Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adele's Monthly Message February

Adele's Welcome Message

Welcome and Hello to Everyone,

Times are rolling just as we have said they would. Right now there is so much going on that it can make the mind boggle at everything coming our way. Do you have your eyes open and your mouth shut as we look closer to the energies right now?

I say eyes open, as to look around you at all the happenings in the world. At every level there is much going on, political, personal and spiritual. You have heard me say this once and you will keep hearing me say this as you need to take the time to just be a part of the energies and your world that you live in. Conditioning of changes can come as fast as the blink of an eye but do not let his fool you as your eyes can see faster than light anyway. It is the human mind that has been conditioned that it cannot see that fast. And if this is the case what more has the human been conditioned that it cannot see or do? Hmmm….So let’s look at the personal right now, what is it that is being given to you on levels that you cannot quite put your finger on? This can be the situations and living arrangements that you are in, all the way to the work that you are doing. Especially your work with spirit. I love my spirit guides, my Counsel of One of Angelic Wise Ones… but they too have the sense of humor to give me answers and at the same time give me anagrams in which to work with. This can be disturbing at times when you know the answer is right there in front of you, but it seems to be elusive. It is like the energy right now…you know what it is, you have a feeling deep down inside but it is still just out of your reach…

When you decide that you are going to work with Spirit you are making an agreement that you accept all that is within your life. You are saying that you give permission to work with your guides and that they too can work with you. It’s like setting a date with an individual for the time and place to meet and to get to know one another. Do you then follow through…or do you at the last minute find ways to get out of that date? Think about it, I have known individuals to go ahead and make a date and then step back at the last minute when the individual they are meeting does not look anything like what they had portrayed themselves to be. They take a peak around the corner and then decide if it is well worth their time. And too, are the ones at the last minute who negate their feelings to follow through with what they have arranged.

Does this not sound like what many do with their appointments and or dates with Spirit? “Well if they will do this for me or if this is what it is about ...okay I will decide when I get there, if it is going to work out or what if they do not like me..or well I really did not think it would go this far”. This is like putting the block up before accepting that there may be something here worth looking at.

We see this all the time. With this energy there will be many who will put conditions on how they are receiving and giving in their work with Spirit and this energy. It will be about controlling what the outcome will be. When this happens the outcome is already determine by the energy in which you have already placed the conditionings in.

This month of February is the time to complete your acceptance in who you are and what you are accomplishing right now. Each month you should be looking to place out into the Universe what you are accomplishing. Everyone should be using this time to re-evaluate what you are doing, where you are going and how you are getting there in all areas of your life, emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. As March rolls around all that you have worked on and with, shall be given back to you magnified in a way that will bring the biggest smile to your face.

All that you are holding off right now, during this time, is giving to the energy a block and you shall be blocked on levels that will frustrate you even more. I have said many times….You can ride the wave of the energy supporting you and keeping you on top or you can keep butting up against the energy and you shall be crushed within the waves and keep learning the hard way.

Why is so hard to just let go and believe? To open your arms to the understanding that is deep within and trust? When you keep denying the existence of truth in all the situations you are in ...you are delaying the truth and your own self growth.

Can you not feel this energy? It is as if everyone right now has been holding their breath waiting…the energy has been enveloping you within its folds and you feel as if you are a part of everything and at the same time you are not. Waiting for acceptance…waiting for a shift of energy to then be able to breathe once again. Well it is coming…. but in a way that will not be understood if you have not been doing your end of the effort. Remember as we have all said when placing something in the Universe to assist you whether it be to your Spirit Guides, Source, the Angels, etc….that when you assist and work with that which you place out there, the Universe shall say “So be it’ and then be there to assist in all ways. But if you place it out into the Universe and just sit back and wait for it to be hand delivered to you…you shall be waiting a long time…This then allows one to be disappointed and frustrations set in. Many then become disillusioned and walk away…until the next time they are in need. So I say to you…Ask and you shall receive… What is it that you are waiting to do that you have been putting off for one reason or another? What is it that the Universe or Spirit has been showing you , telling you that you just will not accept… as it is not what you want to hear or know?

There are a lot of controlling factors all over the world right now, do you not see this? For if you do you are also looking at a reflection of your own self in how you are controlling an outcome that just may not be the best for you and that is why you are being butted up against that wall. That is why everything you are trying to do seems like a struggle and no matter what the thoughts may be, nothing will take shape and form that is understood until you understand that it is letting go of that which you want it to be and allow the Universe to show you what it really is.

March is a time of acceptance….Many around the world will be seeing so much activity that cannot be hidden from view any longer. It will be to take the veils off your eyes and accept that which is there. No more hiding from view that which is right before you. This then is looked at on a personal level and that which is worldwide. Many times I am given something and many times there is no way to fully describe that which I am given…But it is always to allow you to know what is coming for you then to understand and not be caught off guard… so to say… To being what you need to know to assist you along with your own journey. And right now the planetary alignment is showing us that which is to be revealed. …Our governments are hiding so much and it is just not what is on the current administrations it is also from what has been hidden from our view from the past ones too. This is worldwide…have we not been working with so much for so long? Have we not been seeking so much for so long? Have we not been told the time of enlightment shall be revealed to all? So this is the time in which everyone has been talking and seeking and if you have that feeling inside that something is going on, that you need to be somewhere, you need to be doing something, that you need to reach out beyond yourself….then be happy that it is here, be happy that everything is in divine order and your soul is aligning right where it is being drawn to… the Christ energy your energetic energy on a cellular level is seeking that connection and it will keep going until you have found it on a physical level. This then causes so, much inner turmoil. Nothing seems to be going right, or there is much negativity around you, you see others frustrations which then brings about your own feeling of inability. And at the same time everything seems to be going right…it is when you look at everyone else that it seems as if they are the one who is not doing it right. This is going on because when you are looking at another’s view and they seem to be misaligned it is to show you what you yourself do not want to validate your work that you need to do or look at on an emotional or perhaps a controlling fashion. As in What are you trying to control and keep a hold of with so much strength that you are not truly seeing what you need to?

Give yourself the time to sit down and write out what frustrates you right now...Whether it be with yourself or others. And then take each one and really look at it. Why do the same things keep happening? What is the message that you are missing? Why do you feel so different than everyone around you? Keep this up, keep writing it down and looking at it…process all of this and allow the Universe… allow your Spirit Guides to lead you to that which lies deep inside..the answers in which you have been seeking…..

This is going to be a year of exposure on many levels and an exciting year for all…When we look ahead we see so much innovative processes being exposed and new resources coming to light for humanity as a whole. So look for new ways being given to assist us in research and development …It only takes a thought of an idea to present itself to discovery…

I send you much Love for all that is within you… that which I see and feel in you… that is marvelous and Loving on all levels. Be Blessed in who you are and see you in my travels this year, as I visit an area close to you, so that we make look at this and more on many levels. What is it that you seek and what are your questions? Check out my Visionary Quest Tour Schedule and if you see an area that I am visiting join me …if there is an area that you live in and do not see on my itinerary, then write to me so we can meet up along the way. Until then…

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele.

All Rights reserved 2010© Adele Linsalata , Angelic Wise Ones