Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Staying on top of things

When working with the Universe and my Counsel of One the Angelic Wise Ones it is for me to receive that which is there for all of us.

I am very excited as I have received my next book layout from my Counsel of One the Angelic Wise Ones. And they have been keeping me busy every chance they get to write what they are channeling to me. During this time I good friend of mine called to ask me questions about the 3 days of darkness as she has been reading so much about this.

Please understand I do not read others individuals Channelings or books as when I work with my own Counsel I want to make sure that what I am receiving is not from anything or anyone else as this then gives me my own verification in all I do.

As my good friend was asking me questions that she has upon this time everyone says will be arriving, I started channeling in so much information. At that time I also started receiving the book layout and the finishing touches that I have been waiting for. I am so excited to finally have all the pieces of the puzzle for this. Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru has been talking non-stop as well as The Blessed Mother. SO yes, at the next Channeling she will be here, she has a lot to say and wants to make sure everyone realizes exactly what this time is all about.

I also received some information that there will be those who are walking in to disrupt the energies right now of those who are doing this work, which they are upset about the time that is being lost to nullify all that the light workers are doing. She says to keep being strong as this is a ploy to frazzle so many right now. Many will place their own judgments upon those around them as they themselves call themselves light workers. It is for thy own self to be the light - that assist others in their own growth.

So all is good right now and please know that my love is with each of you as we are marching into the next un-foldment. The 3 days of darkness is not as it seems. Look within.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele