August 2011
Welcome Message from Adele
Wow is what this is all about. August is rolling in and it wants to be known for the energy it brings with so much intense heat it is overbearing and pushing us to look at authority on all levels.
What does it remind you of? What does it feel like? What does your energy feel like? What is it that would make you happier right now? Okay a nice long tall glass of refreshing water and for most thinking maybe a foot of snow would be really sweet right now.
Today is Beautiful no matter who you are and were you live and I am just tickled pink from head to toe on all the exciting things going on energetically.
As I was talking about the rainbow tonal energy that is with us and will be for quite some time, I also see many who are just holding on a little too much to their junk. The airwaves of this rainbow of tonal energy looks like music notes on a sheet of paper and as you look at it there are so many holding on for dear life…they are clinging to things that they do not want to see changed, they are clinging on to old ways that they are too familiar with and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It can be very overbearing when we are in this energy and on top of it to be in Mercury Retrograde. But at the same time I love it.
As these waves of energy are coming through ,every pore of your body is aligning to the frequency vibration of who you are. And if you are resonating at a level that you are taking from someone else then you are holding onto something that you have no control over anymore and this energy is going to show you how much that is so.
I love Mercury Retrograde as we all know what it is about; we all know it will be with us numerous times a year sometimes more and sometimes less. And still we all hear that same dreaded breath when we know it will be coming. And why? Mercury Retrograde gives us the time to look back and see what it is we store behind us, what it is we no longer want to acknowledge. A look in time to what we believed we wanted at any given moment in time, to see that if we have left it behind then maybe It was not such a great thing to begin with. And why should that be? If you left something behind as always it is fro a reason. Maybe… just maybe… to be able to revisit it on a level of more compassion, mercy and grace, to then discover what has been there all this time, but long forgotten.
During Mercury Retrograde you have to decide what is worth a value in your life and what is not. It’s like the absent mindedly leaving your cell phone on the book store it worth going back to get or can you just get a new one?
We leave so much behind us each day and my students will tell you that my biggest thing is to journal all your substance that you have left in your past and deal with it. For once you deal with it; you then can catch up to the everyday issues that appear. As you do so, you then will never have anything behind you again that is stored away that can come back to drag you down.
So what are you waiting for? Are you going to be like the dozens of individuals I have worked with over the years who would rather be oblivious to their issues and then blame someone else when they do not get what they want or look in the mirror at their own reflection? Or will you take the time to take deep breath to say “let’s get it done”. You know Mercury Retrograde will support you in it, so go ahead and give it a try.
And right now let’s look at overbearing authority. This energy is pushing its way through to allow us the glimpse of who is stealing your authority. You know those individuals who do not look at their own issues and want to blame everyone else for their own problems. For it far easier to harm others knowingly … than to harm oneself, so they believe. For with every one you hurt, hurt then shows back up on your door. For to harm oneself, is to be denied the authority to take from others what they would not want others to take from oneself.
So when you feel that someone is taking what is not theirs to begin with, you are right on in your knowing, your gut intuition. The question would be what to do about it? And that my friend brings us back to Alchemy and Love. As we say “go to you all my Love, stay from me all your pain”.
When we have those who will use the closest weapon they have to main and harm which is their voice we see where they have throat, visual , ears and neck pain. The truth has gotten stuck; the throat chakra is closed and gunky and they have no clue as to how it got that way. By their own authority they have chosen to deny their own healing to then be rude to others. As I said before they are holding onto this rainbow tonal wave of energy and refuse to let go of that which is no longer in integrity with this energy wave.
So go back and see what it is that is behind you and you will find a wealth of energy just waiting to be re-discovered to begin again in a whole new light. Let go of what you are holding so tight on and allow God to be the driving force in your life to see the Beauty all around you.
It always amazes me when someone says “ I Love God but sometimes I feel so alone” you are never alone, get that through your head right now. We have created a society where we no longer manufacture like we once did, and by doing this it has created a society that is seeking ways to be creative and productive with little or no imagination for productivity. A deep soul depression that many are having a hard time getting out of, and I understand when we look around the world today. That does not mean it has to stay that way, why should it? When we decide to be creative again, we will be productive again, and when we have production, we have fully ready to go beautiful individuals who feel good and are ready to get things started.
I say how about getting started now? Each day go back through what you have left behind, deal with it. Each day write down one thing that has always tickled you pink that you wanted to do or see in our world. Create it. Each day intrigue yourself to see the plans being laid out, to see how you can produce once again just as our founding fathers and ancestors did. Make it happen.
The blueprint for success is God and each day give thanks to God that you got back.... what you left behind…
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie
All Rights reserved Copyright©2011 Adele Marie- Angelic Wise Ones