Monday, June 8, 2009

Through the Trees God’s Whisper of Light by Adele Linsalata

Through the Trees God’s Whisper of Light by Adele Linsalata

Standing just standing here reminds me of all the times when we dream of all that we look forward to in life. All that is around us, all that we are a part of. How many times have you placed a wish out into the Universe and just knew it would come true? How many times when you were in a situation did you just ask God for all that was in your heart? Times like these are what we live for. The freshness of a new day to remove all that we had just witnessed.

Times when we were at such a low that we did not know what to do but ask God for the assistance we need. To breathe new life into a situation. To open things up to be able to see what was there and in which direction to go.

Standing in a hollow of trees and just listening. Standing there and looking straight up at the beauty all around you. See the majestic trees like guardians of light. Knowing they have withstood the test of times and are stronger for it. The trees which have grown through everything that there is and they have then adapted to their surroundings to be stronger than ever before. Knowing they too were touching the hands of God in all ways. That God is their light, the breath they breathed in to grow in that light.

As light workers we are at those times. Ones in which we are testing and being tested with everything around us. We are being asked to believe and give everything we have to be that light. Have you ever noticed?

Today standing around me as I am deep within the forest I hear Gods words, I hear the voices of time urging me forward in the light. To move swiftly and assuredly…to place my feet in the direction of the light that is leading my way. To not look back, but to keep move forward. I faithfully go in the direction I am being called to. I feel the stirring of the trees come alive with each step I take. I am being guided and I follow… The ground beneath my feet moves, the flowers gently welcome me along the way. I look around and just breathe in the total peace of these trees. I am one with them. As they show me all that they have been through. All they have learned and grown within their life. Each ring marks the passage of time in which they too held in their faith to know they are precious and that they shall live on through it all. As I turn towards the bend in the path I did not hesitate in my step. I kept moving even as the air around me lifts up and swirls the leaves that have gently fallen only minutes before. I feel with every sense of my body the energy as I give myself to the peace and love that is being given to me. I am directed forward, a gently urging as I reach up my hands to God.. I ask and I give all that I am. I open my arms to that which is leading me forward in the embrace of love. To know I am never alone, I am always guided by the light, I have my counsel of Angelic Wise Ones around me, loving me guiding me, showing me Gods true light and then I come to stand in a circle within the trees that is opened wide and the smell is one of the sweet clean meadow in which I find myself. And there before me is the light of God, one so true and crystal clear, sparkling and shining like I have never seen since my younger days. I hear voices speaking to me to acknowledge all that has gone on, all that is near and all that shall be. And I fall to my knees as I feel Gods love envelope me to make me whole. I am surrounded by my Counsel, by the Alliance of Angels Light and there to my right side is the four horsemen with Archangel Michael in the lead. I am swept to the time and place of my birth. I am given free access to live in time that I am given. As I stand there I am cleansed and dressed and given that which is to be honored in all ways. I am guided to sit and look through the times that are behind us, times that are before us and the time that is at hand. I am humbled once again. I am being guided to give that which I signed up to give. That which is only in me to give. I give my life to the light for that is all I Am!

As time went on around me, I was lost in the love that exist for all eternity and for all humankind now upon Mother Earth. I, like you, have chosen to be here to bring the fulfillment of life to those around us. I was introduced to so many who have a voice in that which we do here in this physical existence. Those who walk beside us in all we do, and those who love us unconditionally. As my time came to an end in this tree meadow I looked around as the trees gently came in focus, as the light shined brightly around me I could feel the ground beneath my feet once again. I came to my feet as I gave thanks for all that was given to me and I could feel my whole energy level refreshed and ready to go.

We have all the time we need and at the same time we have not that time to do what we need to do. We are all being called right now to be that which we are here to be. Rising up I looked around me, the light was still there showing me the way back out of this place and time with each step I took. As I was walking out of this tree meadow, I stopped to place my hands upon the trees one at a time…. I can feel their life force energy moving through them, I can feel their reverence for all of life and I thank them for showing us each day what life is. Against all odds we are here.

We are here in a place that is not our own, but we have given it our name. We have given it everything we believe we need to make it that which we are. We have made it our home. We have moved everything around us to have that which we believe we need. And here I stand among the trees, feeling, hearing and seeing that there is nothing we need but the love that is around us. There is nothing we need to be here where we are, but the truth of knowledge that is within our grasp. There comes a time when we will see …that all that we have created around us is just for that…… us. We have no need for all that is created by our hands to be just who we are.

For we are all that is and we shall always be. We have adopted that which others make it to be and called it our own. We have given our energy to that which is physical to be the most important thing there is, when all we need to do is know that we are so much more. We are more than the physical; we are more than we give ourselves credit for. We are everything that lives and we are everything that breathes. For we are the light that shall shine when nothing else does. We all have a beginning and we are walking in that at this time. We have all asked to be here in so many ways that I do understand can make one feel small, make one feel what is it all for. But in the end we are all here for the same, we are all here to make that difference in all we do. We have chosen to be that which can guide and make this planet one of illumination, to be able to join those which wait for her. We shall all be rewarded when our time here is done; it is the path that you walk that shall get you there. For in faith we give our hearts and in love we give our lives, and in this I give to you all that you are…. A light unto this physical world so that all worlds shall see that yes, we can and yes, we have…

We are all here in this together when will the time come for all too truly recognize this and then do that which they speak.

I stand among the trees today and I am thankful that there is truth that is here. That there is beauty everywhere. I stand among God’s light with these trees, I feel the soft whisper of breeze that is gently blowing through. I feel the sunshine upon me, knowing I am in that light to be at peace with all around me. I feel that connection as Mother Earth accepts me being one with her. The energy that is moving gently up my legs, through my body to kiss me in everyway. To now I am one with all that there is and I am still standing among the love that is there for each of us. I am honored and humbled in all I do. For Gods light shines through me, the love that I seek is there for me just as with you.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele