Monday, October 19, 2009

A Guided Comment from Spirit Library... CelenaShines

Dear CelenaShines,

God Bless you for your comments and to find my error in posting (smile) to my Blog. When posting this, I left off the original question from one reader by mistake, so thank you for bringing this to my attention. Many times someone writes or sits in someone’s aura class or even one of my own and they are very disappointed they cannot “see” as they believe everyone else around them “sees”. They want to know what is wrong with them and if there is something they are missing. (Please see the e-mail I received below)

When explaining that not everyone truly “sees” but are feeling allows an individual to be more comfortable to know they are not doing anything wrong and it also allows them to start recognizing through feeling that yes, they too actually “see” more than they give themselves credit for. This starts the individual on the journey to be able to recognize which abilities they are strongest at and where to allow the abilities to naturally unfold. This then takes the pressure off of the individuals psyche to enjoy learning and growing as it is meant to be. Once they start to allow themselves to recognize the feeling they are receiving, they then, can attach a color to that… to then apply to start seeing auras. Many times I will allow my students to only feel with their finger tips (eyes blindfolded) the energy of another to then tell me what color they are seeing in their minds eye and or feeling in their own energy. And yes, at the same time there are many individuals out there saying they see auras when actually they are feeling the energy of the aura to see the aura as they are applying a color associated to what they are feeling.

There is never harm placed to another in the work we do, it is for us to find that which shall resonate with another to assist them on their journey. Everyone is different and the same when seeing and or feeling the aura of an individual, myself I do not associate the same color as you would to someone’s aura… as the meaning of one color to you might be different than the meaning of a color to me. This is brought up over and over in class, when I see the color red, I see and feel lots of energy associated to a feeling with that individual and then again, each individual is different in what they are going through at a given time. As when someone is being very creative, excited and energized at that moment, I then see red in their aura. To another it may be totally different. I had one student who said red was transitioning for that is what that color meant to them. Nothing is every meant to offend anyone, it is in the journey that one resonates with how they feel. I just try to assist them in breaking everything down they are receiving whether by feel or sight to make it easy as possible to learn.

So when we invest in the time and compassion to assist another to learn then everyone will be seeing & feeling colors in the aura. Because I do believe this goes hand in hand. But to assist someone in understanding that most feel the colorful aura and not see the colorful aura to allow them to be joyful in their own experience then I will say once again that most only “feel” when they say they “see”. I see and hear this over and over again in my travels and when I ask the individuals (teachers, mediums and psychic’s) are they really seeing a color or just feeling it, most allow me to know that yes, they do not actually see the aura they feel it. Does this apply to everyone, of course not. As Light Workers, we need to understand that most individuals newly learning about auras, want to know how this works, and if we are saying everyone can see or only specially gifted can see, then this is misleading to others or for them to even try to work with their self to unravel the mystery of seeing. I always try to take something that may seem complicated to another to give it back as easy as I can. This does not take from the gifted as they also feel with every color they see. Moreover, it allows us to share in the differences we all have in how we see and feel with auras.

Original Question from a reader;
Dear Adele,

Okay I have had it; I do not understand what is wrong with me. I am in a class learning auras and everyone in class can see colors swirling all around people and I do not see anything. My girlfriend says it is because I am trying too hard and what is it I am feeling when I connect with the other people? I can feel when someone is sad but I do not see a color. I have tried and tried but I am ready to give up with all of this. You always write to say everyone has this gift but sadly to say I do not. Can you help?

Your friend in Minnesota, Laura

Once again I appreciate you bringing my absence of an inclusion to my attention.(smile) thank you CelenaShines, May you have a wonderful week of Joyful laughter!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata