On this day of Peace and every day… may we find a light deep within our hearts to know we are love. May we send this light of love out to all those we meet, all those who we have not seen for so very long. And in our times of remembrance with those we love, may we be gifted with a smile upon our soul knowing we are a peacemaker from start to finish.
In everything that goes on each day I watch so many individuals try to hurry up and do everything that they may, to get to where they believe they want to go or should be. To be the first one to get through their own lessons of learning ahead of everyone or everything else. And I have to remind them - with this energy we are working with – it is moving at such an accelerated speed that we do not have to run to catch up with it, we just need to be with it and to be at peace within ourselves to know that we are where we need to be when we need to be there.
Slow down and enjoy the journey…for it shall always be there.
Think about it.....You see if you reach your destination ahead of time, then everything that you ran so fast to learn and do would not be ready for you and then you would see that the lesson you are to learn is not one you have learned yet.
So as we come together during this time on Mother Earth, connect with those you have not talked to for so long, open your heart to say hello in the most loving way.
Enjoy each step of your journey as those steps are the journey in which you walk.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Question and answer with Adele - What is it mean to be a Visionary
A Recent Question in my mailbox From Mariena in Puerto Rico
Q) Hi Adele, I have been wondering you are called the visionary messenger what does that mean? Do you see visions or is it more than that. The reason I ask is when I am walking near the water is see all of these things in my mind. At the same time I can hear what seems like crying. The water will be calm and smooth and then it just starts to get wavy like it is going to explode right in front of my face. I am not for sure if I like this and it is a little frightening. How do you manage to stay calm and write the beautiful things you write when this makes me feel as if I want to go and hide? Yours in heart,Mariena
Hi Mariena
Well, being a visionary is something that you work with to understand what it is and why you are seeing what you see. What is the message that is unfolding?
You see, for years growing up I believed that what I was seeing is exactly what you were seeing. So to me there was no difference.... until I noticed when I said something that others woul look at me funny. Or when all of a sudden I would space out and time would just fly by before I was aware that something had happened.
The images at first would be just short little movies in my mind and as time went by they would start to last longer and be more vivid and intense. The images stood out like crystal clear descriptions of places, times and events... I would be gone longer knowing I was there when the events I was shown was happening or going to happen. It was like I was the individuals experiencing the effect of the vision. I became you or the experience and was living it at that same moment in time.
As a Visionary a lot of what I do is see in everything that is around me, it does not matter where I am or what I am doing, who I am talking to or what is before me I see in everything. What I see is something that takes time to get used to and at the same time you never get used to it. It is in the way that you have worked with yourself on many levels, what you are willing to give up in your life and what you are not. When I meet anyone I do not see them as you do, I see their soul light first, this then starts to take the shape of the bodily image in which they have chosen for this lifetime. When someone is a light with a good heart I see multitudes of colors all in and around them. They are a living light flame. This is so beautiful I cannot help but smile in meeting them and the smile will not go away. It is too funny... as no matter what, I cannot stop for I am communicating with their soul light and it is a delight to be in that energy. When someone is not that nice or is hiding something, I see what is a holographic imaging of the true essence of their soul that is displayed right in front of their face. The image just watches, keeping it eyes on me to try not to get me to see the truth. Can you image what that was like when you are young?
For me as a visionary, I can see beyond the physical reality in which others choose to live each day in their life. It is in the knowledge that you are apart of what others wish to be and what truly is before all of us and at the same time you are not. You have accepted the fact that you are not like those around you and yet you are. You accept that you are alone in the life that you are living and then you are not. There are many forms of visionaries so I am only speaking for myself in what my own experience of perception knowledge is.
When seeing something that is before me I am then drawn into a vortex of being in that moment that instant of time seeing what everything is about. I am drawn forward and zoned out to all the psychical sensations that are around me. I am drawn to look at the entire picture played out, clueless at the same time to where I am and what is going on around me. I am drawn forward into a moment of time when that panoramic scene is being lived no matter what time zone or reality in which it is happening. In essence I am drawn to that place and time to experience all that there is going on to fully understand what I need to know about any given person, place or thing.
Many times when I am in a light channeling that is just were I am, sitting among others knowing where I am and who is with me…. when all of a sudden I see something in front of me. The next thing you know I am taken right there as an observer. During this time I am watching a scene play out, I am being shown something that is very important and about to happen in our physical lifetime or what shall be in another existence or place and time. I am being shown to make sure I understand and then what I have to do with it. Sometimes this is just to relay what I was given or to make notes on it for future references. Sometimes it is timelines into this world in which we live on many levels of continuation.
When working with a client I am being shown many things. Sometimes it is something that has already happened. I then get to see the different probabilities on how it played out or could have played out, what the outcome can or could be in many different ways. I am aware of where I am and then it does not matter where I am as I am fully engrossed in the scene before me.
When as a deep trance channel I am not aware of anything. I am there and then I am not… that is all there is to it. I could be in a crowded room with hundreds or as little as ten people and I am no longer physically present. I am taken to a place that has many different levels. In those levels I am either in a healing affirmation room, on a plane of pure bliss existence or watching everything play out around me. The considerations are all to whom I am to what I shall experience or go to. For we are all light beings and we all have that which we are that as a physical human there are no concepts of the degree in which we are.
Yes, there is that which I do not always like what I see, what is given to me. I have to look at all of the sides to every vision I receive. You see the collective consciousness of humanity can be a huge part in that play of scenes. As to when there are those who have so much negativity for which they cling onto for their own reasons … this is sent into the universe of collective thought forms. So too is the positive outlook in which many light workers live. This then is all of what is shown in the correlation of time and then that of the truth in which everything is.
All of it depends on the level of access ascension that one is at to the amount of the negative that shall be seen. For most of the levels of humanities questions within the frame work of the time in which most channels give to assist those here, it is essential to then be that channel in which you can share with others. Now yes, there are those who are not working in integrity, but then again in whose eyes and at what level is integrity to others? It is the same in the visions to step back and look at the level in which it is received. If one is coming from a fearful emotional state when the vision is given then there will be fearful situations in which they shall receive.
And yes, to see the glory side of the human life is to be in the moment of truth in all things. It is to not be of this world as you live upon it. It is to be the witness living that which they truly are upon a planet of all things.
As a visionary messenger it is for me to relay the messages that I see within the channel... within the vision… good, bad or indifferent. It is not for me to judge what is given, but to be the messenger to deliver what I am guide to deliver. For it is not about me it is all about humanity.
So for me I am like you in everyway, I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a gardener, a writer, a channel, a visionary, a messenger, an artist who likes to laugh and have my family around me to share with. It is to bring a smile upon the faces of those I meet and to give the messages I am being called to deliver. I am not like others around me and I have learned that it is okay for me to be me and for you to be you. It is all still in love.
Many visions are quite beautiful, next time you look upon the water or out to sea, breathe in and ask to see what it is to see for your highest and best with love. Bring no fear there with you and allow the energy of the water, the Goddess to give to you what it is they are trying to show you with no fear placed upon it.
Think about what is going on in your life right now. Are you going through something that is not that good, are you at the cross roads of any emotional healings, or situations that are over bearing at times? All of this plays a role into that which we are given. Sometimes it is the subconscious way to get our attention finally when our minds are relaxed as many are around the water. Water is the purification that many individuals need and go to for their cleansing and healing. Allow the energy of the water to take that which is bottled up within you, release it and let it go into the water to be cleansed and purified. Then give your thanks to the Goddess energy of the waters. Give your thanks to Mother Father God and allow yourself to relax.
When the time comes and you are given more visions, please make sure they are written down. Do not dwell on them. I give mine to my husband for him to take care of and to watch for when things happen that I have seen in my visions. This allows me to go about my time, without staying into the vision on what I have seen. I disconnect to not keep it apart of me, if that is the way it is to be. Keep prayers in your heart and always keep the light around you, the visions you are seeing will then begin to take shape to what it is truly to be.
Thank you for writing I have enjoyed sharing this with you as I have many times received letters asking similar questions, so it is nice to be able to try to describe it for you.. Please let me know how the visions go and remember to take a look at what you are holding onto emotionally so we can rule this out and you can go on with the visions. We all need more individuals to be in this light to share what we are given with others. Welcome I wish you peace in your heart and love in your eyes to see all that it is for you to see.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Q) Hi Adele, I have been wondering you are called the visionary messenger what does that mean? Do you see visions or is it more than that. The reason I ask is when I am walking near the water is see all of these things in my mind. At the same time I can hear what seems like crying. The water will be calm and smooth and then it just starts to get wavy like it is going to explode right in front of my face. I am not for sure if I like this and it is a little frightening. How do you manage to stay calm and write the beautiful things you write when this makes me feel as if I want to go and hide? Yours in heart,Mariena
Hi Mariena
Well, being a visionary is something that you work with to understand what it is and why you are seeing what you see. What is the message that is unfolding?
You see, for years growing up I believed that what I was seeing is exactly what you were seeing. So to me there was no difference.... until I noticed when I said something that others woul look at me funny. Or when all of a sudden I would space out and time would just fly by before I was aware that something had happened.
The images at first would be just short little movies in my mind and as time went by they would start to last longer and be more vivid and intense. The images stood out like crystal clear descriptions of places, times and events... I would be gone longer knowing I was there when the events I was shown was happening or going to happen. It was like I was the individuals experiencing the effect of the vision. I became you or the experience and was living it at that same moment in time.
As a Visionary a lot of what I do is see in everything that is around me, it does not matter where I am or what I am doing, who I am talking to or what is before me I see in everything. What I see is something that takes time to get used to and at the same time you never get used to it. It is in the way that you have worked with yourself on many levels, what you are willing to give up in your life and what you are not. When I meet anyone I do not see them as you do, I see their soul light first, this then starts to take the shape of the bodily image in which they have chosen for this lifetime. When someone is a light with a good heart I see multitudes of colors all in and around them. They are a living light flame. This is so beautiful I cannot help but smile in meeting them and the smile will not go away. It is too funny... as no matter what, I cannot stop for I am communicating with their soul light and it is a delight to be in that energy. When someone is not that nice or is hiding something, I see what is a holographic imaging of the true essence of their soul that is displayed right in front of their face. The image just watches, keeping it eyes on me to try not to get me to see the truth. Can you image what that was like when you are young?
For me as a visionary, I can see beyond the physical reality in which others choose to live each day in their life. It is in the knowledge that you are apart of what others wish to be and what truly is before all of us and at the same time you are not. You have accepted the fact that you are not like those around you and yet you are. You accept that you are alone in the life that you are living and then you are not. There are many forms of visionaries so I am only speaking for myself in what my own experience of perception knowledge is.
When seeing something that is before me I am then drawn into a vortex of being in that moment that instant of time seeing what everything is about. I am drawn forward and zoned out to all the psychical sensations that are around me. I am drawn to look at the entire picture played out, clueless at the same time to where I am and what is going on around me. I am drawn forward into a moment of time when that panoramic scene is being lived no matter what time zone or reality in which it is happening. In essence I am drawn to that place and time to experience all that there is going on to fully understand what I need to know about any given person, place or thing.
Many times when I am in a light channeling that is just were I am, sitting among others knowing where I am and who is with me…. when all of a sudden I see something in front of me. The next thing you know I am taken right there as an observer. During this time I am watching a scene play out, I am being shown something that is very important and about to happen in our physical lifetime or what shall be in another existence or place and time. I am being shown to make sure I understand and then what I have to do with it. Sometimes this is just to relay what I was given or to make notes on it for future references. Sometimes it is timelines into this world in which we live on many levels of continuation.
When working with a client I am being shown many things. Sometimes it is something that has already happened. I then get to see the different probabilities on how it played out or could have played out, what the outcome can or could be in many different ways. I am aware of where I am and then it does not matter where I am as I am fully engrossed in the scene before me.
When as a deep trance channel I am not aware of anything. I am there and then I am not… that is all there is to it. I could be in a crowded room with hundreds or as little as ten people and I am no longer physically present. I am taken to a place that has many different levels. In those levels I am either in a healing affirmation room, on a plane of pure bliss existence or watching everything play out around me. The considerations are all to whom I am to what I shall experience or go to. For we are all light beings and we all have that which we are that as a physical human there are no concepts of the degree in which we are.
Yes, there is that which I do not always like what I see, what is given to me. I have to look at all of the sides to every vision I receive. You see the collective consciousness of humanity can be a huge part in that play of scenes. As to when there are those who have so much negativity for which they cling onto for their own reasons … this is sent into the universe of collective thought forms. So too is the positive outlook in which many light workers live. This then is all of what is shown in the correlation of time and then that of the truth in which everything is.
All of it depends on the level of access ascension that one is at to the amount of the negative that shall be seen. For most of the levels of humanities questions within the frame work of the time in which most channels give to assist those here, it is essential to then be that channel in which you can share with others. Now yes, there are those who are not working in integrity, but then again in whose eyes and at what level is integrity to others? It is the same in the visions to step back and look at the level in which it is received. If one is coming from a fearful emotional state when the vision is given then there will be fearful situations in which they shall receive.
And yes, to see the glory side of the human life is to be in the moment of truth in all things. It is to not be of this world as you live upon it. It is to be the witness living that which they truly are upon a planet of all things.
As a visionary messenger it is for me to relay the messages that I see within the channel... within the vision… good, bad or indifferent. It is not for me to judge what is given, but to be the messenger to deliver what I am guide to deliver. For it is not about me it is all about humanity.
So for me I am like you in everyway, I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a gardener, a writer, a channel, a visionary, a messenger, an artist who likes to laugh and have my family around me to share with. It is to bring a smile upon the faces of those I meet and to give the messages I am being called to deliver. I am not like others around me and I have learned that it is okay for me to be me and for you to be you. It is all still in love.
Many visions are quite beautiful, next time you look upon the water or out to sea, breathe in and ask to see what it is to see for your highest and best with love. Bring no fear there with you and allow the energy of the water, the Goddess to give to you what it is they are trying to show you with no fear placed upon it.
Think about what is going on in your life right now. Are you going through something that is not that good, are you at the cross roads of any emotional healings, or situations that are over bearing at times? All of this plays a role into that which we are given. Sometimes it is the subconscious way to get our attention finally when our minds are relaxed as many are around the water. Water is the purification that many individuals need and go to for their cleansing and healing. Allow the energy of the water to take that which is bottled up within you, release it and let it go into the water to be cleansed and purified. Then give your thanks to the Goddess energy of the waters. Give your thanks to Mother Father God and allow yourself to relax.
When the time comes and you are given more visions, please make sure they are written down. Do not dwell on them. I give mine to my husband for him to take care of and to watch for when things happen that I have seen in my visions. This allows me to go about my time, without staying into the vision on what I have seen. I disconnect to not keep it apart of me, if that is the way it is to be. Keep prayers in your heart and always keep the light around you, the visions you are seeing will then begin to take shape to what it is truly to be.
Thank you for writing I have enjoyed sharing this with you as I have many times received letters asking similar questions, so it is nice to be able to try to describe it for you.. Please let me know how the visions go and remember to take a look at what you are holding onto emotionally so we can rule this out and you can go on with the visions. We all need more individuals to be in this light to share what we are given with others. Welcome I wish you peace in your heart and love in your eyes to see all that it is for you to see.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Good Things are Happening
Good things are happening here in my work space, I am working on my next manuscript non-stop, I am thrilled with the way everything is flowing so smoothly, as I am channeling the whole book from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru and my Counsel the Angelic Wise Ones. We have a new website we are building that is definitely in time with everything. My next newsletter will be out soon as I am finding that Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru keeps waking me up for even more, making sure that I have the whole of what he is giving to me.
I will be sharing some of my wonderful Spirit Art paintings soon with everyone, as the energy that is coming through correlate with what Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru and my Counsel of One have been giving to me. I cannot wait to share.
As you may know, I have been working at a rate that excels time during this Mercury Retrograde. (Remember a great time to finish things that have been left un-done or to the side as you go about your day) And as the Psychic and Mediumship Reporter for the Examiner, last month in my column I wrote how I am searching for the Best Psychic and/or Medium in Maryland. I have received lots of e-mails from all over Maryland and I am asking you, to keep sending them in, we have a wide assortment of letters about who is the Best.
Please make sure you leave your name and contact information so I may get back to you, along with the name, location, website or e-mail for the individuals you are saying is the Best.
Look for my column update this week about the search and how we are doing. Until then May you receive the Blessings of all those around you and May you gift your Blessings to all those you meet.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
I will be sharing some of my wonderful Spirit Art paintings soon with everyone, as the energy that is coming through correlate with what Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru and my Counsel of One have been giving to me. I cannot wait to share.
As you may know, I have been working at a rate that excels time during this Mercury Retrograde. (Remember a great time to finish things that have been left un-done or to the side as you go about your day) And as the Psychic and Mediumship Reporter for the Examiner, last month in my column I wrote how I am searching for the Best Psychic and/or Medium in Maryland. I have received lots of e-mails from all over Maryland and I am asking you, to keep sending them in, we have a wide assortment of letters about who is the Best.
Please make sure you leave your name and contact information so I may get back to you, along with the name, location, website or e-mail for the individuals you are saying is the Best.
Look for my column update this week about the search and how we are doing. Until then May you receive the Blessings of all those around you and May you gift your Blessings to all those you meet.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Perfect Family Days
What a lovely day we have had, Sundays are family days. It’s that time we set aside to be together to connect on all levels. To share in the past weeks experiences that we each went through and to enjoy each others company. We laugh at each others quizzical memories of the time spent figuring out what the week was about. What journey or plans that we accomplished and how we would not get through it without each other.
Today was no different in one way but so different in others. Today brought about two football games and everyone at two different locations. My daughter Samantha had the first round with one game as I stayed home with one of my favorite pastime…cooking. You see Larry had the idea of an Italian meal that he just had to have. Bolognese, which has many different layers of flavor to bring together to savor... And of course if you have that you need to have fresh bread…
So as everyone was at Sam’s house, I baked the bread, made my peach dream cake, and started the Bolognese. What a lovely day, I had the entire house to myself to do all of this which my guides hummed music the whole time, showed me where in the garden to grab a handful of this and that, and then it was time for the whole gang to convene here with me. By the time the next game was starting I had dinner on the table; mind you I make a vegetarian meal and a meat meal for those lovers. Good humor is what I survive through with lots of laughs at the enormity of how much I made and how everyone had their own taste buds going. Dinner was great, the bread was delish and Dad was in heaven as I served dessert.
Joining family together not just for holidays but for everyday pleasures, is what life is about. To see the expressions on everyone faces as each take their turn at sharing their week and stories. To have those who understand that they are not alone as they struggle with little difficulties that seem to come up when you least expect it. And to know that wherever you are, whatever you do someone loves you for being you.
In a few short months we will be looking at the four year anniversary of my Mothers transitioning. Four years without her bedside us to make us laugh as she talks about the grandchildren, four years as she is not here to shout at my Dad to be quiet, when he talks to loud. Four years of her not here buying disposable cameras to take all of the pictures. Four years that she is not here to see her grandchildren grow to the beautiful adults they have become. And four more years of not having her here to talk to, to share the good, the bad and the indifferent that only a mother can do.
I always tell everyone love your mother, for she may not be here one day and you will miss the times when she was there to lend a helping hand, an ear to listen and to tell you everything will be okay, even though your world is falling apart. Whether your mother is one that gets on your nerves, never gives you a compliment or maybe tells you too many. One who seems not to understand or is always off going here and there. A mother who just seems to be clueless when it comes to many things that makes your heart sings. A mother who thinks you can do no wrong, or constantly tells you to pick up your clothes or brush your teeth. A mother how loves you so much she sees past your faults and makes excuses when others try to single you out to take the heat off of them.
Remember a mother gives her love not as you may want it, but she gives it the way it is needed.
One smile at a time, one glance too many and one advice after another. For a mothers job is never done and one day you too will see where your job is never done. There will always be one more thing to take care of, one more thing to take your time away from that one who needs your ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on.
On just one of those days, take a moment of time and sit down and truly listen. Listen because you want to; listen to what is being said to you. Listen until you cannot listen any longer and give that same smile, that same reasoning behind your words and then you shall see, that we are all here to be together to lean on, to assist, to guide, to share and enjoy each others company.
No matter whom you are, no matter where you are living, no matter what you do. Everyone needs someone to listen for just a few moments to assist in bringing clarity to their world of craziness, someone to whom in those few moments…. they know is really listening who is there for them and only them. Create your family and have your family day. Take the time to give from what you love to do and share it with everyone in that time. Allow yourself to laugh and cry and be honest with yourself when it comes time to say good-bye, for you have just experienced the greatest gift of all…. Your Love!
Bringing together those you love to show them how much you appreciate and adore being with them is a huge gift unto yourself and those around you. We are all in this life together; to give so much and to receive so much… all of this is just the beginning to a perfect Family Day.
Love, laughter & Light, Adele
Today was no different in one way but so different in others. Today brought about two football games and everyone at two different locations. My daughter Samantha had the first round with one game as I stayed home with one of my favorite pastime…cooking. You see Larry had the idea of an Italian meal that he just had to have. Bolognese, which has many different layers of flavor to bring together to savor... And of course if you have that you need to have fresh bread…
So as everyone was at Sam’s house, I baked the bread, made my peach dream cake, and started the Bolognese. What a lovely day, I had the entire house to myself to do all of this which my guides hummed music the whole time, showed me where in the garden to grab a handful of this and that, and then it was time for the whole gang to convene here with me. By the time the next game was starting I had dinner on the table; mind you I make a vegetarian meal and a meat meal for those lovers. Good humor is what I survive through with lots of laughs at the enormity of how much I made and how everyone had their own taste buds going. Dinner was great, the bread was delish and Dad was in heaven as I served dessert.
Joining family together not just for holidays but for everyday pleasures, is what life is about. To see the expressions on everyone faces as each take their turn at sharing their week and stories. To have those who understand that they are not alone as they struggle with little difficulties that seem to come up when you least expect it. And to know that wherever you are, whatever you do someone loves you for being you.
In a few short months we will be looking at the four year anniversary of my Mothers transitioning. Four years without her bedside us to make us laugh as she talks about the grandchildren, four years as she is not here to shout at my Dad to be quiet, when he talks to loud. Four years of her not here buying disposable cameras to take all of the pictures. Four years that she is not here to see her grandchildren grow to the beautiful adults they have become. And four more years of not having her here to talk to, to share the good, the bad and the indifferent that only a mother can do.
I always tell everyone love your mother, for she may not be here one day and you will miss the times when she was there to lend a helping hand, an ear to listen and to tell you everything will be okay, even though your world is falling apart. Whether your mother is one that gets on your nerves, never gives you a compliment or maybe tells you too many. One who seems not to understand or is always off going here and there. A mother who just seems to be clueless when it comes to many things that makes your heart sings. A mother who thinks you can do no wrong, or constantly tells you to pick up your clothes or brush your teeth. A mother how loves you so much she sees past your faults and makes excuses when others try to single you out to take the heat off of them.
Remember a mother gives her love not as you may want it, but she gives it the way it is needed.
One smile at a time, one glance too many and one advice after another. For a mothers job is never done and one day you too will see where your job is never done. There will always be one more thing to take care of, one more thing to take your time away from that one who needs your ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on.
On just one of those days, take a moment of time and sit down and truly listen. Listen because you want to; listen to what is being said to you. Listen until you cannot listen any longer and give that same smile, that same reasoning behind your words and then you shall see, that we are all here to be together to lean on, to assist, to guide, to share and enjoy each others company.
No matter whom you are, no matter where you are living, no matter what you do. Everyone needs someone to listen for just a few moments to assist in bringing clarity to their world of craziness, someone to whom in those few moments…. they know is really listening who is there for them and only them. Create your family and have your family day. Take the time to give from what you love to do and share it with everyone in that time. Allow yourself to laugh and cry and be honest with yourself when it comes time to say good-bye, for you have just experienced the greatest gift of all…. Your Love!
Bringing together those you love to show them how much you appreciate and adore being with them is a huge gift unto yourself and those around you. We are all in this life together; to give so much and to receive so much… all of this is just the beginning to a perfect Family Day.
Love, laughter & Light, Adele
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day a New Enlightenment
I find so many who work very hard at what they do. This Labor Day look around you. Find what the passion is that lies in your heart. Structure it to be of worth to others as it is in worth to you, and then give, give from your heart to those around you. Give to those who have served in any way possible to make this world a better place in which we live.
Do not be in denial of all that you possess that can be utilized by another. Do not even think hard about it, for that is what makes it uniquely your own to give. We have hands that create, we have feet that can take us anywhere we so desire to go and we have the love in our hearts that we may not always share with another in the exact same way as some one else may do. But we have that which is our own creation that can give back to so many. You have love that is uniquely you.
As in the American way of our lives, Labor Day is the celebration of the value and dignity of work as it pertains to our quality of the life we lead. Labor does not have to be hard as many will make it out to be, if it is a thing of passion that resonates within you. To work hard at what you already have inside you is something that society struggles with everyday. Not too many individuals do get to live their dream, even though this is the American way. As each one is struggling to identify who they are and where they will be in their latter years of life. That guarantee that generation after generation will have that which has always sustained the families who work hard to be where they are. Growing under the umbrella of seeing their loved ones labor under conditions that they themselves wanted to be. The pride that comes from working with your own hands, mind and body, being adventurous and creative, building one step at a time. Manufacturing and growing in a positive way to give back to the land they love.
As everywhere we look individuals are learning what has always been a sure guarantee is not always going to be that guarantee any longer. In the past many years it is coming to realize, that the American dream is not always there for the future generations. No more can we have family, sons and daughters who follow in our foot steps, they now are the pioneers of their time to take which grows from their own passion to give once more. To manufacture a new land in which we live, no matter where you are.
In this, there is new progression of compassion in the world that we have seen a growth and influx of the spiritual movement more so than anytime that we have lived. More and more individuals are awakening to know there must be something more, something that is calling out to them. They are a new labor force to be looked at. These are the individuals reaching others of like mind to discover a whole new way to explore options that may have not been there before. And they are creative. They are standing up to say change is among us and change it is. What they will not tolerate is the way change has been given to them as just a word, with nothing substantial to back it up.
Individuals are being made aware that there is an energy that they can be apart of and they like what that is. Men, women - young and old are finding that they have a voice and choices that they believed no longer existed. The old energy of the system is just not working; it is no longer needed, no longer to put up with by those of lesser thinking on what the American way is. What society has created is no longer valid in their eyes, and now is the time to take back what has been given away so long ago. More over, it is in the way it is being taken back. Not by force, not be might, but by compassion and understanding that inside the soul of every living being is that which they truly are. That which has been the driving force of wherever you live, whatever you do and whoever you are, it is in your conviction, in your heart a new breath of life that says ‘I AM worth everything that I AM and so are you.
So that energy of old is moving away with an acceleration that many individuals do not want to be gone but it is flowing every so forcefully away. Gently being replaced by the next generation and if, that generation sees what others do not see, then I say to you take notice. For these individuals are now starting to see their own dream and how they too can have that dream in their own hands, in their own lives to know they can hand down to the next generation.
They are making arrangements to live their life as those before them. To work hard and make a difference, be the difference in not only their life, but all those around them. You see everyday the simplicity that many are living, the work and dedication to preserve their planet in which they live. You can feel them as they walk by, their energy one with Mother Earth. A freshness that they are doing a great job, which they love what they are doing and it, shows. They are unionizing a movement to go back, working shoulder to shoulder, is this not the American way? Back to gather what the old generation knew. To bring all of this into a new energy that is around them to sustain that which they can then call their own. Through all of this, they have come to learn what they need to create is the change of admiration that we have for one another. It is in this attitude in which they apply it. They are going back to their roots of labor and they are loving it, knowing that the work they do will sustain in the times to come and love them back… being prosperous in all they do.
We honor all before us, from every generation of young men and women who gave so much for their country to grow and be what it is right now. We honor all those who gave their life for the industrialization of the union forces that serve so many, in all directions. That which opened those doors of growth and continuity in our country. We honor the individuals who expanded their minds to give creativity a new name to connect all of us around the world. We honor all those in the fight for freedom for that is what we stand upon.
The freedom of choice to live the American Dream.
I honor all those pioneers of young and old in the spiritual communities green and white, for their love that they share to grow our community in a new light. For giving so much to each living being so they too have the choices to grow, learn and explore what lays deep within their hearts. And for the continuation of all living beings to come and grow with us, to expand in your passions of what calls out to you. For you to be here right now is a huge honor in the labor that is ahead of each one of us at this time on Mother Earth. Be creative in the expansion of the work that is going to be the new driving force in our lives. Be honest enough not to take from another but to explore what you have to give to another in your own way. Bless you and thank you for being here together with those you LOVE.
May your Labor Day be filled with insight to all those before you and all those behind you. May your heart be open to see that which is there to see. Be truthful in the words that you say, be compassionate in all you do and be the Light that shines out to many around you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Do not be in denial of all that you possess that can be utilized by another. Do not even think hard about it, for that is what makes it uniquely your own to give. We have hands that create, we have feet that can take us anywhere we so desire to go and we have the love in our hearts that we may not always share with another in the exact same way as some one else may do. But we have that which is our own creation that can give back to so many. You have love that is uniquely you.
As in the American way of our lives, Labor Day is the celebration of the value and dignity of work as it pertains to our quality of the life we lead. Labor does not have to be hard as many will make it out to be, if it is a thing of passion that resonates within you. To work hard at what you already have inside you is something that society struggles with everyday. Not too many individuals do get to live their dream, even though this is the American way. As each one is struggling to identify who they are and where they will be in their latter years of life. That guarantee that generation after generation will have that which has always sustained the families who work hard to be where they are. Growing under the umbrella of seeing their loved ones labor under conditions that they themselves wanted to be. The pride that comes from working with your own hands, mind and body, being adventurous and creative, building one step at a time. Manufacturing and growing in a positive way to give back to the land they love.
As everywhere we look individuals are learning what has always been a sure guarantee is not always going to be that guarantee any longer. In the past many years it is coming to realize, that the American dream is not always there for the future generations. No more can we have family, sons and daughters who follow in our foot steps, they now are the pioneers of their time to take which grows from their own passion to give once more. To manufacture a new land in which we live, no matter where you are.
In this, there is new progression of compassion in the world that we have seen a growth and influx of the spiritual movement more so than anytime that we have lived. More and more individuals are awakening to know there must be something more, something that is calling out to them. They are a new labor force to be looked at. These are the individuals reaching others of like mind to discover a whole new way to explore options that may have not been there before. And they are creative. They are standing up to say change is among us and change it is. What they will not tolerate is the way change has been given to them as just a word, with nothing substantial to back it up.
Individuals are being made aware that there is an energy that they can be apart of and they like what that is. Men, women - young and old are finding that they have a voice and choices that they believed no longer existed. The old energy of the system is just not working; it is no longer needed, no longer to put up with by those of lesser thinking on what the American way is. What society has created is no longer valid in their eyes, and now is the time to take back what has been given away so long ago. More over, it is in the way it is being taken back. Not by force, not be might, but by compassion and understanding that inside the soul of every living being is that which they truly are. That which has been the driving force of wherever you live, whatever you do and whoever you are, it is in your conviction, in your heart a new breath of life that says ‘I AM worth everything that I AM and so are you.
So that energy of old is moving away with an acceleration that many individuals do not want to be gone but it is flowing every so forcefully away. Gently being replaced by the next generation and if, that generation sees what others do not see, then I say to you take notice. For these individuals are now starting to see their own dream and how they too can have that dream in their own hands, in their own lives to know they can hand down to the next generation.
They are making arrangements to live their life as those before them. To work hard and make a difference, be the difference in not only their life, but all those around them. You see everyday the simplicity that many are living, the work and dedication to preserve their planet in which they live. You can feel them as they walk by, their energy one with Mother Earth. A freshness that they are doing a great job, which they love what they are doing and it, shows. They are unionizing a movement to go back, working shoulder to shoulder, is this not the American way? Back to gather what the old generation knew. To bring all of this into a new energy that is around them to sustain that which they can then call their own. Through all of this, they have come to learn what they need to create is the change of admiration that we have for one another. It is in this attitude in which they apply it. They are going back to their roots of labor and they are loving it, knowing that the work they do will sustain in the times to come and love them back… being prosperous in all they do.
We honor all before us, from every generation of young men and women who gave so much for their country to grow and be what it is right now. We honor all those who gave their life for the industrialization of the union forces that serve so many, in all directions. That which opened those doors of growth and continuity in our country. We honor the individuals who expanded their minds to give creativity a new name to connect all of us around the world. We honor all those in the fight for freedom for that is what we stand upon.
The freedom of choice to live the American Dream.
I honor all those pioneers of young and old in the spiritual communities green and white, for their love that they share to grow our community in a new light. For giving so much to each living being so they too have the choices to grow, learn and explore what lays deep within their hearts. And for the continuation of all living beings to come and grow with us, to expand in your passions of what calls out to you. For you to be here right now is a huge honor in the labor that is ahead of each one of us at this time on Mother Earth. Be creative in the expansion of the work that is going to be the new driving force in our lives. Be honest enough not to take from another but to explore what you have to give to another in your own way. Bless you and thank you for being here together with those you LOVE.
May your Labor Day be filled with insight to all those before you and all those behind you. May your heart be open to see that which is there to see. Be truthful in the words that you say, be compassionate in all you do and be the Light that shines out to many around you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru by Adele Linsalata
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru by Adele Linsalata
Looking Deep Within and Taking Ownership
Excellent, now we have the time to communicate together to enjoy the freshness of your interest that is calling out to you. We are in agreement so many as far as we see are coming to believe in that which has brought them here.
My compliments to you, I am so glad you have taken the time to sit with me; come let us journey ahead to what you seek deep within you. You are seeking answers as to much that is going on around you. I know, I have been waiting for you to convene with me and here I am. There is nothing you have to ask as I know what brings you forward, you the teacher are looking at many levels of what is going on around you and how did you find yourself at this place in time that is steering you in a direction that you did not think would be. Yes, this is true you have always been where you needed to be, just as I am here with you at this time. And many times ago you did not think that was where you needed to be, but found that there are more things for you than you know. You have placed all of your energy in building the structure which sustains you; you have followed the path in which you have been guided to go. Now, we have changed that direction. Do you feel as if you are in an un-known arena in which you are now placed?
Ah yes, I see you thinking on this, you are thinking that all of it will lead to the same objective for the attainment in which you have been shown. You can feel that this is not foreign to you after all and it fits just right. But still there are those questions that the human mind must inevitably go after and chase. I say to you, All in God's time, that which you believe and hold close to you. I place my hands before you and those of your planet of Mother Earth. For just as you, I am not alone and have never been. It is not just I who is here with you, but there are many spread near and far. The voices of the Masters that call out to all of humanity, we are one with you. But I say to you, you are not alone in that which we have set aside for you long ago. You have just adjusted the matrix of energy to allow that which has always been there to be opened and revealed in a new progression of light. Think of this as that light shall then sustain you in the next fulfillment of your own formation and expansion. In recognizing this you have gifted your own perception with the abundance that has always been placed before you now with more authority behind than before. How permitting can that feel to know in every cell of your being as you enter this new layout ahead of you?
The freshness of starting to open your eyes to see what has always been what shall always be not just for you but all of earth's humanity has come before you. How changing can that be? Most do not know what this entails and to that it will be for them to see what lies ahead from their own ever watchful eyes to touch upon. It is very invigorating for us to venture with you at this time, you have proved that you have the determination to see it through where many would have just laid it aside and walked away. There could be no blame there for you, as we have said it is all free will of your own choosing to stay and play this game as you have done.
These words that I speak to you are not just for your enlightment of curiosity only but for all as they traverse your planet of Mother Earth. Look around you, all of you, is it not refreshing to see and feel that which is there in front of you? Is it not invigorating to be a part of what you have been waiting for? Is it not what you have expected? Agreed, take a breath and relax. Yes, you are starting to think what is around me, I am happy where I am, I know and understand all that I see. I know that this has always been here waiting for my own direction to be shown to me. And I have grasped the opportunity to take that which is there. Yes, we like that, we like that you have decided to take ownership in what is around you. For then to you I say how refreshing to hear that you have always known the direction in which you traverse before you in all ways. You shall then be of those souls that make it through what is expected of you. We are here with you and we applaud in this way as we thank you for staying to be the blessings of the universe for the continuation of earth's humanity. Taking the ownership of the direction in which you seek may have some feeling alone or lost this you see all the time around you. Many just absorb this as its due, But for you to take ownership of all that matters lies the true intelligence of the heart of the matter.
In all of this, every soul that is you has had growth of much consideration that I believe it is not so much at all. For it has always been there, patiently waiting for you. I am here with you now to continue where we left off; this will feel as if everlastingly to you but just an instant to me. A fracture of time in which you and I are suspended at the exact moment of discovery, existing at that level of achievement, with the creation of all. It is what lies there in the dissimilarity is, I am living in that fraction of time as you are observing in your own way.
And then true enough you are living in the time in which you choose to be a part of. To credit those around you with the abundance of knowledge that you have no hesitation as you have much to give. You have elected to be the flame in which both ends burn. We know this and give to you are everlasting acquaintance to provide the light that never extinguishes. We view you as that which is no different but the creation in which houses you for your earth time. We joyful wait the reunion of souls once again. As we shall all step unto the stairs that lead where you can only visit in your submissive time away from the depth of earths unsown.
Many have been waiting to be freed from the talons of that which is clutching upon them, not understanding that which latches on to them is that which they place upon themselves.
It is in releasing this that the true self can move in alignment with the energy that is in and with them. Be that energy that removes the existing accumulation of earth desire and irritability. Be that in which you say you are, I hear the words you speak and at this time of your earthly existence you are asking much more than you even realize. Your souls calling on a level in which you have been blanketed from feeling. It is like a fissure of energy that is holding you back from the authenticity in which is created around you. During this time you are dissecting and not accepting the division in your own eyes. This is not done on a conscious level. But by it all you are experiencing the light that is forgiving and saving that which you so readily seek within. Keep this close to you as the communities in which I have spoken before are coming together as we speak. This fissure is closing at a rapid pace which is setting things a little unbalanced, but do not think long and hard upon it, for the seals of time shall envelop you to acquaint you once again with the harmonization of these feelings in a blink of an eye.
These are those who are gathering by the quickness of the light. There they shall be presenting much before you not too much in your distance of time. We are steadily providing the deliverance of energy that is continuing to gather in strength to build the communities with a greatness of awareness in what you do. That which you have been seeking that which you have been doing, shall unfold in a show of unification to which we have told you previously. We applaud all of you once more and to see this we have to give to you the experience of a brilliance that has not been seen in so very long. You will be delighted in your growth which is attainable to more than ever before. The energies of greatness is rapidly expanding, we shall be seen by many as this presence of light comes forth to give to you that which you have sought so many times before.
We leave to you your illumination of equality between all that you hold dear and all that you approach. As we gather step by step with you through all that is before you, for you shall know that you are not alone even more so than at any other time of your destination. I leave this to you to enjoy and to give you the confirmation you seek deep within your being. We are beside you and we are ever guiding in the light of All.
May you be at peace in this time you walk for you have that which is within you to have all that you are peaceful in. I AM in peace with you!
I AM Lord Amin-Ru
Looking Deep Within and Taking Ownership
Excellent, now we have the time to communicate together to enjoy the freshness of your interest that is calling out to you. We are in agreement so many as far as we see are coming to believe in that which has brought them here.
My compliments to you, I am so glad you have taken the time to sit with me; come let us journey ahead to what you seek deep within you. You are seeking answers as to much that is going on around you. I know, I have been waiting for you to convene with me and here I am. There is nothing you have to ask as I know what brings you forward, you the teacher are looking at many levels of what is going on around you and how did you find yourself at this place in time that is steering you in a direction that you did not think would be. Yes, this is true you have always been where you needed to be, just as I am here with you at this time. And many times ago you did not think that was where you needed to be, but found that there are more things for you than you know. You have placed all of your energy in building the structure which sustains you; you have followed the path in which you have been guided to go. Now, we have changed that direction. Do you feel as if you are in an un-known arena in which you are now placed?
Ah yes, I see you thinking on this, you are thinking that all of it will lead to the same objective for the attainment in which you have been shown. You can feel that this is not foreign to you after all and it fits just right. But still there are those questions that the human mind must inevitably go after and chase. I say to you, All in God's time, that which you believe and hold close to you. I place my hands before you and those of your planet of Mother Earth. For just as you, I am not alone and have never been. It is not just I who is here with you, but there are many spread near and far. The voices of the Masters that call out to all of humanity, we are one with you. But I say to you, you are not alone in that which we have set aside for you long ago. You have just adjusted the matrix of energy to allow that which has always been there to be opened and revealed in a new progression of light. Think of this as that light shall then sustain you in the next fulfillment of your own formation and expansion. In recognizing this you have gifted your own perception with the abundance that has always been placed before you now with more authority behind than before. How permitting can that feel to know in every cell of your being as you enter this new layout ahead of you?
The freshness of starting to open your eyes to see what has always been what shall always be not just for you but all of earth's humanity has come before you. How changing can that be? Most do not know what this entails and to that it will be for them to see what lies ahead from their own ever watchful eyes to touch upon. It is very invigorating for us to venture with you at this time, you have proved that you have the determination to see it through where many would have just laid it aside and walked away. There could be no blame there for you, as we have said it is all free will of your own choosing to stay and play this game as you have done.
These words that I speak to you are not just for your enlightment of curiosity only but for all as they traverse your planet of Mother Earth. Look around you, all of you, is it not refreshing to see and feel that which is there in front of you? Is it not invigorating to be a part of what you have been waiting for? Is it not what you have expected? Agreed, take a breath and relax. Yes, you are starting to think what is around me, I am happy where I am, I know and understand all that I see. I know that this has always been here waiting for my own direction to be shown to me. And I have grasped the opportunity to take that which is there. Yes, we like that, we like that you have decided to take ownership in what is around you. For then to you I say how refreshing to hear that you have always known the direction in which you traverse before you in all ways. You shall then be of those souls that make it through what is expected of you. We are here with you and we applaud in this way as we thank you for staying to be the blessings of the universe for the continuation of earth's humanity. Taking the ownership of the direction in which you seek may have some feeling alone or lost this you see all the time around you. Many just absorb this as its due, But for you to take ownership of all that matters lies the true intelligence of the heart of the matter.
In all of this, every soul that is you has had growth of much consideration that I believe it is not so much at all. For it has always been there, patiently waiting for you. I am here with you now to continue where we left off; this will feel as if everlastingly to you but just an instant to me. A fracture of time in which you and I are suspended at the exact moment of discovery, existing at that level of achievement, with the creation of all. It is what lies there in the dissimilarity is, I am living in that fraction of time as you are observing in your own way.
And then true enough you are living in the time in which you choose to be a part of. To credit those around you with the abundance of knowledge that you have no hesitation as you have much to give. You have elected to be the flame in which both ends burn. We know this and give to you are everlasting acquaintance to provide the light that never extinguishes. We view you as that which is no different but the creation in which houses you for your earth time. We joyful wait the reunion of souls once again. As we shall all step unto the stairs that lead where you can only visit in your submissive time away from the depth of earths unsown.
Many have been waiting to be freed from the talons of that which is clutching upon them, not understanding that which latches on to them is that which they place upon themselves.
It is in releasing this that the true self can move in alignment with the energy that is in and with them. Be that energy that removes the existing accumulation of earth desire and irritability. Be that in which you say you are, I hear the words you speak and at this time of your earthly existence you are asking much more than you even realize. Your souls calling on a level in which you have been blanketed from feeling. It is like a fissure of energy that is holding you back from the authenticity in which is created around you. During this time you are dissecting and not accepting the division in your own eyes. This is not done on a conscious level. But by it all you are experiencing the light that is forgiving and saving that which you so readily seek within. Keep this close to you as the communities in which I have spoken before are coming together as we speak. This fissure is closing at a rapid pace which is setting things a little unbalanced, but do not think long and hard upon it, for the seals of time shall envelop you to acquaint you once again with the harmonization of these feelings in a blink of an eye.
These are those who are gathering by the quickness of the light. There they shall be presenting much before you not too much in your distance of time. We are steadily providing the deliverance of energy that is continuing to gather in strength to build the communities with a greatness of awareness in what you do. That which you have been seeking that which you have been doing, shall unfold in a show of unification to which we have told you previously. We applaud all of you once more and to see this we have to give to you the experience of a brilliance that has not been seen in so very long. You will be delighted in your growth which is attainable to more than ever before. The energies of greatness is rapidly expanding, we shall be seen by many as this presence of light comes forth to give to you that which you have sought so many times before.
We leave to you your illumination of equality between all that you hold dear and all that you approach. As we gather step by step with you through all that is before you, for you shall know that you are not alone even more so than at any other time of your destination. I leave this to you to enjoy and to give you the confirmation you seek deep within your being. We are beside you and we are ever guiding in the light of All.
May you be at peace in this time you walk for you have that which is within you to have all that you are peaceful in. I AM in peace with you!
I AM Lord Amin-Ru
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Adele Linsalata Monthly Message
As I sit here this morning working I have just come back from taking my youngest daughter to school. We waited for over thirty five minutes for the bus which never showed up. Here the kids were diligent enough to go to the bus stop early so they do not miss their bus. Following the guidelines that have been handed to them from every teacher they have been meeting this week. The rules of school society in what is appropriate and what is expected from them, the student, this school year. As a good mother I have read every slip of paper that has been sent home, I have signed and given my whole status of life to the board of education here in my county. What I failed to find was the written notice that says if the bus is late here are the steps in which to apply. Do not leave the bus zone area or your child will not be marked excused tardy. Do not call the school as they will tell you to call the bus office to inform you what the status of the bus is. No we do not have that number for you, please look it up yourself. We do not know where the children are as the bus has not arrived at the school. And if you leave the bus zone to bring your child to school, until it is proven that the bus never showed or is running late your child will be marked un-excused.
I have looked through every fine print, I have searched with a magnifying glass and still nowhere is any of this written. All school papers in front of me, I am reminded of how precious we are, to escape notice as much as these words. But this is what many parents received this morning as they called the school to see what was happening and if they had a bus coming to pick-up the children. You know me; I am going to be laughing as every time we believe we know the rules… have a system down packed. Someone changes all of it and what was left this morning is many children with mixed emotions.
A handful of kids were just happy not to be in school, another handful looking to see if they can stay home all day. The majority of the kids were having anxiety attacks as they were going to be late. They were going to be missing their homeroom class. Would they have time to go to their locker? Would they be in trouble with their teacher? And would they have time to catch up on the work they have now missed, that everyone else will have already started. Almost as if they will be in a fog until they come up to speed with everyone else who were not late this morning. By the end of the day they will have caught up and with no problem. The lasting effects stored somewhere in the recesses of their minds, to come back once again as they will inevitably find themselves in the same situation at anytime in their school year. We accept this and know that also there shall be that lasting impression of how they continued to get through their day from this experience.… As my daughter says as she kisses me good-bye “ I am so lucky to know I have Angels watching over me”
This past week has been about being traumatized, the experiences you are having is an unfolding experience which is your souls way of stressing to you the importance of moving in the right direction and to not to allow you to become stale in who you are. Open your heart to kindness and watch the story unfold.
As we look at the traumatized ways in which we experience a situation or involvement that many are having a pull back of energy that they feel something is holding them back. That no matter what they are trying to do, it seems as if it will just not work or they will not get there, being interrupted as they move along their path. You know this feeling, it is like when you know you need to get something done, or finish something that you are working on. You have that strong desire to go out and do what is calling to you. And as sure as you step forward someone calls you, the family is having difficulties that only you can fix. Friends appear out of no where to fill your time and attention. And then you turn around to look at all that has piled up. Blowing out your breath you tackle the essential of the work to once again be disrupted. The energetic of their self has then experienced a different view of setbacks or has explored stepping out to find that which they offer or what they are doing was not as they perceived it would be.
This I call a disturbance to the energy of the soul. Like when you are in a situation where you have no time to think, you just react. Once everything is done your body starts reacting to the situation. A volcanic of emotions comes shifting in, sometimes this creates a vibration effect and sometimes it creates a melt down of not wanting to do anything.
As there is much greater awareness coming in all directions and sometimes this can be very intimidating to many. So the first automatic response is to try to push it away and not deal with it. Unfortunately it will just stay where it is, to keep returning until you have had enough and say fine, let’s get it done. It is like taking a reluctant child to the dentist office after they have had a bad experience. It is when you give yourself the chance to recognize this, that so much starts to make sense. You can then put everything back on track to move on once again.
Remember that the souls who have transitioned the past months have all been about innocence in our own self and the lives we have been living. This next generation of souls transitioning is about the different aspects of the physical life we live, to bring each aspect out into the eye of the beholders. See what memories each one inspires within you and what we…. as a whole consciousness of species are identifying with on this planet right now. We send our blessings, honors, love, compassion to all those who are making their transitions each day. To name just a few;
o Eunice Kennedy Shriver a powerful lady was a champion of the disabled who founded the Special Olympics.
o Edward M. Kennedy was the third longest-serving member of the United States Senate in American history; he held his Senate seat for more than four decades. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights.
o Adam Goldstein, after recovering from a deadly plane crash, DJ AM master turntable technician, world-renowned musician, died Friday of a drug overdose.
All three represent an aspect of the World as a whole. And there are many more to come. Each one will represent that aspect that we live or have been influenced by in our lives. It does not matter what religion you are, the color of your skin, what party you are with and vote for, or the music and drugs, what you watch on television or the books you read. It is all the same cocktail, all mixed together to symbolize who we are on many levels.
Humanity is the simplicity of the desires in which makes each individual who they are and then bringing that together to make the whole.
Be gentle to yourself as this time right before Mercury Retrograde can be one of a challenge but one that can be easily moved through.
Remember for this whole month until the 29th of September, is the time to finish what you have put aside and found you did not have time for or that which you did not want to attend to. You know the little things you placed in the corner of the room- the stuff you will get to later. The individual who you have been meaning to call, but can’t seem to find the time. Those piles of paper and work that just keep getting higher and higher upon your desk or counter, and yes, the cleaning out of the clutter in your home, office or car in all these areas and more. Of course the time to get that un-used journal out of the desk or bag, and write to share with yourself the inner soul urgings that are always there. To journal about the issues that keep coming back to you. This energy will support you in moving through it with greater ease. You can have the energy to get through it and feel the refreshing relief when it is all done.
On the other hand to allow it to keep being put off or piled up, to create the mountain of no ascent is all about the energy in which you live each day. Now what we find ourselves at is this…. make the choices now before this Sunday when Mercury Retrograde starts. Make a list of things you will be doing for the month of September, now.
In this way you will be allowing the energy to support you in what you will be doing. Do not start anything new during Mercury Retrograde. This will never work or you will have twice as much work to do to accomplish what is very simple. This is why we go back to say…initiate it now. If there is a class you want to take, if there is car in which you want to buy, if there is something you want to be a member of, do it now and you will be able to move right through the month with no problems.
Years ago, I once told my husband not to buy a car in the middle of Mercury Retrograde; he laughed and spent extra hours at the dealership to get that car.
Within one month the car broke down on the side of a major highway on the way to South Carolina, well… the car ended up needing a brand new engine. The complete engine, the motor every part of what there was.…. it took weeks for the work to be done in South Carolina and then all the extra money and time traveling back and forth… No… this did not faze him, just a quirk. Okay. Well, he was on a mission to prove to me there is no way this could be… Finally after many months he descends off his high horse to say I might just have something there. For everything that he started and bought during Mercury retrograde was a dud. To this day he tells all his friends that I say do not do anything. I have to laugh at him and with him at the energy of what is at play.
Be generous to yourself Right now, enjoy every moment of your time with your family and friends, be the “ness” in niceness and offer a helping hand to each other and most importantly to yourself. This time of year is the moving time, ever present, ever changing. Keep moving in your direction, if it is meant to be you shall be. If it is not mean to be you will find the walls coming up to greet you every time you turn around.
Happy September as we move into the energy of gratefulness and generosity.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
I have looked through every fine print, I have searched with a magnifying glass and still nowhere is any of this written. All school papers in front of me, I am reminded of how precious we are, to escape notice as much as these words. But this is what many parents received this morning as they called the school to see what was happening and if they had a bus coming to pick-up the children. You know me; I am going to be laughing as every time we believe we know the rules… have a system down packed. Someone changes all of it and what was left this morning is many children with mixed emotions.
A handful of kids were just happy not to be in school, another handful looking to see if they can stay home all day. The majority of the kids were having anxiety attacks as they were going to be late. They were going to be missing their homeroom class. Would they have time to go to their locker? Would they be in trouble with their teacher? And would they have time to catch up on the work they have now missed, that everyone else will have already started. Almost as if they will be in a fog until they come up to speed with everyone else who were not late this morning. By the end of the day they will have caught up and with no problem. The lasting effects stored somewhere in the recesses of their minds, to come back once again as they will inevitably find themselves in the same situation at anytime in their school year. We accept this and know that also there shall be that lasting impression of how they continued to get through their day from this experience.… As my daughter says as she kisses me good-bye “ I am so lucky to know I have Angels watching over me”
This past week has been about being traumatized, the experiences you are having is an unfolding experience which is your souls way of stressing to you the importance of moving in the right direction and to not to allow you to become stale in who you are. Open your heart to kindness and watch the story unfold.
As we look at the traumatized ways in which we experience a situation or involvement that many are having a pull back of energy that they feel something is holding them back. That no matter what they are trying to do, it seems as if it will just not work or they will not get there, being interrupted as they move along their path. You know this feeling, it is like when you know you need to get something done, or finish something that you are working on. You have that strong desire to go out and do what is calling to you. And as sure as you step forward someone calls you, the family is having difficulties that only you can fix. Friends appear out of no where to fill your time and attention. And then you turn around to look at all that has piled up. Blowing out your breath you tackle the essential of the work to once again be disrupted. The energetic of their self has then experienced a different view of setbacks or has explored stepping out to find that which they offer or what they are doing was not as they perceived it would be.
This I call a disturbance to the energy of the soul. Like when you are in a situation where you have no time to think, you just react. Once everything is done your body starts reacting to the situation. A volcanic of emotions comes shifting in, sometimes this creates a vibration effect and sometimes it creates a melt down of not wanting to do anything.
As there is much greater awareness coming in all directions and sometimes this can be very intimidating to many. So the first automatic response is to try to push it away and not deal with it. Unfortunately it will just stay where it is, to keep returning until you have had enough and say fine, let’s get it done. It is like taking a reluctant child to the dentist office after they have had a bad experience. It is when you give yourself the chance to recognize this, that so much starts to make sense. You can then put everything back on track to move on once again.
Remember that the souls who have transitioned the past months have all been about innocence in our own self and the lives we have been living. This next generation of souls transitioning is about the different aspects of the physical life we live, to bring each aspect out into the eye of the beholders. See what memories each one inspires within you and what we…. as a whole consciousness of species are identifying with on this planet right now. We send our blessings, honors, love, compassion to all those who are making their transitions each day. To name just a few;
o Eunice Kennedy Shriver a powerful lady was a champion of the disabled who founded the Special Olympics.
o Edward M. Kennedy was the third longest-serving member of the United States Senate in American history; he held his Senate seat for more than four decades. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights.
o Adam Goldstein, after recovering from a deadly plane crash, DJ AM master turntable technician, world-renowned musician, died Friday of a drug overdose.
All three represent an aspect of the World as a whole. And there are many more to come. Each one will represent that aspect that we live or have been influenced by in our lives. It does not matter what religion you are, the color of your skin, what party you are with and vote for, or the music and drugs, what you watch on television or the books you read. It is all the same cocktail, all mixed together to symbolize who we are on many levels.
Humanity is the simplicity of the desires in which makes each individual who they are and then bringing that together to make the whole.
Be gentle to yourself as this time right before Mercury Retrograde can be one of a challenge but one that can be easily moved through.
Remember for this whole month until the 29th of September, is the time to finish what you have put aside and found you did not have time for or that which you did not want to attend to. You know the little things you placed in the corner of the room- the stuff you will get to later. The individual who you have been meaning to call, but can’t seem to find the time. Those piles of paper and work that just keep getting higher and higher upon your desk or counter, and yes, the cleaning out of the clutter in your home, office or car in all these areas and more. Of course the time to get that un-used journal out of the desk or bag, and write to share with yourself the inner soul urgings that are always there. To journal about the issues that keep coming back to you. This energy will support you in moving through it with greater ease. You can have the energy to get through it and feel the refreshing relief when it is all done.
On the other hand to allow it to keep being put off or piled up, to create the mountain of no ascent is all about the energy in which you live each day. Now what we find ourselves at is this…. make the choices now before this Sunday when Mercury Retrograde starts. Make a list of things you will be doing for the month of September, now.
In this way you will be allowing the energy to support you in what you will be doing. Do not start anything new during Mercury Retrograde. This will never work or you will have twice as much work to do to accomplish what is very simple. This is why we go back to say…initiate it now. If there is a class you want to take, if there is car in which you want to buy, if there is something you want to be a member of, do it now and you will be able to move right through the month with no problems.
Years ago, I once told my husband not to buy a car in the middle of Mercury Retrograde; he laughed and spent extra hours at the dealership to get that car.
Within one month the car broke down on the side of a major highway on the way to South Carolina, well… the car ended up needing a brand new engine. The complete engine, the motor every part of what there was.…. it took weeks for the work to be done in South Carolina and then all the extra money and time traveling back and forth… No… this did not faze him, just a quirk. Okay. Well, he was on a mission to prove to me there is no way this could be… Finally after many months he descends off his high horse to say I might just have something there. For everything that he started and bought during Mercury retrograde was a dud. To this day he tells all his friends that I say do not do anything. I have to laugh at him and with him at the energy of what is at play.
Be generous to yourself Right now, enjoy every moment of your time with your family and friends, be the “ness” in niceness and offer a helping hand to each other and most importantly to yourself. This time of year is the moving time, ever present, ever changing. Keep moving in your direction, if it is meant to be you shall be. If it is not mean to be you will find the walls coming up to greet you every time you turn around.
Happy September as we move into the energy of gratefulness and generosity.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
Esther and Jerry Hicks, authors of the 2008 #1 New York Times Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction, have just produced their newest and most Powerful book to date, The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships.
This new book will leave you feeling free and clear, as the impossible task of sorting out all of the complicated moving parts of the relationships in your life lifts up off of you. As you read the 22 flawed premises that are at the core of the confusion you feel, you will discover a new point of attraction, and every relationship you have will improve.
It feels so good to understand. And that understanding will change your point of attraction so dramatically that every relationship that you desire will flow easily to you.
Order The Vortex: http://promos.hayhouse.com/vortex/
All of us have questions about the relationships in our lives—those we have, those we long for, and those we are still trying to figure out years later. In the latest of a series of books about the Law of Attraction, The Vortex, Esther and Jerry Hicks, and the Non-Physical teachers known as Abraham, help us understand every relationship we are currently involved in, as well as every one we have ever experienced.
In The Vortex, Abraham describes the powerful spiraling energy center, our Vortex, that contains all of the relationship requests that have emanated from us and all of the components called forth by the Law of Attraction to meet our requests. Who feeds the creative Vortex that spins out our life experience? We do. As Abraham reminds us:
"All things that happen in your experience come because of the requests that you are sending out with your thoughts . . . You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire . . . If you simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law."
You have the power to evoke from others a relationship that is in harmony with the freedom, and the growth, and the joy that you seek. It all begins with greater awareness of who-you-are and a deeper understanding of your own personal Guidance System that will return you to alignment with Source. As Abraham says, "For by your finding agreement with the power that flows forth from within you, the harmony that you seek on all other levels and all other subjects—and within all others—will then (and only then) be possible."
It is Abraham's desire to help you remember the art of alignment first—then action. Alignment first—then conversation. Alignment first—then interaction. Alignment first—then anything else. Your relationships will all fall easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental primary relationship first.
Reconnect with who-you-really-are and start your journey to understand every current and past relationship by reading The Vortex. Purchase today and you will also receive a wealth of Law of Attraction teachings from Abraham to help you on your path.
Find out more: http://promos.hayhouse.com/vortex/
Abraham focuses the light of their Broader Perspective to reveal a wide array of flawed premises (which most of us are living by) relative to our varied relationships. In order to discover or understand a false or flawed premise, you have to stand back far enough and reconnect with who-you-really-are before you can see it. You then have the opportunity to decide to resolve, and replace, a false premise with one that best serves you.
The many examples in The Vortex are designed to help you remember the power of the Vortex of attraction and to remind you of your Emotional Guidance System so that you can consciously and deliberately attract the relationships that feel best to you.
Abraham tell us, "It is our desire that you experience an enhanced appreciation of your planet; your body; your family; your friends; your enemies; your government; your systems; your food; your finances; your animals; your work; your play; your purpose; your Source; your Soul; your past, your future, and your present . . ."
Order The Vortex and learn how to achieve the harmony you desire at all levels, in all of your relationships.
In celebration of the release of The Vortex, Hay House is offering a variety of prizes, including a chance to see Esther and Jerry LIVE! View all of the Prizes and Enter to Win: HERE

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