Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru

Channeled Message from Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru

by Adele Linsalata

Preparation of 2012 and Beyond is Underway

Greetings to you this time in your passing of the energetic flux of Earth’s ascension. I find immense inspiration among many who are apart of the flow of energy at this time. As yes, you do understand that each of you are indeed intertwined with all of the energy right now, so it is to you with whom I speak. In the revealing of what lies in store for all inhabitants of the great Mother Earth and her journey. You are embarking on a expedition of knowledge with which the Master ancestors traveled long ago. Remember your time is upon you now just as it has been deemed before your entrance upon your planet of Mother Earth.

I find humor in my own journey one that still earns merit among my fellow masters, one that in given time I shall share with you. For now it is your journey that needs to be looked at. For now I give to you the first steps for what is needed as you venture forth.

When your planet of Mother Earth’s communities are ready to see all that is before them with acknowledgment of truth, then the time has come for you to understand where to go from there. Possibilities are looked upon in all directions through the eyes of humanity and in directing this; you will need to see beyond what is truly there in front of you the living inhabitants. If you can see past the creation that is before you, you will then indeed be ready to proceed in the years ahead.

For everything you have learned by now is all about the preparation followed by proceeding forward in all that is before you. All structures you face on your planet of Mother Earth is about moving ahead, having in place all that is required, being prepared to move forward. It is like this, the individual does not dare to move their dwelling structure unless their work has been done to prepare for the final destination. As you see this too must be in place as every living creation in all galaxies are approaching the numbers of 2012 and beyond. The numbers of old, but are in truth one of a newness. One of simply repeating what has already been before you. For each of you have been there many times and will so be once again further in your own existence.

Time does not simply stop; time has been known to repeat itself, as with all things there is a repetition in the familiarity. A time when an individual, an continuation of planetary movement, a whole of your humanity in addition may re-do that which has already been lived. It is in the re-do, to undo, that which was not lived in truth. Think back to many times upon your physical life on your planet of Mother Earth. How many times have you been through the same thing over and over again, yes many times with a new name placed upon it, but it is in all, the same lessons over again. It will be with all new eyes that it is then perceived to be lived differently. Do you live it in truth or do you just keep living it as you have before? And what is the truth if you just re-lived it the same again? Truth when the individual or a collective consciousness can see that they are living the same as before and this time they choose to direct it differently with a more positive outcome. Now yes, you may have your own term and definition on what it is, you are going through, as that is exactly what you and millions upon your planet of Mother Earth are going from beginning to end right now in your own evolution.

The accuracy of truth is one of those things that can stop humanity in their tracks of their evolutionary ascension upon your planet of Mother Earth. It is in which the individual human is afraid to look beyond doubt and see. For if you are without doubt to see the truth in front of your own existence, one would turn from it, this has been going on through earths humanities existence since the beginning of time. Now of course you may say Lord Amin-Ru, I see the truth and I live it each day of my physical existence. To you I say, bravo, now be in truth as you hear the words I speak and tell me that which you know. For you will know that those upon your planet of Mother Earth have consistently turned from the truth for no way to bring about the results they seek. Yes, they may bring disruption, they may bring their voice to be heard and how long does it take to bring it all back to the truth? Hmmm… I say to you keep going, be in your truth, you will have the backing of the universe if all is done by you in truth. We shall send those to you for you to teach the truth to. As we seek the light that emanates from those in truth, for these are the seekers of light and truth just as I, just as you. These are the ones who shall bring the clarifying work to you to build and move forward in these earth times you are awaiting of 2012 and beyond. We shall see all who are in truth - in truth for the voice of truth shall never be quieted, it shall be given the support of the universe in all it does.

Your planet has had many a millennia to see all exposed in front of you. You have had the human pioneers reaching out to bring the information with such precision and they have succeeded in awakening the intellectual minds of discovery. But when an individual of your human nature is presented with truth, the human mind then re-draws to what the mental power is programmed as truth, and confusion is then evident. Why would this one planetary word be so devastating to many upon your planet of Mother Earth, to then have the individual turn and move from what can bring total peace within?

It is the actuality that they then would have to review and look at the possibilities that the entity then has been living an untruth their whole existence and that could de-stabilize the foundation in which they bodily exist. This is why it so important to have the truth for the human structure for civilizations may then start to re-build their foundation and create growth from there to all possibilities which exists around them.

As you enter into these times before you there is much to consider

So much has been laid at the feet of the human inhabitants; I must say that this has been of much interest to those of us who are with you. Working with you to assist in anyway in which you need. We see where there is enormous struggle, not just for the individual human but for your planet of Mother Earth as a whole. There is much struggle around your world on a level that must be reached for the process to be complete. Do you not see humanity crying out for change and for freedom? This is being cried out more than in what is being shown to you, for the soul cries out for the change within to give freedom to the soul to begin to live, and to reach that freedom there must be truth. So look around your great planet of Mother Earth, hear the cries of those waiting to be heard. What is it do you hear? Do you hear humanity as a whole or do you hear what your own soul is crying out for? For when one cries it is not to be alone in their cry. But to join with others to make the cry reverberate into the universe for all to hear. These are the cries of the souls who are misplaced, who need to be recognized and loved, we see you reaching up to the heavens with so much agonizing pain in your being and we are here. These cries we hear and this is why we come to you with the information that is needed in these times ahead of you.

Do not think that you are the only ones who are going through this or have ever gone where nothing else has ever been. We that are with you have journeyed before you, that is why we hear what you give to us and we then come to you to give to you the knowledge in which you seek and need for the next steps. The planetary alignment you have been reading and hearing about is in truth among you, all around you. Why then can you not understand the energy matrix and finally understand how all of this is working on and with you?

These times are not for you to just wait for the events of 2012, they are unfolding within and around you as I speak these words. It is in the preparation of the next steps that you need to look at. This is why I give to you the words to know and be – Truth!

I have heard your human words say the truth will set you free. Why then does not the inhabitants of your planet of Mother Earth not practice what they speak? Why would one wait for the foreseeable, than to learn and do all that can be done before the conclusion of such event? Is this the time in your evolution that the whole of consciousness need to come together and change that which is about to align? I see much in your civilization that is spoken of changing the events as they are foretold, why yes, anything that is in the realms of the universe of creation can be and is on a constant basis, changed each one of your earths seconds of time. Many of you on your plant of Mother Earth work continuously in your day and night of earthly time, even in your dream states to escort, protect, learn and move the energetics to assist others and you are doing a tremendous job, I honor you. You see even when you do not know that which you are doing you are there making the difference upon your own planet of Mother Earth. You make that difference in the way you communicate with one another, when you open yourself to finally see all before you as it is and not as another has placed upon you.

The times are here for you to speak and walk in truth, these are your first steps into the times of 2012 and beyond. Much change is coming to you and it all starts within, when you can go within and see, feel and hear the truth then you will know it is time for that change. Many will not hear the change; they will keep reaching out to you to keep giving you their own creation of falseness. Some have been living in that falseness for so long they do not know any different. You shall see them trying to achieve a great pull from you to bring you into that falseness, for they know you are in a position of confusion and in the first stages of your enlightment with truth . I say to you be the truth, stand tall in the truth and do not allow yourself to be drawn into the game of false illusion.

Begin by accepting that there is truth around you and you are ready to receive it. You will need to be strong as when one is seeking truth, illusion is there in many forms. I have said before- many will see the falseness that has always been around them. As they see this they will get swayed to go far from truth in order to keep peace in their heart and mind. For they have their own perception of the truth and that truth will be one of a human creation, one that has been with them for so long. How is it easy to separate from that creation? For when an individual steps back from the illusioned truth - the battle begins deep within. The battle within, to recognize that not all that is apparent around them is in truth- truth. That battle will be one of such intense emotions that the individual shall make it through by connecting back to their original blueprint of their soul. Or will be one to run as fast as they can for they no longer want to see the truth.

For to see the truth will mean to see their own self in truth.

You are now at the point of your own evolution to open many of the creations around you to see with clarity that which is in denial. As you go through this you have struck cords with many around you in the name of truth. Opening this arena of multiple creations that an individual has created can be very threatening to the entity in which created it. This then will work to stabilize the conditions in which you have allowed growth and opportunity to exist, which now for your own evolvement needs to become in alignment as so many before you have underwent.

Many humans are running from their own creations right now, they have taken upon their own minds that they are in truth in truth. They have been allowed to be a part of the creations around them for so long and at the same time not allowed to be of the creation. Then the individual creates their own extension of the original creation which is malnourished and is being depleted as the original creation is not acknowledging their input. When this truth is finalized within their own existence they then are seeing the reality of the truth around them. On their own conscious level they have discovered that the individual has then been living upon the creation of another and their world is torn apart. You then have the individual who has discovered they have been living not the truth for their whole existence, but another's projection. What effects do you think this does to one? To understand that the whole structure of your being has been taken upon by another in existence or truthfully from another time period through your planet of Mother Earths life. Not any creation of life form wants to know they have not been decreed to be the ruler of their own destination. And that is where you find that which is around you at this moment of time.

You are living your existence to find the truth and if there is nothing to be found then there comes a time to make the truth out of what is around you.

For to see the truth will mean to see their own self in truth.
As you journey closer to the times known as 2012 and beyond, there is much work to be done, learn to live and speak truth. Give more to your planet of Mother Earth by loving her more as you love yourself. Know the plants in which you walk upon for they shall one day be all that you need. Do not wait for the times of 2012 to be here, let them be here now and make your difference upon your planet of Mother Earth. Nothing has to be as it is said to be. There is no ending, but only the repeat of the beginning of all times. As you are repeating all that is within you so too is your Mother Earth, she is releasing the falseness from herself to repeat the new that is around her. There will be many wars ahead of you personally and of the world around you. There will be many who roar their heads to announce how mighty they are. Do not take light that which they roar, but do not put much nervousness into those who roar. For the energy goes where you place it and now is the time to place your energy on truth.

We are always near, we always have that which is close to you to bring and hold onto. You are loved on many levels that it is all in truth and as you step closer to your truth, you shall feel the love that has always been there waiting for you. Now is not the time to sit back and wait for the times of 2012. The times are here. When you place that which you eat upon your table, how did it get there? What was the extent of the preparation? Did it just appear or was there much that needed to be done to bring it to your table? This is the same as the times of 2012 and beyond. Do not be the one to say it is here ...what now, but be the one to say I have prepared and it has come and gone. You will discover the times of 2012 and beyond are the times for living graciously in truth, yes, your planet of Mother Earth shall never be the same, for she is rising in your energy of truth. The old energy of your planet of Mother Earth is shedding all that is not in the truth and she is rising in truth as she is aligning with those planets that are coming back into alignment with her. The re-union of those who moved forward long before your time.

Do you not wonder as to what happened to the population before the ending of their own beginning? They too were given much insight and verifications; they too were given all they needed to know and to be in truth in preparing of things to come. Many reached up seeking what they did not know but was growing within, their own calling. The difference to then as to now, those before were made to believe in another’s creation with no truth. You are given in these times upon your planet of Mother Earth the truth of another to know the truth as it is given.

Always know I am here with you in truth and many blessings in your travels to discover the truth within. May you hear that which is being spoken to you, as to know that which is needed as you enter the times of 2012 and beyond.

I Am Lord Amin-Ru