Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flowing Energies of You and Mother Earth

Flowing Energies of You and Mother Earth
by Adele Linsalata

Just finished my latest channeling with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru …Wow things are getting going in this energy. Once again he is clear in what is going on and the direction we are all taking. Sometimes many may not like what he tells us, but in his words are the very things in which we are going through right now on a personal level and one that is equal to everything around the world. I am always amazed at so much that is given and to whom explores and takes their time to allow the message to clearly sink in and shine through. To just allow and be in the moment.

The newsletter will be out next week and I am excited as things are moving here at Angelic Wise Ones. I have been taking time to work on my next book and everything is coming along so smoothly, the children’s book is finished just looking for an artist to meld with, as this is a special time for all of us. The energies of Mercury Retrograde have lifted so you should be feeling the energies moving and re-aligning you along the way. The next couple of months are going to be much aligning the spiritual loving God self to who we believe we are and to whom we truly are. Allowing those energies to shine through will take us far in our own directions along the way. I am very excited!

Do not get comfortable to the reacting portion of life right now. Keep with the flow just do not push into the flow too hard as the energy will flip you head over heals and you will find yourself going backwards and upside down. Much success is moving for all of us in the next couple of months as this is the time for soul prosperity in the illumination. Much lighter energies as yes, we have been feeling the significance of Mother Earth moving and adjusting.

We send out love and light to all those who have been displaced during this time. We send out love to the living souls who have chosen to be apart of our own awakening process to get out attention now to all of this to the movement of energies.

This will not be the end of it. As I have said before in my other columns. There will be many transitioning young, old and famous. Many truths coming to light along the way. Just do not stand there and run fast into it, slow down take the time to look at things clearly as you decide your next move.

Here in the states… California began to rumble with the strength of Mother Earth as this area has been hit one right after the other with fire storms to give re-birth as lives have been taken to fault lines rumbling. Remember everything that comes from Mother Earth will return to Mother Earth. Right now Mother Earth is claiming a lot and is demanding in the process. A new day is always born and we give thanks to all those before us and to all those whom shall come after us. We give our prayers to those who have lost loved ones and never their memory. We send our prayers to all during this time and the patience to understand that you are loved by all of us around the world. Much as we would like to see this end, so much negativity has been given for so long and that energy is still making its way along avenues of the lesser light to bring attention to. The attention it is seeking is to give way and give up. This arrival of energy is like those beautiful butterfly wings when set into motion, gently fanning its way across the waves of energy moving , moving so gently to be taken upon by that which sends it into motion in another avenue. So many are standing up to claim who they are that many are blind sided in what they see or notice. Many want truth and then when it is given they call foul and run away. Why? Why is it that it happens this way? Why is it that so many believe they live in the truth and then when they ask and it is given they foam around the mouth because no matter what… they truly know it is the truth and do not like the outcome anyway. For they have to see their own truth in which they have not been living and that is never nice to be apart of… to be one with. Now, as the elemental energies have been pushing to get their self known to all those who will listen, this rising together, moving this energy along faster than they intended it to be. With this comes a responsibility and now is the time it is sitting at the doorsteps of many without knowing in which direction to complete the turn so it strikes out to as many as it can. All the while knowing that it must succeed in getting others to give up and join the cause. As the living light we have shown how there is no word as giving up… that as the living light we are moving in the acceleration to know we are here and we are loving more today than ever before. Loving in a way that it is meant to be, to share that among so many world wide, that we are not owned by those of governing forces, that we are one with each other in a way to bring peace upon our world.

There shall be unearthed treasures soon discovered as we go through this acclimation of energies, there shall be many things discovered in the new world of America and these discoveries shall bring cures the world over. These discoveries have been buried for so long by those who would not like the information and treasures to be discovered for fear they shall be taken away. We do not have to worry about that, as soon the discoveries are uncovered it shall bring the ark of the unknown to be known to all. In this we shall then venture to open the discovery that shall not happen for awhile, as it is too much of a potential liability to the greater of powers to use. When the children of God have unity and peace this discovery shall open the doorway for all of us to usher in the original and be blessed in all that we know.

There are many who have lost so much, and there will be those who give so much. What have you lost and what have you given, remember there is always and exchange of energy to then have balance.

I have friends who have lost their jobs and their homes to this energy and I always ask them… what have you lost? You have lost a system that has sustained you in the environment that you have allowed to be all that above everything else. Now this energy is asking you to be all that you can be above everything else. Where there is life taken there is life given. You have been taken from the life that has given to you for so long, what life was that and how did you survive all this time? Faith has been given to you to accept and move on or neglect and wither away.

Make the most out of the newness that has been given to you, do not look at what you used to have, that which sustained you so far along your journey. Look at what opportunity has been placed in front of you …a freshness.. a new beginning to be all that you have dreamed of being. Now you will do so with no crutches to fall back on. No form or matter in which stopped you from doing that which you have always wanted to do. I say this with much love in my heart for I feel with you in your lost of what you prized so much, all material things that you came to rely on to make the statement of who you are. I feel for you as each and every one of us has lost and we have recognized the gain in which is now placed before us. Now you are being asked to be that which you truly are with nothing to stop you but thy self. When you are in denial of any hope, just ask and you shall receive. There is nothing you need that you do not have to play upon. There is nothing that you need to have to do it. There was a time when individuals would get down and dirty to get things down using their own two hands and mind to create it. Know that you still have those two hands and a mind that is limitless in what can be created. I send you my blessings, share that which is in you with others, and to those who do not listen, bless them and then do what it is that calls out to you. If it is not there… then create it, if it is not seen… then see it, if it is not felt… then create the need to be seen, heard and felt by all.

Be not quick to react, be quick to see your own loving self in the eyes of others as you love them. It is a great time to explore more of what you are doing and receiving. to all those around you give like never before. To not let the potential of what is disclosed, to be the aid in the down turn of your direction. Be light, be fun and happy in all you do, enjoy your life in the moment right now, know you are here for a reason and live it.

There is nothing that can be taken from you right now in which you do not give away. Take from that the knowledge that you are one with the universe and then bring it back to give to us all.

May you be blessed with the beauty that I see in you and know you have what it takes to bring just that to everyone around you.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

All Rights reserved 2009© Adele Linsalata-Angelic Wise Ones