Friday, July 31, 2009

Understanding Mediumship Development - part 2

Now that everyone has had the time to sit and work with the first steps to meditation, what have your experiences been like? What did you notice of your own body? Did you notice a difference in your inner body and your outer body? And do you think this applies to the inner soul and the outer personality?

For in this -yes, there are differences, what we show others and who we really are inside. This connection you are making with your body is very important, it is important for you to know the difference in yourself and those around you, not just physically but those in the spiritual realms also. So, many times I have met people on my travels and they like to ask, how do you know who you are bringing in during your meditations and your channeling of readings. Well, I know for so many reasons as I am going to explain. As I start all of my work I am in prayer, I am in prayer constantly all day and night, this is not something I have to remind myself to do all the time, but one that when you start praying you find yourself opening up to a higher degree and after a period of time you are praying with no physical effort what so ever, you are just there night and day. Now, with this in mind, and I am now at a higher degree, only those in this higher degree of frequencies of vibration can then be with me. What elevates at a higher degree? Only that which is from God, Source, The Divine, etc… So, what will I be connecting too? I will be connecting to the level of highest of energy vibrations in the whole Universe. And the supreme creator of the Universe is ?

Now, As I am elevating at a higher degree I am meditating at a higher degree, I am sitting comfortably, relaxing, taking my time with my breathing, making sure that I am bringing in the breath as I expand and allow my tummy first to fill with this breath and then expanding my chest to fill with this breath, I will then keep this breath ( hold) for the count of three, and then exhale the breath from my chest then from my tummy, then I once again repeat this process over and over and as I say, “with every breath you take you are raising your vibration higher and higher” as you continue to breath for five minutes in this fashion, you have brought yourself up to a point of a deep relaxation that you are now experiencing a vibrational rate to connect you up with your guides, angels, teachers and loved ones in spirit. This is what is called to me, a meeting in the middle, those in spirit are existing at a vibration level so high that the human mind cannot fathom so as you are raising your vibration those in spirit are lowering theirs just enough to meet with you to receive that which you need to know.

And as you know your body inside and out, you will feel the energy differences and know when it is your energy that you are feeling and when it is of those in the spiritual realms, whose vibrations are so high and loving you cannot mistake them for anything else.

So, this next step is for you to sit and meditate, drawing on the breath as you do so. Be consciously aware of your breath. Now this is not to say that you will meditate the whole of fifteen minutes and do nothing but stay focused on your breath, because your physical body will automatically just kick in to sustain your level of breathing that is needed as you continue your meditation.

Your next step is to set your intention in your meditation. “My meditation for this day is to work on gently acknowledging that which fills my mind. To understand where it comes from and how I can work with it, so that there is no more problems with it and then it is not created into a issue.”

This is the best intention there is as you start your meditation learning. As I have said in the last issue “Set your intentions for the meditation. And at this point, at first, your intention will be to just relax and learn how to take these every day thoughts, place then in the green light and let them float to the universe.”

Now with these next meditations you are going to place everything in the green light bubble, with the exception of the one thing that you need to look at first and just start to look at it and accept that which you see with the situation/issue. With each meditation you will work on them one by one, and you will find as you go into your next meditations there will start to be no more in a bubbles of green light. So that then the only thing that shall be there is the everyday events that transpire for you to look at and them deal with it and then let it go. This too is called living in the present.

Now after you have spent some time with the issue/situation in your meditation and are aware you have learned to gently place other things in the green light bubble you can ask for your angels to come closer to you –“dear loving angels through the light of the Holy Spirit, please come closer and show me that which I have learned this day” as you do this, you will be amazed at just what you understand that the angels are telling and showing you. The Angels are right beside you assisting in everything you need.

Now this is the same as with working with our guides and teachers, when you first start opening up your line of communication, ask them to help you with a situation and then relax and let them guide you through what you need to learn or understand. They are with you as you have asked them to be, not next week or next year, but right then. They do not decide to wait until you have more time, when we ask our own guides our team, counsel or group for their assistance they are there, you do not have to keep asking. TRUST, trust in them and yourself.

Enjoy your experiences with the angels, your guides and teachers. Understand when I say “yours” for this is for you to connect with your own guides and teachers and not someone else’s. As you grow in your development you will see that there is “Universal Laws” that you will need to work with and get to know as to not step into something that will infringe your connections with the spiritual realms.

“May you be Blessed with the knowing of your own true self.”

Love, Laughter & Light,

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Questions & Answers With Adele

Question/thought from Ron at the website of Spirit Library. I love this website and it is one of many websites and blogs who shares my Channelings works with their readers. Recently I noticed there was a comment after one of my articles and I was guided to get back to Ron with his thoughts.

Rons Question/ Thought

I seem to be missing out on a personal connection with Angels in general let alone with Guardian Angels. I have given permission then asked and asked for Them to be in my life and feel like I am only talking to myself since I feel a lack of response. I definitely need assistance in my life as doors seem to be closing or never opened in the first place. Since I am an imperfect human, I can only conclude that I am wrong in what I am doing or thinking but have no idea what I am doing wrong. It is hard to see the ‘big picture’ when you are not privy to it. A message saying ‘it isn’t time yet’ or ‘this isn’t in your best interest’ would be extremely helpful as opposed to no response.
Someone once said that when you ask for something in the form of a faith filled prayer or sacred petition that you do so knowing it is done and give thanks. I would assume this to be a fair definition of the word “Faith”. It was further compared to the analogy of placing an order at a restaurant; once you place the order you don’t keep going back and re-ordering the same meal.

Dear Ron,

When you ask you shall always receive. This is the universal truth. Most individuals already know what they want to receive so that does not leave much room for what they should be receiving.

Let us look at when a client comes in for a reading. They have their list of questions and they all ready now what or how they would like those questions answered. Unfortunately that is not always the case and I find that they may listen, but they do not hear what is being said to them. This then leads to the dismissal of so much information. I once had a young lady who father kept talking to her and talking to her. I was telling her everything that he was saying. She did not want to acknowledge any of this and kept saying no, no and no…. Even though she was there to hear from her father, what he was telling her she did not wan to accept. So she then negated everything. When the reading was done. She then opened up to say that yes, she was this and yes she did need to do that. All this time in the reading she could have received so much but she just wanted to hear other things.

When we decide what the best is for our own self, we tend to over look what is really there instead. When we ask for the Angels to be with us, to assist us, to talk to us, to show us a sign, we need to look at what is it that we are really asking for. For when the signs come do we really need to control all of it so much that we miss what is really needed?

I have a client who is so gifted but she asks for signs from the Angels and says she never receives any. At this point how can she say she talks to the Angels if she never sees them or feels them? After a while of her saying this I had to stop her and say. “ What signs have you asked for? She says the usually I want to see you , I want to feel you, Give me signs that you are with me. I had to laugh. As the Angels immediately show us, talk to us, give to us so much. But it is the human psyche that negates what is coming into the comfort zone and level in which we are looking for.

I then start telling my client exactly what the Angels have been showing, telling and impressing upon her. How they have heard every word she poke to them, but she would not acknowledge what they were giving to her. I started to tell her everything they have been doing. She wanted to have a huge Angel experience, to have something Angelic really big right in her face. I had to laugh at this one as I had been working with her for over two months of Angel counseling, Always in her face and this I do not normally do. I was the huge Angel experience to assist her along her way. They next one was the billboard that she keeps driving by every day on her way to work. It has an advertisement with an Angel upon it. Duh… she just drove right past that one, did she not? Then there are the Angels she has been meeting, one was from an individual whose name was Angel, she received a card in the mail with an Angel upon it. The list goes on and on. After giving all of this to her, she started to cry for all of the times she just missed the mark.

Remember when we ask we receive, we just need to be open to understand it will not always be the way we want it to be… For when we want, we will always want. Want is to wish for, is to say you would like to. Kind of like saying… okay I want this but I do not think this will happen but I will still wish for it.

To experience the Angelic Realms and that of your guides & teachers you must be opened to understand, to be open to expect the un-expected in many shapes and forms. It will come to you not in the ways that humans expect everything; it will come in the ways that it is mean to be. When we can start to acknowledge that we are all worthy of receiving everything from our own birth right we will experience the most profound experiences that we are meant to experience here on Mother Earth.

You, just as I, and everyone else is worthy to have everything we ask for, as long as it is with the intention of the best outcome for all. No ego, no negativity, just a knowing that We are all worthy of love and when we ask the Angels to be with us, to assist us, to hear us, we are also saying we are worthy of love and we love ourselves.

Take the time to not negate what it is that the Angels are giving to you. Be accepting of that which is there for your highest and best. Be open to know you have an Angel entourage around you that loves you and is here to make this experience on that which we call our journey here upon Mother Earth one that will be fruitful in all ways.

Our Guardian Angels are with us from the time we are born into this lifetime till the time we transition. They are to guide us on our path of light. It is through this light that all things are seen and made clearer for us to see all that is before us. It is that connection in which we are guided to be the best we are here to be. To experience all that we have asked to experience. Your Guardian Angel is with you and loves you , open your arms to just be in that energy of your Guardian Angel and smile that deep smile of knowing that you are together.

Take a moment of time and ask for a sign, do not say what sign you wish for , just ask and then be open to receive what ever comes your way,. It may be immediately that you notice something and then again it may be that you have missed it and your Guardian Angel will still keep giving it to you but in other ways. Remember it may be a phone call and the individuals name is Angel, it may be that you walk into a store and there is an Angel statue or picture right in front of you. It just may be….. that your Guardian Angel got the attention of someone like me to answer your question/thought to assist you along in the direction you need to be.

Faith is that which we live each day, yes, from each moment we open ours eyes, we give Faith to that which we fill our day. I have faith in all that is; I have faith in God, my Angels, My Counsel of One of Angelic Wise Ones. I have faith that we live Heaven here upon earth, I have faith that we have peace, I have faith that we touch upon the hearts of every living soul we meet, I have faith that I am here just as you and we are here to make a difference with our own self and those around us. I have faith that you will know your Angelic Entourage that is with you and that you shall feel their love upon you. I have faith that I am loved, that I love and I am worthy of love. That God loves me, me friends & family love me, my Angels, Guides and those in the Spiritual Realms love me for they are with me each second, each moment of my time here upon Mother Earth,. It is when we live in Faith, as it is the faith we live in. My faith is strong in God and I am shown every day that same faith being returned right back to me.

My Love & Blessings to you this day and always.

Keep onboard with the Angelic Wise Ones as I am starting The 12 things that you need to know every Friday. It will be your Enlightening gateway of learning “The 12 things you need to know” about your Angels, Spirit Guides, Spirit Teachers, Ascend Masters and more..

Please keep your thoughts and questions coming as we all journey together ..

May you have a day filled with energy… a moment of time to connect …and the sweet callings of the Angels in your heart.

Check out for some wonderful articles, you can click on the links to the side of my Blog to the right.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Thought For The Day !

In everything that goes on each day I watch so many individuals try to hurry up and do everything that they may, to get to where they believe they want to go or should be. To get through their own lessons of learning ahead of everyone or everything else. And I have to remind them - with this energy we are working with – it is moving at such an accelerated speed that we do not have to run to catch up with it, we just need to be with it and to be at peace within ourselves to know that we are where we need to be when we need to be there.

Think about it.....You see if you reach your destination ahead of time, then everything that you ran so fast to learn and do would not be ready for you and then you would see that the lesson you are to learn is not one you have learned yet.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Understanding Mediumship Development - part 1

I would like to guide everyone in taking the time to see and understand what development is. I receive so many calls and mail from individuals who want to develop themselves but have not had any place to go or understand what all is involved, or they have no teacher around them. So, in times like these “when the student is ready the teacher shall appear.” This will help you to get an understanding of what to do and what is expected as you prepare yourself for your “Teacher.”

The Development classes that I teach are a combination of “Old School“ and “New” with a Spiritual approach that is guided by the Blessed Mother. She is preparing the way for the Teacher so the “New Jerusalem” will be at hand for the calling of the veils, when we will all be approached by the light of God. My work is to teach – teachers of this Light . We are as fortunate in these times as this has been for quite awhile the ushering in, as you all know, of the divine feminine energies. This in time started with the revival of “Diana” and what a greater feminine representation to that energy as that of Princess Diana. As we all fell in love with this young lady we added her into our lives with opened hearts. She stood for so many of us in all sectors of our lives and we related to her on so many levels. She in her innocence brought to us the doors that opened the Divine Feminine energies and they have kept opening up the greatest flood of energies as we transitioned and shaped shift from one masculine energy to balance that which will make it complete. As we bring the divine feminine and masculine together we shall have the true balance of that which we need for the ascension process.

So, welcome as we have marked the times to be of our greatest learning and advancement of ascension of our times. And with this a new school of development that we are doing and bringing “across the miles” with the Hierarchy of Divine guidance that is here for you.

So as I teach my students, she is standing here with us like a guiding light and answering the call of placement of those who have been longing and waiting for these times. This is also in part, why so many individuals are feeling a calling for higher learning to be apart of something that has been forbidden or just out of their reach, well no more, you have everything there is to hear that calling and move forward, it is up to you, to step out and do! There may not be a teacher right now near you, there may not be that place to go and develop, but there is that which is in you that will know what to do. I have been guided and working on that which is needed in the easiest format for you to learn. But you must remember there are no short cuts, there is a foundation in which must be learned. If there is no foundation, then the learning you do, is going to stay at the level in which you learned it. Faith, Prayer, Love, Focus, Integrity, Responsibility and Honesty shall always be in place for your steps to take you in the right direction.

Most of us have had at some point in our lives some strange things happen. It makes us more aware of what we perceive as normal and what is not. Now, some dismiss the things that are going on and others decide they want to learn and understand more.

Development is taking the time to just sit and getting to know who you are as a physical person and who you are as spirit - form.
Your goal is to begin training through awareness, focus and disciplining, the various levels of yourselves, the physical, emotional and the everyday personality. Learning to focus and bring these three together is the challenge in all of it. As we are meditating we are not just making our minds empty, we are intentionally bringing our level of awareness up through the raising of our vibrations.
Everything resonates at a level of awareness of vibration, yes even those of the Spiritual realms. Those in spirit resonate at a very high frequency of vibrations, which we are acclimating our own energy vibrations to. It is taking the time utilizing meditation to raise our vibration to come to a compromise of fine-tuning of vibrations to recognize one another at each level. As we do, we are opening ourselves up to the Spirit self and those in Spirit, to allow ourselves to be comfortable to make that connection.

We have a host of guides, teachers and loved ones in Spirit who are working with us at all times to assist and guide us all the way, it is up to the individual to allow and give themselves permission to relax and be one at the higher vibration for Spirit communication. Meditation is the most important aspect of this work and not to be taken lightly. You may meditate with soft music or quiet or a ringing of a bell to start you off. It is what makes you comfortable and relaxed. Sometimes I play music very softly, where I barely hear it, sometimes I turn the volume up so high, that it vibrates through my house, it is all a personal thing and what you want to do in the meditation.

During this time of initial connection, there are other basic foundations that must be established. “Rules of Law” you might say- as to further you along.

“For in each individual who recognizes the need to open themselves and develop that which they seek- there are responsibilities that go hand and hand together!”

When we meditate we are also working with the breath, this is very important as you will be learning how to breathe to where you will feel as you are not breathing at all. As you go into meditation be aware of your breath, each inhale, each exhale as you focus your mind breath, you will be giving yourself permission to relax and let go.

As you go into your meditation, relaxing, and breathing, do not try to empty your whole mind, instead, as things come up acknowledge it briefly, then see it enveloped in a beautiful green ball of light and let it go up into the universe. Keep aware of each inhale and exhale, giving your shoulders permission to relax, then your body. Set your intentions for the meditation. And at this point, at first, your intention will be to just relax and learn how to take these everyday thoughts, place then in the green light and let them float to the universe. After a time practicing this, in your next meditation, your intention should be on your breathing, one to help you raise your vibrations and then to learn your body. Learn how your toes feel, your legs, stomach, waist, and so on until you have gotten to know your real body and self. This is not done in one meditation but may take several. Get to know your body.

These first meditations should take you about 15 to 30 minutes. Try not to push yourself, for you are learning so much during these times. As in all meditations there is no right way of getting the perfect thing, what you are experiencing is what you are experiencing and everyone will be different in that regard.
Now, have a journal handy and write, write about your experience and what you feel you did a great job with, how you felt about doing it and how much you are learning of yourself and your body.

I believe one of the biggest difference my students see with me as a teacher, is that I am very clear about what they need to do, to be a medium, psychic, teacher, spiritual being, whatever your heart is calling you to do. This is not to be taken lightly. You have a responsibility to so many, there are steps to take and you need an absolute foundation, from there you build upon it, in your own ascension. I take who I am very sincerely, for this is who I am, no matter what time of day or what I am doing. And yes, it is work to some degree.

As a student in college, you go to class and apply yourselves in study, for as you do, you receive a grade and graduate with honors and degrees. You are applying and working to a goal of who you are to be. That is the same thing I do, I apply that which I am and the work that I do with Spirit as they guide and teach me to be who I am here to be. If that means mediating for the length of hours a day, then it is a delight to do. With all of this, it is just what comes naturally as each breath I breathe -- praying, meditating, thanking God for the day, a moment in the day, blessings those I meet or have not yet to meet, being there with an open mind and heart, sharing, sending love and receiving love, etc. the list goes on.

As we apply all we learn in development we are allowing ourselves to be of greater service in the light, to be a servant in God’s name. This work is a selfless one that is in each and every one of us…. can you hear your heart calling? Can you hear Spirit calling to you? Take 15 to 30 minutes a day to set aside to meditate, become one within yourself and leave the rest to God, for God shall send his Angelic Ones to you, to transport you to where you need to be. Be ready to open the door of opportunity when it comes. You will never forget it.

“A Spiritual Development Journey is one that you take to know thy self! Of getting to experience and know who you really are, in Spirit form.”

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are you truly Living your Life Right Now?

If you are living right now what will you be living in 2012?

How do we get there? What is it we need to understand and know?

In everything we do there is a pattern of repeating what has been, to then get you to what is happening now. We live in a world of repetitions, of cycles that will and does naturally repeat itself. So apply it to that which is already behind you and then you shall see what is coming for you.

Yes, there are biblical overtures, prophecies and predictions. Cultural Facts, figures, historically and spiritually available for you. But it is what is going on inside of you at this moment that will give you the answers to what will be going on, all that lay ahead of you. And that which is going on right now around you…..

What have you been feeling for years: excitement, anticipation, a knowing that something is different, needing answers, a quest for who you really are? What is my life’s journey and how do I know I am on it? Why does everything seem so hard?

All of these are the souls programming of your own innate ability to know and understand that there is a huge shift coming and you have decided to be a part of it. Give yourself credit to be a part of history in this way! Even when you did not realize what was going on, you were told that it is what you were going through. But how much did you truly understand and was it time for you to understand?

Where do your guides fit into all of this? Remember each of you have a group of guides with you at all time. As you have decided to be here upon Mother Earth you have also decided that you are going to need some guidance and assistance along the way.

You have then contracted out to have exactly that.

Think about when you decide to go to the store, how many of you call a friend and ask them to go with you? How many of you ask someone to attend a class, workshop or event? How many of you will seek out another to go to lunch or dinner? When you have a decision to make, what do you do? Do you think about it, stress on it? Do you then call a friend to look at it? To talk it over with? All of this is because it is already within you to ask for assistance …. Think about it. When you decided to be here on this planet you asked for assistance, just as others asked you for assistance to be with them. What assistance do you need at this moment?

What is truly needed for this changed called 2012? Do we need to go anywhere different than were we are right now?

Join us this weekend for the Angelic Triple Delight Weekend Event, for some amazing revelations on 2012 and beyond. Are you truly where you need to be? Do Angels really have voices, can they write and talk to us? Communicate with your Angels and Spirit Guides for new insights, Love and direction.

Visit. - to find out more

Monday, July 20, 2009

Your Guardian Angel Is One of Your Spirit Guides

Guardian Angels

Are Guardian Angels the same as a Spirit Guide or Teacher Guide? Well, Guardian Angels and Angels are spiritual beings who are very present in our lives and in a class all by themselves. What makes them angelic is that they have never incarnated on Mother Earth, unlike our Spirit Guides and teachers. Their affiliation is with the elemental kingdom, such as; nature spirits, gnomes, fairies, sylphs, water sprites, etc. The nature kingdom lives in a universal realm, parallel to ours, and they evolve in their realm, as we do in ours.

Our personal Guardian Angel is with us from birth until we make our transition home, as is our Gatekeeper - once again not to be confused with each other. Guardian Angels has never had a physical incarnation, while our Gatekeeper, guides and teachers have had many a lifetime in physical form. Guardian Angels hold no ego, anger, frustration or negativity; it is not and cannot be within their own cosmic makeup of the angelic realms. On the other hand, spirit guides understand those displayed sensations from their own incarnation upon Mother Earth, where they too once held those physical emotions.

Guardian Angels are to keep us on our path of light in all we do. If you are in a work atmosphere that is not good right now, you Guardian Angel has been giving you messages, signs and symbols to let you know they too understand this and are trying to steer you in the right direction. This may be to make amends of the energy at work, to guide you to that new and better job, to stay put until things blow over, etc… When you are in a relationship and you just feel that it is not right, Your Guardian Angel is there giving you support to keep you strong for you to be to leave the situation in peace with no harm to none. Or may have you look at the situation from a fresh perspective to see all of it in the light of truth. Your Guardian Angel will not allow anything to come to you before it is your time.

Your Guardian Angel is always there waiting for you to ask assistance in anyway possible, no Angel or guide may intercede with the exception of your Guardian Angel if you are in harms ways before your time. No matter what. And because of free will of choice no angel or guide may assist you without your permission. They are just waiting for you to ask them whatever it is they may assist you with. And then watch as you will be lead to one place or another for the best possible outcome. You will be given all that you need, just remember to ask.

As your Guardian Angel is a guide to you in keeping you filled with light as you go about your day, keep you safe from harms touch and keeping you in touch with the Angelic Realms. Ask your Guardian Angel to visit with you and show you a sign. Be open to receive what is being given to you. It may be a card someone send sot you in the mail that has an Angel picture on it. It may be a sweet smelling flower floating by. It may even be meeting someone whose name is Angel. Now what a nice day that will be, open yourself to greet your Guardian Angel and you will always know you have an Angel and Guardian by your side!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Friday, July 17, 2009

Organic Garden Update

Organic Garden Update

Okay so we have so much growing right now and I am experimenting with so many growing mediums as in Coco Coir. This is an organic medium from coconut shells. I love to be able to play with coco coir, as you can have your hands in it all day and they do not get dirty (smile) . I know just like you I love to touch, feel, smell and be with the dirt of Mother Earth. But with some changes we are going through, that which Mother Earth is going through we all need to see what will work in the coming times.

I have found that this growing medium works lovely, but you will need to keep it watered ( depending on your container you are using) as it may look wet but can actually be quite dry.

I have also mixed the coco coir with my compost matter, mixed it with a mixture of only decomposed leaves, etc…as much organic matter that I can. So right now I have five different growing areas all with different planting mediums to work with. All areas have done especially well and I am delighted with the results.

I have just re-arranged my salad bar on the deck. This is a much used growing container box that my husband and Randy built for me, just above waist level and I love it! As the lettuce and cool weather plants have finished growing in this container, I now have new flowers growing, nasturtiums, thyme and rosemary, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and yes peppers. This has been a great way to have all my herbs and fruit at the back door just waiting for the kitchen.

I did dump the first of my fingerling potatoes, cooked them with my green beans and I had a feast. The potato growing bags work great with these along with my other containers that I made myself. By purchasing two trash cans at the hardware store, cut off the bottoms, cut them in half. Then I have two barrel like containers that I placed on the ground, added newspaper some dirt, then the potato eyes, laid some more dirt on top and as the plant grew added more dirt until the containers are full. As the potatoes grow and do all of their work , I just need to water regularly. When it is time to harvest my potatoes I just lift the containers straight up and the potatoes come falling out. No major digging to have fresh organic potatoes on your table.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of their progress, My main garden containers right now are flourishing with tomatoes ( six varieties), peppers (eight varieties) Onions, ( three varieties, potatoes ( five varieties) bush greens beans . The melons are doing their job, and starting to really take off.

Have a great day, happy growing. Remember the buds of grow are there in you!

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Certified Crystal Practitioners

Congratulations to our Angelic Wise Ones- Certified Crystal Practitioners

These pictures are so awesome as when these Practitioners think Crystals all the Orbs come out to get their picture taken too.

These wonderful ladies completed a five month course learning to know crystals and working with them in all areas of their life and spiritual practice. This was an extensive learning course geared to give hands on and ethereal connections to all crystals world wide. Combining our energies with crystals moves you to the higher vibrational strata within the Universe and Mother Earth.

Bottom Left to Right:
Tamora Setola
Jennifer Sackman
Margie Phipps
Sherry B. True

Top Left to Right:
Stacey Keiper
Sandra Hesford
Porsche Klemm
Angie Labrado
Deborah Niver
Milagros Sandoval
Karen Brand
Jane Rainier
Wendy Johnson
Maria Sol
Linda Schuster
Tricia Shellhorn

Congratulations once again Ladies for successfully completing the Angelic Wise Ones Certified Crystal Practitioners Program. What a wonderful way to step out of the carbon based energies and move into the crystalline energies of our ascension.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Finding The Right Medium or Psychic For YOu

Finding the right mediums and psychics is sometimes an easy assignment and sometimes not. There are millions of mediums and psychics on the World Wide Web. It is locating, researching and finding the right one that will be able to make that connection with and for you. It is also in what you are seeking. As I said before, here in Maryland, we have the richest resources when it comes to all things with mediums and psychics that you could possibly image.

When seeking a medium and or psychic there a few things you need to know. What is the medium or psychic like? What kind of readings do they offer? Do they record the reading? What is it I really want to know or get information about? Do you have a loved one who has recently transitioned ( crossed over) ? Do you have a loved one who transitioned and you still have guilt, anger, hurt feelings, etc…? Are you trying to find out what happened to the will? Do you need to know if they are okay? Are you really ready to hear what is being given to you by the medium or psychic ?

Many questions can pop up in your mind that the list can go on and on. After researching to find the right medium or psychic by talking to your friends, acquaintances, family members, websites, etc.., here are a few things to do. You need to take the time to sit down and write out the questions that you have. This list is not for you to hand over and give to the medium or psychic as your reading starts, but it is for you.

You will need your list of questions for when the time comes and the medium or psychic ask you if you have any questions to ask. Remember when you are having a reading with a medium or psychic, there will be so much information being given to you. Naturally you will forget what your original questions are, so the list will come in handy. This is why you write your questions down. We call this psychic amnesia. When an individual is finally hearing what they need to hear, connecting to who they wish to connect you’re your emotional side kicks in, there will be many things that you will not remember or understand to ask or hear. This is why you have your list of questions ready to go. Most times the medium or psychic should be able to answer all of your questions that are on your list so that when the time comes you will be surprised at all of the questions that you do not need to ask any longer.
Remember there will be times when you do not hear exactly what you would like to hear. This happens more times with individuals than most would like to think. When someone goes to get a reading they normally would like to know the main four questions:
love, money, work and relationships.

Please understand that there will be more information given to you if you are open to receive more. In other words, if you are sitting in front of the medium or psychic and saying no the whole time, when they are getting everything right, then that will limit the amount of information you are there to receive. And on the other side of this, if you are talking too much this then leads the medium or psychic away from what they needed to give to you as you are giving them everything, which later you can be upset about not receiving a whole lot. To all of this there needs to be a balance. No, do not keep your mouth closed tight, as there may be times when a medium or psychic needs to ask you a question. This happens when a medium or psychic receives something that is not quite making sense to them or it is something that you need to acknowledge to see it for what it is. Keep open to all possibilities, have your questions ready and be comfortable when you go to see a medium or psychic, it can be a very fun and rewarding experience.

Here are a few things you need to know when you decide to make an appointment with a medium, a psychic medium or a psychic. It will not matter whether they are a high profile professional, a professional or someone just beginning to come out into the world as a professional.

1) Before setting an appointment ask others if they have had a reading/session with the medium/psychic who you are thinking about seeing.
2) You can always Google them and see what shows up where they are at.
3) See if the medium/psychic has a website in which you can read about the medium/psychic you are looking to go to. Their website should have information about them to read.
4) Know the style of the medium/psychic and even ask the medium/psychic how they work. Do they need any tools (cards, astrology, crystals, etc.)
5) Are you allowed to ask questions and when can you ask your questions during your reading
6) Will the appointment/ reading be taped/recorded or may you tape/record it yourself.
7) What is their cancellation policy
8) What is their timeline and is there usually a waiting time that day of the appointment.
9) Decide if you want this to be in person or long-distance (phone consult)
10) Know what the amount is that you will be charged for the session/reading and what if you go over the time allotted for the appointment, will there be any additional charges.
11) Make sure you have a list of questions with you to ask on the day of your appointment. This is so that you will not forget when the time comes and the medium, psychic medium or psychic ask you if you have any questions. This should not be asked by that individual until you are almost through with the appointment.
12) Be open, have fun and enjoy!

I hope this has helped with so many questions you may have about mediums, a psychic medium or psychics. And what you need to know as you select the individual of your choice. These are all of the things to me in this work that I do that I value when I work, that I know that I am being the best medium I can be to give all that to you and more. Yes, it is a huge responsibility, but if your medium or psychic works in integrity then you will always be in good hands and have nothing to worry about.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

From Birth to Transition this Spirit Guide is with you

The Gatekeeper Guide

The first guide in the band is called Gatekeeper, or Doorkeeper.

This particular spirit guide/teacher is with you from birth until you make your transition home, just as your guardian angel does, but, please do not confuse the two.

This spirit guide is your overall protector, and looks out for your best interest and holds you close so no harm may come to you. Very often when you see a gatekeeper guide around someone, the guide will stand behind or in front of that person, wearing a voluminous cape, with lots of enveloping folds. Which then, this guide will wrap the cape around the individual, which automatically signals a feeling of protection and identifies the guide as a gatekeeper.

A Gatekeeper guide knows your contract from start to finish and most likely has been your Gatekeeper in previous lifetimes, but not all of them. A Gatekeeper is a very large tall being, he and or she energy. A Gatekeeper is so tall that most times their knees are through the ceiling of your home. This one may be male or female energy and it does not matter what gender you are. My own Gatekeeper is predominantly male; I have met many who like to carry the energy of both genders. This can be very enlightening as the individual who has that Gatekeeper guide may not always know their own minds. The nationality of a Gatekeeper can vary from Eastern Indian, Romanian, and Norwegian to Hungarian, Arabic, English to Scottish and more. They really do not discriminate. It is in the eyes of the beholder and that which brings you much comfort.

A Gatekeeper will allow you to make every mistake you can make without interference. As this is the way it works, you have free will of choice. You must ask for the assistance of any guide for them to be able to intercede in different areas of your life. The more you get to know any of your guides the more they will be there on your behalf in everything you do.

You will also find the Gatekeeper will have characteristics similar to your own. The Gatekeeper is the one who gives his consent or non-consent to the visiting clients - guides, teachers and loved ones in spirit, to communicate in a reading with the medium. When an individual is in a reading session it will be up to that individuals Gatekeeper as to what messages are being brought in. So many things are for you to see, know and understand during your reading. If your Gatekeeper says that it is important for you to know at that time, you will. If they Gatekeeper say there is a bigger message to be heard, that message will be heard before anything else. No matter how bad you want to hear something else. Remember it is your Gatekeeper that allows all messages to be delivered for a reason.

Honor and trust your Gatekeeper in all you do and you will always be on the right path in your life.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Monday, July 13, 2009

What are Spirit Guides and Spirit Teachers

What are Spirit Guides and Spirit Teachers? Lets take a look and open the door in learning about our spirit guides and spirit teachers who are with you, what do they look like, what do they do with us, why are they in our lives? What does it mean to a medium to have spirit guides to work with?

In your lifetime you will have many guides and teachers in spirit who will be working with you, Your Guardian Angel and Gatekeeper are the only ones with you from birth, until you make your transition home. All of your other spirit guides and teachers come and work with you, as you are experiencing different levels and experiences of education, which there are wide ranges that you have chosen to go through in this physical incarnation on Mother Earth.

Spirit guides influence many areas of our lives, personally, professionally and spiritually. Whatever influence the spirit is familiar with or comfortable with, from one of their own incarnations on earth, will be the area of proficiency in which the influence will be felt the most when they work with us.

The same is true with spirits in general; as in our loved ones who have transitioned home, because they all hold on to their personal uniqueness when they make their transition into spirit. If they were shy, loving, scientific, creatively gifted, loud, giving, or hotheaded, they are that same way in spirit. This is not to say that they have not changed and grown, just that, this is what we remember our loved ones being like, when they were here on Earth with us. This then, is a recognizable personal uniqueness of themselves to us that we can associate with, when they want to give us a message or let us know when they are around.

Spirit guides and teachers with similar characteristics are drawn to us; frequently they will share the same interest, having similar personality traits, and may have worked in the same profession as we are right now. This is also true for ones in spirits who are not our guides or teachers, but see the similarity of light we share with them and they stop by, so to say and visit with us. I once had a missionary who appeared beside me which was wonderfully comforting as at that moment in time, I was working on a mission with abused women and children. The similarities of what we both love to do became apparent to this individual in spirit (by recognizing and being drawn to my light) and he just wanted to stop in and say hello to see what I was working on. Somewhere within this coming together, there are going to be similarities that you will find between the two of you.

You will find Doctor Guides, working with those who work within the healing professions, spiritual healers, doctors, especially nurses, Reiki masters. The master teacher seems to come in around highly religious people or the missionary who fights for a worthy cause. We attract to us that which is similar. Some believe they need only seek the ascended masters in all they do, and there is nothing wrong with this. But, I also know that we have made contracts with so many guides and teachers, from the spiritual realms for our incarnation this lifetime, to work with us in our spiritual journey. It would be a shame not to acknowledge and seek their counsel also. For they have their specific work to do with us in our learning/educational path.

The following is descriptions and guidance associated with working with our guides, teachers and angels, that is meant to be an educational means to work from and not intended to be absolute. The use of titles is for identification purpose only. And by no means is it in any way, descriptions of all of the guides, teachers and angels in spirit who work with us and lend a helping hand. When you visit or accept a message from a medium or directly from Spirit, these are the most common names that will be associated and then will be described to you in the deliverance of your message. So please, use the following information as a guideline to decide between the influences you experience and the area of guidance you receive, as you decide to work with or understand your messages, signs, symbols and gifts from one or more in spirit.
Please take what resonates with you in all things!!!

The more we work to get to know our guides and teachers, the more you will recognize their energy, we have some guides and teachers that will be with us for a long period of time and some that will not. You have had and will have many guides and teachers in this physical lifetime here on Mother Earth as you travel on your spiritual journey.
It is not the most important thing to have names from your guides, teachers and angels as long as you recognize them, work with them and ask for their assistance and guidance in all that you need. They are just waiting to have you acknowledge them and they lovingly send their support willingly.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Getting to know your Joy Guide

Let us meet the Joy Guide

Children are impish and mischievous as a rule. The Joy Guide most often appears as a child, a small fairy like child and/or young maidenly adolescent. Please do not confuse a Joy guide with a fairy as they get mightily indignant when called a fairy. Many times you will see your Joy guide with what appears as wings, hence the confusion. The wings represent the amount of energy a Joy guide has as they usually always as never sit still.

Joy Guides can display behavior that would be described as mischievous. Your Joy Guide is the one who is responsible for bringing out the lighter side of our personalities. When things become missing, your Joy Guide is there to let you know to lighten it up. If you spill that drink at the most serious of moments, it is your Joy guide trying to get your attention. Do not take things as unforgiving as you make them, for the Joy guide then works over time getting your attention to all things around you. Laughter is the key to working with your Joy guide, the more laughter in your life, the more your Joy guide beams with delight.

Even though your Joy Guide appears to be childish in many ways, be respectful to them, for your Joy Guide is highly intelligent being in all ways as with all of your guides. They have chosen to be with you in this lifetime to remind you to lighten up and except Joy in your life. When looking through the eyes of the Joy guide there is nothing that is too serious and there is no complaining when work needs to be done. A Joy guides best kept secret is in the fact that they love to be kept busy.
When mirth and merriment manifest within a group of people unexpectedly for no particular reason, it is frequently the presence of someone’s Joy guide causing the frivolity and trying to get your attention. We could all certainly benefit from less stress by viewing some matters with a sense of humor. Call upon your Joy Guide when your daily life becomes overwhelming, and you need to laugh out loud. Your Joy Guide will show you the humor in the situation.

Joy Guides are sometimes referred to as a medium’s “message bearer “and to help control the spirit crowd of the individual who is seeking a reading or channeling. Your Joy Guide my sometimes call you “Mommy” as she is of that child like energy, and wanting to make you happy and joyful. As mischievous as Joy guides can be, they are also ones that we ask for assistance when we need that extra time to get things done. For the more you keep your Joy guide busy the more time you have to enjoy their light laughter in your day.

Take a moment of time to get to know your Joy guide, your life will change in the most amazing fun ways. If you have that desire for a specific ice cream or a favorite food, most likely it is your Joy guide sending the request for that particular food. Joy guides love games and will have you excited just thinking about once again being a sports car driver or a ballerina.

Welcome your Joy guide into your life and allow yourself to play.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

Through The Eyes of a Visionary Messenger

From time to time we find that which we need answers to.

Many answers may come when we least expect it, and for many, the answers are always right there before their very own eyes. May you hear what your heart needs to hear and may you find that which you long for. And may you always be Blessed along the way.

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

Blessings to you Stephen for a lovely video, I cannot wait to see the final project!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Welcome to the world of mediums, psychic mediums and psychics.

Welcome to the world of mediums, psychic mediums and psychics. These are all the buzz words that each and every individual has heard at some point in their life. Whether you have had a friend, family member or co-worker who offers to tell you about their own experience, or maybe you have had the chance to watch the much familiar television shows and movies that are widely available. At some point you have had an interesting story to tell or listen to around the kitchen table. And the greatest one is the curiosity you have to know a little more of who these individuals are, how they work and why they do what they do. There is so much to know about these three areas that seem talked about a lot but still little is known. Taking a look inside the differences between each one of these will open your eyes to understand all of it more.

Looking at exactly what are mediums, psychic mediums and psychics, you need to know they too are individuals. These individuals had to come to an understanding with their own self, their families, friends and others that they are receiving information that can then assist others. The private journey an individual goes through to understand all of this can be very overwhelming or very comforting. It will all be the individual’s perspective of how they will work with and deal with who they are. And to come to the realization of the responsibility they have when working with other individuals as you visit a medium, psychic mediums and psychics for a reading.

So many individuals have heard about John Edward, they have heard about Sylvia Brown or James Van Praagh. These are some of the best mediums and psychics and they have come to be a household name. Maryland has so much history and yes we too, have some of the best mediums, psychic mediums and psychics within our reach. It is learning all you need to know and then seeking them out for your own journey, understanding and yes, development.

Every individual is a psychic using your own intuition every second of your day to day life. It is not talked about or realized in this way. It just is. We are all gifted with the awareness of intuition. It is in the phone ringing when you already know who is calling. It is driving and knowing to take an earlier exit just to find out later that the road was closed or there had been a delay in traffic. It is in meeting someone for the very first time and just knowing if you would like them or not. Feeling if they are a nice person or not a happy one or if someone is having a bad day and not saying anything. It is all in your own intuition that you decide a lot of decisions you make each day. All of this is our intuition and we use it so much that we no longer give it credit where it is due. Many individuals ignore what is right in front of them with their own intuition.

A Psychic will take that intuition up a notch and learn how to use it to understand what is going on with others. They will learn how to use astrology/zodiac symbols, oracle/divination cards, angel cards, tarot, and different tools to apply with their own intuition to then open their psychic senses and to offer readings to another. The psychic works off of feelings, places and events that they too have previously experienced in their own energy and when they are with someone who has that particular energy to be able to recall the information to then deliver their messages.

A Psychic Medium is one who works very much the same way as above but will also utilize the psychic end of intuition with feelings. A medium may be a psychic as in receiving messages/ feelings intuitively. As they will expand on the feelings they are receiving to then deliver messages to others. A psychic medium may also use the added addition of tools as in astrology, oracle cards, an object of any kind, etc. This then gives them a wider playing field to open up in their work.
Now, a Psychic Medium will use different tools in their work and this is okay too, as long as you know that you are working with a psychic medium - and that they have tools that they use to do their work. This should be on their website or informed to you when making your appointment. Everything will depend on what the probabilities are when you experience your reading, the information you are receiving, some may change and some may not. But your loved ones will still be around to talk to you; it will all be in the way the psychic medium works. I know many individuals who are psychic mediums and they use divination/oracle cards to get started and then the information comes in to give to you as your loved ones are there, it is up to how the psychic medium works and delivers those messages to you.

A Medium: Is an individual who is to demonstrate the continuity of life; as in being an open channel/communicator between both the spiritual realms and physical realms for those who have crossed over to speak to their loved ones here in the physical. A medium works to raise their vibrations of energy, to work closely with the spiritual realms. To some, this is no more than just being in a constant state of awareness at a higher level.
When a medium is working they can be utilizing many different “clairs” at one time or just one at a time;
* Clairvoyant –physically sees with eyes wide open
* Clairvoyance- sees in the inner mind with eyes open or closed
* Clairaudient - hears everything that is spoken to and around them
* Clairsentient - feels everything that is around them
* Claircognative -clear knowing
* Empathic - senses emotions, love, joy, pains and discomfort

Many people get clairvoyant and clairvoyance confused, thinking they are the same, but actually they are very different. Both are considered the sixth sense.
Some mediums can actually see spirit standing around others. Some say this is a very rare form and not every medium can see with their eyes physically wide open, which is called Clairvoyant - the ability to see beyond the range of ordinary perception.
As a clairvoyance, this is the most common way in which a medium is seeing, which is related to the images that are always present in their minds eye ( 3rd eye). It is like seeing images constantly being impressed in one’s mind.
This is a small sample of the “clairs,” the list can be longer but I chose these as they are ones most individuals are familiar with or recognize the most. It is on learning how to recognize which “Clair” you are working with then refine the language of the spiritual realms to one that you can work with for the deliverance of messages.
A medium is psychic but a psychic is not a medium.

As with a medium, who works with raising the energy vibrations, a medium sees and knows exactly what will happen as they have a connection with those in the spiritual realms. Complete detail can only change if you decide to consciously change the outcome, which goes with everything as free will of choice.

Having a better understanding of what you are looking at when choosing a medium, psychic medium or psychic will make all the difference in the world. You may be as comfortable as sitting at the coffee table sharing or as hard as pulling teeth. Be open to the experience of what you are receiving. The more open you are the more you will receive and then you will get so much to take with you.

Maryland is open to bringing you the very best in the Mediumship/ Psychic world. We have events that are happening each day and throughout the weekends. It is never ending who you can connect with, what classes and workshops are available and who is coming to visit our great city.

This July we have the Angelic Triple Delight Weekend Event - Visit Angelic Wise Ones for more details and to purchase your tickets.

Love, laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We are All The Children

Blessings to All the Children Today!!!

When we look around us we so many who we connect with on many levels and so many that we are not for sure of. Why is that? Why have we not learned that we are all connected as a whole? For you are me and I am you, that is the best that it will ever be.

May You Love one another and acknowledge those around you as the living light of God’s Children. Blessings to All.

Please enjoy just one more time. Let us rise in our light as we watch those of light sing together to give to so many.

We are the Children

And Dear Michael we will always be there

Heal the World

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele