Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
Esther and Jerry Hicks, authors of the 2008 #1 New York Times Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction, have just produced their newest and most Powerful book to date, The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships.
This new book will leave you feeling free and clear, as the impossible task of sorting out all of the complicated moving parts of the relationships in your life lifts up off of you. As you read the 22 flawed premises that are at the core of the confusion you feel, you will discover a new point of attraction, and every relationship you have will improve.
It feels so good to understand. And that understanding will change your point of attraction so dramatically that every relationship that you desire will flow easily to you.
Order The Vortex: http://promos.hayhouse.com/vortex/
All of us have questions about the relationships in our lives—those we have, those we long for, and those we are still trying to figure out years later. In the latest of a series of books about the Law of Attraction, The Vortex, Esther and Jerry Hicks, and the Non-Physical teachers known as Abraham, help us understand every relationship we are currently involved in, as well as every one we have ever experienced.
In The Vortex, Abraham describes the powerful spiraling energy center, our Vortex, that contains all of the relationship requests that have emanated from us and all of the components called forth by the Law of Attraction to meet our requests. Who feeds the creative Vortex that spins out our life experience? We do. As Abraham reminds us:
"All things that happen in your experience come because of the requests that you are sending out with your thoughts . . . You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire . . . If you simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law."
You have the power to evoke from others a relationship that is in harmony with the freedom, and the growth, and the joy that you seek. It all begins with greater awareness of who-you-are and a deeper understanding of your own personal Guidance System that will return you to alignment with Source. As Abraham says, "For by your finding agreement with the power that flows forth from within you, the harmony that you seek on all other levels and all other subjects—and within all others—will then (and only then) be possible."
It is Abraham's desire to help you remember the art of alignment first—then action. Alignment first—then conversation. Alignment first—then interaction. Alignment first—then anything else. Your relationships will all fall easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental primary relationship first.
Reconnect with who-you-really-are and start your journey to understand every current and past relationship by reading The Vortex. Purchase today and you will also receive a wealth of Law of Attraction teachings from Abraham to help you on your path.
Find out more: http://promos.hayhouse.com/vortex/
Abraham focuses the light of their Broader Perspective to reveal a wide array of flawed premises (which most of us are living by) relative to our varied relationships. In order to discover or understand a false or flawed premise, you have to stand back far enough and reconnect with who-you-really-are before you can see it. You then have the opportunity to decide to resolve, and replace, a false premise with one that best serves you.
The many examples in The Vortex are designed to help you remember the power of the Vortex of attraction and to remind you of your Emotional Guidance System so that you can consciously and deliberately attract the relationships that feel best to you.
Abraham tell us, "It is our desire that you experience an enhanced appreciation of your planet; your body; your family; your friends; your enemies; your government; your systems; your food; your finances; your animals; your work; your play; your purpose; your Source; your Soul; your past, your future, and your present . . ."
Order The Vortex and learn how to achieve the harmony you desire at all levels, in all of your relationships.
In celebration of the release of The Vortex, Hay House is offering a variety of prizes, including a chance to see Esther and Jerry LIVE! View all of the Prizes and Enter to Win: HERE