Dear CelenaShines,
God Bless you for your comments and to find my error in posting (smile) to my Blog. When posting this, I left off the original question from one reader by mistake, so thank you for bringing this to my attention. Many times someone writes or sits in someone’s aura class or even one of my own and they are very disappointed they cannot “see” as they believe everyone else around them “sees”. They want to know what is wrong with them and if there is something they are missing. (Please see the e-mail I received below)
When explaining that not everyone truly “sees” but are feeling allows an individual to be more comfortable to know they are not doing anything wrong and it also allows them to start recognizing through feeling that yes, they too actually “see” more than they give themselves credit for. This starts the individual on the journey to be able to recognize which abilities they are strongest at and where to allow the abilities to naturally unfold. This then takes the pressure off of the individuals psyche to enjoy learning and growing as it is meant to be. Once they start to allow themselves to recognize the feeling they are receiving, they then, can attach a color to that… to then apply to start seeing auras. Many times I will allow my students to only feel with their finger tips (eyes blindfolded) the energy of another to then tell me what color they are seeing in their minds eye and or feeling in their own energy. And yes, at the same time there are many individuals out there saying they see auras when actually they are feeling the energy of the aura to see the aura as they are applying a color associated to what they are feeling.
There is never harm placed to another in the work we do, it is for us to find that which shall resonate with another to assist them on their journey. Everyone is different and the same when seeing and or feeling the aura of an individual, myself I do not associate the same color as you would to someone’s aura… as the meaning of one color to you might be different than the meaning of a color to me. This is brought up over and over in class, when I see the color red, I see and feel lots of energy associated to a feeling with that individual and then again, each individual is different in what they are going through at a given time. As when someone is being very creative, excited and energized at that moment, I then see red in their aura. To another it may be totally different. I had one student who said red was transitioning for that is what that color meant to them. Nothing is every meant to offend anyone, it is in the journey that one resonates with how they feel. I just try to assist them in breaking everything down they are receiving whether by feel or sight to make it easy as possible to learn.
So when we invest in the time and compassion to assist another to learn then everyone will be seeing & feeling colors in the aura. Because I do believe this goes hand in hand. But to assist someone in understanding that most feel the colorful aura and not see the colorful aura to allow them to be joyful in their own experience then I will say once again that most only “feel” when they say they “see”. I see and hear this over and over again in my travels and when I ask the individuals (teachers, mediums and psychic’s) are they really seeing a color or just feeling it, most allow me to know that yes, they do not actually see the aura they feel it. Does this apply to everyone, of course not. As Light Workers, we need to understand that most individuals newly learning about auras, want to know how this works, and if we are saying everyone can see or only specially gifted can see, then this is misleading to others or for them to even try to work with their self to unravel the mystery of seeing. I always try to take something that may seem complicated to another to give it back as easy as I can. This does not take from the gifted as they also feel with every color they see. Moreover, it allows us to share in the differences we all have in how we see and feel with auras.
Original Question from a reader;
Dear Adele,
Okay I have had it; I do not understand what is wrong with me. I am in a class learning auras and everyone in class can see colors swirling all around people and I do not see anything. My girlfriend says it is because I am trying too hard and what is it I am feeling when I connect with the other people? I can feel when someone is sad but I do not see a color. I have tried and tried but I am ready to give up with all of this. You always write to say everyone has this gift but sadly to say I do not. Can you help?
Your friend in Minnesota, Laura
Once again I appreciate you bringing my absence of an inclusion to my attention.(smile) thank you CelenaShines, May you have a wonderful week of Joyful laughter!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Spirit Speaks Gallery this Friday Night 7:00 pm
Friday, October 16, 2009
Introducing Friday Night Platform Galleries with:
Adele Linsalata of Angelic Wise Ones©
Sherry B. True of Spirit Paws©
Reserve your TICKETS now
Find out what everyone is talking about as you experience the electrifying energies of these ladies coming together in these exciting nights in Maryland, to bring you the very best in Platform Mediumship Delivery.
Spirit Speak Galleries Nights are a wonderful way for you and your family, or group of friends to all get together to share in this unique experience of receiving messages from your loved ones in spirit, friends, guides, teachers, animal friends and many more in this Live Platform Mediumship delivery to you . Join Adele and Sherry as they open the energies for those in the Spiritual realms to come in to offer you guidance, messages, comfort, closure, encouragement and much more.
Spirit Speaks Galleries Nights brings you different and unique ways of Message Delivery with something for every to enjoy and remember, as each message is unique into its own, just for you.
Please bring photos of your animal friends in Spirit and Sherry will deliver Messages, no pets allowed.
Please Note: due to the high volume of audience members and time constraints we cannot guarantee that all audience members will receive a message or reading, although Adele & Sherry will deliver as many messages as Spirit channels them to give.
Spirit Speaks Gallery this Friday Night at 7:00pm
Location: Spring Hill Suites - Marriott
7544 Teague Road, Hanover, MD 21076
Located across from the Arundel Mills Mall
To Purchase your tickets e-mail: or Call: 410-753-4394
Introducing Friday Night Platform Galleries with:
Adele Linsalata of Angelic Wise Ones©
Sherry B. True of Spirit Paws©
Reserve your TICKETS now
Find out what everyone is talking about as you experience the electrifying energies of these ladies coming together in these exciting nights in Maryland, to bring you the very best in Platform Mediumship Delivery.
Spirit Speak Galleries Nights are a wonderful way for you and your family, or group of friends to all get together to share in this unique experience of receiving messages from your loved ones in spirit, friends, guides, teachers, animal friends and many more in this Live Platform Mediumship delivery to you . Join Adele and Sherry as they open the energies for those in the Spiritual realms to come in to offer you guidance, messages, comfort, closure, encouragement and much more.
Spirit Speaks Galleries Nights brings you different and unique ways of Message Delivery with something for every to enjoy and remember, as each message is unique into its own, just for you.
Please bring photos of your animal friends in Spirit and Sherry will deliver Messages, no pets allowed.
Please Note: due to the high volume of audience members and time constraints we cannot guarantee that all audience members will receive a message or reading, although Adele & Sherry will deliver as many messages as Spirit channels them to give.
Spirit Speaks Gallery this Friday Night at 7:00pm
Location: Spring Hill Suites - Marriott
7544 Teague Road, Hanover, MD 21076
Located across from the Arundel Mills Mall
To Purchase your tickets e-mail: or Call: 410-753-4394
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hello and Good Monday to everyone!!!
Working right now on my manuscript we are at a place that it is spiraling forth so wonderfully that I am getting excited by the minute. The children’s book is all done, working on ironing out the details of the illustrations on what I am looking for. There will be three to this set of books that I know of, at least this is what they are showing me.
The two manuscripts I am working on are going to be quite interesting to give an individual the tools to the whole journey which lies ahead. And with all of this I am taking time this week and next two record four more CD’s. The journey is here and it is we how are walking it. Yes, to the Mayans who are coming out to say their calendar does not predict the end of times but to the transformation and new beginnings.
We are looking forward next month to working with a lovely enlightened group traveling the country right now interviewing spiritual teachers. They will be here the middle of November for two days, what a lovely way to welcome fall into our lives.
And as we welcome the energies of fall into our lives right now it is to embrace the beauty of who you are and of those around you. We are living the times in which we seek each second with each breath we take. And at the same time we are living a time that many are afraid of. This is only natural as there is a lot of promoting fearful things right now as we go into the Halloween season. All Hallows Eve is a time to embrace that which you are not. To honor the natural mothering in you whether you are male or female and then connecting to the grace in your life.
I always like to ask what expectations do you have for the remainder of our calendar year. Place the positive in the whole to gain that which is right there for you to have with open arms. We are climbing the mountain of prosperity and we are grateful in all we do together.
Now it is time to get back to work, tea in hand I send you my blessings for a wonderful day or night and to know you are the most powerful being right now, you are loved and happiness is right in front of you. Enjoy it as you enjoy all that you are.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
The two manuscripts I am working on are going to be quite interesting to give an individual the tools to the whole journey which lies ahead. And with all of this I am taking time this week and next two record four more CD’s. The journey is here and it is we how are walking it. Yes, to the Mayans who are coming out to say their calendar does not predict the end of times but to the transformation and new beginnings.
We are looking forward next month to working with a lovely enlightened group traveling the country right now interviewing spiritual teachers. They will be here the middle of November for two days, what a lovely way to welcome fall into our lives.
And as we welcome the energies of fall into our lives right now it is to embrace the beauty of who you are and of those around you. We are living the times in which we seek each second with each breath we take. And at the same time we are living a time that many are afraid of. This is only natural as there is a lot of promoting fearful things right now as we go into the Halloween season. All Hallows Eve is a time to embrace that which you are not. To honor the natural mothering in you whether you are male or female and then connecting to the grace in your life.
I always like to ask what expectations do you have for the remainder of our calendar year. Place the positive in the whole to gain that which is right there for you to have with open arms. We are climbing the mountain of prosperity and we are grateful in all we do together.
Now it is time to get back to work, tea in hand I send you my blessings for a wonderful day or night and to know you are the most powerful being right now, you are loved and happiness is right in front of you. Enjoy it as you enjoy all that you are.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
Friday, October 9, 2009
Do you see Auras?
Many individuals say they see Auras …Most times when someone says they see an aura around someone, they actually are feeling that aura to then be able to say “ I see”. And then there as the percentage like myself who can actually see with eyes wide open the beautiful colors of someone’s energetic aura. But most times one is truly not seeing but feeling the aura of another. When meeting an individual whether across the room, down the hall, in a store or you are introduced to them, you automatically know about the individual.
You know whether you like them or nor, whether they are sick or healthy, if they are nice or not, whether they will be a friend or just using you, the list can go on and on. Think about it, as soon as you meet someone you automatically know but you dismiss it too many times.
All of this is your natural intuition which comes in to tell you hundreds of signals from the individual you are meeting. Each individual has energy centers in their body (we actually have hundreds) but the most common ones are the seven main chakras; root, sacral, solar, heart, throat, third eye and crown. Just as the sun shines its light rays of energy towards us so we feel its warming rays of energy. Our chakras shine out their energy rays all around us, this then is what you are ethereally seeing when you see or meet someone. Your energy centers automatically connect back and forth with each other to allow you to see without realizing what you are seeing for your extra sensory perception to pick up. All at the same time you are understanding everything about that individual inside and out. This is why many will say the see your aura, when actually they feel the energy that is connecting with them. Connecting in a way that is actually reflecting back your own energy that matches the individual you are meeting. This then is a connection of energetic souls learning each other all in the split fraction of time.
When one starts to learn how to connect a color to each of the sensations with much practice and focus, you then can say I see the colors of an individual’s aura. I hope you enjoyed this little fact of understanding what you are feeling as you see aura’s.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata- Angelic Wise Ones
You know whether you like them or nor, whether they are sick or healthy, if they are nice or not, whether they will be a friend or just using you, the list can go on and on. Think about it, as soon as you meet someone you automatically know but you dismiss it too many times.
All of this is your natural intuition which comes in to tell you hundreds of signals from the individual you are meeting. Each individual has energy centers in their body (we actually have hundreds) but the most common ones are the seven main chakras; root, sacral, solar, heart, throat, third eye and crown. Just as the sun shines its light rays of energy towards us so we feel its warming rays of energy. Our chakras shine out their energy rays all around us, this then is what you are ethereally seeing when you see or meet someone. Your energy centers automatically connect back and forth with each other to allow you to see without realizing what you are seeing for your extra sensory perception to pick up. All at the same time you are understanding everything about that individual inside and out. This is why many will say the see your aura, when actually they feel the energy that is connecting with them. Connecting in a way that is actually reflecting back your own energy that matches the individual you are meeting. This then is a connection of energetic souls learning each other all in the split fraction of time.
When one starts to learn how to connect a color to each of the sensations with much practice and focus, you then can say I see the colors of an individual’s aura. I hope you enjoyed this little fact of understanding what you are feeling as you see aura’s.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata- Angelic Wise Ones
Channeled Message From Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru , by Adele Linsalata
What you see given is the path you too shall walk
My greetings to you at this spectacular time of your expansion a reconnection that shall have you walking alongside those of the light in this quarter of your evolution living upon your planet of Mother Earth.
As you move along I say to you patience all is in good time in which the originality of living, the directional road ahead that is bringing you up to the speed. Is it not for the fact that the acquisition of the territory ahead of you seems one that is unheard of, one that must be closely looked at for that which you are living and going through has been brought back many times, The cycle then repeats itself to clearly show in the direction in which to live and go. Many have asked what happened to others, where are they all at now? Just look around you they are here, many are living ahead of their time here in the society around you. These are the ones who come to you to give you the experience as it unfolds, as it is about to unfold. These are the ones who have lived this cycle before just like you, but this time it is for them to remember so much that they give to you the answers you seek in the questions you ask. These are the souls who have chosen to be the voices that you hear, the words that you read. These souls knew they would be here at this age of existence to give more so than many others give. They give their personal lives to assist others. Do you not see this? Do you not see what they do and go through to give you so much? Many would say I want to be like that too, well to you I say you have been in other times before you and other life times to come. You shall be the one in your time, enjoy the experience now as these masters guide you in that which you shall too be doing in the time you have already chosen.
It is as you would say going to an arena to see those of your own choosing, you enjoy the experience, they give to you everything they have, they are giving you in a directional guidance to show you what will be expected of you in your next cycle. I can then justly call to you and say you are being guided in this way, so be of that experience to willingly allow the acceptance of that in which you will be in your cycle of time. Do you see what is given to you, do you hear what is given to you for then shall I say to you, see what is given in your own perception of your experience to identify that back to you as you listen to what is being given to the limitedness that you allow yourself to hear.
Yes, this is being given to you to open up as you say you are, to give to you the approach in which you have walked and experienced before. A connection to allow you to see, feel and hear your own soul echo the vibrations of the energy as it is told to you and by your own experience that you are living. To know that which they give they give away from which they have much knowledge, is this not what you have many times over yourself?
Of course it is. It is to be on that exactness that shall be aligned for you to give when it is your time. It is a show of the masters to replicate to you the knowledge which is deep within, this you shall take with you, this you shall give to those at the summit of the councils. To then be that which you shall bring to give to others in your field of time in which you have chosen. Yes, I keep saying this as it is very important for you to remember. Many have concerns that they recognize so much and why is it being excluded, it is not, it is for the gain that you are here hearing before that which you shall then do yourself. Is this clear? You have chosen to be in this arena as a spectator to imprint upon your souls consciousness of what is to come, to be there to support those in front of you. For then when your time comes it shall be for you to take that which you are experiencing and then add to it for the generation of whom shall be watching you. These masters before you shall then be with you to move you along even more; they shall gain from that experience also. No soul ever is not on a learning level.
Your planet of Mother Earth is undergoing many frequencies; she is taking on the imperfectness of earthly life upon her and here she is, still with you. Why would you like it to be no more? Yes, I asked that question, why would I not? So many are sending the consistent flow of energy to say she shall end her life. Your Mother Earth has no desire to end her life but she still feels the emotions of those upon her. She still feels that which is tearing her apart. Mother Earth does not want to end her existence so why should you? Do not discount those souls who willing give much for the education of humanities existence. They are well taken care of in their acclimation for they have returned to the original creation with much glory and applause. They now sit on the sidelines to watch as we watch, what your societies shall declare to bring forth in their newness that shall be a challenge to create but one that is inevitable. They have given the greatest as masters to bring humanity upon your planet of Mother Earth much promise for what is to come.
As you are nearing what some would say is the expansion of energy towards coming to a resolution of contentment. How remarkable is that, your time of completeness and surrounding pleasure to one another. Yes, it is attainable as a whole, it is even formulated for you to know and then give. This is why I have been giving to you the exchange about those before you and that which you shall be walking into in your time. Everything that is given to you is the key stone of the experience that has been played out before. It is then to recognize it for the true value and then embrace it. Bringing that into your own time zone to identify the correctness in which it is laid out. Once this is done then you have the blueprint as many call it to see the directional path in which you have to reach the desired outcome of your living experience.
That is what this is about. On the other spectrum of your living society it is to be the calmness in the storm of your own intellectual thought patterns to be that which recognizes the level in which each living human is existing to say that yes, I am here and you are there, in which I have the same but at this time I am here to be the watcher to be the next up inline to give when it is my time. With this you have the limitless power to be that much more in your time. To gain the necessary equivalence of knowledge to bring you to a higher plateau the next time around. As this is making more sense to be clearer in the understanding; it is that which is to be given to you, the guidance of knowledge that you have been experiencing your whole life existence. I am honored then to be with you as you are here with me, for in actuality we are all one in the same existence.
As time formulates and moves on it is that which has been developing upon your planet of Mother Earth that cries out all the same. One that the negative seems to be pushing, to bring the fear of ending into your lives, do you see this cycle being played out in the continuous generations of human life experiences? Of course you do, so did the forefathers before you experienced this in the same, that is in essence why we are here to assist you in what makes no sense at the time of your level of experience. Your forefathers had the same guidance that is why there is continuous seeking of knowledge leftover from their own experiences. We see as many search for the elusive clues to place the pieces together, to guide humans in their thirst of knowledge for the ultimate explanation for their own existence of a time in creation. To explain that which comes close to be in truth, in which the soul is reaching to show you the truth of which lies behind in front of the experience. That is why many experience what is called déjà vu, to the platform that is laid out in a timeline of existence of recognition to past events that have played out upon your planet of Mother Earth with its living habitants.
It is in remembering another time and place to makes sense of what is happening now within you. If you reach that recognition what then? Shall you claim that which cannot be claimed? Can you say that yes, I have reached the ultimate pinnacle of desire to prove that which has never been proved before? Can all of this explain what is happening to you right now? In many ways yes, it can, but then again the human society of intellectual will then once again place it as there is no evidence of existence in which you can claim.
Do you see this? Without the true evidence of the actuality the society in which you have created, shall not give to you that which you seek. It is the continuation of the experience all over once again in the system in which has been created.
Why do I bring this up? Ah very good, for every thing in which you seek is right before you but to the mind that will negate it, shall come the mind of neverness which then shall never gain the vast knowledge which is at the disposable to all, not just one.
Remember all that is given to you by those before you that you so watch and wait your turn to do also, are the answers you truly seek to get you through the times ahead. And if you have a dispute inside, it is to look at why this is in conflict and why you fight the truth so much more. For always the level in which you are experiencing is the infant in your own desires. You are in conflict to that which is truly in you, the soul truth of acceptance that there is more here than is accepted to be shown.
The beauty in which you learn to grasp all that is before you is astounding in the accumulation of knowledge that forever exists all around you at any given time of your existence. Take all that comes your way and thoroughly taste how it feels within your physical body, the digestion of which you consume the amount of energy shall always give back to you that which you seek in earnest. With this known to you now, be more than is recognized at any level or emotion and be watchful of your time to step up in your next existence to give as you see those giving so much right now. Be in the experience to see what is given and to declare that you know not what you originally thought that you gave. For those who give so much in which you are learning from give more than you ever knew, they give their life. When the time comes in your decisions to honor and recognize what is given, you then take the steps to be the true master when you give with no reservations all that you shall give to those that shall be waiting for you. The cycle complete you shall endeavor to learn even more with each step you make just as those before you.
May you be open to distinguish that which is said at all times in your physical existence to then create the original cycle of acceptance to new levels of knowledge and love of balancing oneness with all. Always know we are here with much love to you, we are here with much eagerness as you accept your next level of authority in whom you are.
May you always know peace and compassion in your heart for all that is within your reach with no harm to another as you are a master of your own destiny and those around you. Blessings to you.
I Am Lord Amin-Ru
Adele Linsalata 2009/10
My greetings to you at this spectacular time of your expansion a reconnection that shall have you walking alongside those of the light in this quarter of your evolution living upon your planet of Mother Earth.
As you move along I say to you patience all is in good time in which the originality of living, the directional road ahead that is bringing you up to the speed. Is it not for the fact that the acquisition of the territory ahead of you seems one that is unheard of, one that must be closely looked at for that which you are living and going through has been brought back many times, The cycle then repeats itself to clearly show in the direction in which to live and go. Many have asked what happened to others, where are they all at now? Just look around you they are here, many are living ahead of their time here in the society around you. These are the ones who come to you to give you the experience as it unfolds, as it is about to unfold. These are the ones who have lived this cycle before just like you, but this time it is for them to remember so much that they give to you the answers you seek in the questions you ask. These are the souls who have chosen to be the voices that you hear, the words that you read. These souls knew they would be here at this age of existence to give more so than many others give. They give their personal lives to assist others. Do you not see this? Do you not see what they do and go through to give you so much? Many would say I want to be like that too, well to you I say you have been in other times before you and other life times to come. You shall be the one in your time, enjoy the experience now as these masters guide you in that which you shall too be doing in the time you have already chosen.
It is as you would say going to an arena to see those of your own choosing, you enjoy the experience, they give to you everything they have, they are giving you in a directional guidance to show you what will be expected of you in your next cycle. I can then justly call to you and say you are being guided in this way, so be of that experience to willingly allow the acceptance of that in which you will be in your cycle of time. Do you see what is given to you, do you hear what is given to you for then shall I say to you, see what is given in your own perception of your experience to identify that back to you as you listen to what is being given to the limitedness that you allow yourself to hear.
Yes, this is being given to you to open up as you say you are, to give to you the approach in which you have walked and experienced before. A connection to allow you to see, feel and hear your own soul echo the vibrations of the energy as it is told to you and by your own experience that you are living. To know that which they give they give away from which they have much knowledge, is this not what you have many times over yourself?
Of course it is. It is to be on that exactness that shall be aligned for you to give when it is your time. It is a show of the masters to replicate to you the knowledge which is deep within, this you shall take with you, this you shall give to those at the summit of the councils. To then be that which you shall bring to give to others in your field of time in which you have chosen. Yes, I keep saying this as it is very important for you to remember. Many have concerns that they recognize so much and why is it being excluded, it is not, it is for the gain that you are here hearing before that which you shall then do yourself. Is this clear? You have chosen to be in this arena as a spectator to imprint upon your souls consciousness of what is to come, to be there to support those in front of you. For then when your time comes it shall be for you to take that which you are experiencing and then add to it for the generation of whom shall be watching you. These masters before you shall then be with you to move you along even more; they shall gain from that experience also. No soul ever is not on a learning level.
Your planet of Mother Earth is undergoing many frequencies; she is taking on the imperfectness of earthly life upon her and here she is, still with you. Why would you like it to be no more? Yes, I asked that question, why would I not? So many are sending the consistent flow of energy to say she shall end her life. Your Mother Earth has no desire to end her life but she still feels the emotions of those upon her. She still feels that which is tearing her apart. Mother Earth does not want to end her existence so why should you? Do not discount those souls who willing give much for the education of humanities existence. They are well taken care of in their acclimation for they have returned to the original creation with much glory and applause. They now sit on the sidelines to watch as we watch, what your societies shall declare to bring forth in their newness that shall be a challenge to create but one that is inevitable. They have given the greatest as masters to bring humanity upon your planet of Mother Earth much promise for what is to come.
As you are nearing what some would say is the expansion of energy towards coming to a resolution of contentment. How remarkable is that, your time of completeness and surrounding pleasure to one another. Yes, it is attainable as a whole, it is even formulated for you to know and then give. This is why I have been giving to you the exchange about those before you and that which you shall be walking into in your time. Everything that is given to you is the key stone of the experience that has been played out before. It is then to recognize it for the true value and then embrace it. Bringing that into your own time zone to identify the correctness in which it is laid out. Once this is done then you have the blueprint as many call it to see the directional path in which you have to reach the desired outcome of your living experience.
That is what this is about. On the other spectrum of your living society it is to be the calmness in the storm of your own intellectual thought patterns to be that which recognizes the level in which each living human is existing to say that yes, I am here and you are there, in which I have the same but at this time I am here to be the watcher to be the next up inline to give when it is my time. With this you have the limitless power to be that much more in your time. To gain the necessary equivalence of knowledge to bring you to a higher plateau the next time around. As this is making more sense to be clearer in the understanding; it is that which is to be given to you, the guidance of knowledge that you have been experiencing your whole life existence. I am honored then to be with you as you are here with me, for in actuality we are all one in the same existence.
As time formulates and moves on it is that which has been developing upon your planet of Mother Earth that cries out all the same. One that the negative seems to be pushing, to bring the fear of ending into your lives, do you see this cycle being played out in the continuous generations of human life experiences? Of course you do, so did the forefathers before you experienced this in the same, that is in essence why we are here to assist you in what makes no sense at the time of your level of experience. Your forefathers had the same guidance that is why there is continuous seeking of knowledge leftover from their own experiences. We see as many search for the elusive clues to place the pieces together, to guide humans in their thirst of knowledge for the ultimate explanation for their own existence of a time in creation. To explain that which comes close to be in truth, in which the soul is reaching to show you the truth of which lies behind in front of the experience. That is why many experience what is called déjà vu, to the platform that is laid out in a timeline of existence of recognition to past events that have played out upon your planet of Mother Earth with its living habitants.
It is in remembering another time and place to makes sense of what is happening now within you. If you reach that recognition what then? Shall you claim that which cannot be claimed? Can you say that yes, I have reached the ultimate pinnacle of desire to prove that which has never been proved before? Can all of this explain what is happening to you right now? In many ways yes, it can, but then again the human society of intellectual will then once again place it as there is no evidence of existence in which you can claim.
Do you see this? Without the true evidence of the actuality the society in which you have created, shall not give to you that which you seek. It is the continuation of the experience all over once again in the system in which has been created.
Why do I bring this up? Ah very good, for every thing in which you seek is right before you but to the mind that will negate it, shall come the mind of neverness which then shall never gain the vast knowledge which is at the disposable to all, not just one.
Remember all that is given to you by those before you that you so watch and wait your turn to do also, are the answers you truly seek to get you through the times ahead. And if you have a dispute inside, it is to look at why this is in conflict and why you fight the truth so much more. For always the level in which you are experiencing is the infant in your own desires. You are in conflict to that which is truly in you, the soul truth of acceptance that there is more here than is accepted to be shown.
The beauty in which you learn to grasp all that is before you is astounding in the accumulation of knowledge that forever exists all around you at any given time of your existence. Take all that comes your way and thoroughly taste how it feels within your physical body, the digestion of which you consume the amount of energy shall always give back to you that which you seek in earnest. With this known to you now, be more than is recognized at any level or emotion and be watchful of your time to step up in your next existence to give as you see those giving so much right now. Be in the experience to see what is given and to declare that you know not what you originally thought that you gave. For those who give so much in which you are learning from give more than you ever knew, they give their life. When the time comes in your decisions to honor and recognize what is given, you then take the steps to be the true master when you give with no reservations all that you shall give to those that shall be waiting for you. The cycle complete you shall endeavor to learn even more with each step you make just as those before you.
May you be open to distinguish that which is said at all times in your physical existence to then create the original cycle of acceptance to new levels of knowledge and love of balancing oneness with all. Always know we are here with much love to you, we are here with much eagerness as you accept your next level of authority in whom you are.
May you always know peace and compassion in your heart for all that is within your reach with no harm to another as you are a master of your own destiny and those around you. Blessings to you.
I Am Lord Amin-Ru
Adele Linsalata 2009/10
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Adele's Monthly Message
Adele's Monthly Message
Welcome with blessings for a wonderful experience.
We all have the chance to breath easier for a little while in these next coming months I love the energy. It is all about empowering you to move forward and the universe will support you in all ways.
As I say this there are also other things going the energies are pushing many to hurry up and get things done without looking at the matter in hand. I, like everyone else, have been working hard this past month. Many wonderful things are presenting itself to me and the universe is opening up new dynamics to work with. So, my blessings to each of you, as we all have been guided to the work that we are doing... which right now is seemingly non-stop. Hold on to your hats as we are being blown away which such an amazing time energetically right now, it is like the wind kicking everything up a level.
And yes, this energy is all about non-stopping so much so that if you blink you will have made a choice or decision that you find later, you did not take the time to think about. Remember this is all about reacting, with no thoughts to the outcome in your usually manner of getting things done. But have some patience as we look at this.
So much has been going on energetically that it makes us step back to re-evaluate where we are and what is going on. So many times I have told you about what shall be happening as times goes by. As a visionary, seeing what is given to me to share with you to then know what is going on can be of benefit to many... to then know the energies in which you are living. Many right now are having a hard time in making up their minds about life... When looking at the messages and channeling's I share you will see that we give to you what is coming so that you are made aware to then be able to live consciously in the energy everyday in what you do and who you are.
Yes, there a thousands of probabilities in our energetic blue prints in the universe. Once again it is as a visionary that I am receiving these and then a messenger to relay what I am given. As it is said" everything happens for a reason" So lets take a look.
This energy is all about reacting...So look around and see what you are reacting to quickly that is placing you in positions that may not be the best place to be. When in these situations most individuals quickly react to something and do not think to step back be in the moment and evaluate what is before them. And many are not aware this is even happening.
Being in the moment is a way for us to live in this life every moment of our life. To be anything else is to be living in the physical conditions of society. Look around at all that has been going on in your life right now, how are you reacting to everything? Being in line with your well being when someone upsets you or backs you into a situation that compromises who you are, can be very emotionally disturbing and then again very soothing to the soul. It is in all that which you choose to see and react in the decisions around you. So once again, when you are presented with something which can be a small minor thing can then turn to one of great life changes. Take a moment of time and sit back, write it all out in front of you and then look at it from every angle there is to have the bigger picture. Then go ahead and make your choices with complete trust that you have taken the time to choose the right decision for yourself.
Enjoy the coming times with much enthusiasm, why not? You are here living; this is what it is about, so why not live it as you are meant to live. Peace and compassion rules the heart as we approach the reaction of others in our decisions. Many may not appreciate what you are doing, bless them as they are living their own and keep moving as the universe has aligned for you. And soon you shall see they too are living with you. Honor those around you as you honor yourself and you will find the prosperity bouncing back to you ten fold.
As I start new development classes this week I am honored to have so many whom will be in these classes, to learn the secrets to Mediumship. As a teacher of teachers it is easy to see so many are going in this direction to bring more clarity in their lives. A humbling that is in store that many do not believe they need and many do not need that which others may feel or see. So welcome let the journey begin....
We are honored to be a part of the spiritual consciousness of a movement that is spreading around the world. Next month we will be visited by a production crew traveling the States compiling a spiritual documentary to share with everyone. I am excited as this is a blessing to everyone in our growth linking us hand in hand reaching out to humanity as a whole and yes that means you... We are all in this together. I will have more on this as the time draws nearer.
We have also put together a spiritual connection to bring your questions together with those of like mind. A spiritual light table discussion of individuals in light... with light... for the ascension of spiritual light... joining us to focus on the spiritual light that compels one to seek what the awakening of light is. More to come as we go full swing.
As I leave you with my words remember it is your word that you speak... keep it pure and simple in the approach that you want to leave others remembering you by.
Welcome with blessings for a wonderful experience.
We all have the chance to breath easier for a little while in these next coming months I love the energy. It is all about empowering you to move forward and the universe will support you in all ways.
As I say this there are also other things going the energies are pushing many to hurry up and get things done without looking at the matter in hand. I, like everyone else, have been working hard this past month. Many wonderful things are presenting itself to me and the universe is opening up new dynamics to work with. So, my blessings to each of you, as we all have been guided to the work that we are doing... which right now is seemingly non-stop. Hold on to your hats as we are being blown away which such an amazing time energetically right now, it is like the wind kicking everything up a level.
And yes, this energy is all about non-stopping so much so that if you blink you will have made a choice or decision that you find later, you did not take the time to think about. Remember this is all about reacting, with no thoughts to the outcome in your usually manner of getting things done. But have some patience as we look at this.
So much has been going on energetically that it makes us step back to re-evaluate where we are and what is going on. So many times I have told you about what shall be happening as times goes by. As a visionary, seeing what is given to me to share with you to then know what is going on can be of benefit to many... to then know the energies in which you are living. Many right now are having a hard time in making up their minds about life... When looking at the messages and channeling's I share you will see that we give to you what is coming so that you are made aware to then be able to live consciously in the energy everyday in what you do and who you are.
Yes, there a thousands of probabilities in our energetic blue prints in the universe. Once again it is as a visionary that I am receiving these and then a messenger to relay what I am given. As it is said" everything happens for a reason" So lets take a look.
This energy is all about reacting...So look around and see what you are reacting to quickly that is placing you in positions that may not be the best place to be. When in these situations most individuals quickly react to something and do not think to step back be in the moment and evaluate what is before them. And many are not aware this is even happening.
Being in the moment is a way for us to live in this life every moment of our life. To be anything else is to be living in the physical conditions of society. Look around at all that has been going on in your life right now, how are you reacting to everything? Being in line with your well being when someone upsets you or backs you into a situation that compromises who you are, can be very emotionally disturbing and then again very soothing to the soul. It is in all that which you choose to see and react in the decisions around you. So once again, when you are presented with something which can be a small minor thing can then turn to one of great life changes. Take a moment of time and sit back, write it all out in front of you and then look at it from every angle there is to have the bigger picture. Then go ahead and make your choices with complete trust that you have taken the time to choose the right decision for yourself.
Enjoy the coming times with much enthusiasm, why not? You are here living; this is what it is about, so why not live it as you are meant to live. Peace and compassion rules the heart as we approach the reaction of others in our decisions. Many may not appreciate what you are doing, bless them as they are living their own and keep moving as the universe has aligned for you. And soon you shall see they too are living with you. Honor those around you as you honor yourself and you will find the prosperity bouncing back to you ten fold.
As I start new development classes this week I am honored to have so many whom will be in these classes, to learn the secrets to Mediumship. As a teacher of teachers it is easy to see so many are going in this direction to bring more clarity in their lives. A humbling that is in store that many do not believe they need and many do not need that which others may feel or see. So welcome let the journey begin....
We are honored to be a part of the spiritual consciousness of a movement that is spreading around the world. Next month we will be visited by a production crew traveling the States compiling a spiritual documentary to share with everyone. I am excited as this is a blessing to everyone in our growth linking us hand in hand reaching out to humanity as a whole and yes that means you... We are all in this together. I will have more on this as the time draws nearer.
We have also put together a spiritual connection to bring your questions together with those of like mind. A spiritual light table discussion of individuals in light... with light... for the ascension of spiritual light... joining us to focus on the spiritual light that compels one to seek what the awakening of light is. More to come as we go full swing.
As I leave you with my words remember it is your word that you speak... keep it pure and simple in the approach that you want to leave others remembering you by.
Accepting the Psychic Torch - Sylvia Browne

Accepting the Psychic Torch - Sylvia Browne
Enter to win a Reading from Sylvia!
Sylvia Browne: Accepting the Psychic Torch is a brand-new anthology that contains the full text of two of Sylvia's best-selling books: the landmark Adventures of a Psychic, which details how a little girl from Kansas City, Missouri, discovered her gifts and was then led on a decades-long journey to ultimately become "one of America's most successful clairvoyants"; and If You Could See What I See, a handbook on spirituality that is also full of anecdotes from Sylvia's life, both before and after she became a world-famous medium who spends her time writing, lecturing, and appearing on TV.
This volume also contains a special treat: an all-new work from Sylvia! Titled Accepting the Psychic Torch, it focuses on the incredibly special relationship Sylvia had with her beloved psychic grandmother, Ada Coil.
"This is a story about a woman named Ada Coil and her granddaughter, who happens to be me: Sylvia Browne. We took a journey together for almost 18 years, and it formed who and what I am today. Hopefully this story will help you with your own abilities, and allow you to be brave and put your beliefs out there, no matter who tries to destroy them and no matter what the world says. If you keep your goals and love of God in front of you always, then you will ultimately triumph."
Drawing on her cherished memories, along with Grandma Ada's numerous letters—many of which are reprinted in these pages—Sylvia gives us a rich portrait of a blessed soul who helped so many. She also delves into her own childhood and teenage years as never before, as she relates how her dear grandmother not only became her mentor, but was indeed the mother she never really had.
"Through my grandmother's writing, I hope that you not only see her philosophy, but you also note her great knowledge of poetry and literature. I'm sure you can't miss her morals, along with the messages about spirituality regarding God and all humankind that were a big part of her tutelage. As you've probably noticed, she gave advice in almost every letter she wrote me. Although she often apologized for seeming preachy, I never took it like that. I knew what she wanted for me-she was truly my blessed mentor, and I loved her so much."
Accepting the Psychic Torch is the book Sylvia's fans have been begging her to write . . . and it doesn't disappoint! Order now »
In celebration of the release of Accepting the Psychic Torch, Hay House and Sylvia are offering you the chance to win a FREE READING FROM SYLVIA, a special bundle of Sylvia products, and a copy of Sylvia's new card deck My Spiritual Reading Cards! HURRY, the drawing ends on October 15. Enter to Win »
Also Available
My Spiritual Reading Cards
The 74 cards in this deck can be used individually for meditation, or a group of them can be utilized for spiritual insight into your own life. Regardless of how you use them, I know that they’ll give you a greater understanding of your true self and help you see that you were created for a purpose by God, who loves you deeply. Always remember that spirituality isn’t measured by fame or acclaim, but by the large and small deeds that sometimes only you and God know about. View Additional Details »
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Adele Linsalata... looking at the bigger picture
I have been given some remarkable channeling information that will clearly make one look at objects that have been passed down through the generations to us as human civilization guidelines, rules of society. The challenges we face everyday to the opening of the minds thought process to allow the exploration of the known to become clearly unknown in the exactness of what is given to then see it for the truth to which our own soul knows.
Channelings for this month are coming in two sections as I will be sending out the next one next week. Many will of course extract that which is at the level of their own truthfulness and many will be so absorbed that their soul will immediately be known that which truth is. Come explore as we open the thought processes of the human conditionings to honestly look from an open heart to what is perceived as loss through the ages of time. There can be no other way for the initiate to know the truth.
You may say what you are experiencing on your level, which then it is not to say that it is the exactness of another’s level to be. So why then say it is everyone’s experience when actually it is your own. Patience yes, this is that which I ask of you to have as you journey through this which I give to you. Patience with yourself and that of non-judgment in which the human intellect likes to classify everything which is not of their own experiences to say they understand.
When one does not have the same thought patterns of another it is then given that the one in which you are hearing from must be that of ego or fear. Why is it that it is then something those words which leaves your own mouth to say about another, just because at the level in which you experience is not at the level in which it is given. Hmmm…
What level do you really believe you are on? For when one reaches the highest level within their understanding… they for in truth are actually at the bottom of the next level. There is not time for ego as one is in a continuous motion of learning. For then to express the ignorance or ego of another is to say that ones own ego or ignorance has not advanced or grown to the understanding of what it truly is all about. We then find ourselves in an arena of hiding behind that which we utilize to express the level in which we truly are without ever having the conscious thought of what our own thoughts and words betray about us.
This then is a cycle of repetitive thoughts of words that can go out into the universe to bring back the discord that we have with self and others. I personally have no plans to place that into the universe for I believe we are all at he level in which we need to be, honor one another for even being in this with you. No matter how close they are to your own understanding, for they may never be there at that exact moment of time with you. For you then get the chance to be the teacher to those around you with no ego, you get to be in the cycle in which you asked for. Why create the disharmony of spirit when it is to be in alignment with all that is spirit, all that is beauty and love. Why say you are all that which it is, when you work so hard to place another down in their own growth? Be joyous that we are growing as a community of spiritual enlightenment that we are not alone in this and that we are growing every second of every moment that we breath. How refreshing is that? To know that each day, each second someone new is awakening, someone is having that ah-ha moment? It is just the most magnificent feeling to me, to be able to experience and share on Mother Earth Right Now. It is about bringing everyone to their awakening in their spiritual journey, being a guide to assist them to be where they need to be, to help in their exploration to be one with the Divine. Bringing all of us together in this spiritual community… is it not???
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Channelings for this month are coming in two sections as I will be sending out the next one next week. Many will of course extract that which is at the level of their own truthfulness and many will be so absorbed that their soul will immediately be known that which truth is. Come explore as we open the thought processes of the human conditionings to honestly look from an open heart to what is perceived as loss through the ages of time. There can be no other way for the initiate to know the truth.
You may say what you are experiencing on your level, which then it is not to say that it is the exactness of another’s level to be. So why then say it is everyone’s experience when actually it is your own. Patience yes, this is that which I ask of you to have as you journey through this which I give to you. Patience with yourself and that of non-judgment in which the human intellect likes to classify everything which is not of their own experiences to say they understand.
When one does not have the same thought patterns of another it is then given that the one in which you are hearing from must be that of ego or fear. Why is it that it is then something those words which leaves your own mouth to say about another, just because at the level in which you experience is not at the level in which it is given. Hmmm…
What level do you really believe you are on? For when one reaches the highest level within their understanding… they for in truth are actually at the bottom of the next level. There is not time for ego as one is in a continuous motion of learning. For then to express the ignorance or ego of another is to say that ones own ego or ignorance has not advanced or grown to the understanding of what it truly is all about. We then find ourselves in an arena of hiding behind that which we utilize to express the level in which we truly are without ever having the conscious thought of what our own thoughts and words betray about us.
This then is a cycle of repetitive thoughts of words that can go out into the universe to bring back the discord that we have with self and others. I personally have no plans to place that into the universe for I believe we are all at he level in which we need to be, honor one another for even being in this with you. No matter how close they are to your own understanding, for they may never be there at that exact moment of time with you. For you then get the chance to be the teacher to those around you with no ego, you get to be in the cycle in which you asked for. Why create the disharmony of spirit when it is to be in alignment with all that is spirit, all that is beauty and love. Why say you are all that which it is, when you work so hard to place another down in their own growth? Be joyous that we are growing as a community of spiritual enlightenment that we are not alone in this and that we are growing every second of every moment that we breath. How refreshing is that? To know that each day, each second someone new is awakening, someone is having that ah-ha moment? It is just the most magnificent feeling to me, to be able to experience and share on Mother Earth Right Now. It is about bringing everyone to their awakening in their spiritual journey, being a guide to assist them to be where they need to be, to help in their exploration to be one with the Divine. Bringing all of us together in this spiritual community… is it not???
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Friday, October 2, 2009
12 things you need to know when meeting a Medium
1) Yes, mediums talk to dead people.
2) No, Mediums cannot read minds nor do they want to.
3) Mediums have regular lives and enjoy their own “down time” to just be…to relax and enjoy the world in which we live. Just like you.
4) Mediums acclimate themselves to the energy around them …everywhere they go.
5) Mediums do not just perform on demand.
6) Your judgments can easily be seen by the medium from those in spirit around you.
7) Yes, your deceased loved ones and those in spirit… will tell on you all the time.
8) A medium knows when you are hiding something or being false to them.
9) No, a Medium should never just start giving you messages from your deceased loved ones, without receiving your permission first.
10) Remember…Always be open to what the messages are that you are receiving, instead of only listening to what you want to hear.
11) Mediums have experienced all kinds of things in their life.
12) A medium does not need to read you when meeting you; Mediums have codes of ethics in which they should follow.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata-Angelic Wise Ones
2) No, Mediums cannot read minds nor do they want to.
3) Mediums have regular lives and enjoy their own “down time” to just be…to relax and enjoy the world in which we live. Just like you.
4) Mediums acclimate themselves to the energy around them …everywhere they go.
5) Mediums do not just perform on demand.
6) Your judgments can easily be seen by the medium from those in spirit around you.
7) Yes, your deceased loved ones and those in spirit… will tell on you all the time.
8) A medium knows when you are hiding something or being false to them.
9) No, a Medium should never just start giving you messages from your deceased loved ones, without receiving your permission first.
10) Remember…Always be open to what the messages are that you are receiving, instead of only listening to what you want to hear.
11) Mediums have experienced all kinds of things in their life.
12) A medium does not need to read you when meeting you; Mediums have codes of ethics in which they should follow.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata-Angelic Wise Ones
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Flowing Energies of You and Mother Earth
Flowing Energies of You and Mother Earth
by Adele Linsalata
Just finished my latest channeling with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru …Wow things are getting going in this energy. Once again he is clear in what is going on and the direction we are all taking. Sometimes many may not like what he tells us, but in his words are the very things in which we are going through right now on a personal level and one that is equal to everything around the world. I am always amazed at so much that is given and to whom explores and takes their time to allow the message to clearly sink in and shine through. To just allow and be in the moment.
The newsletter will be out next week and I am excited as things are moving here at Angelic Wise Ones. I have been taking time to work on my next book and everything is coming along so smoothly, the children’s book is finished just looking for an artist to meld with, as this is a special time for all of us. The energies of Mercury Retrograde have lifted so you should be feeling the energies moving and re-aligning you along the way. The next couple of months are going to be much aligning the spiritual loving God self to who we believe we are and to whom we truly are. Allowing those energies to shine through will take us far in our own directions along the way. I am very excited!
Do not get comfortable to the reacting portion of life right now. Keep with the flow just do not push into the flow too hard as the energy will flip you head over heals and you will find yourself going backwards and upside down. Much success is moving for all of us in the next couple of months as this is the time for soul prosperity in the illumination. Much lighter energies as yes, we have been feeling the significance of Mother Earth moving and adjusting.
We send out love and light to all those who have been displaced during this time. We send out love to the living souls who have chosen to be apart of our own awakening process to get out attention now to all of this to the movement of energies.
This will not be the end of it. As I have said before in my other columns. There will be many transitioning young, old and famous. Many truths coming to light along the way. Just do not stand there and run fast into it, slow down take the time to look at things clearly as you decide your next move.
Here in the states… California began to rumble with the strength of Mother Earth as this area has been hit one right after the other with fire storms to give re-birth as lives have been taken to fault lines rumbling. Remember everything that comes from Mother Earth will return to Mother Earth. Right now Mother Earth is claiming a lot and is demanding in the process. A new day is always born and we give thanks to all those before us and to all those whom shall come after us. We give our prayers to those who have lost loved ones and never their memory. We send our prayers to all during this time and the patience to understand that you are loved by all of us around the world. Much as we would like to see this end, so much negativity has been given for so long and that energy is still making its way along avenues of the lesser light to bring attention to. The attention it is seeking is to give way and give up. This arrival of energy is like those beautiful butterfly wings when set into motion, gently fanning its way across the waves of energy moving , moving so gently to be taken upon by that which sends it into motion in another avenue. So many are standing up to claim who they are that many are blind sided in what they see or notice. Many want truth and then when it is given they call foul and run away. Why? Why is it that it happens this way? Why is it that so many believe they live in the truth and then when they ask and it is given they foam around the mouth because no matter what… they truly know it is the truth and do not like the outcome anyway. For they have to see their own truth in which they have not been living and that is never nice to be apart of… to be one with. Now, as the elemental energies have been pushing to get their self known to all those who will listen, this rising together, moving this energy along faster than they intended it to be. With this comes a responsibility and now is the time it is sitting at the doorsteps of many without knowing in which direction to complete the turn so it strikes out to as many as it can. All the while knowing that it must succeed in getting others to give up and join the cause. As the living light we have shown how there is no word as giving up… that as the living light we are moving in the acceleration to know we are here and we are loving more today than ever before. Loving in a way that it is meant to be, to share that among so many world wide, that we are not owned by those of governing forces, that we are one with each other in a way to bring peace upon our world.
There shall be unearthed treasures soon discovered as we go through this acclimation of energies, there shall be many things discovered in the new world of America and these discoveries shall bring cures the world over. These discoveries have been buried for so long by those who would not like the information and treasures to be discovered for fear they shall be taken away. We do not have to worry about that, as soon the discoveries are uncovered it shall bring the ark of the unknown to be known to all. In this we shall then venture to open the discovery that shall not happen for awhile, as it is too much of a potential liability to the greater of powers to use. When the children of God have unity and peace this discovery shall open the doorway for all of us to usher in the original and be blessed in all that we know.
There are many who have lost so much, and there will be those who give so much. What have you lost and what have you given, remember there is always and exchange of energy to then have balance.
I have friends who have lost their jobs and their homes to this energy and I always ask them… what have you lost? You have lost a system that has sustained you in the environment that you have allowed to be all that above everything else. Now this energy is asking you to be all that you can be above everything else. Where there is life taken there is life given. You have been taken from the life that has given to you for so long, what life was that and how did you survive all this time? Faith has been given to you to accept and move on or neglect and wither away.
Make the most out of the newness that has been given to you, do not look at what you used to have, that which sustained you so far along your journey. Look at what opportunity has been placed in front of you …a freshness.. a new beginning to be all that you have dreamed of being. Now you will do so with no crutches to fall back on. No form or matter in which stopped you from doing that which you have always wanted to do. I say this with much love in my heart for I feel with you in your lost of what you prized so much, all material things that you came to rely on to make the statement of who you are. I feel for you as each and every one of us has lost and we have recognized the gain in which is now placed before us. Now you are being asked to be that which you truly are with nothing to stop you but thy self. When you are in denial of any hope, just ask and you shall receive. There is nothing you need that you do not have to play upon. There is nothing that you need to have to do it. There was a time when individuals would get down and dirty to get things down using their own two hands and mind to create it. Know that you still have those two hands and a mind that is limitless in what can be created. I send you my blessings, share that which is in you with others, and to those who do not listen, bless them and then do what it is that calls out to you. If it is not there… then create it, if it is not seen… then see it, if it is not felt… then create the need to be seen, heard and felt by all.
Be not quick to react, be quick to see your own loving self in the eyes of others as you love them. It is a great time to explore more of what you are doing and receiving. to all those around you give like never before. To not let the potential of what is disclosed, to be the aid in the down turn of your direction. Be light, be fun and happy in all you do, enjoy your life in the moment right now, know you are here for a reason and live it.
There is nothing that can be taken from you right now in which you do not give away. Take from that the knowledge that you are one with the universe and then bring it back to give to us all.
May you be blessed with the beauty that I see in you and know you have what it takes to bring just that to everyone around you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata-Angelic Wise Ones
by Adele Linsalata
Just finished my latest channeling with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru …Wow things are getting going in this energy. Once again he is clear in what is going on and the direction we are all taking. Sometimes many may not like what he tells us, but in his words are the very things in which we are going through right now on a personal level and one that is equal to everything around the world. I am always amazed at so much that is given and to whom explores and takes their time to allow the message to clearly sink in and shine through. To just allow and be in the moment.
The newsletter will be out next week and I am excited as things are moving here at Angelic Wise Ones. I have been taking time to work on my next book and everything is coming along so smoothly, the children’s book is finished just looking for an artist to meld with, as this is a special time for all of us. The energies of Mercury Retrograde have lifted so you should be feeling the energies moving and re-aligning you along the way. The next couple of months are going to be much aligning the spiritual loving God self to who we believe we are and to whom we truly are. Allowing those energies to shine through will take us far in our own directions along the way. I am very excited!
Do not get comfortable to the reacting portion of life right now. Keep with the flow just do not push into the flow too hard as the energy will flip you head over heals and you will find yourself going backwards and upside down. Much success is moving for all of us in the next couple of months as this is the time for soul prosperity in the illumination. Much lighter energies as yes, we have been feeling the significance of Mother Earth moving and adjusting.
We send out love and light to all those who have been displaced during this time. We send out love to the living souls who have chosen to be apart of our own awakening process to get out attention now to all of this to the movement of energies.
This will not be the end of it. As I have said before in my other columns. There will be many transitioning young, old and famous. Many truths coming to light along the way. Just do not stand there and run fast into it, slow down take the time to look at things clearly as you decide your next move.
Here in the states… California began to rumble with the strength of Mother Earth as this area has been hit one right after the other with fire storms to give re-birth as lives have been taken to fault lines rumbling. Remember everything that comes from Mother Earth will return to Mother Earth. Right now Mother Earth is claiming a lot and is demanding in the process. A new day is always born and we give thanks to all those before us and to all those whom shall come after us. We give our prayers to those who have lost loved ones and never their memory. We send our prayers to all during this time and the patience to understand that you are loved by all of us around the world. Much as we would like to see this end, so much negativity has been given for so long and that energy is still making its way along avenues of the lesser light to bring attention to. The attention it is seeking is to give way and give up. This arrival of energy is like those beautiful butterfly wings when set into motion, gently fanning its way across the waves of energy moving , moving so gently to be taken upon by that which sends it into motion in another avenue. So many are standing up to claim who they are that many are blind sided in what they see or notice. Many want truth and then when it is given they call foul and run away. Why? Why is it that it happens this way? Why is it that so many believe they live in the truth and then when they ask and it is given they foam around the mouth because no matter what… they truly know it is the truth and do not like the outcome anyway. For they have to see their own truth in which they have not been living and that is never nice to be apart of… to be one with. Now, as the elemental energies have been pushing to get their self known to all those who will listen, this rising together, moving this energy along faster than they intended it to be. With this comes a responsibility and now is the time it is sitting at the doorsteps of many without knowing in which direction to complete the turn so it strikes out to as many as it can. All the while knowing that it must succeed in getting others to give up and join the cause. As the living light we have shown how there is no word as giving up… that as the living light we are moving in the acceleration to know we are here and we are loving more today than ever before. Loving in a way that it is meant to be, to share that among so many world wide, that we are not owned by those of governing forces, that we are one with each other in a way to bring peace upon our world.
There shall be unearthed treasures soon discovered as we go through this acclimation of energies, there shall be many things discovered in the new world of America and these discoveries shall bring cures the world over. These discoveries have been buried for so long by those who would not like the information and treasures to be discovered for fear they shall be taken away. We do not have to worry about that, as soon the discoveries are uncovered it shall bring the ark of the unknown to be known to all. In this we shall then venture to open the discovery that shall not happen for awhile, as it is too much of a potential liability to the greater of powers to use. When the children of God have unity and peace this discovery shall open the doorway for all of us to usher in the original and be blessed in all that we know.
There are many who have lost so much, and there will be those who give so much. What have you lost and what have you given, remember there is always and exchange of energy to then have balance.
I have friends who have lost their jobs and their homes to this energy and I always ask them… what have you lost? You have lost a system that has sustained you in the environment that you have allowed to be all that above everything else. Now this energy is asking you to be all that you can be above everything else. Where there is life taken there is life given. You have been taken from the life that has given to you for so long, what life was that and how did you survive all this time? Faith has been given to you to accept and move on or neglect and wither away.
Make the most out of the newness that has been given to you, do not look at what you used to have, that which sustained you so far along your journey. Look at what opportunity has been placed in front of you …a freshness.. a new beginning to be all that you have dreamed of being. Now you will do so with no crutches to fall back on. No form or matter in which stopped you from doing that which you have always wanted to do. I say this with much love in my heart for I feel with you in your lost of what you prized so much, all material things that you came to rely on to make the statement of who you are. I feel for you as each and every one of us has lost and we have recognized the gain in which is now placed before us. Now you are being asked to be that which you truly are with nothing to stop you but thy self. When you are in denial of any hope, just ask and you shall receive. There is nothing you need that you do not have to play upon. There is nothing that you need to have to do it. There was a time when individuals would get down and dirty to get things down using their own two hands and mind to create it. Know that you still have those two hands and a mind that is limitless in what can be created. I send you my blessings, share that which is in you with others, and to those who do not listen, bless them and then do what it is that calls out to you. If it is not there… then create it, if it is not seen… then see it, if it is not felt… then create the need to be seen, heard and felt by all.
Be not quick to react, be quick to see your own loving self in the eyes of others as you love them. It is a great time to explore more of what you are doing and receiving. to all those around you give like never before. To not let the potential of what is disclosed, to be the aid in the down turn of your direction. Be light, be fun and happy in all you do, enjoy your life in the moment right now, know you are here for a reason and live it.
There is nothing that can be taken from you right now in which you do not give away. Take from that the knowledge that you are one with the universe and then bring it back to give to us all.
May you be blessed with the beauty that I see in you and know you have what it takes to bring just that to everyone around you.
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
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