Mornings like these remind me of when I was young just walking in the rain and feeling Gods Love wash all over me, times when you could cry and no one knew because you were soaked to the skin, today is that kind of day…for all the children in the world these tears are for you…for all the pain that won’t go away….to heal your pain and cleanse the wounds you carry….for all the fears that can come true…for all the pain that is inflicted upon you…for always feeling alone when there is only rain…God does love you…
You see you are loved so much more than God can shed a tear for. You are loved from the day you are born here in Gods form…You are loved higher than high to reach up and beyond the sky…For all your dreams one day shall come true for God is there right next to you. God hears the words that you speak, for God is standing at your feet. God lives inside you. God is the light that shines so bright from your heart and that is just the start….
God is the eyes you look through with all the love that is around you. God is the breath you take as you walk in your place of knowing that wherever you are… God is where you live…whatever you feel… God feels…. Feel the Love that God has placed within you and you shall always know God is there loving you. I cry this day and know that God cries with me…God cries for that child that has been lost for so long and can now be found….
God says to me…I take away the pain you feel, the loneliness that comes from being separated from me. And I give to you a way to be in peace every day. I give you love that shines so bright, just please do not give up the fight…. I carry you in my arms when you are lost; I take on your pain, for you and I are one in the same.
I cry this day for the lost love that can never be, for too many miles lay between….I cry this day for those who never have a chance at love for they have never known what love is…I cry this day for all the hurts inflicted upon another in the name of greed…I cry this day for the lost child within me… I cry this day for the love that is in my heart for the children of God to be at peace …I cry this day for all the children who have been lost and never found…I cry this day for the God who always gets blamed when something goes wrong….I cry this day as I see others hurt more than me…I cry this day for you and me…allow me to take the pain, to heal and bring the light again…to cleanse and heal the wounds so deep …to carry that which is there to weep…to bring the smile upon your face for this graciously …I can take…please cry no longer for can’t you see….I am with you on my knees… I give to God on this day for I know God takes the pain away… there is nothing there to cry for any longer…the light shines bright upon your face…to give and get is just the way that God has planned this day….I celebrate you in my own way …gracefully loving along the way….for now I am smiling with no pain…all is gone… all is forgotten… for God lives within me….
Stretch your arms and open wide and allow God to come inside. Be that child of love in all ways to laugh and play and smile….To give your life the love you seek and be at peace with those you speak.
May you always be at peace in your heart… in loving God……
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Book Annoucement...Waiting in the Other Room - Kathryn Speakes-Large

Validation of Continued Communication with Those We Love Who have Died Purchase Waiting in the Other Room today and dissolve your fear of death...
Slip into a hug of love while reading Waiting in the Other Room as Kathryn Speakes-Large shares her continued connection with her deceased father, Big Jim. Their experiences demystify the fears of the spirit leaving the physical body in death and validate that our deceased loved ones do, indeed, live on in spirit form and have the ability to communicate with us.
Kathryn shares her method of communication with her father as well as the method she used to connect with her grandfather who had dementia.
Do you have a loved one who has dementia; Alzheimer’s or is in a coma? Do you feel that your loved one who has died is still with you, but you need validation? Are you struggling and searching for a sense of peace, serenity and comfort where death of a loved one is concerned? Are you afraid of death?
Purchase Waiting in the Other Room and experience a sense of peace from deep within that our deceased loved ones are alive and well in spirit form. After purchasing the book, you may register for the drawing to receive one of the prizes: Waiting in the Other Room Journal, Sacred Space CD and Communicating Through Dementia CD, OR the Healing Circle of Love as given by Princess Diana and Mother Teresa CD. You will also have access to a treasure trove of Sponsor Bonus Gifts to aid you in your spiritual journey.
What Other are Saying...
“At some point in our lives we all experience a fear of death. We ask the question, what really happens to us when we die? Do we go to heaven? To hell? Do we remain buried or roam in unrest for eternity? Within these pages Kate and her father, Big Jim, show us through continued experiences that the human spirit lives after death of the body, because love never dies. The message within is of hope fulfilled and loved ones reunited after the last breath is spent. I highly recommend reading this gift of love to aid in dissipating fear of death and to open the door to continued communication with loved ones who are deceased.”
~ Trudy Griswold,
"This is a beautifully written book that caused me to laugh, cry and be reminded once again that death is just an open door into a profoundly loving new adventure. This poignant story tells of the after-death communication between a father and daughter, and invites the reader to come along and be delighted, touched and comforted through sharing in their journey. Both Kate and Big Jim write with the utmost sincerity and lots of humor, and their experiences will definitely give you pause for reflection. allow this wonderful book to help you discover the serenity in knowing that your loved ones are, indeed, just waiting happily in the other room. A book to be treasured and read regularly!"
~ Kim Loftis,
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru by Adele Linsalata
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru
Embracing the Passion
With so much going on right now I took this past month with Lord Amin-Ru to go deeper in the understanding of the energy that is around us. This journey I find can bring many things to light if we are honest enough to look at it on all sides. For you and I have just begun this journey we walk. Everyday meeting and sharing with the newly awaken and to our surprise they are even more beautiful in our eyes. This then you know is the illumination of your heart in seeing those around you with love… and now to Lord Amin-Ru’s words……
Ahhh… my teachers we are in gratitude of that which you are going through right now and still you find that time in which to join me. Speaking to you this day I have heard your thoughts, it is like a friend who visits often and we extend out generosity to you in more ways than one.
I see that we have come to the part of this journey that answers are needed in a pattern of disclosure…ahhh…this whirlwind of finding what your passion is, that which lies dormant within you. The emotion which is touched upon is the key to understanding what lies locked within. At this time those of Mother Earth have come to the path of no return, this I have said before, maybe one that needs reminding. Many are being hit by emotions after emotions of the physicalness which has been held onto for your centuries at a time.
Just look around you teachers of light. Look upon your planet of Mother Earth to all that is being experienced. Where do you think the choices that are being made are coming from?
As you are experiencing and entering these times ahead you are seeking the happiness that holds onto the humanness of the elevation of energy that is not always believed it can be. A great time of passion…which can open the doors of learning as this can be utilized in many ways. But first you need to see what is the creation of such passion that would allow the physical being to throw away all that is necessary to be in that creation. A creation of thirst for knowledge is within the reach of all who accept it with no bounds. The creation of love is an uncomplicated given. The creation of passion is what is played with on many levels for passion can take you there and back again it is all in the journey to understand the passion. Embracing the passion is what is not always seen as acceptable to do. To be in acceptance is to allow that which is unknown to always be. It is the unknown in you that you desire that which you hold close to your heart. Never being able to be apart and at the same time you are apart of everything in which is whole.
To know what this energy is that we speak; you need to understand that which is there can be reachable as you would say attainable in all ways. That which you seek has been deep within for along time, it is surfacing as we speak to you and millions upon your planet of Mother Earth. You have a deep need to understand so much and at times it is in the understanding that many walk away from. But with you I see the inquisitiveness that will not go away until I explain all that is going on. Yes… yes ,…this is the time of great explosions around your world. One that is not likely to subside for along time. This you can handle, it is when you find one more that is not necessarily where it needs to be to then distract you in what you seek.
We will go back and see that which I gave to you before at time when there will be those who ask and those who receive and those who just stay caught up the physical humanness around them. It does not matter where they are because all of this is coming up and out. It is the way light workers as you say who is being confronted to go deep inside for that which is hidden is not hidden for long during these times. It is being pulled up whether it is sought after or not. So teacher what is it going to be? For in you, you have all that is held within the universe of the mind that you seek. All the answers they are there and the waiting is no more than what is asked for to take you to the pinnacle of all that you hold onto.
And as teachers in these energies it is for you to reach in and let nothing stand in the way of your quest for learning and giving. Ahhhh…yes…the teacher mind comes out to say that is not done on a level with which can be shared. I think not. You have shared before and you will share again. It is what is physically keeping you from sharing even now. Is it that part that says this cannot be so? Is it that part that says you have all that you need and share with many? I think not… for in sharing it is the love which speaks from your heart, that is a known. It is the happiness that you feel when you can reach out to give to so many. It is okay this I tell you, we are here with you and we are many. Take that occasion to heal the wounds that has been hidden for so long. Yes, you will find that when you reach inside to do this that there is no way it will even be that which you believed it to be as before. But it is okay and will not go away until it is looked at on every level.
This energy that is here will bring you closer to the universal arrangements that you have predestined yourself with at this time. It is in the fact that it is really here. It is really here for you to touch upon. Let go teacher, let go and let it be given to you the happiness in which you seek. When in your humanness limitations you have found a hiding spot which is your own. This energy is saying allow yourself to find that which is truly your own. Let it rise up in the magnification in which you seek on the soul level to bring forth in the psychical within that you live. A creation of happiness that can hold you not back but move you forward in the directions you go. We are supporting you in this; we are here with you in every feature of your life. Take the creation of your love which is a given of God to hold and create that to bring your planet of Mother Earth to the point that there shall not be any childless love for others. You seek that ascension then be the ascension to give to others. Be that which you have sought for all this time and you will find that no matter what is there, as you teach you are aware of the soul connections on multi levels within. These multi levels consciousness within are for each to experience in their own right. To be that which is not just an illusion but one of perfection on all levels. To see the level in which you are just go within to touch upon your soul light of living the truth in all directions. There you shall find that we are all connected one by one. Let go of the illusion and touch upon your creation of passion deep within your soul.
Many are being called to protect the children of Earth right now in amazing degrees. This is the creators love to show these are the ones that you need in your being of passion. There are numerous conclusions to that which is being presented right now to you. Take that which is deep and do not stop the evolution of your souls living embrace to allow it to surface. Give it over to the creator and then you will have the happiness on the new dimension of existence in which you are walking into right now. I shall be there teacher for I am always with you.
I give to you dear teachers a way to know it is okay on what you are living and what you are going through in your time upon your planet of Mother Earth. May you be at peace with your creation for in the creation you find the living light from within.
I Am Lord Amin-RU
Embracing the Passion
With so much going on right now I took this past month with Lord Amin-Ru to go deeper in the understanding of the energy that is around us. This journey I find can bring many things to light if we are honest enough to look at it on all sides. For you and I have just begun this journey we walk. Everyday meeting and sharing with the newly awaken and to our surprise they are even more beautiful in our eyes. This then you know is the illumination of your heart in seeing those around you with love… and now to Lord Amin-Ru’s words……
Ahhh… my teachers we are in gratitude of that which you are going through right now and still you find that time in which to join me. Speaking to you this day I have heard your thoughts, it is like a friend who visits often and we extend out generosity to you in more ways than one.
I see that we have come to the part of this journey that answers are needed in a pattern of disclosure…ahhh…this whirlwind of finding what your passion is, that which lies dormant within you. The emotion which is touched upon is the key to understanding what lies locked within. At this time those of Mother Earth have come to the path of no return, this I have said before, maybe one that needs reminding. Many are being hit by emotions after emotions of the physicalness which has been held onto for your centuries at a time.
Just look around you teachers of light. Look upon your planet of Mother Earth to all that is being experienced. Where do you think the choices that are being made are coming from?
As you are experiencing and entering these times ahead you are seeking the happiness that holds onto the humanness of the elevation of energy that is not always believed it can be. A great time of passion…which can open the doors of learning as this can be utilized in many ways. But first you need to see what is the creation of such passion that would allow the physical being to throw away all that is necessary to be in that creation. A creation of thirst for knowledge is within the reach of all who accept it with no bounds. The creation of love is an uncomplicated given. The creation of passion is what is played with on many levels for passion can take you there and back again it is all in the journey to understand the passion. Embracing the passion is what is not always seen as acceptable to do. To be in acceptance is to allow that which is unknown to always be. It is the unknown in you that you desire that which you hold close to your heart. Never being able to be apart and at the same time you are apart of everything in which is whole.
To know what this energy is that we speak; you need to understand that which is there can be reachable as you would say attainable in all ways. That which you seek has been deep within for along time, it is surfacing as we speak to you and millions upon your planet of Mother Earth. You have a deep need to understand so much and at times it is in the understanding that many walk away from. But with you I see the inquisitiveness that will not go away until I explain all that is going on. Yes… yes ,…this is the time of great explosions around your world. One that is not likely to subside for along time. This you can handle, it is when you find one more that is not necessarily where it needs to be to then distract you in what you seek.
We will go back and see that which I gave to you before at time when there will be those who ask and those who receive and those who just stay caught up the physical humanness around them. It does not matter where they are because all of this is coming up and out. It is the way light workers as you say who is being confronted to go deep inside for that which is hidden is not hidden for long during these times. It is being pulled up whether it is sought after or not. So teacher what is it going to be? For in you, you have all that is held within the universe of the mind that you seek. All the answers they are there and the waiting is no more than what is asked for to take you to the pinnacle of all that you hold onto.
And as teachers in these energies it is for you to reach in and let nothing stand in the way of your quest for learning and giving. Ahhhh…yes…the teacher mind comes out to say that is not done on a level with which can be shared. I think not. You have shared before and you will share again. It is what is physically keeping you from sharing even now. Is it that part that says this cannot be so? Is it that part that says you have all that you need and share with many? I think not… for in sharing it is the love which speaks from your heart, that is a known. It is the happiness that you feel when you can reach out to give to so many. It is okay this I tell you, we are here with you and we are many. Take that occasion to heal the wounds that has been hidden for so long. Yes, you will find that when you reach inside to do this that there is no way it will even be that which you believed it to be as before. But it is okay and will not go away until it is looked at on every level.
This energy that is here will bring you closer to the universal arrangements that you have predestined yourself with at this time. It is in the fact that it is really here. It is really here for you to touch upon. Let go teacher, let go and let it be given to you the happiness in which you seek. When in your humanness limitations you have found a hiding spot which is your own. This energy is saying allow yourself to find that which is truly your own. Let it rise up in the magnification in which you seek on the soul level to bring forth in the psychical within that you live. A creation of happiness that can hold you not back but move you forward in the directions you go. We are supporting you in this; we are here with you in every feature of your life. Take the creation of your love which is a given of God to hold and create that to bring your planet of Mother Earth to the point that there shall not be any childless love for others. You seek that ascension then be the ascension to give to others. Be that which you have sought for all this time and you will find that no matter what is there, as you teach you are aware of the soul connections on multi levels within. These multi levels consciousness within are for each to experience in their own right. To be that which is not just an illusion but one of perfection on all levels. To see the level in which you are just go within to touch upon your soul light of living the truth in all directions. There you shall find that we are all connected one by one. Let go of the illusion and touch upon your creation of passion deep within your soul.
Many are being called to protect the children of Earth right now in amazing degrees. This is the creators love to show these are the ones that you need in your being of passion. There are numerous conclusions to that which is being presented right now to you. Take that which is deep and do not stop the evolution of your souls living embrace to allow it to surface. Give it over to the creator and then you will have the happiness on the new dimension of existence in which you are walking into right now. I shall be there teacher for I am always with you.
I give to you dear teachers a way to know it is okay on what you are living and what you are going through in your time upon your planet of Mother Earth. May you be at peace with your creation for in the creation you find the living light from within.
I Am Lord Amin-RU
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Adele Linsalata Monthly Message
Hello and welcome to everyone this beautiful timein life
What times we are having and I love the energy right now. So much to do and get busy with so lets get started…
Moving into this energy right now is all about happiness, love, creation and passion…and at the same time it can leave you feeling empty on many levels. All of this is okay, you are not alone, you are being emptied…. rejoice as this is all for new beginnings. I mentioned months ago to you, that as light workers the energy is digging down deep within to bring the last residuals to the surface to be exposed and for us to look at them. Well, welcome to that energy even more…
So where is the happiness as all of this emptying is going on? Well It is right there for you , yes…right in front of you. Look at what you are doing right now. Are you not where you want to be? Are you not doing what you want to do? Yes… you are, this is what you have chosen to be doing and to some what you are comfortable with, so why change it?
Can I tell you why? Because most of the things you are doing, that you are comfortable with is not making you happy. Okay, okay yes, many are happy… this is true. But deep down you know there is that “mini me” voice that is asking for so much more. Let’s get back to happiness, this energy is uplifting and supportive in everything you do and who you are. So when you set about your day… be happy, be truly happy. As this energy is also allowing you to create the passion deep inside of you. Yes, to create the passion of what you love. How does this look? Thank you for asking…Write down at least six things you love, got it? Now choose just one and write down what you can create that will bring this love into a passion. When applying this to what you love you will always have and know your passion. Yes, even if it is loving chocolate you can create passion with it.
Once you have this creation of passion it will bring love to your heart and those around you, there is no way to deny it any longer. This energy supports you in this as we move into the coming year. As time has gone by years ago… I wrote right here in this newsletter how we will be moving back to a time of creation where the passions that are deep inside will be that which comes out to be exposed to give to others. As we have always been a product of manufacturing we allowed ourselves to be complacent in accepting that fact that life is good and rich and we can sit back. As this happened we allowed ourselves to be too relaxed and the creation was tucked away. Now we are being asked to step back up to create. As large corporations are failing the system of what has always been, it is for the individual to take their passion and walk right into offering that to others. There is going to be a strong influx of individual’s creations that will offer their own worth to others. And that is what we are seeing today.
More and more of what we knew about energy is coming forward and being offered in a way that has not been before. This is not just in healing energies but new earth energies, the big guys are trying to place their hands in what the little guy has been working on and manufacturing for a very long time. As a supporter of the green movement and organics, I am thrilled that so many opportunities have been opening up around the world. I can now find items like never before even though I still make my own. Even my CD’s and whatever I am creating is always with green thoughts in mind, this was the best to finally find as I now can honor Mother Earth and my children in a whole new way. Going back in time to grab memories and then create them is a passion of love. What we had growing up is starting to not be a thing of the past… but a resurgence of renewal and the energy is amazing.
When working with spirit it is becoming easier and easier, hello… I am thrilled this energy is supporting us all in this direction and giving little pushes to everyone to get moving. Spirit is like a long lost best friend, once re-discovered there is no end. Meeting your guides and working with them can take you to all new levels in life, and how bad can that be? Not at all… as the guides are moving time right now just to be with you. Classes are full with individuals knowing that there is something more going on and how true they are to recognize this to move forward. So welcome and your guides welcome you too.
My new website is up and going, still doing some tweaking so stop by and visit and sign up to see where we will be traveling this year with cameras in hand…
I am traveling the East Coast the beginning of the year doing a whole host of things and looking to connect with all of you, I will also be posting free workshops that I will be offering along the way, so get ready this will be fun.
I love children and I have a created a passion with this love and as light workers I am asking you to join me to place your journey where your mouth is… no matter where you live or what you do. Join me in being an Angels Across the miles… you will find details below.
Go and create the love within you to give that passion to others. May your journey be one of Love Laughter & Light and may you find happiness in all you do!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
What times we are having and I love the energy right now. So much to do and get busy with so lets get started…
Moving into this energy right now is all about happiness, love, creation and passion…and at the same time it can leave you feeling empty on many levels. All of this is okay, you are not alone, you are being emptied…. rejoice as this is all for new beginnings. I mentioned months ago to you, that as light workers the energy is digging down deep within to bring the last residuals to the surface to be exposed and for us to look at them. Well, welcome to that energy even more…
So where is the happiness as all of this emptying is going on? Well It is right there for you , yes…right in front of you. Look at what you are doing right now. Are you not where you want to be? Are you not doing what you want to do? Yes… you are, this is what you have chosen to be doing and to some what you are comfortable with, so why change it?
Can I tell you why? Because most of the things you are doing, that you are comfortable with is not making you happy. Okay, okay yes, many are happy… this is true. But deep down you know there is that “mini me” voice that is asking for so much more. Let’s get back to happiness, this energy is uplifting and supportive in everything you do and who you are. So when you set about your day… be happy, be truly happy. As this energy is also allowing you to create the passion deep inside of you. Yes, to create the passion of what you love. How does this look? Thank you for asking…Write down at least six things you love, got it? Now choose just one and write down what you can create that will bring this love into a passion. When applying this to what you love you will always have and know your passion. Yes, even if it is loving chocolate you can create passion with it.
Once you have this creation of passion it will bring love to your heart and those around you, there is no way to deny it any longer. This energy supports you in this as we move into the coming year. As time has gone by years ago… I wrote right here in this newsletter how we will be moving back to a time of creation where the passions that are deep inside will be that which comes out to be exposed to give to others. As we have always been a product of manufacturing we allowed ourselves to be complacent in accepting that fact that life is good and rich and we can sit back. As this happened we allowed ourselves to be too relaxed and the creation was tucked away. Now we are being asked to step back up to create. As large corporations are failing the system of what has always been, it is for the individual to take their passion and walk right into offering that to others. There is going to be a strong influx of individual’s creations that will offer their own worth to others. And that is what we are seeing today.
More and more of what we knew about energy is coming forward and being offered in a way that has not been before. This is not just in healing energies but new earth energies, the big guys are trying to place their hands in what the little guy has been working on and manufacturing for a very long time. As a supporter of the green movement and organics, I am thrilled that so many opportunities have been opening up around the world. I can now find items like never before even though I still make my own. Even my CD’s and whatever I am creating is always with green thoughts in mind, this was the best to finally find as I now can honor Mother Earth and my children in a whole new way. Going back in time to grab memories and then create them is a passion of love. What we had growing up is starting to not be a thing of the past… but a resurgence of renewal and the energy is amazing.
When working with spirit it is becoming easier and easier, hello… I am thrilled this energy is supporting us all in this direction and giving little pushes to everyone to get moving. Spirit is like a long lost best friend, once re-discovered there is no end. Meeting your guides and working with them can take you to all new levels in life, and how bad can that be? Not at all… as the guides are moving time right now just to be with you. Classes are full with individuals knowing that there is something more going on and how true they are to recognize this to move forward. So welcome and your guides welcome you too.
My new website is up and going, still doing some tweaking so stop by and visit and sign up to see where we will be traveling this year with cameras in hand…
I am traveling the East Coast the beginning of the year doing a whole host of things and looking to connect with all of you, I will also be posting free workshops that I will be offering along the way, so get ready this will be fun.
I love children and I have a created a passion with this love and as light workers I am asking you to join me to place your journey where your mouth is… no matter where you live or what you do. Join me in being an Angels Across the miles… you will find details below.
Go and create the love within you to give that passion to others. May your journey be one of Love Laughter & Light and may you find happiness in all you do!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Friday, November 6, 2009
Announcing The Spiritual Consciousness Tour Live here in Maryland
Spiritual Consciousness Tour in Maryland…..
Join Salvatore Greco, Cabrini Costanzo and Adele Linsalata live together…
Saturday…November 14th starting at 5:00 pm.
I would like to invite anyone who would like to join us on Saturday, November 14th at 5:00 pm at the Homewood Suites Hotel, Columbia, Maryland ... I will be delivering messages from spirit to those in attendance along with Cabrini as the night unfolds…
Just email us your interest for seating and we will place you on the reservation list… we ask that you please bring a non-perishable food item to donate for familes at Thanksgiving, all donations will be accpeted at the door. This is a first come first serve basis. Please know this is going to be apart of Cabrini’s and Salvatore’s Spiritual Consciousness Tour as they will be filming the entire event for their spiritual consciousness documentary. You will be asked to sign consent forms.
E-mail to reserve your seat today !!!
Consciousness Tour Spiritual Blessings, In all ways.
Cabrini and Salvatore have traveled over 9000 miles within North America, meeting with Medical Dr' s Artists, Marriage and Life Coaches, Ministers, Theologians, Channels, Psychics, Shamans Native Native Americans, Reiki Masters, Dula's, Spirit Dancers, Life and Transformational Coaches, Hindu and Buddhist gatherings.
I would like to share their words with you :
As we met and taped these individuals we recognized a common thread of oneness that was reflected from within each individual, a unified expression of love. A unified understanding of creation and of spirit.
We found communities that coming together for the wellness and health of humanity and praying for others, we found people making conscious choice's in how they were going to live in more sustainable ways. Organic farmers and homes that are made from natural resources, where there is a abundance, working together to create a newness for us all.
As each of us express our unique wholeness within our perfect blueprint of consciousness we really do create a new way of living, In a instant we can create new experience that truly do represent who we really are. We find that the spirit within us all, is the true creator and that our personalities is a expression of that whole spirit.
Right now, across the USA people are gathering, in spirit, to support humanity in awakening to what is within them. A unified expression of spirit, regardless of culture, geographical regions, beliefs or ideologies of religion.
People are praying with you and for you to experience Heaven on Earth. It's up to each of us to really authentically live in complete love, To experience complete love within, and to also see the expression of love within and around us .
We have found in our travels that the spirit within is sufficient and provides for us in perfect union to who we are and what we behold within.
Much Love in all ways
Salvatore and Cabrini
Looking forward to meeting and seeing you as we become apart of the bigger picture... filming with Cabrini & Salvatore on Saturday Night, November 14th
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Email today
Join Salvatore Greco, Cabrini Costanzo and Adele Linsalata live together…
Saturday…November 14th starting at 5:00 pm.
I would like to invite anyone who would like to join us on Saturday, November 14th at 5:00 pm at the Homewood Suites Hotel, Columbia, Maryland ... I will be delivering messages from spirit to those in attendance along with Cabrini as the night unfolds…
Just email us your interest for seating and we will place you on the reservation list… we ask that you please bring a non-perishable food item to donate for familes at Thanksgiving, all donations will be accpeted at the door. This is a first come first serve basis. Please know this is going to be apart of Cabrini’s and Salvatore’s Spiritual Consciousness Tour as they will be filming the entire event for their spiritual consciousness documentary. You will be asked to sign consent forms.
E-mail to reserve your seat today !!!
Consciousness Tour Spiritual Blessings, In all ways.
Cabrini and Salvatore have traveled over 9000 miles within North America, meeting with Medical Dr' s Artists, Marriage and Life Coaches, Ministers, Theologians, Channels, Psychics, Shamans Native Native Americans, Reiki Masters, Dula's, Spirit Dancers, Life and Transformational Coaches, Hindu and Buddhist gatherings.
I would like to share their words with you :
As we met and taped these individuals we recognized a common thread of oneness that was reflected from within each individual, a unified expression of love. A unified understanding of creation and of spirit.
We found communities that coming together for the wellness and health of humanity and praying for others, we found people making conscious choice's in how they were going to live in more sustainable ways. Organic farmers and homes that are made from natural resources, where there is a abundance, working together to create a newness for us all.
As each of us express our unique wholeness within our perfect blueprint of consciousness we really do create a new way of living, In a instant we can create new experience that truly do represent who we really are. We find that the spirit within us all, is the true creator and that our personalities is a expression of that whole spirit.
Right now, across the USA people are gathering, in spirit, to support humanity in awakening to what is within them. A unified expression of spirit, regardless of culture, geographical regions, beliefs or ideologies of religion.
People are praying with you and for you to experience Heaven on Earth. It's up to each of us to really authentically live in complete love, To experience complete love within, and to also see the expression of love within and around us .
We have found in our travels that the spirit within is sufficient and provides for us in perfect union to who we are and what we behold within.
Much Love in all ways
Salvatore and Cabrini
Looking forward to meeting and seeing you as we become apart of the bigger picture... filming with Cabrini & Salvatore on Saturday Night, November 14th
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Email today
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Calling ALL Angels Across the Miles

Calling ALL Light workers as here is your chance to place your journey were your mouth is. Join me in gifting children big and small this Holiday Season.
I always write about Angels Across the Miles in my Newsletters and yes… they are among us... you, me and everyone else we know who opens their hearts to give to others along the way.
Mark your Calendars for December 6, 2009 for the first Angels Across the Miles Event... out of many to Benefit children worldwide. Each holiday we will be adopting families and children of all ages; across the miles to experience how great the love is that is there for them.
To know that Angels are everywhere and their Angels love them.
Each year I adopt families for the holidays; this gift is as much for me and as it for the little ones. With every smile and open delight that spreads across their face is all the gift I need to know that these angels are here and they have a story to tell.
This year we have all felt the crunch of the economy downsizing, but we have also been very blessed to know we are abundant in everyway. The energies right now support this as I was guided by the Angelic Wise Ones to create even more for them and I am asking you to join me to now…
Any donations large or small…is one that was not there at all…
Be a volunteer, a Special guest for all to hear, donate your item… but be silent as we gather to win the abundance of what it can bring in…Be a sponsor and let everyone know you have a heart made of gold…Be an Angel Across the Miles…
Our mission as Light Workers is one of community service to raise funds, donations and awareness for individuals or groups who have been guided to us.
We want to allow what comes naturally to all of us to then be Angels to reach out in love, laughter and light. When you open your heart to give and be love, you bring to the surface that laughter from deep within and when you have both love and laughter you light up to all those around you. Be the light to many and be an Angel Across the Miles to everyone.
Be an Angel
Our focus is to help the The Arc of Maryland. This organization helps disabled children and their family with funding to allow them to get the specialized items needed for them.
We are also adopting several families where one or more members of a household have been affected by the corporate downsizing during this economic turmoil.
It does not matter where you live to be an Angel Acorss the Miles, it is where your heart lives that will bring those smiles of delight...
On December 6, 2009, Angels across the Miles will be holding a Day of Light at at the Spring Hill Suites - Marriott, in Hanover, Maryland from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. to welcome all Angels to come and receive a free angel readings and more.
There is an open invitation to all donators to join us on this day of celebration! CLICK HERE for more information!
All monies collected will be transferred directly to the focus areas as all operating costs have been volunteered or donated.
Join us today and put your journey where your mouth is!
Adele Linsalata, Author and Founder of Angels Across the Miles
Looking in the eyes of a child is the smile that we hold and treasure dear to our hearts for so many reasons... A child’s laughter can open your heart and bring you joy and happiness... miracles that go a long way.
Join us at Angels Across the Miles by opening your heart to brighten the lives of many... Every child should have a Christmas and every child should have their own dreams come true... Be an Angel and see how you can make a difference along the way... Reach out and join us today...
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Angels Across the Miles
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