start to look around the room. As they are doing this they are being drawn to an area or individual that they cannot look away from. As this is happening your loved one , guide or angel is there getting the attention of the Medium working. The Medium will then start to give you information that is coming from those in the spirit world around you.
The Medium should always ask if they may speak to you. At that point the messages will be delivered to you. The Medium then cannot walk away until the message is delivered to you. Many times those in spirit will stay there until they are satisfied you have been given the message correctly. When the message is delivered correctly the Medium will then close that energy and move on to the next person. Remember those in the spirit world have a wonderful sense of humor and once again shall never tell you anything frightful or fearful; there is no need to do so. For those in spirit love you too much to harm you in any way. This can be very fun, informative, healing, and peaceful when in the hands of the right Medium.
Platform mediumship and or gallery readings is a way for you to sample and experience messages being delivered from those in spirit (loved ones, guides and angels) to individuals here in the physical. Most old school Mediums will tell you that the only messages delivered is to be from loved ones who have crossed over. I agree on many levels, but I also know there are guides and angels who have just as many important things to say to someone. That to exclude this is to not give a message that is there for someone. Many times my loved ones do not come in to give me a message, as there are different levels and things I am going through and in what I need to hear. But I will say, if all of the messages that are being delivered by a Medium on such a night as one of these, are all from just guides and angels, then this goes in that category of not being a very good Medium. There may be those rare nights that this may happen but not every time.
You will find many differences in attending a platform or a gallery reading, when one happens to venture to a Medium who is in the category of not being a true, or a good medium. This can be very disappointing and also places a bad representation of other Mediums around the world especially if no one has ever had the chance to experience a good medium at work. This can either work out well for the Medium (since no one knows the difference) or most times make a disaster to the good mediums out there, who work hard at the work.
I once had the opportunity to see what was being advertised as the worlds best psychic but who was supposed to also be a Medium. She was late arriving due to the weather and then proceeded to explain so much information that was not necessary before she even began. Everyone was given a small piece of paper and asked to write down a question, you were not told exactly why. As this individuals proceeded, she gave one story after the other answered a few questions as she kept talking about herself and then after taking a break came back to do messages. The basket was given to her with all of these pieces of paper. Being a Medium I supposed she was going to demonstrate psychometry to deliver messages around the room.
Not so, she proceeded to select a piece of paper and then open the paper, read the question and then give an answer. Well, this is not a Medium but can be a psychic. Unfortunately she kept saying she was a Medium. No Medium needs to have you write questions on paper and then open the paper, read the question to get your answer. This then is a not good Medium. At one time she was even very rude to an audience member and was embarrassing this individual in front of everyone. I did not find this acceptable as there is no reason to go there in the first place. As everyone was laughing at that individual I sat there sending love. Even if all of it was true this went over the line of professionalism.
The night ran very late as there were those who needed to go to work the next day, what started at six thirty that night, lasted to over twelve midnight. For every question she read she needed to talk more about herself. That was a total disaster.
On a much brighter side. I once had the opportunity to go and see John Edward here in Maryland and I was so delighted, not just with the messages he was delivering to those in the audience. But also to see and know his energy and light that was around him. It is very rare for me to be able to see another in this line of work that is a pure vehicle and I was in heaven just watching him work. His integrity stands alone and speaks very well for him in all that he does. The room was filled with individuals just excited to be there and hoping for a message from their loved ones also. Even though John did not get to everyone in the room that night, the messages he did give to those few, were also messages to others around the room. This is true of many messages that are delivered to an audience in any size room. Listen when the Medium is speaking because there will always be something there for each individual sitting in that same area. It may not be delivered straight to you, but you will feel and know when it resonates with you.
I have seen and experienced many gallery readings and platform work demonstrations in doing this work all of my life. I have been a participant to many galleries where there were a few Mediums who were brand new to those that were a total disaster. I worked hard at understanding what it takes and then the time came for me to create the Spirit Speaks Galleries. I do this as an honor of celebrating those in spirit to bring love, healing, closure, independence and more to those who needed to hear from their loved ones, guides and angels. To know they are loved, they are here with you and they shall always be there to talk to. When I am receiving the messages for someone in a gallery reading, platform, personal readings, anything I am doing, I am seeing with my eyes physically open, hearing, sensing, knowing, smelling, touching, tasting and seeing in my minds eye with my eyes open or closed . All of these senses are coming at me at once, since I was very young, it was up to me to learn how to develop the communication with those around me in spirit to then be able to deliver the messages to others. This is why I teach this to others, to understand that you too can communicate and there is a way to bring everything you are going through together to enjoy all of it.
Angelic Wise Ones Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights are a way for you to bring your friends, family and co-workers together to share in a night that will leave all of you excited for the time spent together. This is also a great opportunity to see what a Medium is like, and how they work if you are looking to schedule a private reading with that Medium. Read my article Finding the right Medium or Psychic for you to have all you need at your finger tips when scheduling an appointment.
Next time you are searching for something to do on a Friday night, Join us at the Spirit Speaks Gallery Nights in Maryland, you will be sure to walk away with a special message from your loved one, guide and angels just for you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
For more info: To experience a Night of Gallery Readings or Platform Mediumship join us here at Spirit Speaks Gallery Night and bring your friends and family!If you are searching for workshops and classes check my website Angelic Wise Ones for new updates all the time.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How to Experience a Great Reading with a Medium
The majority times when you make an appointment with a medium you do not really know what to expect. Your friends give you the go ahead; they have been to see a medium and enjoy the experience or found the answers they were seeking.
And there you are trying to decide if this is something you want to do. Most people generally have heard about many individuals they could make an appointment with but have never been. Still not sure but, there has to be someone that can tell you what you need to know or understand and what the answer is to what is gong on in your life. Then too, is the chance that you can hear from your loved one who has passed away or who is missing and you just need to know how they are doing or where they are at. Many individuals see a medium when their loved one has passed away. This is the perfect opportunity to find some one who knows you are not crazy in wanting to hear from them one more time, to know they forgive you or where they hid their good silver.. This is when it is time to see a medium.
You are not for sure of what to expect but you need assistance and you need someone who does not know you, that can help you along the way. So you go ahead and make the appointment. You then wait the time until you are to connect with the medium on the phone or go see them in person. Your nervous about the whole thing and did you really do the right thing?
I know it can be very easy to make an appointment with a medium and or a psychic. But then again it can be very difficult. You do not know what to expect, is the medium good at their work, will the medium be flaky or worse yet scary in any way? Will the medium tell you something you do not want to hear? Will the medium be able to bring your mother in, so you can talk to her and do you really want to hear what is being given to you?
There are always those who have been told by a medium or psychic that they themselves will transition at a certain age. What about hearing all of the things you have done in your life, good bad or indifferent. Do you really want to know?
Most individuals who make an appointment to see a medium have had a friend who has made that connection. They enjoyed their time and found it to be one of closure, enlightment, informative and peaceful. Still it can make you nervous just knowing that someone else can actually tell you things about yourself and give you confirmation on your loved one who has recently transitioned.
What is the reason to see a medium? So many believe that a medium is just a psychic, that they will tell you your future of fortune, look at the time and date of when you were born and then it will be just like anything else that gives you the same old thing. Not so, a medium is one who raises their vibration to be at peace with all things around them. A Medium is a vehicle to bring in those loved ones in spirit, your guides, angels and teachers who have much to say to you as they now have your full attention. A medium is not doing this to make things better for themselves but to assist those seeking closure in their lives. The individual is seeking to hear from their loved one who has transitioned; most times they just need that extra added time to look at things. A clear medium can do just that. They are the vehicle in which the loved one in spirit can give messages to, in their new found language to bring to their loved one here in the physical. It works in a variety of ways that the medium must be aware of all their own surroundings. The medium will work with different senses to bring in those messages. A medium will either see, hear, sense, feel, smell , taste different energies from the loved one in spirit, to then start to piece the images, sounds, feelings together to bring the messages across to the individual here in the physical. This then is relaying message from the loved one is spirit to show the continuity of life.
In all of this, the medium then begins their conversation with the individual in spirit to be able to accurately… to the best of their knowledge, then deliver those messages to the individual who is seeking that connection. A medium is not to bring fear into your session at any time, this is irresponsible to do so. Once again it is about the continuity of life that a medium is to share with others.
Before your appointment go ahead and write down some questions you may have. These can be any questions that are weighing heavy upon you or things that you need direction and guidance in. The questions are for you tot remember and not to be given to the medium until the time later in your reading that they may ask you if you have any questions. Really think about your questions. A simple question where you will receive a yes or no answer is not a question that you will be writing down. This you know yourself the answer already.
I also suggest writing down the question as it never fails that when the time comes for the medium to ask if you have any question your mind will go blank. This many mediums call psychic amnesia or mental block. You have been given so much and you are still processing all that you are hearing that your mind just goes blank. This is why you write them out. Most times you will find that you will not need to look at your questions at all , as they have already been answered.
Never give your list of questions to the medium when you first sit down for your appointment. This is giving the medium everything they need on a silver platter and you will never get verification in doing so. It is too easy for the medium to just look at your question and answer it themselves. Which is also called leading. If you are spending time with an medium , you will be looking for them to give you so much information to start with, your questions should come at the end of your session.
Make sure you know if your medium tapes or records the reading for you. If not ask if it is okay that you record the reading yourself. You can do this by purchasing a digital recorder or bring a hand held tape recorder with you. You must always ask permission, as some mediums and psychics do not like to record at all.
If you have pictures and items that belonged to your love one it is okay to have them with you. Some mediums use this as a door opener. But remember this is called psychometry, they are reading the energy off of the item. If this item belonged to your loved one and you need to know about them ( if they are missing or if they have a cherished memory you want to know about) then it is okay to give it to the medium. Please remember if you have been holding the item a lot, they are then and will only be reading your energy. So they will be getting your information first, if the medium is exceptionally good they will be able to get through your energy to get to your loved ones energy and go from there. But also take into consideration that if you have been holding it, they will also pick up on your memories and intention of that loved one.
On the day of your appointment, please make sure you are on time. Many times if you have to wait for your appointment time it is because the individuals before you was running late. This will then back up the schedule for that day. So if you do not want to be waiting for your appointment to begin, be considerate of the next person. Most mediums will not take a client who is late for a specified amount of time to their appointment.
Have in hand your questions , remember you do not have to show them to the medium, just keep them in your pocket. You may let them know you have a picture or item and keep it on you until they ask for it. Recorder with you ( if you need it ) and most importantly a notebook, so that you can write down anything that you need. Then all you have to do is to relax.
As you reading begins, realize that the medium should not be one who instills fear. As your loved ones, guides and angels have nothing fearful to give you. They love you and have only your best interest at heart when they are with you. Your medium should start out with so much information just for you. As the reading progresses there may be times when a medium will make a reference to something that is given to them. Not all mediums work the same and many will be receiving things that make no sense to them, but will make sense to you. Sometimes many individuals have not understood at that moment, but a month later the answer finally comes about like an epiphany
With any messages you receive you should understand that sometime it is not always going to be what you want to hear verses what you need to hear. Keep an open mind and heart to the messages that come to you.
If at anytime your medium or psychic tells you fearful things then you do not ever need to go back to that medium and you know that at anytime you may get up and leave. This not to say that a medium just might have a message that you do not want to hear. This can be very fearful or upsetting to you, please know that our loved one can see and know so much more now, than they did when they lived here with you.
When I say fearful I mean they tell you that someone in your life will pass away soon. That the loved one in spirit is mad at you, or they are angry at you. Your loved one can never be mad as that is a human emotion that is no longer with them. They can transform the energy to one that you will know it is them, but they are in a place of peace and love. If you have a medium or psychic who tells you to come back as your energy is bad or you have dark karma around you that they will get rid of it for you. As you will need another appointment that is much higher in price, then find the nearest door and never go back again. No one can clear your dark /bad karma or energy from or for you, this must be done by you and you only. At that point find a workshop that teaches you about how to work with your energy or one that teaches you how to connect with your own guides and angels.
There are many out there who say they are mediums, there are many mediums out there that give the legitimate mediums a bad name. Do your homework on the mediums you hear about or read about. Ask your friends, visit the mediums websites, read about them, and get your own impression on them before you make the appointment.
Most of all enjoy your time with your medium; they can be your very best friend to bring that peace in your heart that you are searching for. To open the doors to your own spiritual journey here on Mother Earth. Peace to you !
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
And there you are trying to decide if this is something you want to do. Most people generally have heard about many individuals they could make an appointment with but have never been. Still not sure but, there has to be someone that can tell you what you need to know or understand and what the answer is to what is gong on in your life. Then too, is the chance that you can hear from your loved one who has passed away or who is missing and you just need to know how they are doing or where they are at. Many individuals see a medium when their loved one has passed away. This is the perfect opportunity to find some one who knows you are not crazy in wanting to hear from them one more time, to know they forgive you or where they hid their good silver.. This is when it is time to see a medium.
You are not for sure of what to expect but you need assistance and you need someone who does not know you, that can help you along the way. So you go ahead and make the appointment. You then wait the time until you are to connect with the medium on the phone or go see them in person. Your nervous about the whole thing and did you really do the right thing?
I know it can be very easy to make an appointment with a medium and or a psychic. But then again it can be very difficult. You do not know what to expect, is the medium good at their work, will the medium be flaky or worse yet scary in any way? Will the medium tell you something you do not want to hear? Will the medium be able to bring your mother in, so you can talk to her and do you really want to hear what is being given to you?
There are always those who have been told by a medium or psychic that they themselves will transition at a certain age. What about hearing all of the things you have done in your life, good bad or indifferent. Do you really want to know?
Most individuals who make an appointment to see a medium have had a friend who has made that connection. They enjoyed their time and found it to be one of closure, enlightment, informative and peaceful. Still it can make you nervous just knowing that someone else can actually tell you things about yourself and give you confirmation on your loved one who has recently transitioned.
What is the reason to see a medium? So many believe that a medium is just a psychic, that they will tell you your future of fortune, look at the time and date of when you were born and then it will be just like anything else that gives you the same old thing. Not so, a medium is one who raises their vibration to be at peace with all things around them. A Medium is a vehicle to bring in those loved ones in spirit, your guides, angels and teachers who have much to say to you as they now have your full attention. A medium is not doing this to make things better for themselves but to assist those seeking closure in their lives. The individual is seeking to hear from their loved one who has transitioned; most times they just need that extra added time to look at things. A clear medium can do just that. They are the vehicle in which the loved one in spirit can give messages to, in their new found language to bring to their loved one here in the physical. It works in a variety of ways that the medium must be aware of all their own surroundings. The medium will work with different senses to bring in those messages. A medium will either see, hear, sense, feel, smell , taste different energies from the loved one in spirit, to then start to piece the images, sounds, feelings together to bring the messages across to the individual here in the physical. This then is relaying message from the loved one is spirit to show the continuity of life.
In all of this, the medium then begins their conversation with the individual in spirit to be able to accurately… to the best of their knowledge, then deliver those messages to the individual who is seeking that connection. A medium is not to bring fear into your session at any time, this is irresponsible to do so. Once again it is about the continuity of life that a medium is to share with others.
Before your appointment go ahead and write down some questions you may have. These can be any questions that are weighing heavy upon you or things that you need direction and guidance in. The questions are for you tot remember and not to be given to the medium until the time later in your reading that they may ask you if you have any questions. Really think about your questions. A simple question where you will receive a yes or no answer is not a question that you will be writing down. This you know yourself the answer already.
I also suggest writing down the question as it never fails that when the time comes for the medium to ask if you have any question your mind will go blank. This many mediums call psychic amnesia or mental block. You have been given so much and you are still processing all that you are hearing that your mind just goes blank. This is why you write them out. Most times you will find that you will not need to look at your questions at all , as they have already been answered.
Never give your list of questions to the medium when you first sit down for your appointment. This is giving the medium everything they need on a silver platter and you will never get verification in doing so. It is too easy for the medium to just look at your question and answer it themselves. Which is also called leading. If you are spending time with an medium , you will be looking for them to give you so much information to start with, your questions should come at the end of your session.
Make sure you know if your medium tapes or records the reading for you. If not ask if it is okay that you record the reading yourself. You can do this by purchasing a digital recorder or bring a hand held tape recorder with you. You must always ask permission, as some mediums and psychics do not like to record at all.
If you have pictures and items that belonged to your love one it is okay to have them with you. Some mediums use this as a door opener. But remember this is called psychometry, they are reading the energy off of the item. If this item belonged to your loved one and you need to know about them ( if they are missing or if they have a cherished memory you want to know about) then it is okay to give it to the medium. Please remember if you have been holding the item a lot, they are then and will only be reading your energy. So they will be getting your information first, if the medium is exceptionally good they will be able to get through your energy to get to your loved ones energy and go from there. But also take into consideration that if you have been holding it, they will also pick up on your memories and intention of that loved one.
On the day of your appointment, please make sure you are on time. Many times if you have to wait for your appointment time it is because the individuals before you was running late. This will then back up the schedule for that day. So if you do not want to be waiting for your appointment to begin, be considerate of the next person. Most mediums will not take a client who is late for a specified amount of time to their appointment.
Have in hand your questions , remember you do not have to show them to the medium, just keep them in your pocket. You may let them know you have a picture or item and keep it on you until they ask for it. Recorder with you ( if you need it ) and most importantly a notebook, so that you can write down anything that you need. Then all you have to do is to relax.
As you reading begins, realize that the medium should not be one who instills fear. As your loved ones, guides and angels have nothing fearful to give you. They love you and have only your best interest at heart when they are with you. Your medium should start out with so much information just for you. As the reading progresses there may be times when a medium will make a reference to something that is given to them. Not all mediums work the same and many will be receiving things that make no sense to them, but will make sense to you. Sometimes many individuals have not understood at that moment, but a month later the answer finally comes about like an epiphany
With any messages you receive you should understand that sometime it is not always going to be what you want to hear verses what you need to hear. Keep an open mind and heart to the messages that come to you.
If at anytime your medium or psychic tells you fearful things then you do not ever need to go back to that medium and you know that at anytime you may get up and leave. This not to say that a medium just might have a message that you do not want to hear. This can be very fearful or upsetting to you, please know that our loved one can see and know so much more now, than they did when they lived here with you.
When I say fearful I mean they tell you that someone in your life will pass away soon. That the loved one in spirit is mad at you, or they are angry at you. Your loved one can never be mad as that is a human emotion that is no longer with them. They can transform the energy to one that you will know it is them, but they are in a place of peace and love. If you have a medium or psychic who tells you to come back as your energy is bad or you have dark karma around you that they will get rid of it for you. As you will need another appointment that is much higher in price, then find the nearest door and never go back again. No one can clear your dark /bad karma or energy from or for you, this must be done by you and you only. At that point find a workshop that teaches you about how to work with your energy or one that teaches you how to connect with your own guides and angels.
There are many out there who say they are mediums, there are many mediums out there that give the legitimate mediums a bad name. Do your homework on the mediums you hear about or read about. Ask your friends, visit the mediums websites, read about them, and get your own impression on them before you make the appointment.
Most of all enjoy your time with your medium; they can be your very best friend to bring that peace in your heart that you are searching for. To open the doors to your own spiritual journey here on Mother Earth. Peace to you !
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Friday, August 7, 2009
Angelic Wise Ones -New Workshops & Calendar of Events Listed
Angelic Wise Ones -New Workshops & Calendar of Events Listed
Saturday- August 15th --------------Solar Angel
Sunday – August 16th --------------Understanding your Soul Contract
Thursday - August 20 ---------------Orb of Life
Saturday- August 22nd -------------East Coast Mediums
Sunday- August 30th ----------------Spirit Art II
Saturday & Sunday- 5 & 6th --------Certified Psychic and Mediumship Reader
Friday - September 11th ------------Nights of Channeling
Thursday –September 17th --------Energy Workshop
Friday - September 18th ------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Readings
Sunday - September 19th ----------Kundalini Reiki Master - AM
Saturday – September 19th -------East Coast Mediums - PM
Saturday – October 10th ------------Mediumship for Beginners
Friday - October 9th ------------------Nights of Channeling
Thursday –October 15ht -----------Energy Workshop
Friday - October 16th ----------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Readings
Saturday- October 24th------------- Angelic Counsel of One – AM
Saturday –October 24th -------------East Coast Mediums - PM
Sunday – October 25th --------------Dreams Coming True
Saturday- November 7th ------------The Egyptian Akashic Records
Friday - November 13th -------------Night of Channeling
Thursday –November 19th ---------Energy Workshop
Friday – November 20th -------------Spirit Speaks Gallery readings
Saturday – October 21st -------------Readers for Beginners – AM
Saturday –November 21st ----------East Coast Mediums - PM
Thursday – December 10th ----------Energy Workshop
Friday – December 11th --------------Nights of Channeling
Friday – December 18th --------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Night
Visit the Full Workshop Calendar at www.angelicwiseones.com
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Saturday- August 15th --------------Solar Angel
Sunday – August 16th --------------Understanding your Soul Contract
Thursday - August 20 ---------------Orb of Life
Saturday- August 22nd -------------East Coast Mediums
Sunday- August 30th ----------------Spirit Art II
Saturday & Sunday- 5 & 6th --------Certified Psychic and Mediumship Reader
Friday - September 11th ------------Nights of Channeling
Thursday –September 17th --------Energy Workshop
Friday - September 18th ------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Readings
Sunday - September 19th ----------Kundalini Reiki Master - AM
Saturday – September 19th -------East Coast Mediums - PM
Saturday – October 10th ------------Mediumship for Beginners
Friday - October 9th ------------------Nights of Channeling
Thursday –October 15ht -----------Energy Workshop
Friday - October 16th ----------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Readings
Saturday- October 24th------------- Angelic Counsel of One – AM
Saturday –October 24th -------------East Coast Mediums - PM
Sunday – October 25th --------------Dreams Coming True
Saturday- November 7th ------------The Egyptian Akashic Records
Friday - November 13th -------------Night of Channeling
Thursday –November 19th ---------Energy Workshop
Friday – November 20th -------------Spirit Speaks Gallery readings
Saturday – October 21st -------------Readers for Beginners – AM
Saturday –November 21st ----------East Coast Mediums - PM
Thursday – December 10th ----------Energy Workshop
Friday – December 11th --------------Nights of Channeling
Friday – December 18th --------------Spirit Speaks Gallery Night
Visit the Full Workshop Calendar at www.angelicwiseones.com
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, August 3, 2009
East Coast Mediums Meet-Up
East Coast Mediums
Join us each month for our East Coast Mediums Meet-up.
Welcome to East Coast Metaphysics Meet-Up Group, this is a Gathering place to learn and grow together. To get a better understanding of what a Medium is, what work a Medium does what to look for in a Medium and how to be a medium. But there is even more as we work with learning all the aspects of the spiritual and metaphysical life.
Gain the knowledge you need to know the differences with Mediums, Psychic Mediums and Psychics and all things Metaphysical.
Meditations and more..
To learn and know the truths on your spiritual growth and development and to connect, when you just need another friend to bounce things off of.
Meet, learn and work with your guides, teachers in the spiritual realms that are connecting with you on all levels.
Find the best places to go to learn that which you are looking for.
Get all the news of the latest of energetic waves that are moving around us.
When the student is ready the Teacher shall appear!
Are you Ready ???
For those who are just awakening ( newbies ) and those who have been around before ( sleepers) and seeking information with like minded people.
To work with everyone to learn what the next steps are, where we meet, what events we have and more….
What the Meet-up Groups are about for East Coast Mediums
We meet once a month for a scheduled curriculum of topics for everyone to share and enjoy. These are casual evenings create with you in mind to excel and learn in your spiritual journey, bringing to you the best in group discussions, mediumship exercises, energy opportunities for everyone to participate in that which they are seeking to learn. We ask that you visit with us as we support one another in our process of enlightment, sharing your wisdom, experience and insights. As we join together we will laugh, cry and find peace and love in our hearts, knowing we are not alone.
Check out the next three scheduled meet-up to learn and connect with mediumship developement on these nigths visist:
Join us each month for our East Coast Mediums Meet-up.
Welcome to East Coast Metaphysics Meet-Up Group, this is a Gathering place to learn and grow together. To get a better understanding of what a Medium is, what work a Medium does what to look for in a Medium and how to be a medium. But there is even more as we work with learning all the aspects of the spiritual and metaphysical life.
Gain the knowledge you need to know the differences with Mediums, Psychic Mediums and Psychics and all things Metaphysical.
Meditations and more..
To learn and know the truths on your spiritual growth and development and to connect, when you just need another friend to bounce things off of.
Meet, learn and work with your guides, teachers in the spiritual realms that are connecting with you on all levels.
Find the best places to go to learn that which you are looking for.
Get all the news of the latest of energetic waves that are moving around us.
When the student is ready the Teacher shall appear!
Are you Ready ???
For those who are just awakening ( newbies ) and those who have been around before ( sleepers) and seeking information with like minded people.
To work with everyone to learn what the next steps are, where we meet, what events we have and more….
What the Meet-up Groups are about for East Coast Mediums
We meet once a month for a scheduled curriculum of topics for everyone to share and enjoy. These are casual evenings create with you in mind to excel and learn in your spiritual journey, bringing to you the best in group discussions, mediumship exercises, energy opportunities for everyone to participate in that which they are seeking to learn. We ask that you visit with us as we support one another in our process of enlightment, sharing your wisdom, experience and insights. As we join together we will laugh, cry and find peace and love in our hearts, knowing we are not alone.
Check out the next three scheduled meet-up to learn and connect with mediumship developement on these nigths visist:
My Vision to you...Light Worker what shall you do?
My Visions of times to come is so interesting, for they are not just times to come but that which we are going through right now. I have been shown for a while now about a journey that will be and is, with each living being here on Mother Earth. As we enter closer into the times of 2012 that everyone keeps talking about. These are the times in which we live right now…So this I ask of you.
As great times are before us .. I would like for you see yourself standing upon the top of a mountain with about three feet around you. As you look around the beauty of all there. The sky is glowing in beautiful pinks, oranges, gentle blues of heaven, you breathe in and you are refreshed in the pure joy of it all. As you look around you notice that the land in which you stand is the top of a mountain, this mountain is bare and everywhere the eye beholds is water.
You know that here you stand being apart of all that is around you, all that is before you, you have beauty and you have that which is solid beneath your feet. You are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul. You open your arms to embrace all that is there for you. You feel at peace and you feel as One.
You notice as you are standing upon the top of this mountain that you only have three feet of mountain earth beneath your feet and everything else is water. Water in all directions as far as you can see, sparkling beautifully. And then one by one you start to notice not just one but hundreds of faces and hands of individuals rising in the water calling out to you, reaching out to you. They cannot come up out of the water; there they are... as you only see their faces and hands extending up to you. You look for miles and miles all around you seeing more and more faces their hands extending out to you in all directions and you can feel them calling to you.
You are standing in your truth, innocence, illumination and purity of mind, body & soul.
What shall you do?
Shall you reach into the waters and pull them up? Shall you look all around you not knowing what to do? Shall you dive in to assist them?. Reaching for something that shall be given to them to assist them in all ways? Think, Think about that which you shall do………
Yes, as light workers you shall reach down and pull them up with you. That is what a light worker would do. How could anyone think possibly any other course of action? You shall think how to assist each one by one until they too are with you on that three foot area of mountain dirt beneath your feet, surrounded by the water. For you are a light worker and you shall do what you know to do…
But remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence, illumination and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
Each living day as a light worker this is what we do, we reach out a hand to give to others. We constantly give and remembering not to that which we need to receive. We give our love freely; we give all that we have to another.
I say to you this…remember those that reach out to you may not be those who wish to be saved by you. But maybe they are the ones that want to bring you down with them in all the mess that they have created and live.
So think of all that is going on around you in this world. Is it for you to save those one by one so that they too shall not perish? And what is it they are perishing from? Is it their own greed, loneliness, selfishness, untruths or judgment of another? For as you shall find as you reach down to assist one to pull them up, you will see them smile back at you, you will feel that this is not a smile of thanks but some thing much more.
And then as you pull to bring them up you feel yourself being sucked right in. For as a light worker you are standing upon that mountain top as you have and are doing all that you can to be the light to many. You have worked to keep yourself clean and clear from all that others play with. You have forgiven and you have been thankful and grateful in all you do. So think, why is it you are standing there upon that mountain top and they are below reaching up to you?
Remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
There are many times as light workers we reach out a hand to others, we give until we can give no longer and we then find that those who took that hand being offered still have not given the hand back to extend to others around them.
You hear them and see them as they tell you of their struggles, that which they are fighting with and your compassion goes out to them. And then you find that they are truly adopting that which you have extended, all that you have given them, not to lift themselves up…. but to take that which was given and bring it into ugliness that you cannot recognize any longer.
These souls have everything you have. They have all that is needed right before them and still they choose not to do that which they know to do. That which they seek is offered freely to each living being. And still many have chosen to not take what is there, for they shall take that which others have worked so hard at. They shall keep taking until there is nothing left for them to take.
Remember as you walk closer to the light there shall be that which tries to pull you back. That shall try to take all that you so freely give from your heart space.
Remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
There is much work to be done on this planet; there is much that shall be done over and over again. And there shall be those who do no work to call their own, for they know that they can always take that which you worked hard for. As long as they can keep taking the work that you give so freely.
And there will be those who take what you offer and truly work hard to be there with you. They do all they can and then they sit back and say they do not know how to give everything over. I often wonder what is so hard. Is it the fact that they are waiting to be set free or are they waiting for another to come along to set them free?
Shall they be the ones who are in the water waiting for you to set them free? Or shall they be the ones who keep taking what you so freely give?
When we apply all that we know, deep down that resonates with you. What shall you do? Shall you extend your hand to keep giving or shall you take the step to set yourself free from those who keep taking? No matter were you are right now this is the energy coming to you, the energy you feel and this is what is going on.
I had a vision of this is true, we are all standing on that mountaintop with those around us that keep reaching out to us. What is it they are reaching for? And what shall you do?
As in these times we are walking right now, we as light workers have much to do. We extend the hand of freedom, to give to many around us that which they can utilize to walk in the light. Be the living light in all you do so that the hands that reach out to you are the hands of partners in everything. The hands that give back to you. Be a light worker and receive all that is given to you freely. For as light workers we know how to give, but do we know how to receive and do we receive graciously. Being a light worker does not mean to not receive. There needs to be a balance and that is what you shall find as you journey along. Energy of balance in that which you are doing on all levels. When we have balance with all light, when we have balance that calls for all that we are, you will not find yourself alone on that mountain.
But I ask you again…….. What shall you do?
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
As great times are before us .. I would like for you see yourself standing upon the top of a mountain with about three feet around you. As you look around the beauty of all there. The sky is glowing in beautiful pinks, oranges, gentle blues of heaven, you breathe in and you are refreshed in the pure joy of it all. As you look around you notice that the land in which you stand is the top of a mountain, this mountain is bare and everywhere the eye beholds is water.
You know that here you stand being apart of all that is around you, all that is before you, you have beauty and you have that which is solid beneath your feet. You are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul. You open your arms to embrace all that is there for you. You feel at peace and you feel as One.
You notice as you are standing upon the top of this mountain that you only have three feet of mountain earth beneath your feet and everything else is water. Water in all directions as far as you can see, sparkling beautifully. And then one by one you start to notice not just one but hundreds of faces and hands of individuals rising in the water calling out to you, reaching out to you. They cannot come up out of the water; there they are... as you only see their faces and hands extending up to you. You look for miles and miles all around you seeing more and more faces their hands extending out to you in all directions and you can feel them calling to you.
You are standing in your truth, innocence, illumination and purity of mind, body & soul.
What shall you do?
Shall you reach into the waters and pull them up? Shall you look all around you not knowing what to do? Shall you dive in to assist them?. Reaching for something that shall be given to them to assist them in all ways? Think, Think about that which you shall do………
Yes, as light workers you shall reach down and pull them up with you. That is what a light worker would do. How could anyone think possibly any other course of action? You shall think how to assist each one by one until they too are with you on that three foot area of mountain dirt beneath your feet, surrounded by the water. For you are a light worker and you shall do what you know to do…
But remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence, illumination and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
Each living day as a light worker this is what we do, we reach out a hand to give to others. We constantly give and remembering not to that which we need to receive. We give our love freely; we give all that we have to another.
I say to you this…remember those that reach out to you may not be those who wish to be saved by you. But maybe they are the ones that want to bring you down with them in all the mess that they have created and live.
So think of all that is going on around you in this world. Is it for you to save those one by one so that they too shall not perish? And what is it they are perishing from? Is it their own greed, loneliness, selfishness, untruths or judgment of another? For as you shall find as you reach down to assist one to pull them up, you will see them smile back at you, you will feel that this is not a smile of thanks but some thing much more.
And then as you pull to bring them up you feel yourself being sucked right in. For as a light worker you are standing upon that mountain top as you have and are doing all that you can to be the light to many. You have worked to keep yourself clean and clear from all that others play with. You have forgiven and you have been thankful and grateful in all you do. So think, why is it you are standing there upon that mountain top and they are below reaching up to you?
Remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
There are many times as light workers we reach out a hand to others, we give until we can give no longer and we then find that those who took that hand being offered still have not given the hand back to extend to others around them.
You hear them and see them as they tell you of their struggles, that which they are fighting with and your compassion goes out to them. And then you find that they are truly adopting that which you have extended, all that you have given them, not to lift themselves up…. but to take that which was given and bring it into ugliness that you cannot recognize any longer.
These souls have everything you have. They have all that is needed right before them and still they choose not to do that which they know to do. That which they seek is offered freely to each living being. And still many have chosen to not take what is there, for they shall take that which others have worked so hard at. They shall keep taking until there is nothing left for them to take.
Remember as you walk closer to the light there shall be that which tries to pull you back. That shall try to take all that you so freely give from your heart space.
Remember that you are standing in your truth, innocence and purity of mind, body & soul… What then shall you do and know?
There is much work to be done on this planet; there is much that shall be done over and over again. And there shall be those who do no work to call their own, for they know that they can always take that which you worked hard for. As long as they can keep taking the work that you give so freely.
And there will be those who take what you offer and truly work hard to be there with you. They do all they can and then they sit back and say they do not know how to give everything over. I often wonder what is so hard. Is it the fact that they are waiting to be set free or are they waiting for another to come along to set them free?
Shall they be the ones who are in the water waiting for you to set them free? Or shall they be the ones who keep taking what you so freely give?
When we apply all that we know, deep down that resonates with you. What shall you do? Shall you extend your hand to keep giving or shall you take the step to set yourself free from those who keep taking? No matter were you are right now this is the energy coming to you, the energy you feel and this is what is going on.
I had a vision of this is true, we are all standing on that mountaintop with those around us that keep reaching out to us. What is it they are reaching for? And what shall you do?
As in these times we are walking right now, we as light workers have much to do. We extend the hand of freedom, to give to many around us that which they can utilize to walk in the light. Be the living light in all you do so that the hands that reach out to you are the hands of partners in everything. The hands that give back to you. Be a light worker and receive all that is given to you freely. For as light workers we know how to give, but do we know how to receive and do we receive graciously. Being a light worker does not mean to not receive. There needs to be a balance and that is what you shall find as you journey along. Energy of balance in that which you are doing on all levels. When we have balance with all light, when we have balance that calls for all that we are, you will not find yourself alone on that mountain.
But I ask you again…….. What shall you do?
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Only Time Will Tell
What is it that calls to you? Is it abundance, happiness, friendship? Be loving to yourself in the abundance of friends who make you happy?
Join me for some Meditation time…..
Years ago as I sat down to channel with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru he gave to all od us an understanding of the energy “All Souls Calling“ and what a calling it has been, I am excited as so many individuals are seeking even more than before, their souls have heard the calling and they are opening themselves up to all the possibilities before them, and at the same time it feels as if rushes of emotions are hitting you at once, so much to do and what seems as if there is so little time. But then, you have to understand that time is irrelevant and in the larger plan of things time and space have no bounds. This year is about time, truth, integrity and when we look at it what is your own usage of that time may be. How do we equate time, if it is irrelevant?
Time is the ever expanding distances between what we know and what we do with it. What we know is that there are so many young people being awakened at this time, Remember the “Old Souls Calling” is also calling out to them, it called to their souls just as you and I, and if you believe you are going through some things right now, then so too are our young people. They want to understand what in the world is going on and they want answers. And no one seems able to teach them what is going on, why? Because, no one seems to have enough time to teach them. Seeing this as the “me” only time.
It is very simple, only time will tell.
When we take the time to invest in ourselves then we have a vested interest, when we are at a job for a length of time we are considered vested. When we take the time to invest in ourselves we can produce miracles like never before. When we take the time to invest in our own growth and understanding with programs, seminars, classes, workshops, higher learning; then we have vested ourselves in this journey of life. And we walk away with a vested interest of that higher learning, which we can then utilize to bring a clear resonate of energy like never before. Our lives change, we no longer struggle as we use to, and we learn how to invest in ourselves. We learn to trust ourselves and all that we create around us. This does not mean that we believe it is just “me” only time, it is that some have come to explore the possibilities that they are all alone fighting to be seen, heard and understood. When all they need to do is look around them to know that they are not alone. Each living soul is walking right bedside them. Take the time to acknowledge them and what they have to offer, it just may be that sign that you are looking for.
When we take the time to invest in our young people, we have a vested future of individuals who will take the time to invest in themselves, and then that investment will be for everyone in an expanded consciousness of evolution. I am not looking at the young ones as a vested “me” interest, as this seems to be spreading widely. These young ones need to understand that “me” can be very lonely when not opening their eyes to see that “me” is the selfish way of expanding their own ideas to become invested in their own future. But “me” should stand for the vested future that every living being has brought together to share with one another their ideas, their love, their creations that can expand and give to another for their own growth.
So, lets look at what you have invested in for yourself this year? Did I say it is only the first half of the year? Well yes, it is and there is even more for you to do. Across our lands this first half of the year we have had record breaking news, major transitioning of professional figures that we have all experienced in our own way, weather and insights.
Is your soul calling to you right now? Does all of this have to do with time, you betcha!
We have so much time that it really is not funny, we have time to tell a loved one – “I love you,” we have time to get to know God, Creator, the Divine, Source. We have time to learn new things and discover our own ancient mysteries that lie at our doorstep, we have time to teach our young ones about their relationship to the divine in a loving and gentle way for them to know who they are and we have time to share that love with one another. We have time to start our own life over and create that which we seek. We have time to understand that we are not alone in that creation. We have time to get to know our Angels, Guides and teachers in the spiritual realms. We have time to learn something new each moment of our day whether we want to admit it or not.
You just need to invest into that time to discover all that is waiting for you. To discover you have time for whatever you would like, you just need to know your own relationship to time and how it is irrelevant. When we try to rush time, it is like being on the highway and trying to rush around the person in front of you, you might get ahead, but since you put so much energy in that time, you will only discover you are really far behind.
Sit back and know that you have all the time you need to do what you are here to do, just be patient with time and it will work with you in every way. Take the time to invest in the young people, we are the forerunners, they are here now and seeking that which they do not understand, when we are learning and asking what am I here to do, what I am going to do with my life? Know that the young person you are sitting beside is asking the same question to their own self. If you truly believe you do not understand, what then do you believe they know?
It is very simple, only time will tell.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Join me for some Meditation time…..
Years ago as I sat down to channel with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru he gave to all od us an understanding of the energy “All Souls Calling“ and what a calling it has been, I am excited as so many individuals are seeking even more than before, their souls have heard the calling and they are opening themselves up to all the possibilities before them, and at the same time it feels as if rushes of emotions are hitting you at once, so much to do and what seems as if there is so little time. But then, you have to understand that time is irrelevant and in the larger plan of things time and space have no bounds. This year is about time, truth, integrity and when we look at it what is your own usage of that time may be. How do we equate time, if it is irrelevant?
Time is the ever expanding distances between what we know and what we do with it. What we know is that there are so many young people being awakened at this time, Remember the “Old Souls Calling” is also calling out to them, it called to their souls just as you and I, and if you believe you are going through some things right now, then so too are our young people. They want to understand what in the world is going on and they want answers. And no one seems able to teach them what is going on, why? Because, no one seems to have enough time to teach them. Seeing this as the “me” only time.
It is very simple, only time will tell.
When we take the time to invest in ourselves then we have a vested interest, when we are at a job for a length of time we are considered vested. When we take the time to invest in ourselves we can produce miracles like never before. When we take the time to invest in our own growth and understanding with programs, seminars, classes, workshops, higher learning; then we have vested ourselves in this journey of life. And we walk away with a vested interest of that higher learning, which we can then utilize to bring a clear resonate of energy like never before. Our lives change, we no longer struggle as we use to, and we learn how to invest in ourselves. We learn to trust ourselves and all that we create around us. This does not mean that we believe it is just “me” only time, it is that some have come to explore the possibilities that they are all alone fighting to be seen, heard and understood. When all they need to do is look around them to know that they are not alone. Each living soul is walking right bedside them. Take the time to acknowledge them and what they have to offer, it just may be that sign that you are looking for.
When we take the time to invest in our young people, we have a vested future of individuals who will take the time to invest in themselves, and then that investment will be for everyone in an expanded consciousness of evolution. I am not looking at the young ones as a vested “me” interest, as this seems to be spreading widely. These young ones need to understand that “me” can be very lonely when not opening their eyes to see that “me” is the selfish way of expanding their own ideas to become invested in their own future. But “me” should stand for the vested future that every living being has brought together to share with one another their ideas, their love, their creations that can expand and give to another for their own growth.
So, lets look at what you have invested in for yourself this year? Did I say it is only the first half of the year? Well yes, it is and there is even more for you to do. Across our lands this first half of the year we have had record breaking news, major transitioning of professional figures that we have all experienced in our own way, weather and insights.
Is your soul calling to you right now? Does all of this have to do with time, you betcha!
We have so much time that it really is not funny, we have time to tell a loved one – “I love you,” we have time to get to know God, Creator, the Divine, Source. We have time to learn new things and discover our own ancient mysteries that lie at our doorstep, we have time to teach our young ones about their relationship to the divine in a loving and gentle way for them to know who they are and we have time to share that love with one another. We have time to start our own life over and create that which we seek. We have time to understand that we are not alone in that creation. We have time to get to know our Angels, Guides and teachers in the spiritual realms. We have time to learn something new each moment of our day whether we want to admit it or not.
You just need to invest into that time to discover all that is waiting for you. To discover you have time for whatever you would like, you just need to know your own relationship to time and how it is irrelevant. When we try to rush time, it is like being on the highway and trying to rush around the person in front of you, you might get ahead, but since you put so much energy in that time, you will only discover you are really far behind.
Sit back and know that you have all the time you need to do what you are here to do, just be patient with time and it will work with you in every way. Take the time to invest in the young people, we are the forerunners, they are here now and seeking that which they do not understand, when we are learning and asking what am I here to do, what I am going to do with my life? Know that the young person you are sitting beside is asking the same question to their own self. If you truly believe you do not understand, what then do you believe they know?
It is very simple, only time will tell.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
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