Monday, January 17, 2011

What is going on, Where did she go….My own Personal Story by Adele Marie

What is going on, Where did she go….My own Personal Story by Adele Marie

So many have written and asked where have you gone and what is going on? I send my Love and Blessings to All of you for thinking about me, it showed me how as a Visionary and Channel I have assisted so many in their own journey and how much Love there really is in the world.

As I teach my students world-wide…” when you walk within the light, darkness will always try to pull you back”… When we are at a level of existence that most do not understand, there shall be those who will always try to say we are delusional or weird, this I have lived with my whole life. The difference is that when we are in the attainment of ascension we do not view the world as others view the world, we do not judge as others would judge for there is nothing to judge. This life is about learning, compassion, lessons, understanding, truth, trust, faith, death and life and most of all Love…

At this level we see that Love shall always be that which we hold as close as there is nothing that can come between love on any level. But then again…when love is absent there is a void a darkness within and that darkness can then transpire the individuals into things that creates delusion and falseness to which the one shall live their life until the awakening deep within the soul to see truth on all levels. For the darkness does not like the void of love and looks for ways to create that darkness within others to be the same……This then has the darkness looking for ways to pull one back as much as it can, many times this is what is called the ego within. And many times it is the ego within another that creates ways to pull one from the light of God on all levels.

A friend once said “Ego stands for… Edging God Out”

And this is so true on many levels for when we are angry, we then look to take it out on God, when we are confused we look to take it out on God, when we are saddened by grief we look to take it out on God…For there is nothing greater than God so to that individual it shall ever be God who has done to them that which is playing out. The individual has never taken responsibility for their own actions to see God is one who Loves dearly and shall never place anyone in the position that has been created, but God has given the humans free-will of mind and body to choose which shall play out for their own learning and growth.

And to those who seek the Light of God deep within, they shall see the lessons playing out like a puzzle to find their own message of understanding in their learning, for is it not to understand that which one learns?

Many times that which you are going through in this life time is for you to be the Messenger to others, to assist them forward and the only way to do this is to live it. Even when it is not of your own choosing and even when others chose to take the steps to place fear and harm towards others around them, it will be brought to you to bring Truth and Justice to those who have not seen the light of God, those who have chosen to bring a darkness for their own selfish gain.

And that my friends is what I have been living…A darkness that is breathing down and chasing upon me for the selfish gain of individuals who have decided to be the dark and to avoid the light of God.

Last year Mother showed me the persecution and violence that shall be with me as Archangel Michael geared up to be in battle with me. As with all things Visionaries receive we relay the Message and then sit back to decipher the code, or pieces of the puzzle to see what the vision truly is. I like to give the vision many times before I look into the deciphering as I do not attach physical existence to that which I receive in many ways.

This past year brought me to a level within my own life that I had to make decisions that would affect my whole family in more ways than one. This was such a huge responsibility that it took me a long time to make and I knew the outcome was going to be a very ugly affair as after twelve years of marriage in an eighteen year relationship in which I had invested so much time, energy, love, money, and life into, that it was time to finally step up and say ENOUGH!

Enough of the abuse the children and I can take it no longer. After saying this to my husband of all these years he turned and said “The lawyers are going to make this ugly, that is their job”. And it is not just the lawyers that he has hired to make it ugly, he himself along with his family have made this just not ugly, but very noxious. So much so, that I have had to spend every waking moment dealing with all the intimidations and manipulations that he, his lawyers and his family has frivolously been wasting our and our children’s money on.

So during this time I have been under so much stress and threat that I have not had much room to breathe to be able to continue giving to you the best of the best of my energy. And man is that hard to deal with on many levels, for I have to call it for what it is mental, emotional and financial abuse, and then again that does not even begin to describe all of it in any way.

For As I teach to be a clear and clean channel, I also teach you cannot work when you are stressed, sick or not feeling well, for everything is then tainted and not coming from the pure source. And their biggest mission was to incapacitate me to not be able to work and they have succeeded for many months. And I did not wish for that energy to be reflected in my work to give to you in anyway shape or form.

It is all called Domestic is called finally standing up to say NO more…it is called getting your life back. And over the past months it has been a battle to deal with as each day he, his family and team of lawyers have deluged me with court papers, fines, depositions, interrogations, etc… to keep me so immersed in all of that, that I had no room to give to anyone or thing other than my children. To noxiously do their very best with so much hatred and darkness to stop the precious work that I do for so many.

As most of you know I gift out over half of what I do to those in need. I work very hard to give as much as I can and I do not ask for much other than to ask others to go within and be at peace and to go within and go to God. Love yourself for when you do then that Love is there for every other living being. This is the ascension process to be one with God in all ways; it is about being a Light to help others see the Light to be one with God.

So all these months I have been battling the darkness of another’s soul, another who has chosen to be that darkness to do in the cover of what is called our legal systems to physically and violently attack my children, intimidate, threaten, harass, stalk, scare, control, be very untruthful with so much noxious energy that I was told by many they are surprised that I have lasted this long and this has to be the most ugliest divorce they have ever seen from his side…

I have to laugh as my girlfriend just said to me " There is no way I could be as strong as you".

All because I said “Enough”, enough of being abused on all levels that any human being can do to another. I stood up to say that I am not living my life with someone who cares not for anyone other than himself. Who keeps destroying everything within his reach, who loves to intimidate women and children. And because I did this I am under attack with so much rage against me and my children that others say there are surprised I lasted this long. Why???

Because most women and men in a Domestic Violence or abusive relationships find that the system is not designed to assist them, but…. Designed to assist them back into the home and arms of their abuser, that which they ran from. For no one wants to deal with it, they do not want to hear about it and dear God if you insist upon it they will find a way to get you to shut up with threats of “incarceration until you purge your contempt’s” or with so much legal paper work…that you are then financially wiped out and still the battles continues with no one assisting you, for you have no more money. As I have learned and it seems everyone in the legal system knows there are three things:

1) You need the best lawyer...( unprincipled will also work)
2) need to have the most money ….and surprise of surprises you need to
3) LIE the most…Stunning isn’t it?

A system that teaches you to LIE in order to get what you want. I am floored with this the most, for I refuse to be untruthful about what has happened all these years and even to this day. But the ones that are creating this battle speak it so fluently you are amazed and disappointed and then realize that so many women and men who have been abused never had a chance for the system makes it that way.

All because I said enough of your violence and abuse…

For in all things as the darkness comes to you ...shall you fight within the light or shall the darkness swallow you whole? I have chosen fight within the light…did you need to ask (smile)…For the darkness rumbles and the greatest of men would have fallen to the things that my children, family and friends have been put through…but in everything God so Loves the Children of Light and the Light of the Truth shall win… For no matter what else is done I shall always have the Light of God shining from within…and that makes me the victor.

So the story does not end there, he and his family are spending money like it is candy or water so frivolously that it makes your head spin ..and on what…because I said Enough…that I no longer wanted to live my life with an abuser…someone who does not and will not love… except if it is in a bottle ?

So each day I begin with my prayers and I end it with Love and Gratitude. For each day that these individuals spend creating harm to me and mine is a day that I send them love. For I will and always will do as I teach and that is to learn each day and send love and peace to all those who would do harm.

For this has been my journey these months and this has been my pain to live with for saying we deserve more than the abuse... We deserve to Live…
I live what I teach and I teach what I live…for when we are called to service it is for the Light of God to clear all things that keep us from being that Light, and as humans we find that the creation of that life is going to be attached to more than we have ever understood one human can do to another.

So I Thank You for your e-mails and calls they are all precious to all of us and my heart grows with more Love each day and Thank You for allowing me your time to share in this way.

God Bless and May you always know the Truth of Faith never ends…it only Begins Anew…

See my article Epic of Life

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved 2011©Adele Marie, Angelic Wise One