September Welcome Message from Adele Marie
From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….When will this all be over? By Adele Marie
Welcome….September is that time of remembrance and moving forward in our strength that we are not alone. Just as we are here to assists the energies to bring us to be a whole in humanities inner circle. The Christ Illumination is calling all souls… are you one of them…hmmmm….let’s see….
Remember waking up to go out and explore what the world had to offer you. Ohhh… the days when you were ignorantly blissful of what life was all about. Not a care in the world just knowing your friends are out there and you are ready to get your day going. Over the years developing and maturing in what you were seeking and what you discovered. Having so many first of everything and then the time comes when you have to realize that not everything revolves around what to wear for school or that math exam that was going to be waiting for you.
Time sure does fly by for all of us and when we look back there are so many other avenues that we have journeyed. Today we have an understanding of what that actually means and we then have to look back and say if I had it all to do over what would it be like? Would I really change a thing and if there was just one thing what would it be?
Energies are hammering in faster than we can blink and eye and so too are the children among us. Many years ago we all know our long standing prayers of heavenly assistance to God came pouring in. We have the Indigos who are our warriors of light, and then the crystal children, brilliantly bright with open eyes, next the radiating Rainbow child and we open the doors to the pure essence of the Crystalline Children. They walk among us and are flooding the energies with that which they are here to do. Have we really set the stage for them? These beautiful souls who heard the calling within their soul contracts have joined us to bring Heaven Here on Earth. To be the light that so many need and so many refuse to accept. To bring clarity in a world that has no boundaries any longer.
And the children are feeling it...have you not noticed how they are pulling so hard at themselves trying to understand? Simplicity of yesterday is no longer here for any of them and have we set the stage or given them their due? I do not mean by allowing them free access and range over everyone. I am talking about in our time we were allowed to be children to go through the motions of growing up little by little with the child quality in our eyes and heart to enjoy and mature one step at a time. Even knowing they are here for a bigger mission than many, to find their energy having to be slammed with the adjustment is rather rare even for those of us beyond the touch. Yes as we, they knew what they were coming here to do, but have we as the door openers given to them the ability to do just that?
These children have so much to do and be these children have an energy that to a number of beings is very fragile and to numerous beings stronger than anyone at times remember and realizes. Humanity asked for so much when asking for assistance. Humanity placed the call of help and the call was answered by these children.
Have you noticed what has developed at the same time the children were being born here to us? Have you noticed what was given high priority in the medical and professional field as they were trying to adjust their energy by being here on Mother Earth? Was this done to slow them down to not be the light and change that was needed? Was this to intimidate those who would be following to what was going to be taking place? The world came to a standstill in efficiency to sustain individuals around the world. But the productivity went full blast to identify a newer energy that was among us. Did it have to go this far and what exactly did we in our thinking allow to happen?
From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….
When my youngest was born so many little ones were all in the NICU units. They were considered preemies but that is not how I saw them. These tiny bundles of energies wanting to be here among us were fighting for their very lives, deciding whether to stay or not. Most times these children were all born by induced labor. I used to wonder…why if my eldest children were not induced, allowed to go the full term and then some, why now of all times were hundreds of children being born with this in mind.
And then I had to look around to see these rainbow crystalline children were here and they were being initiated to understand, this is the world you shall be living in. This is what it shall be like; always there will be those who will try as they might to make the decisions for you and you may not like how they go about it. Are you ready for all this little ones? Do you have what it takes to take on this world around you for wherever you shall go whatever you shall do, they will be watching?
And no truer than that , these little ones gave their all to be here for they heard the soul calling of those here on Earth and they were not going to let us down.
Even my own youngest was what is called an induced labor, which I still reflect back on when I am asked. To bring a life into the world when it knows it is not physically ready is a hard time to remember as it is the beginning in which they are already being told you have no choice.
She was called a “Special Needs Baby” and is a “Registered SIDS” baby. She coded out thirteen times in her first hour of life being here. I remember no one seemed especially to care when I kept bringing up the fact that she was turning blue and could not breathe. I had to scream at the heavens to send someone that could hear me. And in she came…as beautiful as ever and that is when I had an interview with her Guardian Angel. I realized that my part was to show her that I was strong enough to assist my new little one for her to stay here with me. For she is a rainbow crystalline and her energy needed all the love and strength that she would need to do what she came here to do. At that exact moment she had been whisked away into the NICU unit and tenderly given so much time and attention that I could finally relax and say Thank You.
From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….
And here we are many years later through all the teachings, assistance and love with her asking me “what is it all for and when will it ever stop?”
I love these times when we can talk about all of this, she has such a brilliant mind that can see more than what others believe. She is her age and then she is not. She writes her heart out and is afraid to speak her mind for fear that others will be hurt. She does not like to hurt others and she just cannot understand why others believe it is okay to do horrible things and believe they should get away with it. Not being responsible for their actions that harm another is mind-blowing to her.
Yes , she has grown in so many ways these past two years. She watches and listens and then goes into herself to seek the answers that burn in her mind.
What is this life for… if there are those who attack the innocent at every corner? Why cannot they understand what they do? How many other children will have to suffer? Do they know we have powers that can change the world? Why are people so ugly and cannot see it? When will this all be over? When can I do what I am here to do?
I think the hardest one of all is : children are killing themselves each day over stupid stuff, when will people open their eyes to see this? They believe suicide is the only way to stop it, to make it all go away.
At her school like many, they have a No Tolerance about Bullying…I was at a Woman’s Empowerment Meeting one night and the guest speaker asked a question of Bullying. “Who are bullies and why do they bully?” it was a big topic that night with many women lending their voice to the answers that they see. I kept that question with me all the way home.
A few days later, I took my daughter to a meeting that she had arranged to talk about her writing project and the women at the meeting asked her the same question. Without hesitation she answered. “popular kids are the biggest bullies and no one says anything to them because they are popular”. Wow what an insider view of life. I sat there with a big smile on my face.
From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child….
I know there are others who have their own story of the struggles with the little ones, from Indigo, to Crystal, Rainbow and Crystalline children.
Who are the bullies that suppress your child in what they are here to do and do you make up for it by giving your child their every whim and way?
When we look at the adult world we can see that the bullies that are here with us know these children are here. They know that there is a higher order to answer to but that shall not stop them from doing what they can in the meantime. For in the meantime they are suppressing our own lives as the condition us to what we can live with and what we cannot. They have taught us that even though they reign they shall always make us aware of what we no longer have…by making it a priority that we need.
I do not go political in my work on many levels, for many reasons. And these past month have seen such a huge shift in the energies as these children are calling out to the Heavens “ we came when called please send those who can hear us”….
Has your ears been buzzing and clicking? Have you been aware that there is something that needs more of your attention and you are stuck to what that might be?
Then listen closely as the Heavens are calling you to stop thinking of yourself. You have had the time to decide that you are a loving being here on a mission. You asked and now you are receiving. Soul Contracts are being aligned in this energy in a major way. You have been working on yourself and those around you now it is time to place all that you know in accordance to what you feel and know to do.
Children each day are dying because they do not feel the love. Children each day are dying because no one hears them…children are dying each day because a new bully is waiting for them. Children are dying each day because they know there is no escape. Children are vanishing right before our eyes and no one can find them. Why is that, why can they not be found?
And they are vanishing and dying each day because they feel all alone. Inside their minds they hear more so than what you hear, they see more than what you give them credit for and they want their voices to be heard. They feel the calling and they are so confused as no one has been guiding them other than to medicate and dull them…they are hearing their soul calling and no one listens.
We as a world are allowing the greatest injustice there is when our governments and official spend more time and energy on their own issues of greed than that of the children. That when we spend so much times on these individuals it takes time away from the child and their mission. We all know that the governing bodies of all countries and nations will give a show in one arena only to hide something in a another…to then reappear later no one apparently the wiser. The biggest slight of hand trick there is and the world has fallen for it. If they can keep you preoccupied in this way, what else can they do and know they get away with. The greatest laugh there is… to have the children androided to not be where they need to be…to not have not have their voices heard.
For when we look and seek change…they are the change …they are the New World Peace Order….
So these beautiful souls call out to get your attention in ways that sears your soul with hurt and pain…they vanish and they leave with so many questions unanswered. Our children are leaving so rapidly and no one seems to understand they will leave in greater numbers when they are stilled in their journey of Peace for Humanity on Mother Earth.
I do not want to see one more messenger of God removed from us for not opening our eyes. We can say all we want that we are here to experience our path and this journey we call life. But the path will always be hidden; you will always keep questioning your own self… if we do not remove the veils that allow it to be. These children come with unconditional love to show us what it is all about. You can keep talking about it or know you are here to do something about it. No Harm to None….
We asked and we received…obviously we closed the door when we heard their knocking…a knocking that shall not stop until we Hear our own voice say…I am here please do not go away….
From the Mouth of a Rainbow Crystalline Child…. Is the tender heart of unconditional Love…what more could you ask for?
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie
All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones